100 posts
Posted in The Hawks Are Back! • 8th October 2014, 07:32 PM

Sir whats the uniform orange shell?

100 posts
Posted in Team Pixel (info) • 8th October 2014, 05:41 PM

Team Pixel Info ect.
Welcome to the Team Pixel Info and main post. I hope this team may compete in more Comps only if this team is successful. And this is way you come in! I need your help to bring this team to victory but I need teammates. Below I will add more detail to this so keep reading
Snaildom Name:
Forums Name:
Age: (If you want)
Owner: ChocoGaming/ChocoCow
Co Owner: Available (must be a good app)
Helper: Available
Normal Member: 15 normal members

100 posts
Posted in Jail For Snaildom! • 7th October 2014, 09:54 PM

Hopefully the jail is made out of salt >:) so evil!

100 posts
Posted in S.W Application -ChocoGaming • 5th October 2014, 04:37 PM

ChocoGaming's SW Application
Hello ChocoCow here A.K.A ChocoGaming today I will be making my Snail Watch Application. Hopefully you like it and enjoy :)
Things You Should Know
Age: 14
Time on DSGHQ: 7 months
SnailDom Username: ChocoGaming
Forum Username: ChocoGaming
Goes by: Choco
Country: Currently Living in: United States of America
Born on: October 18 1999
Born in: Canada
Time I play on Snaildom: I play 2 hours then I take a break then play another 2 hours (need to stay social)
Gender: Male
Past Ranks
Rookie, Member, in detective academy, was gonna be Banker but was gone for 2 days and lost my spot
Why I think I deserve this rank
I feel as if I deserve this rank because I feel as if I have been on the DSGHQ long enough that I deserve a rank. I also feel as if I deserve this rank because I wanna make Snaildom a fun game for kids to enjoy and make new friends just like the Snaildom description says.
My experience with watching others and helping others is pretty high as I enjoy making communities better places. I would also report any user being rude/disrespectful to a staff member even if they are my friend.
Will I betray the brothers of the watch?
No I will not betray or release classified info of the watch.I will also not release the identities of the users in the SW
How much this rank means to me
This rank would mean a lot to me as it is my first step to getting Master. I can also prove that I am trusted by the DSGHQ to get a rank.
Hopefully you enjoy my Snail Watch application if you have any suggestions leave it down below bye! :)

100 posts
Posted in Snaildom mod app! • 5th October 2014, 03:24 PM

Add more detail

100 posts
Posted in Faction Creating and Quest. • 5th October 2014, 12:32 PM

Dude why steal my profile pic I worked hard on that

100 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 5th October 2014, 01:35 AM

+10000 users >.> idk if I should believe you or not

100 posts
Posted in Lying. • 4th October 2014, 01:23 AM

Guys! She is saying that she wants ppl to stop not trying to ban someone!

100 posts
Posted in Little - Choc :D • 4th October 2014, 01:16 AM

:O I disliked I'm so sorry ;(

100 posts
Posted in Detectives Training Academy • 3rd October 2014, 04:50 PM

OldCP Name: VanillCow
Previous ranks, current ranks: Rookie Member close to being Banker but was gone for 2 days
On a scale of 1-10 rate yourself at crime solving (Be honest!) 7-8 In 8th grade I was considered the school detective/agent
Do you want to sign up, and learn the ways of the detectives? yes, I would love to learn the ways of the Detective so I can be experienced.

Why do you want to join the a Detective Academy?

I would want to join the academy to learn the ways of the detective. I would also like to join for the fun experience and making new friends. It would also be useful if I would want to apply to be a detective as I can have proof that I have had experience.


100 posts
Posted in Snaildom names ~ Little • 28th September 2014, 07:22 PM

Mine is Pixel -ChocoCow The Chocolate King

100 posts
Posted in SnailDom Theory's • 28th September 2014, 01:42 PM

As you may or may not know Snaildom the kingdom of snails shall be coming out in the upcoming days or even weeks. I will be posting my thoughts theory's and conclusions in this post. Hopefully you enjoy and... Moo on


Here I think may be part of the forest but as you may see there is a house which may or may not be the towns area. That house might also be considered the house of a snail since it makes since for a snail to live in a forest right. But as I was saying this could be a forest with all the trees and rocks but there is another thing that interests me in this first photo. That target area that target area could mean the snow forts right cause you know there is a target area in Clubpenguin in which you through snowballs.

Here we have another picture of the so called forest but this picture is a little less detailed then the other picture but I think the so called "forest" has multiple parts as shown at the last picture the two pictures look pretty similar as they both have trees and rocks but this picture does show has the chat bar will look like. The chat bar will be sea foam green with a say button in case your enter button is broken. We also see Damen's snail and Kingslayers snail.

My conclusion for these two pictures are they both are connected in some sort of way.


Here we have my final photo and this picture may show the library/book room
I think this room will have the Book of Snaildom which Damen held the competition for. I also think this room will hold wisdom of the history of the Dsghq. This picture also shows a banner of which is the Dsghq symbol. This picture also shows a snail wearing some clothes which you may be able to buy at the Clothes Store (if released)

My conclusion: I believe this is where the Wisdom and Stories of the dsghq will be held.

That has been my snaildom Theorys Thoughts and Conclusions I will be releasing more of these if more info is released and... moo on!

100 posts
Posted in Snaildom Beta Sign Ups • 27th September 2014, 09:37 PM

Irl: James
Oldcp: ChocoCow
Snaildom: Pixel

Irl: 14
DsgHq: 5 months


I have tested multiple servers as to Mc to new games.

History of ranks

I was gonna be a Banker but I was gone for 1-2 days I lost my spot.

DsgHq Games

Snail drop


Falling Toblerone

Do you understand the empire?

Yes the empire is the DsgHq kingdom such as Damen as emperor and Archie as prince.

Do you know what emperor helper is?

Yes a emperor helper can watch over the server while Damen is coding/unavailable at the time.

Do you know what Knights,Dets and the Pw are

Yes knights protect the DsgHq from harm such as Scarlet Iceghosts ect.

Dets solve mysteries such as if a penguin is dead it is there job to solve it.

Pw are mods are in disguise they are undercover mods watching over the penguins.

Do you know what treason is?

Yes treason is a sort of punishment used if a person is bad. Ex Betraying the DsgHq kingdom.

Do you know who the the royal host are?

Damen Chelsey and PenguinDsc

Do you know what the world champions are?

Yes, the world champions are like winning the Damen Cup (soccer game)

Do you what game of mods are for?

Game of mods is a series of tasks and stages of which users compete to win the prize of moderator.

Do you know who the royal heirs are?


Do you know what the DsgHq media is?

yes the DsgHq media is like the radio or the DsgHq hq tv such as a episode of Discover Newcp or Random Newz

That is my app for the Snaildom beta testing hope you enjoy and.... moo on!

100 posts
Posted in Minecraft - HMHS Britannic! • 2nd September 2014, 01:24 AM

Dude those are nice builds as BAKON said I can't build that in year! My username on Mc is VanillCow (ChocoCow was taken sadly) if you would like to meet up just Pm me a server and a time and I'll be sure to get on as soon as possible! :D