1,051 posts
Posted in Appreciation Post • 19th March 2019, 02:34 AM

i love you sniffles

1,051 posts
Posted in To bff Malorie • 19th March 2019, 02:09 AM

ChaseDSGHQ wrote on 19th March 2019, 02:05 AM:
So I got this amazing post that Mal posted saying how much she values the community and people, so I decided to say a thanks to Malorie for making that post and including me in it, and writing such nice things. Not only Mal is a OG but she's also a kind person. I thought she hated me, but she didnt lol. She has so much love in her heart and even outside the game I know she'll do great things. She's helped me go through the toughest times and she's amazing. If you're reading this Mal, thank you for being the person that you are today.
- Chase

blushes you didnt have to do this but, thank you <3
always be my friend okay? lets pinky promise.

1,051 posts
Posted in Appreciation post • 19th March 2019, 12:53 AM

so as everyone knows ive only been back on oldcp for a little bit but i felt this was necessary...
i want to say thank you to everyone ive gotten to meet/befriend after rejoining the oldcp. so heres a little lost for all those people <3

Lush, I believe we met a long time ago and its hard for me to really remember some of the stuff but recently you have come to be a very good friend of mine. i appreciate you more than anything. the best thing you ever do is make me laugh, especially when im down. your such a character your personality can brighten anyones day! and for that i thank you for being in my life.

Randy, we arent really friends before but we have recently became really good friends! you tell me im like a big sister to you and that honestly makes me smile, i love being able to brighten someones day and lift anyones spirits. when we VC you always get me to laugh no matter how silly you act sometimes. your one of my favorite people and i cherish our friendship dearly. recently we have sorta stopped talking and im sorry if i had anything to do with that, but i really hope we can start having laughs again.

Chis, oh my goodness this guy is such a sweetheart... I just met you this month and i swear i feel like ive known you forever! battling against you for potm has been so much fun! sadly neactor died and i dont believe shell be getting a revive anytime soon so i really hope you beat randy for potm ;) ! im so proud of you for getting moderator i honestly believe your gonna be the best one there is.

Sadie, you are my oldest and dearest friend, i couldnt of asked for a better friend than you. i have been your friend for longer than i can remember... being able to talk to you basically everyday has been the best thing in the world. after the last time i left i completely! lost touch with you and it really hurt to not be able to talk to my buddy. we have been through soooo much... like ALOT! and you have ALWAYS been there for me through all of it! even the ugly parts... im grateful to have you in my life and i hope our friendship never dies.

Yeet, this dude i swear... he is the coolest guy youll meet i swear on it. i dont believe we have ever talked before this year because i wouldve remembered someone like you LOL. you make me laugh A TON. some of the whispers you send me are so stupid they make just make me laugh. meeting you and becoming your friend has been a life changer. when you, randy and i first voice chatted it was hilarious. i love you yeet dont let anyone tell you to change <3

Sugar, < this gal. the most loyal friend you could ask for. you and i havent always had the best friendship but this past month you have proven to me that not everyone is a untrustworthy person. i love you so much <3 your snaps are the best, your stories are the best. i love you! i hope your elbow heals up though...

Loki, we havent really talked a lot through out this time that ive been back. but so far i feel like our friendship can really grow and we can become great friends.

Chase, man where do i start? ive known you so long... i used to not like you a while back but this time around you seem different and im very lucky to have someone like you around me. you are the kindest dude ever, you have had a rough life from what youve told me and im extremely sorry for that but focusing on the positive will always help and i hope that ive taught you that. if you ever need anyone to vent/cry with im always here man.

Lou, ima tear up writing this...
you are my favorite person in the entire universe... besides 2 other people that i wont mention but you get it LOL
Lou, i remember a long time ago i hated you... why i hated you? i have no flipping clue, i sure as hell missed out on a great friendship though. you are the rock right now for me and i value everything you say. you have talked me through a lot even when you didnt even know i was down you still somehow make me smile. there is a ton of stuff i could say in this but i dont think you or anyone else wants to read a novel right now... i just really want you to know that i appreciate you and everything you have done for me, online and in the real world. i will never stop spamming you daily of my stupid shenanigans and i hope youll never stop opening/replying to them. please dont even leave me because if you do ill probably die LOL. please lets voicechat soon okay? ily bff <3

Alea, coming back you were probably one of this first people i met and i couldnt of asked for a better friend. you always brighten my day with your jokes ill never stop owo'n as long as u never stop being you <3

Jesse, king of the north *eyeroll* man we have had our way ups and our way downs. i am currently trying to mend our friendship <3 i value your opinion and your random sillyness. ill forever mop the north's floors for you man.

