32 posts
Posted in /jr rooms • 24th February 2014, 02:25 PM

... /jr sleigh and /jr penrock13 :) +1

32 posts
Posted in Damen Spike Movie TEASER TRAILER • 24th February 2014, 02:14 PM

wow, very nice! :)

32 posts
Posted in Thanks Raindrop <3 • 23rd February 2014, 07:25 AM

Congratz! :D I agree with Raindrop, you should be a mod! #ducling4mod :3

32 posts
Posted in Improved application~USB • 18th February 2014, 08:27 AM

Great application :3 +1

32 posts
Posted in Oldcp mod application~Little • 18th February 2014, 08:25 AM

Great application! I had fun reading!I'm sure administrators will choose you as moderator! Good luck :3

32 posts
Posted in Give Back Terry91 to be a Moderator • 17th February 2014, 06:31 AM

we want Terry back!
I think he was one of the best moderators of

32 posts
Posted in Dating in Public is not allowed. • 15th February 2014, 01:03 PM

Toby im talking about real dateing when you pass info! Not the role play date when you pretend to date.

Yes, but we can't stop teenagers play also because Damen, the creator of the game has 16 years.Just create a rule to not pass any personal information do not need drama.Of course you can date.But it has limits.

32 posts
Posted in Dating in Public is not allowed. • 14th February 2014, 01:53 PM

Well, I agree with you.The variation of etaria of the Oldcp users do vary generally from 7 to 17 years.So it is normal for the older penguins date, but not necessarily in public because they can cause bad influences children because most of the time happen things inappropriate.But kiss it's no big deal.

32 posts
Posted in My Girl best friends ~ Littlemix • 14th February 2014, 01:44 PM

YAAAAAAY I was the first ^ - ^ duck face buddiez foreva and eva ;3

32 posts
Posted in Survery: Eye color. • 9th February 2014, 11:06 AM

Hello everyone! I'm going to be doing a survey on eye color.

Question: What is the color of your eye?

1: Green- 2 (I have green too. Go green! XD)

2. Blue- 4.

3. Hazel- 2.

4. Brown- 10. (A lot of people have brown. That's not a bad thing though I think brown eyes are really pretty. ^-^)

5. Violet/Purple-

6. Mixture of colors- 5. (Go rainbow style! XD)

7. Other-

The reason I put purple was because there is a disease which makes your eyes purple. Other is if you have contacts that make your eyes different colors, and mixture of colors is if you have two differents colors, like blue-green eyes. Hope you enjoy my post. Hope you have a fantastic day, and stay positive. ^-^ :)

My eyes are green too :3

32 posts
Posted in Moderator • 9th February 2014, 09:08 AM

Woah! That was great! I loved your application! +1

thank very much Moshi :D. I'm very happy you liked it! :3

32 posts
Posted in Moderator • 9th February 2014, 08:38 AM

Nice post, I hope Admins chose you to a Moderator. Good Luck! ;)

I'm flattered.Thank you so much Terry :D

32 posts
Posted in Littlemix • 6th February 2014, 04:17 PM

Yolo everyone! PoliceBob here!

You should all know littlemix! She is a great person, with a kind heart. This is my face when I see her being so kind and nice to people

I mean, I've never seen anybody like that...she make people smile, she helps people.

I would hat to see her leave, so just before I stop talking


She would make a great moderator

Thank you Littlemix



32 posts
Posted in 2,000 posts! • 6th February 2014, 03:57 PM

Hello, yes the title reads correctly this is my 2,000th post on the forums. I am very happy because I know I worked hard on all my posts upcoming this one. I am proud of myself and of course you users that push me forward. I am proud of the rise of this community and I am proud of Damen for putting in hard work and hours so we have a safe community with games,chats, and other well known things around here. So, shall I begin with a few thanks you's and end with a few words.I believe we shall lets begin.

Joining in September was new for me new forums new virtual world the forums brought many things to be such as being able to blog and write posts. Not to mention I could speak to friends on here by PM that was a fast and easy way to contact with people. I remember my first post and my first message sent out. I remember posting short comments at the beginning yet I grown into showing my natural ability to post freely and wisely. I remember sending a message to Damen back in the day it was an application it wasn't good but I grown from that long ago I still remember how Damen replied and with shock it wasn't bad! Yet again I was scared because I was new and I thought Damen was some beloved role model yet again I thought he would never reply but he did and I enjoyed the reply he gave me and that made me want to work harder and better. Cyberwolf was a great guy I messaged him a few times and his advice truly did help and I must say Cyberwolf isn't as mean as many of you think I seen many users scared of cyber when honestly Cyberwolf is a great guy and of course role model and he does not get much credit for his good deeds but trust me he is a wonderful,funny,amusing, and he is a troll :3 yet he is grand. I also recall talking with the staff members back in the day and all of them treated me with much respect the first moderator to contact me was brndav he was sweet and kind quite funny as well. So I grew use to the forums and I worked harder everyday towards many goals.. You guys should as well work towards a few well known goals.

My time on the forums- My time on the forums went fast because I was a member in no time later on a master then a moderator boy that went so fats I was so proud of myself becoming moderator because I knew I almost made it all the way my next course is to become a forum moderator maybe even in game those two things are my next courses to get through and trust me I have the guts to do it many of you guys do :)

Thank you- Well, I would love to thanks the users of the forums and the staff because every single one of you are amazing young soles that are truly funny and grand to hang with. I enjoy seeing the growth many of you show during your posts heck I have grown here as well all of us has some point in this community so thanks guys :) and of course the ladies ;).

What does earning 2,000 posts mean to me?- Well this means I have been growing older and better and it means I am almost mature to say if the culture does not work then don't buy it. I am excited for earning 2,000 posts and knowing I put thought and effort into them nothing is better then that honestly :) so I am very happy.

Now to end this I would like to say to every user on here work hard nap hard that's is what I always say jack ;) the moral of all this is to make you want to push forward to making goals and working hard everyone can do it just believe in your self!

~Love, Sadie :)

Wow, congratulations! You did an excellent job! I only have one post so far:P patience is a virtue XD

32 posts
Posted in Moderator • 6th February 2014, 03:23 PM

This is quite good honestly nice work indeed I enjoy how you made it interesting for the readers.

thank you so much Sadie :D