fishychris07's Posts

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54 posts
Posted in SnailsChat News • 23rd December 2013, 04:03 AM

Awesome very good signiture for SnailsChat

54 posts
Posted in Chapter 2 of The Adventures of... • 23rd December 2013, 04:02 AM

Thats awesome Bacon i hope to see more

54 posts
Posted in Why am i a Rookie now? • 23rd December 2013, 04:01 AM

Yeah i can see tell him why ok why ok

54 posts
Posted in IM NOT GETTING NOTHING! • 27th November 2013, 11:17 AM

i get nothing when you get cool stuf i don t'

(1) i have 1 credit.

(2) i Do have a Room but i live in /jr alex or /office that is it.

(3) you are a mod and i am im so happy By By see you on www. oldcp

54 posts
Posted in i got band by Raindop • 26th November 2013, 11:59 AM

i sow Backon and Raindop nakid and the sex to fishychris07 got band now im on oldp at the town mod s' unband me i will give you 10000000000000 creits ples ples i know it s' Damen sis But i need too get my acount back Raindop plese unband me you know Do You see if you unband fishychris07 im get the credits to 10000000000 By fishychris07

54 posts
Posted in Rainrop band me! • 25th November 2013, 01:23 PM

plese unband me so thank

54 posts
Posted in Rainrop band me! • 25th November 2013, 01:22 PM

Rainrop is in love in Backon he kiss is her evre day and she is in the coffee shop now hoo can un band me im gong too kill Damen s' sis im fishychris07 im a mod how can she kill me now eny one save your coit so i can see it one day im gong to be not band im so sad 18 peple don t' lick me 1 credit i so happy when a mod kill me im sad. By By see you today oh no im silly

54 posts
Posted in how to get credits • 24th November 2013, 06:43 AM

now what do you what to do paty cool By

54 posts
Posted in how to get credits • 24th November 2013, 06:42 AM

a whay HOW to get free creits

54 posts
Posted in how to get credits • 24th November 2013, 06:42 AM

im Damen i fgot to say you know that well done brb see you

54 posts
Posted in how to get credits • 24th November 2013, 06:40 AM

do you have a word to say come on!

54 posts
Posted in how to get credits • 24th November 2013, 06:39 AM

a whay To get creits is say to fishychris /tranfer HOW TO GET CREDITS ven i gong to say the Word By By

54 posts
Posted in Backon hacked???? • 24th November 2013, 05:55 AM

well done! evry one win s the thing boboy so i can fish so fishys' Backon do not say that agen Damen is gone so im mod and addmen.


54 posts
Posted in Backon is a killer. • 23rd November 2013, 09:57 AM

GOT any thin to say I'm online