84 posts
Posted in The Community Has Changed. • 1st March 2019, 05:09 PM

I totally get this, I played most during like 2014-2016 and whenever I've tried to come back it's been extremely hard because it's such a different community now than it was then. I just wanna get involved but it's gotten so hard!

84 posts
Posted in Moderator App ~Queenblue • 15th August 2015, 02:36 PM

Great application! I've been here for 2-3 years as well, and I think that's more than enough expirence.

84 posts
Posted in 3D Effects in MS Paint • 15th August 2015, 01:42 PM

I love doing this on my phone with photo, thanks for the tutorial! +1

84 posts
Posted in Thoughts With Duckling #1 • 14th August 2015, 02:45 AM

Allie wrote on 14th August 2015 01:50 AM:
Duckling said on 14th August 2015 01:38 AM:
Cristal said on 14th August 2015 12:52 AM:
Duckling said on 14th August 2015 12:37 AM:
Allie said on 13th August 2015 11:50 PM:
I read this whole entire thing, and I agree with all of it! Like perfectly, you saw into my mind and wrote what I was thinking!

Hah, that's what I was going for! I honestly don't like new cp whatsoever.

I know me too I hate it, I also hate how they bring back the SAME thing over and over again. But they are bringing rare stuff now I took a little visit, I also hate how everything is for member its really stupid. Great post!

Honestly, everything you click says "sorry you need to be a member". You literally can't do anything unless you pay anymore, and I remember when non members got nearly equal treatment!

I know right! I remember when I ended my membership (I got a free trial) and when it ended I couldn't access the items I had BOUGHT with gold!!

I hate it! Lucky for me I actually have lots of free items that I don't remember getting, so I look decent, but I hate not being able to wear the items I have.

84 posts
Posted in Thoughts With Duckling #1 • 14th August 2015, 01:38 AM

Cristal wrote on 14th August 2015 12:52 AM:
Duckling said on 14th August 2015 12:37 AM:
Allie said on 13th August 2015 11:50 PM:
I read this whole entire thing, and I agree with all of it! Like perfectly, you saw into my mind and wrote what I was thinking!

Hah, that's what I was going for! I honestly don't like new cp whatsoever.

I know me too I hate it, I also hate how they bring back the SAME thing over and over again. But they are bringing rare stuff now I took a little visit, I also hate how everything is for member its really stupid. Great post!

Honestly, everything you click says "sorry you need to be a member". You literally can't do anything unless you pay anymore, and I remember when non members got nearly equal treatment!

84 posts
Posted in Thoughts With Duckling #1 • 14th August 2015, 01:37 AM

MidNightBlue wrote on 14th August 2015 01:28 AM:
I agree with you.. I think the style on newcp is like wut.. Also i did make me kinda sad how they added the rare items back. i was looking like a few days ago and im like "wha!?! But but this is so rare!! :l"

I know right that's what makes me so angry! I just logged on on my dads iPad to see how they literally brought back so many rare items, and then new ones and you can see the difference! What a shame.. D:

84 posts
Posted in Thoughts With Duckling #1 • 14th August 2015, 12:37 AM

Allie wrote on 13th August 2015 11:50 PM:
I read this whole entire thing, and I agree with all of it! Like perfectly, you saw into my mind and wrote what I was thinking!

Hah, that's what I was going for! I honestly don't like new cp whatsoever. :(

84 posts
Posted in Thoughts With Duckling #1 • 13th August 2015, 10:47 PM

*This is my opinion and this was not made to insult or offend anyone in anyway, and I am open to anyone's thoughts even if they're different*

Hello everyone! My name is Duckling, and this is my new show: Thoughts with Duckling! Today's topic is:

Ducklings thoughts on New CP.

Okay, so we're all here, playing on this wonderful website for a reason. And one of the most popular reasons is because Disney basically ruined our known club penguin, took away our "Old CP". That's why I'm here, I'm not sure about you. But now I'm going to list the specific reasons why New Club penguin is honestly no more fun:

-Pookies took over. In my opinion, Pookies really don't bother me. But there's just so many exaggerated sentences coming from these yellow, normal sized penguins that it can make some of us go insane. Now, I haven't been on the website in a while. But honestly, does there really have to be five million Pookies asking for moms in the town? It's getting out of hand.

-The clothing is getting repeated and re colored, and the new items seem all plasticky and oddly colored. Old club penguins clothing items were the perfect mix of modern and fancy, coming from plain black hoodies to rubber duckies. But I think we can all agree that something about these items just scream home and childhood. Though I am technically in my childhood still, When these objects come into mind it makes butterflies grow in my stomach and memories return. The new items are too shiny, pink, or just something you wouldn't see everyday - the opposite of normal. If you weren't there for the beginning of club penguin, then your clothing might not be as modern as you'd want. Did I really but a membership for this?

