119 posts
Posted in How to make Friends • 3rd January 2014, 05:17 PM

Hullo my friends. You have been really nice to me. Lots of people are mad that friends are quitting.
So I am going to teach you how to make new friends.

Be a nice person to them. Be reliable and trusted. They like people like that. Treat them with an amount of respect. You get to know them.

To be a nice person -

You have to be friendly with them. You do not want them to be mad at you. Help them out even if they are struggling they will help you back if you are truly nice.

To be reliable and Trusted -

You need to be a friend that your friend can count on. Make him trust you. If he knows you are not trusted he might not be your friend. But you have to be trusted to him.

To treat them with respect -

Treat them the way you want to be treated. They like people like that. Do not be a big bully to them and treat them like dirt. Be kind and gentle with them.

Why not make new friends in the community. See what can happen. Never give up hope.

~ Smaug the Magnificent

119 posts
Posted in House Of Anubis Penguins Sign Ups! • 3rd January 2014, 05:09 PM

Can you add Eddy and I can be him. You are a smart person Declan. You are filled with so much talent. You make my day. Thank you for being so nice.

119 posts
Posted in Think before Quitting • 1st January 2014, 01:27 PM

I made post about this a couple months ago! #THINGBEFORQUITING

Sorry I wasn't here a couple of months ago. I just wanted to remind though.


119 posts
Posted in Think before Quitting • 1st January 2014, 01:01 PM

Hullo everyone. I seen a lot of quitting lately and some of these people just quit for the most wackiest reasons. But I have came here to discuss a matter to stop this.

Think Before Quitting. #THINKBEFOREQUITTING.

What do you think you are doing by quitting. I understand by drama or something. But think about. Will you let someone just walk over you like that. Surely you have some ups and downs. And maybe some sideways. But no reason just to quit. Stand up for who you are. Be strong and try to be yourself.

But when you quit think about the drama that can be happening. It can just start from quitting into a big fight. If you are going to quit just reason about it. Give some reasons that you think that people can understand.

If they know you are going through a hard time at home or something. They will understand that you have been going through a hard time and you need to stop.

But don't quit for some reason that makes no sense. Don't quit because all your friends quit. Do you want to be a leader or a follower. You should actually be persuading your friends not to quit. You can still make new friends in the Community.

This place is like a second home. And you would not be able to quit that.

Never give up
~ Smaug

119 posts
Posted in What do you expect? • 31st December 2013, 10:14 PM

I am thinking a place. With dragons you can ride. Or pets you can tame. There can be occupations like fishermen, hunter, farmer, ect,

119 posts
Posted in ~Dream Big And Reach For The Stars~ • 31st December 2013, 09:30 PM

Any kind of boat you imagine. Because pure imagination unlocks everything.

119 posts
Posted in Spell to Gain Powers • 31st December 2013, 08:49 PM

Woah I felt my feet levitate off the ground. This is some epic stuff. 1+

119 posts
Posted in Why Is That Your Name? • 31st December 2013, 08:46 PM

Well honestly I have my name because it is actually my real name given to me by my parents :)

My older name "sarabareille" was actually thought out when I thought about one of my favorite singers because I love music not you music but music XD and I wanted to have that as a forum name "sarabareille"

"sadiethepositivequeen" was thought of when I was called the positive queen because I am best known for being positive.

Yeah you were really positive when Littlemix was pranked. Positive can sum up the whole reaction. Yes it is positive you can say.

119 posts
Posted in ~Dream Big And Reach For The Stars~ • 31st December 2013, 08:35 PM

A boat a ship what you call it.

119 posts
Posted in Why Is That Your Name? • 31st December 2013, 08:28 PM

Mine is Smuag because of the dragon Smaug from the Hobbit.

I love the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Also in the Hobbit part 2 Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Smaug's voice and I am a big fan of Benedict. Smaug also matches my personality traits. I am strong and fierce and cunning and not afraid of a whole village with cannons and weapons and stuff.

119 posts
Posted in ~Dream Big And Reach For The Stars~ • 31st December 2013, 08:24 PM

Oh how I would love to be a mod. Helping the users and making the best of friends. And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to sail her by.

119 posts
Posted in ~Dream Big And Reach For The Stars~ • 31st December 2013, 08:18 PM

This is really inspiring. This is a wonderful post detailed with the most extraordinary structures. I will follow what this post is like a pirate searching for the treasure.

119 posts
Posted in How to Believe in Yourself • 31st December 2013, 02:10 PM

Hullo my friends! A lot of people have given up hope and want hope back. Today I am going to show you how to believe in yourself.

The word believe comes from a Hebrew stem and it came from along time ago.

Well now to explain how to believe in yourself.
Claim yourself best on whatever the task your trying to do. It makes your self esteem bigger and causes you to believe in yourself. Ignore the people that don't think you can do it. They munch on your self esteem. If you believe you can achieve.

People are quitting this game because of bullies maybe and they don't believe that they can stop bullying. They stop you from being who you are. You might be a mighty person with all of strength.
But if you don't believe in yourself it's pretty much useless.

A way you can believe in yourself is make other people believe in yourself. They will encourage you. Make you feel happy. They make you feel the strength of thousand tigers lifting up 100 pounds. For them to encourage you, you need to encourage them. Be friends with them.

So today find a good friend that you can trust and they will make you feel strong.

Never give up!

Stay Swimming ~ Smaug

119 posts
Posted in How To Achieve Trust • 30th December 2013, 08:18 PM

Hello my friends. To day I have came here to speak about how to gain trust. It is more than a rank and it has to do with the ranks Member, Master, Moderator, and ecspecially admin. This is how you achieve trust.

Trust the word coming from Middle English. Well to explain trust it is well.

Trust is a belief that someone or something reliable, good,honest,effective,ect. Now to earn it you must be all of those traits.

Be a reliable person. Someone that a person can always count on. If they need help or a favor they will count on you. To be reliable you have to keep something safe or that you have to have a thing that you are a reliable person.

To be good means that you are not evil. If someone knows you are a hacker,a bully, rulebreaker,ect. then you are not good.

Honest means that you tell the truth. You tell the truth even if the punishment is really harsh. Even if the punishment is harsh you still earn that you tell the truth.

So be all these traits and see what you can do.

Stay Swimming ~ Smaug

119 posts
Posted in Describing Each Rank • 30th December 2013, 08:03 PM

I'm Still New to the Community. I just joined yesterday so don't forget I'm new.