21 posts
Posted in IMPORTANT - SWIRLIE • 19th July 2015, 09:48 AM

So I CAN'T get into my FORUMS account, BlueLights (my registered name). I've tried the password 10 times and I still can't get in, but I can't PM an admin because I'm not a member on here. I will invite an admin to read this and whichever one I invite I ask you to PM me (cause I can't pm) and I will reply the password I want it changed to.


21 posts
Posted in Part 2: Armies Is it Over and Nathan • 2nd July 2015, 12:18 PM

Great video. I enjoyed it very much

Can't wait to see more from you.

21 posts
Posted in Why do you guys get mad at me • 2nd July 2015, 11:52 AM

Sherlock, I don't hate you. You're a great person here and I love you as a friend.


P.S - this is my backup.

21 posts
Posted in I might not quit.. • 26th April 2014, 12:26 PM

Hey guys, I'm going to be on From here to May! :)

21 posts
Posted in I might not quit.. • 23rd April 2014, 06:43 PM

Hello, Caley here.
Hi, Just wanted to say that I may not quit......Theres a %30 chance I might come back!

21 posts
Posted in Quitting • 20th April 2014, 12:16 PM

To all:
I'm just reading my replies okay, I just need to quit, there is a 20% chance I may come back.
Your Nerdy Friend,

21 posts
Posted in Quitting • 19th April 2014, 12:11 AM

As you know that I am Caley on oldcp. I've heard oldcp has shut down...sorry to the people who are sad. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I am quitting. I am quitting forums and Wonder why? Well, The happy news is that I've got a Medirator position on It's a CPPS. It's lower than moderator. Then a few minutes later, someone decided to make me a higher rank. I became moderator after that. I get a ton of votes for owner, but one of the owners of the CPPS is saying I'm pretty close to getting Administraitor. To all of my friends and family that play this, I'm sorry. I can't play oldcp and be a Moderator at the same time. If I want to be a higher rank, I have to be active every single day. Plus I have a ton of work to do, I am very famous on that CPPS. And schoolwork. I can't play with all of the homework and schoolwork in my way! If you wanna join the CPPS, then feel free to do so! The link is: My username is God. Don't be afraid to stop by and say hi! You can ask me questions, I will answer. But sadly, I can't give you a higher rank. The older you get on the CPPS, the more you'll know about it. So thats mostly why I am quitting.

~Caley AKA God

21 posts
Posted in SpongeBobSongs: Patrick's Song • 3rd April 2014, 06:04 PM

Twinkle Twinkle Patrick Star I made myself a sandwich My mommy named it Fred It tastes like beans and bacon And smells like its been dead Writing stuff is hard So i use a pointy pencil pointy, pointy, pointy, Pointy Pointy Point P-u what's that horrible smell I have a head It ends in a point Pointy pointy pointy Pointy pointy point This song is over Except for this line You win this round Brocolli

21 posts
Posted in SongeBobSongs: Gary Come Home • 3rd April 2014, 05:58 PM

Gary now I know i was wrong i mest up and now youre gone

Gary i'm sorry I negleted you oh i never expected you to
run away and leave me feeling disinty youre my miow right
now with sound like music to me please come home cause
I miss you Gary

(Gary come Home)
Gary come Home
(Gary come Home)

Gary can't you see I was blin I'll do anything to change
your mine
more than a pet youre my best friend too cool to forget
come back cause we are family and forgive me and for
making you wanna romm
and now my heart is beating like the sadest mashdemromm
somewhere I hope youre reading my latest three word poem
Gary come home
(Gary come Home)
Gary come home
(Gary come home)
Gary come Home
(Gary come home)
Gary come Home
(Gary come home)

Gary come home
Gary come home
Gary why should't come home
Lyrics taken from <a href="">PhoneLyrics</a>

21 posts
Posted in SpongeBobSongs: SongFromWormy • 3rd April 2014, 04:26 PM

Thanks for reading guys, I will make more soon.

Feel free to leave a comment!

21 posts
Posted in SpongeBobSongs: Ripped Pants • 3rd April 2014, 06:54 AM

I already did that one, you can find it Here!

21 posts
Posted in SpongeBobSongs: Ripped Pants • 2nd April 2014, 08:24 PM

I will. I'm doing that tommorow, then starting a funny version of Krusty Krab Pizza

21 posts
Posted in SpongeBobSongs: SongFromWormy • 2nd April 2014, 08:19 PM

A friend is a friend
'Til the end of the end,
That's forever and a day.
Stay by your side,
Won't hear me say goodbye,
Come what may,
'Cause that's
What friends do.
'Cause that's
What friends do.
'Cause that's
What friends do.
'Cause that's
What friends do

21 posts
Posted in SpongeBobSongs: Ripped Pants • 2nd April 2014, 08:13 PM


I thought that I had everybody on my side,
But I went and blew it,
all sky high
and now she won't even spare a passing glance
all just because I [rip] ripped my pants.
(Whole band singing)
When big Larry came 'round just to put him down
Spongebob turned into a clown
and no girl ever wants to dance
with a fool who went and [rip] ripped his pants
(Spongebob singing)
I know I shouldn't mope around,
I shouldn't curse
but the pain feels so much worse
Cause windin' up with no one is a lot less fun
then a burn from the sun
or sand in your buns....

Now I learned a lesson I won't soon forget
so listen and you won't regret
be true to yourself
don't miss your chance
and you won't end up like the fool...who...ripped...his..PAAANTS
(Sandy: Spongebob!)
(Spongebob: Sandy!)
(Sandy: Your song is true! If y'all want to be my friend, just be yourself)
(Larry: Spongebob that was so righteous. Would you.. sign my pants?)
(Spongebob: Absolutely buddy!) {rip}

21 posts
Posted in SpongeBobSongs:BestDayEver • 2nd April 2014, 08:09 PM

Mr. Sun came up and he smiled at me.
Said it's gonna be a good one just wait and see.
Jumped out of bed and I ran outside, feeling so extra-ecstatic-fied.

It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)
It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)

I'm so busy got nothing to do,
Spent the last two hours just tieing my shoe.
Every flower, every grain of sand, is reaching out to shake my hand.

It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)
It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)

Sometimes the little things start closing in on me,
When I'm feeling down, I wanna lose that frown
I stick my head out the window and I look around.

Those clouds don't scare me they can't disguise,
This magic that's happening right before my eyes.
Soon Mr.Moon will be shining bright,
So the best day ever can last all night.
Yeah the best day ever's gonna last all night now.

It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)
It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)
It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)
It's the best day ever! (Best day ever)
(Best day ever)
(Best day ever)