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Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Top 10 Shows • 13th August 2015, 10:35 AM

nyebbelnop wrote on 13th August 2015 05:40 AM:
Hello, this is Nyebbelnop I haven't been here for a while so I decided to at least make another discussion. This contains a countdown of my favorite shows. This is based on my opinion. Let's start.
Number 10: Oggy and the Cockroaches
This show is about a cat named Oggy and three cockroaches named Joey, Dee Dee and Marky. This is a great comedy but although, this is a great comedy, it's still number ten because I think they're trying too hard to make us laugh.
Number 09: Regular Show
Crazy fun! Every episode has craziness and action! I love this show. But I don't watch it as much as I watch the shows will be mentioned later in the countdown. The characters are Mordecai, Rigby, Benson, Pops, Muscle Man, Skips and Thomas. (new character) That is why this irregular show is number nine
Number 08: The Amazing World of Gumball
This show is full of excitement! Especially seasons 2 and 3! There are so many, MANY characters here. But even if the episodes of this show are insane and full of excitement, it's number eight because of the theme song. I like but I don't really like it. It has no lyrics and it's not really catchy.
Number 07: The Fairly Odd Parents
I really like this show and the theme song. It's a bit catchy! And especially the part where Cosmo and Wanda grant Timmy Turner more than three wishes. (or at least three wishes each day) I guess that's only for magic lamps.
Number 06: Camp Lakebottom
Filled with weird and unusual stuff! And I can't believe that the trio actually got used to the extremely gross and extremely spicy foods that Rosebud make. And these kind of shows are rarely made!
Number 05: Tom and Jerry
This show always makes me laugh. (except for the series finale where the duo commit suicide) This is the best cat and mouse comedy show I've ever watched! With some supporting characters like Spike, his son and some people. (sometimes, their faces aren't shown)
Number 04: Courage the Cowardly Dog
Just like Regular Show, the title is the complete opposite of what usually happens in the show. Courage is really brave. After all his adventures with his owner, Murial and her husband, Ustace, he shouldn't be called a cowardly dog.
Number 03: Gravity Falls
I love this show because shows with a twin brother and sister are rarely created. The twins are even based on the director, Alex and his twin sister Ariel Hirsch.
Number 02: Adventure Time
Even MORE characters than Regular Show! And Finn is the only human. (not really) With his shapeshifting dog, Jake, they always win battles! (also, not really)
Before we reach my most beloved show, here are some honorable mentions: The Thundermans, Spongebob Squarepants, Sam and Cat and Ricky, Nicky, Dicky and Dawn
And now for my most beloved show ever... Number 01: PHINEAS AND FERB
I REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW! I mean, a couple of young boys making huge inventions!? You've got to be kidding me! And a really catchy theme song, the Phinabella couple and the amount of characters? This show has almost EVERYTHING!
That's all for today. You wanna tell me your favorite shows? Reply to me! Ok, goodbye!

I love Gravity falls and The amazing world of gumball But my number one would have to Star VS The forces of evil! <3 That show! If you haven't seen it check it out its on Disney XD


(Old Singer)

Many of you might not reamber me but ill never change <3

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Things that happen on xat • 13th August 2015, 10:31 AM

sammeh wrote on 12th August 2015 10:28 PM:
So the past few days, before the bot was fixed on xat, people broke rules when mods weren't online. They cussed, advertised, spammed, etc. I feel like since this had happened, we should have mods on xat that are online in the morning and late night too when mods aren't online much. What do you think?


I agree with you Sam! +1


(Old Singer)

Many of you might not reamber me but I will never change <3

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Leaving ~Mils • 12th August 2015, 10:58 AM

Bye Mils I will miss you! You where a great person and made great posts!
Make sure to visit!

<3 Maddie

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Please Read This is Important! • 30th July 2015, 08:27 AM

I'm sorry if I put this in the wrong Category <3.

Hi. Foxyguy is being mean and telling everyone to shut up and being rude to penguins. Can someone please tell her to stop when ever I do it shes like You cant Shh me and then she is being SUPER rude to me about my outfit :(. And she is saying no body can ban me cuz im SOOO BADASS

Plz Help o_O

~Maddie <3

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Guess The Person! • 28th July 2015, 10:10 AM

Bellie wrote on 28th July 2015 09:54 AM:
Maddie44279 said on 28th July 2015 09:46 AM:
Hello, And today we are going to be playing Guess The Person!

