Gryffindor's Posts

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74 posts
Posted in Music With Lesson • 23rd November 2013, 04:02 AM

I don't listen to music sorry and I ain't watch Tv exept dr who ^-^

74 posts
Posted in Something's fishy • 23rd November 2013, 03:59 AM

That happens on newcp and I love that place swim swim swim :D

74 posts
Posted in My cat • 23rd November 2013, 03:57 AM

Ask bandit p.s JUST SEND HIM A MESSAGE!.

74 posts
Posted in Can i be Police man? • 22nd November 2013, 03:21 PM

Ask artic or get 1000 posts for a master.

74 posts
Posted in news Series 3 Issue 1/2 • 17th November 2013, 01:45 PM

I know I saw them cool look at the pic but why is his daughter is a whale is she adopted or he married/devorsed a whale

here is the pic of nephews

74 posts
Posted in My signature • 17th November 2013, 01:39 PM

Ok I was gonna say that it was but my mistake

74 posts
Posted in Case:DoomDrones are ??? • 17th November 2013, 01:37 PM

theyr king is lorddoom if u see him report on forum emediatly!!!he is very strong and also i figured out they'r passwords!theyr passwords are "doom"
Why'd ya tell us their passwords! thats what damen said not to do when we signed up! Whats the point if they don't listen thats just wrong!.

74 posts
Posted in Costume Penguins! • 17th November 2013, 12:29 PM

Step up step up get them while they are there ok now I make picture like abbys now you should look at this think its cool or a good idea like as many time as yall want I hope you will enjoy! .Now time for the... PICTURE!

This is what it will look like so

Thats all


and sadly is a rookie I think

any who thats all


74 posts
Posted in What is Master? • 17th November 2013, 09:32 AM

Hey Penguins! Today i'm going to be talking about the Master Rank.
As some of you Masters already know that Hashir made a post about it. I'm now just going to share it with everyone.

What is Master
When you are a Master
You are usually trusted and ready for Moderator

What do Masters Do?
Masters are trusted users so,
They are ment to NOT brake any rules
even the most simple rules, they should
help other users and report any bad penguins.

Special Features.
Masters Have their own section,
You are even allowed to minor cuss but the staff
suggest you don't.

Note:If you think I should add anything comment below and I will be happy to add it.
Why does everyone post about the master rank this is just crazy could everyone stop doing this policebob did it anywho I won'r do a three lines post again...

74 posts
Posted in Hoe to become a Master • 17th November 2013, 09:28 AM

I wish I was master on forum but on oldcp I might but sadly I won't get it and since im talking about it damen won't give me it and i have a feeling of quoting here.Today I am being a chatterbox which is a good or bad. I don't really post this long this is gonna take a while... WAIT! why did I not stop this is getting annoying still blabbering could some one stop me? Im not going to stop for some reason I should really post this long usually.Wow this is long ok im gonna stop now because my arms ache...

74 posts
Posted in Just a reminder • 17th November 2013, 04:21 AM

Hey everyone, it's me, Gryffindor with a new update.

You guys may be wondering if there is going to be another Moderator Competition. Well, there isn't going to be one for a while. As Damen said after the last Competition ended, his search for another Moderator is finished. I am not entirely sure if this means he is done finding another Mod, or he isn't going to have another Competition for some time. I am assuming you can earn it "the hard way." That is, if Damen and Cyberwolf are accepting anymore Moderators at the moment. If you are anxious to know how to earn the Moderator position the hard way, then I will give some steps on how to do so.

1.) The first step to getting your way to earn the Mod spot is to be as active as you can. Preferably online 3-4 days a week. This will tell Damen or Cyberwolf that you at least come to Old CP and know what is occuring.

2.) Another step is to follow every single rule. No cussing, no being innapropriate, no racism, etc. This will tell Damen or Cyberwolf that you can follow the site's rules and will do so if you become a Moderator.

3.) Also, help others if it is needed. To do this, you can help others out with credits or answer their questions. This will tell Damen or Cyberwolf that you can take the pressure to help out everyone with their concerns when you are a Mod.

4.) You also cannot constantly ask for Moderator. This action lowers your chances of earning it.

5.) Try to be patient as well. You can't receive anything if you are impatient. You have to wait for it. I know it takes a while, but you still have to remember.

6.) The final step to aquire the Moderator job is to respect everyone, regular members, Moderators, and Administrators. Be kind and considerate to other users. Treat other online users as you would like to be treated. This will tell Damen or Cyberwolf that you won't be self-centered and will be nice to everyone and won't abuse your powers for some apparent reason.

That is my recent update on Moderator Competitions and how to earn Moderator as well. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading! This is Gryffindor! You are welcome to comment. :)

74 posts
Posted in Mickey's date... • 17th November 2013, 04:15 AM

Its not very funny though.

Either ways they aren't dating.

Also people should stop making fun of people.

Guys please learn your manners.
Its not rude, We were dating, You know just to be funny lol... This post is not ment to be hurtfull!
Woah ya just hurt tornado are you ok?.

74 posts
Posted in How do you get thing under ur name • 17th November 2013, 04:12 AM

i found somthing wierd i did not do it with myself i tested it on my other acc and joined SWF then looked around every room then log off wait 10 seconds then log on to blizzard and u have a free signuature should this be fixed?
Yeah I did it too yall get a free sub!.

74 posts
Posted in Kings Game~ Prologue • 17th November 2013, 04:07 AM

[quoteHey guys, I am writing a novel.
It will be called: King's Game.
It is about when an evil king that manipulates his kingdom in the form of a chess game, the kingdom with change forever. When a group of teens discover that they are being used, they embark on a journey to overthrow the king.
I just wanted you guys to see the prologue!
Here ya go!

"It's your move, sire," said the kings companion.
"I'm thinking, William!" said the king in a gruff tone. The king looked over his pieces thoughtfully.The pieces of chess resemble battle; eight pawns are the coating, and the other team has to slowly take them down, one by one, capturing the high sources of battle at the end, winning the game.
"Check," the king said, putting Williams king in danger. King Mitus leaned back into his throne and yawned, his stomach sticking out.
William immediately put his knight into a defending position.
"Aha!" King Mitus snatched Williams king, his civilization of pawns, bishops, knights, and so forth, collapsed.
"Check mate,"
William leaned back and smiled halfheartedly in defeat as the king grinned in victory.
"Sir...How do you do it? You beat me every time,"
"Because," Mitus started with a smirk, "I know what move you are going to make"

Do you guys like it? Anything i should add? (remember, it is only my first draft of the prologue)
Constructive criticism welcome! No mean comments!
~May23][/quote] Its Brilliant

74 posts
Posted in Dont worry, lets just play newcp • 16th November 2013, 12:47 PM