136 posts
Posted in Last post • 20th December 2013, 01:44 PM

We will miss you all Kara!
I am Kara.. and after this post I requested to be IPBanned I am departing forever I am done with the way people are treated I wanted to be banned because I know I can't stay away.. something brings me here I just don't know.. I say good bye for the last time. And to Damen... I would have never asked to be banned if you actually gave some respect back to the users. Good bye to all.
The two last sentences are right. When Pieguy wanted to quit look at the post that Damen made. He called him ''creep'' and ''fool''. I don't understand why that post got likes. Miss you Kara!!!! - Hope

136 posts
Posted in I think • 20th December 2013, 12:30 PM

There is a lot of Nightwolves. I went to school and there was a meeting. The whole 3rd - 8th grade except 2 of us. Their was 341 people. Oh no! And 23% of OldCP penguins quit. So...
How must I get worried? We can fight!!

136 posts
Posted in Christmas Camp Club • 20th December 2013, 12:26 PM

Well, I am making a Christmas Club for fun. We will have lots of fun! But rules included of course.
Rule 1: No bullying
Rule 2: No arguing (because we will make decisions)
Rule 3: No cheating Example: You are in another club while this one
Those are the rules!!
Now for levels
Beginner Elf: You cannot make rules but can agree with some things. You level up and that counts on your behavior. We treat you the same as everybody else.
Here are the spaces! 5 beginners! (Empty) (Empty) (Empty) (Empty) (Empty)
Reindeer Member: You can help beginners and you can make 1 rule every week. Sorry very little!
(Empty) (Empty) (Empty)
Gingerbread Mod: You make rules and kick people if not following rules. Just kick not ban.
(Unbreakable) (Anna) (Empty) Empty
Santa Claus Administrator: You can ban and kick people. You can take over when I am busy.
(Unbreakable) (Hope ME) (Empty)
Have you ever been banned? How many times?
Which level/stage would you want to be in?
OldCp Username And Community Name:
Do you trust to not break these rules if your in?
Do you like Christmas?
Do you know the true meaning of Christmas?
Christmas Pledge (Weird Pledge Couldn't come up with one)
Oh Christmas is the time to celebrate some time with our loved ones
Oh Christmas is the day we thank our God for all our needs.
Oh Christmas is the best time of the year.
This club will end next Friday because school! LOL!

136 posts
Posted in Sparklee Signature Shop • 20th December 2013, 11:55 AM

Me want one!!
Text Color: Blue that says ''Hope''
Background: Green

136 posts
Posted in I think • 20th December 2013, 11:47 AM

Guys, I think there is going to be a battle! Nightwolves v.s. OldCP. I over-heard Hope talking about something. I am kind of scared. Watch out!

Sorry that this was a short post...

Don't be. I am SURE ALL of us can beat a few Nightwolves. To fight you don't need to know how to hack. You just need to have these three words.



Forgot to add this.
We have people here that is all of these words.
Positive= Unbreakable (Sadie)
Brave= All of us
Smart = All of us
Pretty much we all have something unique!!

136 posts
Posted in I think • 20th December 2013, 11:45 AM

Guys, I think there is going to be a battle! Nightwolves v.s. OldCP. I over-heard Hope talking about something. I am kind of scared. Watch out!

Sorry that this was a short post...
Don't be. I am SURE ALL of us can beat a few Nightwolves. To fight you don't need to know how to hack. You just need to have these three words.

136 posts
Posted in What happened to OldCP • 20th December 2013, 11:37 AM

Disney shut it down in Thanksgiving. We all made discussions about it. Then for about 10 minutes it worked. But 2 days for a few people. Then it shut down for everybody. But I think it will come back soon.
No. It's never gonna come back. Penguin Isles is coming.
I said I think not I know. Just trying to calm the depression.
Me too. I know I'm not helping... LOL!

136 posts
Posted in Me quiz! • 20th December 2013, 11:35 AM

All of you guys were close but you should have had





136 posts
Posted in What happened to OldCP • 20th December 2013, 11:34 AM

Disney shut it down in Thanksgiving. We all made discussions about it. Then for about 10 minutes it worked. But 2 days for a few people. Then it shut down for everybody. But I think it will come back soon.
No. It's never gonna come back. Penguin Isles is coming.
I said I think not I know. Just trying to calm the depression.

136 posts
Posted in What happened to OldCP • 20th December 2013, 11:31 AM

Take out the Disney part in my post.

136 posts
Posted in What happened to OldCP • 20th December 2013, 11:30 AM

Disney shut it down in Thanksgiving. We all made discussions about it. Then for about 10 minutes it worked. But 2 days for a few people. Then it shut down for everybody. But I think it will come back soon.

136 posts
Posted in The OldCP News • 20th December 2013, 11:25 AM

Fine. Is this short?? Can you stop!!! These little dark side and stuff don't scare any people here!!! You can do your little ''evil'' things all you want!! We have other games you know which is controlled by other people which means we stay there and we are safe. And all the threats your doing or will do will not scare these smart enough people. And I think EVERYBODY here is fed up with there enjoyments shutting down and stuff. Just stop!!
Stop what?
Stop repeating,'' Were here.'' And '' We have power. Watch out.''

136 posts
Posted in DONT BACK DOWN!! • 20th December 2013, 10:21 AM

We will not fall when anybody here is to destroy your enjoyments!! These Nightwolves will NOT push us down!! They want to go against we accept it and win!! I am fed up with all this. Yes, we have other enjoyments but not as fun as this!!! We must persuade them to stop if we have to!! Even it takes all day and all night!! How do you think those people out there that are pro's in sports got good? They didn't sit around waiting for help being lazy! We can do it!! Who is with me?

136 posts
Posted in The OldCP News • 20th December 2013, 10:10 AM

Fine. Is this short?? Can you stop!!! These little dark side and stuff don't scare any people here!!! You can do your little ''evil'' things all you want!! We have other games you know which is controlled by other people which means we stay there and we are safe. And all the threats your doing or will do will not scare these smart enough people. And I think EVERYBODY here is fed up with there enjoyments shutting down and stuff. Just stop!!

136 posts
Posted in The OldCP News • 20th December 2013, 10:00 AM

Dice this is very short Plus Lukey is one of the Dark Ones and who are the>> NightWolves??
Me... I am the Wolf. Top Leader of the Nightwolves... I tricked Dice into making me an account... Us Nightwolves use The Source of Wolf. Me. I got powers. Watch out.
We understand!! Stop saying the same thing!! And besides I am staying here as long as I can to wait what happens or your probably just going to chicken out. Who knows?
I will get all of my mean friends...
Wow mean such a powerful word but when?? Or you wont tell me and just plop the hacks or glitches on the community like a surprise or tell me??
We don't hack. We do other stuff.
I just wonder.
You wonder to much. I see your post.
-Rolls eyes-