119 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Raffle: 3000 GOLD! • 30th January 2016, 03:37 PM

Are you going to do this a lot? Like are you going to do this on a weekly basis or something?

119 posts
Posted in Apology ~Chopper • 13th September 2015, 12:48 PM

Hello! It's me Chopper. I was ipbanned yesterday for bad behavior and bullying. I was disappointed in myself and got mad. There is no point in defending myself I'm a goner. (the words of Mrlion, who I thought was my friend.) I decided to apologize after all I deserved to be ipbanned awhile ago and this was just delaying the fate. Some people think a day isn't enough but I did constant thinking about it.

Apology to DSGHQ and all people who I have offended. I know I let down some of you for me being ipbanned. When I started thinking I didn't know what to apologize for but I thought about the past and bad things I did. I got too over hyped about the Ranch and Mattyvacc fight and I said "dancebear for coward". I shouldn't of bullied a royal because they are the superior and help keep oldcp in place. They are well respected and of the highest manor possible. It wasn't like bullying a knight, it was like bullying the boss of the boss of the boss of the knight. I want to apologize to Dancebear. (If she is Ranch which I think she is) then you're a great fighter. I will do anything for your forgiveness. To everyone: Sorry for all the trouble I caused on dsghq with freddy. I will try to stop and only joke around with my friends and not get anyone involved. Some people annoy me and I respond back and hurt them badly. I tried defending myself and that was one of the most stupid things I did. Terry responded with "Too bad" and he said the most honest thing.

You guys are just being fair. Thank you and hopefully you will life my ipban. I apologize Drake also because you are ipbanned too.

119 posts
Posted in Mordor- Lord Of The Rings • 12th July 2015, 08:15 PM

I read harry potter first but I really like lord of the rings and the hobbit with its intresting vocabulary.

119 posts
Posted in Managing a Comp Team • 15th February 2015, 11:04 PM

BEFORE I BEGIN: If anyone here has already made a post like this then I am truly sorry and I will try to take this down maybe.

Hello everyone Smaug here! Today I will talk about managing a gold/mod competition team. Although I never have made a team, I take inspiration from great mod competition team owners.

So, it's hard to manage a mod / gold competition team without a team so I will tell you how to start out: Start out with a friend or a couple of friends you know. When you start off with someone you don't know then it's kind of hard to trust them or know when they are online. If you get a friend or a couple of friends, you can advertise with them and grow your team out. If you want to be organized then keep track of the people in your team or do a maximum number of team members if you want.

Now that you have your team here is how you prepare your team or manage it. When your doing a competition like a gold one or mod, you have to prepare. You need to practice and check the number of people that will come to the event.

How to practice: To practice you try to come up with scenarios that would happen in that type of comp. In a moderator competition there are things like describe a cake or manage a business. Another good way to practice is to practice cooperation. When the leader says to go to a certain place, the team should go to that place. Many times in a competition, a leader would say to a certain place, and people shout out different places and go different places. So practice coooperation.

And if you can't come up with scenarios for practice, I will list a few.

Make up a cake idea with your team mates and describe it.
Manage the Pizza parlor or coffee shop
Throw a party at a place and get the most people
Make a band and do a song
Help new users
Make up a suggestion for oldcp
Make up a /head

Thanks for reading. If there is something you would want to be in this post then tell me and I will try to do it!


Stay Swimming!


119 posts
Posted in Bring /Goto Back • 15th February 2015, 10:18 PM

Kryptowolf wrote on 15th February 2015 08:17 PM:
Many places provide VIP commands - "extras."

Another thing to fret about is using /goto for an admin or staff member. I suppose that there could be a restraint, like "if (user) is in (room that is prohibited) then (person saying command cannot goto said user)"

When /goto was there, you couldn't /goto to a staff member so your suggestion is invalid.

119 posts
Posted in Bounties and Bounty Hunters • 30th December 2014, 12:35 PM

Awesome idea. But would a staff member make the bounties?

Yeah and they would have to be very careful and it has to be approved.

119 posts
Posted in Bounties and Bounty Hunters • 30th December 2014, 12:23 PM

Hey guys Smaug here! I rarely make suggestions or posts so here is a suggestion!

My suggestion is that criminals should have bounties. If you don't know what that means, it means that they should have money placed on them and if you kill them or bring them alive, the killer or taker gets the money. The amount of money placed on the bounty of someone should depend on how dangerous they are.

Now my second suggestion are bounty hunters. These people should be trusted people that will be armed. They are not paid by salary or by the hour but they are paid from the bounties. They have to claim that they beat the person that has a bounty. They have to have some sort of proof though. Maybe the dead person gets a title that says "Killed by (person). They get paid the bounty of the person.

Now to a suggestion to spread the word that someone has a bounty. Maybe on the forums, if you scroll down, next to the statistics and rules, there will be another one of those links that says "Wanted People".

I don't know how bounty hunters will be organized. They could be hired people sometimes or just people that want to make money also. The hired will be paid extra because they are also hired meaning they were paid. I got this idea from Star Wars (Boba Fett), and One Piece.

Sorry if this idea was hard to understand!


119 posts
Posted in Bot or Human? • 26th December 2014, 05:51 PM

They are part of a quest and a very amazing quest. They are bots and will disappear after you complete the quest. I was confused at first too!


119 posts
Posted in Multiple Applications • 10th November 2014, 05:43 PM

People can make apps and put them into the play store or App Store if they want. It's a way people express themselves. With applications you can download.

119 posts
Posted in Hi... Again... • 28th October 2014, 07:57 AM

Hi! It's been awhile and I would like to thank you May23! Welcome back!

119 posts
Posted in Apologies • 6th September 2014, 11:15 AM

Sorry if in wrong category!

Hello everyone , you haven't seen me do that in awhile. I've been inactive. I've been inactive because of lots of studying for school. And school has finally started. I apologize for being inactive and not here all the time for most of the events. Speaking of events today is the Award thing. I made this post to apologize and tell how to make an apology like let's say your apologizing to someone or you need to apologize for being inactive or something like that.

The first thing you want is to tell yourself and say sorry. Say all the things that you have done bad and never should of done. Say what you wanted to fix and once again say sorry again. State the reason why and that your a really sorry.

Sorry for the short post and grammar mistakes and spelling if there is!


119 posts
Posted in Unfair server access • 2nd September 2014, 11:59 AM

Mods rarely go on the servers like ice berg and white out

119 posts
Posted in Velocity Man Issue 1 • 1st September 2014, 03:00 PM

DC he killed superman once but superman came back to life

119 posts
Posted in Velocity Man Issue 1 • 1st September 2014, 02:48 PM

*claps* Very good, FireSpikeChop Comics. Maybe we can team up in an issue. You know. Michi Comics and FireSpikeChop Comics. We can both do 12. Like Marvel and DC did.

Should we make up a superhero or do one of our superheros?

119 posts
Posted in Velocity Man Issue 1 • 1st September 2014, 02:16 PM

First issue of the FireSpikeChop comics and of Velocity Man or you can call him Motion man. Liam Handerson is Motion Man's secret identity. Your going to have to wait to find out his powers.

Setting: Before Velocity man got his powers.

*Liam's eyes close*

*Alarm clock rings liam accidently uses his telekinesis and smashes it*

Liam Handerson: That's weird moving alarm clocks. Too bad it smashed it that was my only one.

*he moves his hand and opens the door*

Liam Handerson: I don't think this is an earthquake. Something strange is going on. Supernatural.

*To be continued*

Sorry I'm thinking about adding pictures soon that's it for now!