Abu, well my friend it seems im back promise you wont try to kill me again? im so excited that we have gotten to bury our past even though we hardly remember what happened all i know is that its over and down with now and im really hoping we can talk the way we used to. id love to have a vc with you soon. and please can u teach me how to play battlefield? ive forgotten how to play... ily :)

Gamer, yo when are u gonna adopt me..?

Sara, I COULDVE SWORN YOU WERE IN THIS?! i honestly am so glad i met you, i dont believe we knew each other before this last month but im incredibly glad i was able to meet you. you are the most incredible girl ive gotten to meet since ive returned. we havent gotten to talk a ton but from what conversations we have had im literally dying of laughter through all of them. please can we be best friends???

Adam, i know you probably wont read this but i figured if im already here soooo
man we have had a history LOL you are such a great friend and im such a horrible one for treating you the way i did. i hate how i acted back then ive reached out to you a
little bit but i wanna be able to have a actual conversation so please DM on discord or snapchat <3 ill send you everything in mail as soon as im done with this post. i really wanna fix what i broke..

i love you guys...
if i forgot to mention you im incredibly sorry.

1,051 posts
Posted in jack black • 18th March 2019, 04:58 PM

Just joining the trend on the whole jack black thing.

1,051 posts
Posted in New OldCP Mods • 17th March 2019, 08:42 PM

xSugerbearx wrote on 17th March 2019, 08:34 PM:
Grats to everyone chosen! Hopefully we'll be seeing Chis and Malorie on the team soon too )
edited because lunarwolf is chis EDBGOIAEBUG

maybe next time <3

1,051 posts
Posted in New OldCP Mods • 17th March 2019, 08:34 PM

Good job everyone!

1,051 posts
Posted in I'm In The Office Office • 17th March 2019, 01:33 PM

kinda intimidated

1,051 posts
Posted in Top5 - How to Gain Rep • 16th March 2019, 05:57 PM

Just glad to see someone else post :)

1,051 posts
Posted in I'm back • 16th March 2019, 03:10 AM

hello, my name is Malorie aka Hashtagfood aka Neactor.
ive been back online for a hot minute but i havent actually made a post about my return
like everyone else ya'know? so i just wanted to make a post and be very self absorbed and let everyone
know that im back and betta than eva. so some of yall might be wondering what happened why'd i leave?
why did i come back? well i guess i could tell you.
so i left 2 years ago because of some conflict i had with a few people on here not gonna name any names
but i just decided it would be best that i just left... for like the hundredth time.
i returned because the other day i was going through my photos looking back on all of my memories
and i decided to take a trip down memory lane and rejoin the community for the hundredth time.
i rekindled so many relationships i thought i destroyed by my stupidity and i also made new friendships.
ive decided to stay for a while and try this again. im a different person now, ive got responsibilities im an adult now.
i also wanted to add before i post this, that if ive ever done anyone wrong by being a complete jerk...
im sorry, truly.. everything ive done in the past was immature and stupid
ive apologized to almost everyone that i remember i hurt or wronged but if i forgot you
or just havent gotten to you yet, let me know. i dont want to be that girl anymore, i dont want to be the bad guy...
i just wanna be who i truly am <3

1,051 posts
Posted in What. Your. Girl. Need? Missing? • 16th March 2019, 02:53 AM

iconic! claps
honestly wasnt ready for this heat.

1,051 posts
Posted in Truth of Damen • 14th March 2019, 11:29 PM

i love a good conspiracy

1,051 posts
Posted in Bottoms up when I first me you • 14th March 2019, 03:35 PM

do me first pls

1,051 posts
Posted in reflection! • 13th March 2019, 11:28 PM

i feel this deeply...
i know we never really talked but i hope we can become friends <3

1,051 posts
Posted in The Moriarty Contract • 13th March 2019, 09:52 PM

hands down my favorite quote so far "But Frozen, let it go. Let it snow."

1,051 posts
Posted in JM0 Spotting • 13th March 2019, 09:46 PM

why does all the fun stuff happen when im not online... we really need a schedule for this whole cz thing.