Today this person is a little bit hard.

Clues: There name is a candy
Clues: They have 35 posts and 149 likes
Clues: They are a member
Clues: It is a girl

Can you guess the person?
Leave a like if you did then comment the name!


Skittles. ~Mills~

Nice Job Mills and Congratz on the Player of the day <3!

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Mine craft • 28th July 2015, 09:50 AM

I like to do Multiplayer servers on PC and hang out with all my friends.

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Guess The Person! • 28th July 2015, 09:46 AM

Hello, And today we are going to be playing Guess The Person!

Today this person is a little bit hard.

Clues: There name is a candy
Clues: They have 35 posts and 149 likes
Clues: They are a member
Clues: It is a girl <3

Can you guess the person?
Leave a like if you did then comment the name!


Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight App. • 28th July 2015, 09:17 AM

Your application was fantastic!

Good luck on knight! I hope you achieve it! +1!

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Help :( • 28th July 2015, 08:36 AM

thegamer47 wrote on 28th July 2015 08:15 AM:
Well I don't know how to but I would try to well I don't know what I am doing


Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Forums Mod Application - Music • 27th July 2015, 06:20 PM

This application was marvelous. +1 I love all the effort you put into this! And if you hadn't said your age I wouldn't have known you where 9!


(Old Singer)

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Should OldCP Allow Swearing? • 27th July 2015, 06:01 PM

I think swearing shouldn't be allowed because those words aren't good for kids 6+ because if I saw I kids swearing I would freak out. And I think other parents would too. And anyways it would start a lot of Drama and more people getting their feelings hurt

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Knight App. • 27th July 2015, 05:34 PM

States wrote on 11th July 2015 10:25 PM:
Good luck But if you are active every single day, how come you haven't been on in 2 years? And if you were active 2 years ago you would have had a silver star... Plus, I've never seen you. And Singer isn't a rank. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be rude. But honestly, get something honorable first. Reach towards Penguin Watch, Master, Wise, etc. But if you get Penguin Watch don't tell anybody. Because I read the post Sadie uploaded a while ago and it seems that if you are "Brother of the Hood" i guess that means you are a PW, then you must keep it a secret. Otherwise you will get severely punished.

Singer is a rank btw and since you haven't seen me online doesn't mean im not online?

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Knight App. • 11th July 2015, 09:26 AM

Hello im Maddie44279 I love old club penguin and I am usally active everyday. And I would like to apply for Knight.

Favorite Color: Lime ,Pink ,Blue
Friends: Rasberry , Jilly , Terry, Milkshake, And mosly every penguin I come by!
(Sorry If I don't name you I have to many friends)! <3

What I usally do in old club penguin: Play with friends and help people.

Most people reamber me by "Maddie The Singer" I used to be Singer so I have had other rank experiences.

I have one HUGE Thing to say to you Damen and that's "Thank you for creating old club penguin!" I would have never meet some of my best friends if you hadn't made it.

On fourms I used to have a discussion that went (Kinda viral) and I lost at least 26 Likes. I am trying my hardest to gain all that back. And I am very sorry for what I said. I was having a bad day and I was sad :"(.

You might think I am lying but In real life I broke my arm three times my finger and my "Femur" Aka The strongest bone in your body if you do not know. I last had surgery on November 10 for a plastic surgery and hard ware removel. I had a metal plate and screws put into my leg. I broke it in April on Vacation :P.

Why I am hoping to get knight: Well mosly cuz mod ik that I will not get and since the MOG is coming up I will probally loose it anyways xD.

If you don't reamber me Damen I was the girl that skyped with you and talked to you. And gave you flowers one day at the Throne. I hope that helps :3

I have been playing oldcp for about 2 years now. <3

I hope that you like my App
Waddle on Penguins!



Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Guess the person! • 19th April 2015, 10:29 AM

Since all of you guessed it I will give all of you a shout out!

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Vote That Username! • 19th April 2015, 06:26 AM

BluesLender wrote on 18th April 2015 09:22 PM:
durp poken face

That is totally out of question!