Captain Mike's Posts

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107 posts
Posted in Damen I Wanna Die Now :( • 13th March 2016, 04:23 PM

Some people might disagree with me over this but I'll still say it anyway, does everyone accept your apology? Yes, but I don't accept the fact that you want to "die now" now you're really overreacting. Second of all why would you even have a weapon to kill another, next time don't take your anger on others who doesn't even deserve it. If I was a moderator I would of suspended you for at least three to four days for these actions, however that is not the case. Even though I'm no longer active I'm still going to express my opinion on this matter, just next time along please don't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it.

Former Penguin Watch Captain
- Mikeboi

107 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Summer Awards! • 19th August 2015, 02:59 PM

Seems like Mike logged in at the right time? I must now eat my nutella happily.

107 posts
Posted in Thank you • 30th July 2015, 11:40 AM

For the past three years I have played OldCP was the best three years I've had and I will cherish them. I'm calling for retirement because I can no longer stay active on OldCP, I sincerely love this community and I hope it gets bigger. Is there a reason why I'm leaving? I have been not myself as of late and I try to be as nice as possible on the game but sometimes you have anger but you try as hard not to lash out on the innocent. I'll be on skype at "mrrockinrolla" and kik at "thebestusername1278"

I tried to get away from a problem but it kept escalating further which is making me leave right now, I won't say any names/name to who's done this but all I'm going to say is thank you for making me for what I am today, a solid and nice human being.

This is Mike your Penguin Watch Captain, signing out for the last time.
Thank you.

107 posts
Posted in [IN-GAME] OldCP Moderator App • 30th June 2015, 12:06 PM

Bumping again, I don't want this to be buried.

107 posts
Posted in R.I.P whole family D: • 30th June 2015, 11:41 AM

In my opinion I believe that this thread is indeed pointless and posted for attention, Can you not?

107 posts
Posted in [IN-GAME] OldCP Moderator App • 27th June 2015, 09:46 PM

Bumped so I could get more views on my application.

107 posts
Posted in SNAILDOM IS NOT COMING BACK! • 9th June 2015, 06:28 PM

XxMillsxX wrote on 9th June 2015 03:42 PM:
Look guys, I've had enough will all the drama over Snaildom on forums! Get over it! Please, it's really annoying! Everyone stop going on about it. Thanks. ~Mills~
Well you could have said it nicer instead of being an... Ah I just remembered I can't say that on this forum..


107 posts
Posted in [IN-GAME] OldCP Moderator App • 9th June 2015, 06:25 PM

Thanks for all the feedback guys!

107 posts
Posted in [IN-GAME] OldCP Moderator App • 8th June 2015, 06:47 AM

Hello friends and brothers,

As one of the Penguin Watch Capts I'd love to apply for a moderating position right here in OldCP so let's begin with the important details...

Name: Mike {Mikeboi}
Age: 15
Current Pos: Penguin Watch Captain
Skype: mrrockinrolla
State/Time: Bronx, NY (EST)

Why do you want to be apart of the staff team? : Well I believe that I haven't been online as much before but believe me I have done more behind the scenes while away from the game/community, I also used OldCP on my school computer while my wifi was out.

Why should we take this application seriously? : For one I have an insane sleep schedule so I fall asleep by 3am and so I can use those hours to moderate while the moderators are asleep, and yes I live in NYC {EST}

Why should we trust you? : I have been trustworthy to this community ever since September 29 2013, I worked hard being a PW Captain in-game or behind the scenes and before all that I kept reporting the "rule breakers"

Final Conclusion

I believe that if you promote me to the moderating position it will be gaining two moderators than one, when I moderate something I make sure I moderate. Will I betray the staff members of course not, this game is the only one from all of the private servers that I actually enjoy and I say that with pride.

That's my application,
-Mike (Penguin Watch Captain)

107 posts
Posted in My Full Return! • 7th June 2015, 09:30 PM

After months of inactivity,

I have finally fully returned to being active in OldCP! As you know I had wifi problems which caused me to limit my OldCP time at school but now I don't have to do that anymore. I also would like to say that I'll be applying for moderator in-game tonight and I hope to be apart of the staff team supporting OldCP as always,

Mike (Penguin Watch Captain)

107 posts
Posted in My Inactivity + More • 22nd May 2015, 07:52 PM


Recently a couple of my friends from the OldCP game told me that I was demoted/replaced and there has been rumors that I won't be coming back to OldCP. However those statements are false, and the reason I have been inactive is due to the fact my father is to lazy to pay the WIFI Bill so I will be inactive for an unknown period of time.

-Mike (Penguin Watch Captain)

107 posts
Posted in Why am I banned? • 5th April 2015, 07:59 PM

Mattzvan wrote on 5th April 2015 07:29 PM:
Hera said on 5th April 2015 07:28 PM:
It might of been a glitch ban or you might of spammed snow balls a bell and you got kicked and you did it again and they might of banned you, or you might of did something that you shouldn't do on oldcp and you didn't know it and you got banned by a staff member of Oldcp. This is my main guesses that I believe might of happened to you.

Lol I don't spam snowballs or bells. I have swore at least 2 times on OldCP saying the "S" word. Nothing else. I do not know what to say.
You deserve the ban either way if it is a glitch or not, you claim you used the S-word therefore you should remain banned until a administrator thinks you shall have your in-game account unbanned.

Penguin Watch Captain,

107 posts
Posted in PW app • 24th March 2015, 05:31 PM

First of all welcome to the community,

After reading your application I believe that you don't have a lot of detail that is needed in an average application. To be honest I think you need to stay here for a while before I, Sadie or Damen even consider you to join the team. I'm not saying that you can't ever be in it, I'm just saying you need to work on a few things and then when the time is right create another application the second time around to see how it goes.

Best regards,
Penguin Watch Captain:

107 posts
Posted in Mike's Awesome Suggestions • 11th March 2015, 02:56 PM

The whisper command should be also used by Penguin Watch Captains so it'd be easier to communicate without leaving the room because I have seen it happen so many times.

107 posts
Posted in Mike's Awesome Suggestions • 9th March 2015, 10:48 PM

1. OldCP PM System: This will give a chance for high ranks to have a private conversation without revealing any important information. Take CPPSme's PM System for an example it has done well and it should have a word filter.

2. A strict name filter in the OldCP registration because lately I have stumbled upon some disturbing usernames that shouldn't be allowed.

3. Remove any inactive staff member that hasn't been in-game for several months this also goes for the known Penguin Watch Captains.

4. An egg hunt for easter would be cool, here how it will go all moderators will go hiding and everyone's job is to go find them. Each moderator will send a clue to everybody to where they are hiding. The penguins who find the moderators will earn a prize later, this is up to the administrators.
