100 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 26th July 2014, 01:22 PM

You can just edit the post no worries :) -Choco

100 posts
Posted in ♥Marriage Info!♥ • 23rd July 2014, 06:34 PM

You're Invited!

Welcome to the Marriage of I and my lucky lady Skippy! Down below we will have info such as when is it ect.
7/24/14 4:00 EST at the Dojo
Lucky Man and Lady
ChocoCow and my lucky lady Skippy!
After Party Info
The after party will be after the wedding at the Coffee Shop!
The Helpers such as Best Man and Brides Maid
My Choice (ChocoCow)
Best Man: OPEN
Best Man: OPEN
Best Man: OPEN
My Lucky Lady's Choice (Skippyy)
Bridesmaid: Angi
Bridesmaid: OPEN
Bridesmaid: OPEN
Bridesmaid: OPEN
Bridesmaid: OPEN
Me and and Skippy's choice!
Chef: OPEN
Priest: PenguinDSC
Waiter: OPEN
Ring Bear: Polarmanax
That has been all the info I can think of right now I shall be talking to my Love Skippy to see if she would like anything added!

100 posts
Posted in Team Nerds • 19th July 2014, 07:26 PM

Omg yes! I heard things about this team now I finally get to see them in action hope this team gets enough members to compete! Good luck! :D -Choco FH Co-leader

100 posts
Posted in Detective Application • 19th July 2014, 02:07 PM

I think there full sorry D:

100 posts
Posted in i am a fool • 18th July 2014, 07:43 PM

Omg I accidentally disliked i truly am sorry! :(

100 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 17th July 2014, 03:26 PM

You need to add more detail the more detail the more the staff have to hire you -Choco

100 posts
Posted in Detective App (ChocoCow) • 17th July 2014, 03:22 PM

Very nice application Chococow! 1+ If Damen doesn't read this I would freak! :)]

Thank you very much I appreciate it!
Very good work. I love the details. I hope you become detective!
Shoot for the stars, Coffeecutie]

I will do my best!

100 posts
Posted in Cyber And Others Plz Read • 16th July 2014, 07:32 PM

Yeah same with me I have a long way to go and there is a lot of twists and turns on the path i'm walking on

100 posts
Posted in ~NEW FH LEADER CHOSEN~ • 15th July 2014, 03:24 PM

Yes sir Once a Freehawk Always a Freehawk!

100 posts
Posted in Deleting Outfits • 14th July 2014, 09:34 PM

Why i'm suggesting this

I believe that you should be able to delete a outfit you created as cause sometimes you wanna add on to a outfit but you can not do so since you can't delete outfits to customize it more or delete a useless outfit you created and if you were able to delete a outfit they would have more room for names as such useless outfits that don't be used should be able to be deleted so the users can use that name for there outfit since the other one with that name would be unused/useless and some ppl may create inappropriate outfits and we can't delete it due to this. Another reason to add this is that what if some bomb spams outfit such as creating a ton of outfits using the same clothes.

That has been my reasons to add this if you have any suggestions leave your suggestions and ideas below and I might add. -ChocoCow

100 posts
Posted in Worst day of my life! • 14th July 2014, 09:08 PM

Back from my appointments i'm getting on right now! :D

100 posts
Posted in Mod application! • 13th July 2014, 03:40 PM

Great app hope you get mod Skippy4Mod

100 posts
Posted in Detective App (ChocoCow) • 12th July 2014, 06:19 PM

Hello my name is ChocoCow, Today I will be applying for the rank Detective!

Some of you may be new to Oldcp and the DamenSpike Community so I will be explaining what the rank is and how important it is the the community!

What is a Detective?

A detective is self explanatory but the job of a Detective is to track down Iceghosts ForestBoys BlackHawks and other alliances on Oldcp they will track them down make them talk why they have visited the island and whats there business if they don't talk they may shoot them..
Lets start with the application!
About Me!

Age: 14

Name: James

How long have I been in the community: Yesterday I have completed 4 months in the community!


Yesterday I was given a task by Bp28 to report to him if I see any Iceghosts I managed to track down 7 Iceghosts on the island. I also helped to track down Cheep as she was kidnapped and couldn't escape, we managed to find the right jr room but we couldn't get in,, she managed to escape luckily. I will be on the lookout for more Iceghosts!

Why I want this Job

I would like this job so I can have a much bigger responsibility to protect our fellow users and island.I also want it so I can get out more to community.

Would I abuse my powers and responsibility's

No I would not abuse my powers in any sort of way or form as I should protect the island and not ruin it.

Am I Mature Enough

Yes I am mature for my age.

How Often Would I Be

I would be as often as possible as I do not have any plans any time soon, so I will be on about 85% of the day!

How would I feel if I got Promoted/Demoted

I would feel proud of myself as i have accomplished a new goal and I have a chance to help out in the community. If i got demoted I would not freak out/ or be disappointed, I would just continue on my daily bases on the DamenSpike Community.

Would I resign/ or Quit the Job

No I would no quit as that is showing I do not wanna help the community and protect it.

Final Paragraph

That has been my Detective app if you have any suggestions on what I should add on the application leave it down below, That has been my Detective Application thanks for reading and have a nice day!



100 posts
Posted in Castaway Stories Chapter 1 • 11th July 2014, 05:18 PM

Castaway Stories
Chapter 1: Shipwrecked
It was the night of 7/10/14 the S.S Mark Away was shipwrecked 3 girls and 1 boy were the only survivors. They swam to the island nearby Jack said: So what do we do now: Angelina Said: We look for food Michelle get shelters up Jack look around the island and i'll get food.

Will they get there materials for survival or will they perish on a island unknown to man?
Stay tuned for Chapter 2

100 posts
Posted in The Bear News #6 • 9th July 2014, 03:47 PM

Oh nu uh Germany gonna kick some Netherlands/ or Argentina buttay Germany FTW!