-Repeating rare items is one of my pet peeves as well. Because I was young when I began, I know what the rare items are. And when they repeat a signature item from so long ago, it literally takes away that title of rare. I have always wanted the tiara, and when I found out it was coming back, I was excited - who wouldn't be? But then I noticed how rare it was, and now people who just joined would be able to get it. I don't want to say they don't deserve the item, but that particular object was something that only a group of members got from being on the game at that time, and it's rare factor just went down. A lot.

-taking away parties is also something I dislike. When the took away the fall fair, it bothered me to no end. That fair defined club penguin for me, from the games to the prizes, all so new and original. It was something I looked forward to as if it was Christmas. And like many of the other original parties, Disney took it away and replaced it with something from their brand. They took shows and movies like shake it up and frozen and replaced our beloved parties for overused shows like that? It's horrible to even think of.

In my opinion, the experience was completely ruined. From the people to the brand, everything seems plastic and reused with no new originality. But, then again, without that, I wouldn't be here playing this game, and for that - I'm grateful.

(What do you guys think of this? I want to do more random topics to compare with your help, so request something below and leave your comments on the subject! Please leave some things to talk about, like shows or games!)

84 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 30th July 2014, 12:05 PM


84 posts
Posted in Bullies • 29th July 2014, 11:32 AM

This really helped me. +1
I'm glad c:

84 posts
Posted in Bullies • 28th July 2014, 10:30 AM

I know, such a normal topic. Actually, not really. the reason why I chose this topic was because of the finalists. They all either talked about bullying and protecting the island. that made me really want to speak. Some of the people speaking might've never been bullied, but the people who do have more of the way to explain why. Well, here's my way.
My bullying story isn't terrible. I didn't cry or want to kill myself because I don't let things get to me. If you ever think about these things, don't. You're all beautiful on the inside and out, and the reason they bully you is because they're JEALOUS. absolutely jealous. Don't copy their clothes because everyone wears it, do it because it would look go on you. Block them out and tell your friends. The problem with mine is that they didn't believe me til it happened to them. If anything, tell your parents if it's that serious. My bullying was by who I thought was my best friend. In fifth grade, (let's call her Emma) Emma would never stop sitting next to be. I guess she wanted to be my friend so badly that she turned on me. Me and my two friends made plans to share a cooler for the fifth grade party. When she found out, she asked to join. But she couldn't, because we already packed. I promised I would share a blanket with her, but that wasn't enough. The day of the party, my teacher walked up to me and told me how mean it was to leave her out and how her mom called. What!? I even offered to share my blanket! But obviously, she had to ruin my party. The rest of the day, I wouldn't speak, and covered my eyes with glasses in case I wanted to cry.
The second story is this year. Sixth grade. Let's call the bully Kayla and her friend Annie. Now Annie was my friend. At the begining of the year, she didn't know Kayla and that's before she was a bully. Kayla always said that Annie was a weirdo, and she was my friend. But she talked to Kayla, and turned her back on me. Now whenever I see her, she tells me im annoying and to shut up. Luckily, I have a friend who helps me, and talk back. She would always tell her to stop being rude.
Overall, I just wanted to tell you why we need to stop the bullying. Oldcp is a place where people escape the bullying and hard times, not a place to get bullied more. If you are bullied, and even if you're not, you're amazing. You're all beautiful on the inside and out, don't let anyone fell you different. I hope you have an amazing day, and an amazing life in general.

84 posts
Posted in Mod App - Zeternal - OldCP • 27th July 2014, 12:36 PM

AWESOMEZ! Mod worthy! 50+

84 posts
Posted in In-Game Moderator Application • 27th July 2014, 12:12 PM

Great app! its well detailed and what do i say...

+1! :) I hope u get mod :D Cuz i think u really deserve it.
Aww thanks soo much!

84 posts
Posted in In-Game Moderator Application • 27th July 2014, 11:51 AM

Wow! Great Application Brooke! +1 from me! Hope u become a Mod


Thank you very much, Vanz! :D

84 posts
Posted in Outfits! • 27th July 2014, 08:53 AM

Hello everyone! Today, Im going to create a quite short review of the new Outfit option in OldCP!
I would just like to start off by saying that this idea is going to be/already is a very helpful idea. Now I wont have to take five minutes to simply change my outfit! I noticed that another CPPS did this, but im not sure which one.

How To Use Outfits!
Step 1. come up with a unique and unused name for your outfit!
Step 2. Say /save (unique name that you made up)
Step 3. To test it, change one clothing item and say your outfit.

Example - /outfit duck

I hope this helped you out!