iScript's Posts

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14 posts
Posted in Able to like or dislike moods • 6th February 2014, 12:23 PM

How about we can choose if we want people to be able to like and dislike?

14 posts
Posted in Moderator - OldCP • 5th February 2014, 12:06 PM

Great application, but you are not very well known on Oldcp. Hence the fact that your application was awesome, you have a good shot at earning moderator but I don't think many people will vote for you because you have just joined the community. No offense, I am just saying that not many people know you.
I know but it's worth a shot :P

14 posts
Posted in how to use commands (new) • 4th February 2014, 11:38 AM

Hye guys many of you dont know the commands. Here are a few

/cat (name here

/kill (name here)


/snailon -Makes you a snail(RSnail)

/snailoff - makes you penguin

both commands require relogin

/zingyon -Turns you into a zingy

/zingyoff -Turns you into a penguin

Both commands require relogin

/newcp (type) (item id) -Exmaple: /newcp head 1227 - gives you item from CP

/newcp - example: /Newcp head - gets rid of item from CP

/head (sugar,vader,sherlock,watson and much more)

/jr (room id) -Example: /jr 100 -Mkaes you join the RoomId (100 is town)

/join -Same as /jr

/whisper (username (message) -Sends private message

Moderator Commands

/ban (username) - Bans the user

/kick (username) -Kicks the user

/IPban (username) -blacklists the Ip, and wont let you acess the site

/title (whatvere you wnat to write)

/Reward (username) - This rewards a user for being good (Admin must grant this)

/global (message here) - Sends Global message that everyone see's

Admin Commands

/kickall -Kicks all users from the server

/banall - bans all users from the server

/reboot -Resets the server

/mod (username) -Makes user moderator

/admin (username) Makes moderator or user Admin (must be owner or co-owner)

Administrator has access to all commands

Nice this will help a new user, like me.

14 posts
Posted in My Administrator Application. • 4th February 2014, 11:31 AM

I wouldn't mind helping you with coding. :)

14 posts
Posted in Moderator - OldCP • 4th February 2014, 11:30 AM

Hello Reader,
Well I would like to apply for moderator. I probably have no chance but I will regret not trying so without further ado here is my application.
I would like to be a moderator because I think I have a good sense of judgement. I also have programming knowledge so I could help with matters concerning programming. I also don't mind stating what YOU feel you might feel as if staff are neglecting you. But I will help avoid by trying to get Damen to listen to YOU the user.
I do have experience with this position; have maintained it until the end. I am lenient, forgiving and understanding. But I do have a limit like everyone.

I think hearing what the players want can show that we don't make decisions without consulting you. You are the one which makes OldCP special. I want to also be one of those who makes OldCP special when we unite nothing is impossible.I have fun with games; I am sure others do to.
So I would try and do it as many as possible but I will have a limit.

I will try to not let emotions cloud my judgement because it can effect the outcome, resulting in a devastating mistake.

I have rules that I follow to help me make righteous decision:
- Impersonation is forbidden under all circumstances.
- Proof must be providing if you want to tell a moderator an issue.
- Unless we have witness and we confirm it is not you via "/issame".
- 4 chances before reporting to Damen the conflict.
- I love helping people with their problems, it is my nature.
- And the official OldCP Rules.

Damen please consider me.

Thank you for your time.

OldCP Username: iScript
My age is: 13
Skills: Coding, Helping,Judging the situation in the appropriate manner.

14 posts
Posted in Hello • 3rd February 2014, 05:21 PM

Why welcome to the forums! Very nice to meet you! If you ever need help, feel free to pm a mod, admin, or a helpful user!

You will love the forums! P.S. Read the rules post so you wont get banned! And you could read the tutorial! And you can press "Help" (all on the top bar)

Thanks for your kind words.

14 posts
Posted in Zingy the EDF Blob - Latest Addition to the dsgHQ • 3rd February 2014, 04:00 PM

When I was 13 I started making a game called Zingies, but my skills weren't good enough to complete the game!! :(

But now I want to come back to the Zingytastic world of Zingies lol brought to you by EDF ENERGY lol.

It's a funny little blob of orange poop

What do YO THINK

I seen this "little blob of orange poop", I think it was some light saving advert. I don't know.

