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2 posts
Posted in srry it is shouldn't • 27th April 2014, 02:51 PM

Srry it was suppost to be y u should NOT .....Bully or hack

2 posts
Posted in y should people hack and bully • 27th April 2014, 02:17 PM

People plzz do not hack it just makes other people really sad and if u do not hack people will be happier and gladder so if u do hack PLZZ STOP!!!! People get hacked everyday and i think it is so unfair. say this when u c a hackers "HACKERS PLZZ STOP HACKING" and if then say no tell a mod. Also when people bully other people plzz do not cyberbully. Alot of people do this because they hate pookies so they bully them. Even though pookies r kind of weird it dose not mean that u should be mean to them they r just the same as us even though they act like babies. Some people bully pookies and then they be pookies and bother other people. I understand that some people hate them but is it really that smart to bully them because they can bully u back. If it keeps up tell a Mod a mod will probaly help u. My saying "Everyone should be treated the same". Today I saw a person being mean to a pookie and calling them names and then another person helped the pookie. So that made me happy and if u listen to this discussion OLDCp will be a better website. (WhiteFang) (^-^)