Saviour's Posts

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12 posts
Posted in How to screenshot [Win/Mac] • 31st January 2014, 03:14 PM

Thanks i never knew how to screen shot you really helped saviour!
You're welcome! I'm glad I could help.
Here's something for Windows8: You can press the Windows Key that takes you to the main start page, and at the same time press "Prt sc". And yes, Snipping tool is on Win8. I prefer it over lightshot. Anyway, nice ^_^
Thanks c:. I'll add your trick to the post also!

12 posts
Posted in Damens Courses Online - Virtual World Development • 31st January 2014, 03:11 PM

I love this idea! I plan on creating my own MMO in the near future, and it'd be cool to see another person's perspective on how an MMO runs. I'll definitely be following this!

12 posts
Posted in Damens Courses Online - Virtual World Development • 30th January 2014, 10:25 PM

I love this idea! I plan on creating my own MMO in the near future, and it'd be cool to see another person's perspective on how an MMO runs. I'll definitely be following this!

12 posts
Posted in Damens Courses Online - Virtual World Development • 30th January 2014, 10:16 PM

I love this idea! I plan on creating my own MMO in the near future, and it'd be cool to see another person's perspective on how an MMO runs. I'll definitely be following this!

12 posts
Posted in How to screenshot [Win/Mac] • 28th January 2014, 09:54 PM

This is cool, I am on a mac so I use Gyazo and screenshot.
Sweet! That's great. I'm glad I helped.

12 posts
Posted in How to screenshot [Win/Mac] • 28th January 2014, 09:39 PM

Thank you very much! This is super helpful!!!

I didn't know how to snapshot a first!!

Thank you!!

You're welcome! I love helping users and I've noticed this is a major issue for when staff ask for proof.

12 posts
Posted in How to screenshot [Win/Mac] • 28th January 2014, 09:26 PM

I didn't know where else to place this and this seemed like a good category so I decided I'd post here. If I put this in the wrong section, please move it!

There are several ways you can screenshot, and I'm going to show you the windows way plus a program that works for Windows and Mac.

Reasons why you should learn how to screenshot:
Let's say a user is breaking the rules on OldCP and you need proof. All you need to do is screenshot that user and bam! They will get the justice they deserve.

Good programs to use(Trusted sources):

For people who can't download anything, there's good news! Microsoft has several ways built in, but I'll show you the two easiest ways.

For Windows 7 users and maybe Windows 8(I'm not 100% if Windows 8 has this program, you might have to search for it):

1.) Open up your start menu and search 'snipping tool'.

2.) Click on Snipping Tool

3.)Highlight the area you want to screenshot

4.) Save the screenshot you just took

5.) Now you need to upload this picture somewhere!
Just go to a website like tinypic, imgur, imageshack, or photobucket and upload your pictures and boom! You can now share them with the staff.

Second tutorial: This will work on any operating system as long as you have some type of picture editing application(Microsoft paint, gimp, photoshop, etc)

1.) Press the prntscreen button on your keyboard(called prtsc usually)

2.) Open up your picture editing software

3.) Paste it into it your picture editing software's canvas

4.) Crop out what you want to save by using some type of cropping tool

5.) Save the picture and upload it to one of the links I put during the last step of the last tutorial.

If you are able to download programs, I'd suggest the two I put above as they will allow you to crop just like the snipping tool and automatically upload to their programs in less than 3 steps!

This is the end of my tutorial and I hope I help some users!

12 posts
Posted in Saviour's Staff Application • 27th January 2014, 05:03 PM

Thanks for the responses guys! Thanks for the support and enthusiasm towards me earning it.

12 posts
Posted in Saviour's Staff Application • 26th January 2014, 10:18 PM

It never hurts to make one of these, and I love this server so I can't let this opportunity down. I really love unique projects, and I love being apart of them whether I'm staff or not. OldCP is probably one of the best private servers based off of Club Penguin I've played since 2012. The community is wonderful, the team are creative and intelligent, and you never know what's going to be next on such a hectic but fun server. I try my best everyday to help the server by doing hide and seek with moderators sometimes, giving credits to users who I see helping other users(Did this more in v7 when I had more credits from jobs), and interacting with as many users as possible. Anywho, here's the end of my introduction and let's move onto my application.

First off, I should point out that I'm applying for an in-game moderator position, not a forums position.

My experience: I have secret experience in OldCP during v7 that only secluded members of the server know. But besides this experience, I've been in the Private Server community longer than most people. I started playing servers during iCPv2, and I currently hold ID 17 on the Rile5 forums, the first major forum for Club Penguin Private Servers( [] ). I have been moderator on HPPSv2,, Penguin Trillion, Summyt, Interpeng, and some other minor ones that weren't as big or failed too early. Outside of this community, however, I've moderated and promoted xat chats for extended periods of times without getting taken down, I've been staff on one RSPS, and I've moderated on several Minecraft servers. I've never been abused once in my life, or had any issues with staff besides miscommunication between users and staff members.

Why I feel I'm fit for the job: I love helping users, whether I'm staff or not. And that's always been my motto on game servers I play on. Whether I'm staff or not, I'll help the server to my best ability because I love to improve the experience and help the community in fun ways. I'll report bad players I see to any moderator online or via Skype if I have them added, or on any other chat I can message them on. I'm a natural born leader and I'm easy going as a person. I respect a person and I don't judge them by their person but by their actions. I don't hold grudges and I give second chances if possible(can't always not ban somebody if the rules suggest first offense, you instantly ban them haha). I love interacting with the community, it's so much fun and everybody on this server are so interesting and funny. I don't think I've met one dull user. I think this is my favorite community since Penguin Trillion or HPPS.

Some things to note and sum up about me:
  • I'm interesting and fun and easy to get along with
  • I've been playing OldCP since v6, I don't really count v5 since I quit during it.
  • I was the leader of Team Coast during v8 but we lost.
  • I help host hide and seek on OldCP(Yeah, I'm the robber!)
  • I love to help users, and I have tons of experience with helping people.
  • I turn the year of age 17 in March.
  • Whether I get moderator or not I'll help the community to my best ability!

Endnote: If you have any questions about me, just put them in replies below! I love constructive criticism so if you honestly think I'm not good for the position, just put it below with a valid reason and I'll work my hardest to fix what you think isn't right for a moderation position.

Thanks for taking the time out to read this and I respect your choice on if I'm chosen or not.

12 posts
Posted in *Updated* New PSA Team List • 15th October 2013, 04:49 PM

Chucker321 was given classified information about the unknown agents to hold onto, and he released them publically and broke certain rules set only for PSA members that affects the security of the unknown agents.

12 posts
Posted in PSA Agents List! • 13th October 2013, 05:53 PM

Congrats to all agents, and good luck next time to those who didn't make it! There's always the future!

12 posts
Posted in Hello, I'm Saviour! • 13th October 2013, 05:14 PM

Hiya! The name's Saviour. Some basic information about me:
I'm 16 years of age and male. I'm well known in the CPPS community if you played during 2011 under the username 'Avi'. I was staff on almost every major CPPS of 2011, including HPPSv2, xCPPS(.net), and Penguin Trillion. Also my username on iCPv3 was 'Saviour'. I love helping users and I'll try my best to help anybody who needs it! Thanks for taking the time to read this!