14 posts
Posted in moderator • 3rd February 2014, 03:37 PM

i would like to be a moderator for club penguin so if anyone could help me with this please help
I would like to be a moderator for oldcp, so if anyone could help me with (my application?). Please help

14 posts
Posted in Hello • 3rd February 2014, 03:35 PM

Hello welcome to the Damen Spike HQ forums! If you need help with anything just ask. I will be glad to help. :) Here are some of the rules to help you not get banned:


1. Be nice, and helpful.

2. Bullying is not tolerated, and will result in a ban without a kick, or warning.

3. Respect all users staff especially.

4. Don't threaten anybody, or say you will hack someone.

5. Have fun! ^-^ Not really a rule, but what's the point if you don't have fun? XD

Hope you enjoy the forums. :)

Thanks, for the heart warming, welcome. :D

14 posts
Posted in Why I Want To Be A Mod PSLetLukeTo • 3rd February 2014, 03:34 PM

well im not the sharpest mod here but first of all luke showed me the reason i was mad at everyone becoming mod in the first place i wanted to become a mod to help stop bullying to stop hackers and to raise awarness about what place this place is PS plz let luke become a mod he was a great mod XD alot of You deserve being mod i just felt mad and angry well alot of penguins here bullied me duoble posted they say i didnt do it yet they dont even know they call me loser u never see me telling on the mods because to get ip banned isn't fun i will only ip ban -no one XD question yourself this why do u think damen never chose you for mod maybe hes testing u or he knows if u become one u might loose abuse of powers and become more miserable i for one dont really need to become a mod i just want to be special on oldcp i say u all be happy who u are i learned this the hard way i hope the other mods arent tearing your hearts apart but they all care for u plz understand.

Well, I’m not the sharpest mod here, but first of all Luke showed me the reason I was mad at everyone becoming mod in the first place. I wanted to become a mod to help stop bullying to stop hackers and to raise awareness about what place this place is. A lot of You deserve being mod I just felt mad and angry well a lot of penguins here bullied me double posted they say I didn’t do it yet they don’t even know they call me loser, you never see me telling on the moderators; to ipbanned (it isn't fun). -snip- Didn’t understand the rest...

14 posts
Posted in Hello • 3rd February 2014, 03:30 PM

Are you good at artwork and signature?

I would call myself decent. Here is chat bg I made:

14 posts
Posted in Forum Moderator App-Gamer • 3rd February 2014, 03:27 PM

Hello Administrators and other Moderators on the forum! My name is Gamer also known as Pingu17174 some of you may of heard of me and may be 1 of my friends anyway i would like to apply for a forum moderator position the reason why i would like to apply is because i can watch over the forum while some other moderators are afk. I am EST and id be happy to help out being in a responsable moderator position in the great. The One The Only! Damen Spike Games HQ!

Time Zone: EST

All About me If u must know: Gender: Male/Boy

Favorite Color: Light Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red, Orange

Favorite Food: Pizza! is more favorite

Favorite Sports: Football, Rugby, Basketball, Cricket, Netball, Jogging, Double Enders/also cricket,

Goals: Achieve Moderator: Ingame/Forums: Incomplete Get 162 Rep: Complete. Get 1000 Rep: Incomplete. Get 2000 Rep: Incomplete. Learn PHP: 23%. Learn JavaScript: 57%. Learn HTML: 25%. Learn To Code: 31% Learn to program: Gonna try learning how to soon!

OldCP Users: Pingu17174 Or Gamer.

I hope this helps you learn about me guys cya later! GoodBye!

There is something called auto spell check.


Hello Administrators and other Moderators on the forum! My name is Gamer also known as Pingu17174 some of you may of heard of me and may be 1 of my friends anyway I would like to apply for a forum moderator position the reason why I would like to apply is because I can watch over the forum while some other moderators are away from the keyboard. I am EST and I’d be happy to help out being in a responsible moderator position in the great. The One the Only! Damen Spike Games HQ!

Time Zone: EST

All about me if you must know: Gender: Male/Boy

Favourite Colour: Light Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red, Orange

Favourite Food: Pizza!

Favourite Sports: Football, Rugby, Basketball, Cricket, Netball, Jogging, Double Enders/also cricket,

Goals: Achieve Moderator: In game/Forums: Incomplete Get 162 Rep: Complete. Get 1000 Rep: Incomplete. Get 2000 Rep: Incomplete. Learn PHP: 0%. Learn JavaScript: 0%. Learn HTML: 0%. Learn To Code: 0% Learn to program: Going to try learning how to soon!

OldCP Users: Pingu17174 Or Gamer.

14 posts
Posted in Hello • 3rd February 2014, 03:22 PM

I am a new penguin/person/user.
Anyway my hobbies are:
>CPPS(I am not sure if this count as one)

I have knowledge of php and python. If you need help shoot me pm.

Erm.. I can't think of anything else so ask away will answer questions only for today.