dreamergirl's Posts

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219 posts
Posted in OMG!! • 28th March 2014, 09:54 PM

Very interesting. The video is a little funny to me.

219 posts
Posted in Interesting Discovery • 22nd February 2014, 08:49 PM

Rover summoned someone here. He took someone on oldcp to /jr hashirnest

219 posts
Posted in More Evidence. • 22nd February 2014, 08:43 PM

This is very mysterious. Good evidence 1+

219 posts
Posted in Thank You Damen!! • 21st February 2014, 06:34 PM

I to think that Damen has put a lot of effort in his work.

219 posts
Posted in One crazy summer • 21st February 2014, 06:28 PM

One Crazy Summer is an award winning book by Rita Garcia. I wanted to share a summary of this novel. Eleven-year-old Delphine has it together. Even though her mother, Cecile, abandoned her and her younger sisters, Vonetta and Fern, seven years ago. Even though her father and Big Ma will send them from Brooklyn to Oakland, California, to stay with Cecile for the summer. And even though Delphine will have to take care of her sisters, as usual, and learn the truth about the missing pieces of the past. Cecile wants nothing to do with them. She makes them eat Chinese takeout dinners, forbids them to enter her kitchen, and never explains the strange visitors with Afros and black berets who knock on her door. Rather than spend time with them, Cecile sends Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern to a summer camp sponsored by a revolutionary group, the Black Panthers, where the girls get a radical new education. I really like this story because the children knew there was bound to be violence at the camp. But they stick together and continue the journey. I hope you like this summary written by : Rita Garcia Dream on as if life ever ends-Dreamergirl

219 posts
Posted in We <3 Sadie! • 20th February 2014, 10:12 PM

What does this have to do with Sadie? The title says 'we love sadie'.

219 posts
Posted in Thanks admins!! • 12th February 2014, 11:02 PM

You are right. People should stop underestimating the admins and give them more credit for their work. 1+

219 posts
Posted in Moderators... • 12th February 2014, 08:51 PM

Actually there is. Mod Panel. You can use bot to spy on the penguins.

219 posts
Posted in Strange... • 12th February 2014, 07:45 PM

Damen probably deleted his comment. And yes it is very weird.

219 posts
Posted in this is very serious • 8th February 2014, 06:58 PM

I totally agree. This is very encouraging to all users. 1+

219 posts
Posted in Oldcp Agency! • 8th February 2014, 01:15 PM

Oldcp Username: Dreamergirl Aurenjs username: I don't have one Will you be active: Yes. I will be on abut 4-5 days wee ]Are you a hacker: No. Will you be loyal to the agency: Yes. I will not join another agency Will you respect the rules of Oldcp: I will follow the rules no matter what happens ]What will you do in order to stop hacking: Contact a mod or admin What rank would you want to be: Moderator Are we in this together: Of course. Dream on as if life never ends

219 posts
Posted in Oldcp News • 8th February 2014, 12:57 PM

This is very helpful to new users. 1+

219 posts
Posted in Independent • 8th February 2014, 12:52 PM

Have anyone of you ever been told you are so immature? Well, I have certainly seen that type of behavior. You have to think of what your doing. You have to do your own thinking. When you grow up your going to be on your own. So you have to learn to be independent. It might be hard but your going to do it one day in your life. Why not start right now? But don't start doing things without your guardian's permission. I don't mean to act older than you actually are. I mean that you are going to start doing things on your own. Like for example, your laundry. Remember, be who you are. Even if you are independent, encourage other people to be. It makes a big difference in life. So just remember that you don't always have to have people help you. Also, you don't have to be with people all the time. By being independent, you might spend some time alone with yourself. Just remember to be who you are. Dream on as if life never ends- Dreamergirl

219 posts
Posted in Moderator report • 7th February 2014, 09:43 PM

Terry91 was and still is a supportive penguin. Everyday I saw him trying to help people. He still continues to help and support his fellow penguins. He is very active. 'I like to help penguins all the time' said terry91. In my opinion, he is very understanding. A penguin was in tight circumstances but he tried and made the best of his position. Now the penguin is happily waddling around Oldcp. I hope you like my report on our fellow moderator, Terry91. He enforces the rules on everyone including his friends. Terry91 makes sure everyone is feeling happy. I hope you like my moderator report. I interviewed Terry91 and this is some of the information he reported. Dream on as if life never ends- Dreamergirl

219 posts
Posted in I'm leaving for a few days OldCP • 7th February 2014, 07:26 PM

Aww. I hope you can make it back on Sunday.