31 posts
Posted in Kayleigh The New Nerd • 28th May 2014, 04:16 PM

Hello Damen, I would love to be a jester because i think they are funny and they are nice so i would love to have the job of Royal Jester and i love oldcp so much and im on everyday so i just want to follow my dream And thanks alot! Bye!

31 posts
Posted in PW Application • 24th May 2014, 11:21 AM

awesome PW application one day i think u will be the best!!
Hello everyone, today i decided to to a PW application. Alright, let's get started! :)

How long are you on OldCP for a day?

Well, it depends. I am normally on OldCP a lot.

Do you have the responsibilities?

Yes, I am sure I do. I am mature enough to have the responsibilities to be in Penguin Watch.

What ranks have you encountered before?

Well, I am currently Imperial Knight.

Will you take this job seriously and not abuse your powers?

Yes, I will not abuse my powers, ever. I will most definitely take this job seriously.

Why should you be a PW?

I think I should be a PW because I am always active, I shall not abuse my powers what so ever, and I will never reveal I am a PW.

Thanks for reading, if I forgot anything, just comment and I will add it. -Suzy

31 posts
Posted in How to get Gold and new Info • 23rd April 2014, 03:10 PM

hey damen well i would love to have any job ;)

31 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 22nd April 2014, 03:12 PM

well i try

31 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 20th April 2014, 07:11 PM

thanks so much ellie it means a lot to me

31 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 1st April 2014, 09:49 AM

Hello im 17 years old and would love to take the risk of helping out on being a mod so here it is!
When i first started oldcp people where swearing and being mean to people and it still happens when no mods are online so i would love to do the job i will kick someone if i have to to if they get kicked 3 times i will banned then and if there banned 3 times ill IpBanned them all the mods are and all the owners are nice like Cyberwolf, Damen, Chucker321, Bob, i know im missing alot more but everyone is great and i love oldcp so it would be fun to be a mod Well thank you if your reading this Bye!!!!!!!!!!! My friends

31 posts
Posted in April Fools Day • 1st April 2014, 09:37 AM

Hey Everybody! Happy April Fool Day! This is DanceBear as you may all know. Today I wanna talk about April Fools day :).

April Fools is an informal holiday celebrated every year on April 1. It is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated in various countries as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other, called April fools.

As everyone may know, there are lots of pranksters on OldCP and we better watch out before were fooled! if you want to get somebody back, Go for it! its the day to shine with it :)

Enjoy this awesome day with the themed Party from 2008 and have a good morning !


31 posts
Posted in Knight Application. • 30th March 2014, 12:50 PM

Nice Job! really nice application

31 posts
Posted in Forum Tutorial • 17th March 2014, 04:19 PM

Welcome to the Forum!

If you are a new member, you will have all the information you need, here!

To start out, you might not know what a forum is.

*What is a forum?

~ A forum is sort of like a blog, but we can all make discussions and talk to each other about different topics, in a gathering. Awesome hit wwrong button XD

This is the forum to the Damenspike Games HQ. It is also connected to Oldcp, Penguin Isles, and other games made by Damen. We also like to discuss about Club Penguin and Minecraft. So you may see some of your friends on this forum!

Rules of the forum:

~ No spamming. (posting two times in a row in the same discussion is one example)

~ Do not double post. (posting the same thing more than once)

~ Do not make short, meaningless posts (for ex, posts less than 3 words)

~ Do not make hateful, negative posts

~ No foul language

~ No advertising for other websites on the forum

~ Do not use more than one account at once, you may make a new account but use only one of them

~ And don't forget- have fun! :)


(these are the ranks of your accounts so far organized lowest to highest rank)

~ Banned

~ Rookie ( everyone starts out as a rookie; you must earn higher titles)

~ Member

~ News Reporter

~ Master

~ Moderator

~ Administrator

Navigating the Forum:

* How do I see other discussions?

~ Too see other discussions that others have made, when you log in, simply click "Community Index" in the top left corner.

*How do i make my own discussion?

~ To make a discussion, go to the community index. Near the top left corner, there should be a little link that says "Create a Discussion". Click that, and from there you can make a discussion! :)

*Latest Updated moods

~ I also call this The Mood Columns. This is located to the right of your screen. Its almost like a mini posts.

*How do I update a mood?

~ On the top of the Mood list, click "Add Mood"

*Ho do I reply to a mood?

~To reply to a mood, click "Expand"

Then you will see a little box where you can type in and reply.

***You can also see them all by clicking "See all"***

Editing your profile:

*How do i edit my profile?

~ You can edit your profile by clicking your account name in the top right corner. Then, once you get to your profile, there will be buttons at the top. Just click "Edit my Profile"

* How can i make an account picture?

~ To make an account picture, simply search an image on the internet. (i prefer google)

Once you find the image you like, you right click on the picture and "Copy the image URL"

Then go to "Edit my profile", and paste it in the box that say, "Edit your photo". Click Save, and you are done! :D

(there are more things that you can edit with your profile, but these are the main changes)


~ Reputation is when someone likes or dislikes your posts on the forum. With each like, you get a rep point. To see your rep points, simply go to your profile page.

*How can i become a member?

~Once you make 50 posts, ask a Moderator to look at your posts to see if they are useful and meaningful posts. If they are, you can be bumped up to a Member!

Extra tips:

* Be kind to everyone

* If you need help,simply ask! Everyone will be glad to help you

* If you are still confused with the forum, just explore and play around with it :)

* Being active and a contributing poster will help you move up to higher ranks

Good luck and have fun!

Feel free to comment,


31 posts
Posted in Archie's Admin Application. • 17th March 2014, 04:11 PM

You will make the best admin besides damen I hope you get picked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31 posts
Posted in Archie's Admin Application. • 19th February 2014, 04:59 PM

i love love love it :)

31 posts
Posted in Archie's Admin Application. • 19th February 2014, 03:30 PM

I love love love your admin application :)

31 posts
Posted in OldCP Moderator Application! • 15th February 2014, 04:37 PM

so any one can post a application here

31 posts
Posted in OldCP Moderator Application! • 15th February 2014, 04:35 PM

nice application but why do you keep posting it ???????????????

31 posts
Posted in Becoming a Moderator • 5th February 2014, 02:37 PM

hey damen i want to apply for mod because i love help people out. my player name is Claire and im friends with theses mods: may23 key123 chelsey cyberwolf emily and sara.

thanks Claire,