324 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 6th September 2014, 04:43 PM

i quit cp and fourms forever okay?

324 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 6th September 2014, 10:27 AM

oh boy im going on cp cause im bored Bai!

324 posts
Posted in Delete outfits! • 6th September 2014, 10:24 AM

good idea,but i like outfits (of cource mine) im glad cp made outfits but still good idea! +1 Jack! :)

324 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 6th September 2014, 10:19 AM

Are you saying you are the real Coco Jones and go on tours etc?
well i am the real Coco Jones but thats not the point of making that disccussion,the point of it is to get to be a mod so i can help ppl out.

324 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 6th September 2014, 10:14 AM

Hello! i am Coco Jones from Glitz team! I am also from cp if you dont know me i would make this application about me so i could at lease get Master and Mabye earn mod or either adminastrator.
Hello my name is Coco Jones,it is also my cp name.My celeb best friends are awesome they are: Debby Ryan,Selena Gomez,Austin Moon,Ariana Grande,Nathan Kriss,Trevor Jackson,Fifth Harmony,and many more. My age is 16 and my bithday is 4th January 1998.Im in high school (11th grade).Im looking forward on my tour to Arizona!I dont go to school much but i transfer to different schools and go on my world tour at the same time XD.My friends are: Amandapink30,Zendaya Coleman,Holidays,Cheep,Chelsey,Chex,20royalskrt,Falloutboy,Mira,Ariana Grande,and Beyonce.
What are your qualifications
My qualifications are:I can sing,dance,act.I am very active,I am trusted irl but on fourms i havent earned the badge,I have earn 100 posts,100 rep.Thats pretty much all i have quailifed for.
Why would you want to be a mod/adminastrator?
I would wanna be a mod or adminastrator because,i would like to help people,i'd like to be Damens helper,I would wanna keep oldcp safe from any spammers or if they break rules.I would not abuse my power Never.
Well my dfriends Cheep and Chelsey are mods and i take notes/watch them do their job.It helps me to see actually see a mod at work so i can get experience when i write a mod or adminastator application.I know when to ban people,you have to ask the person do you have witnesses or proof,if they say no you dont ban them but if they do have proof and show it to the mod the mod may ban he/she.
Well that is my mod/adminastator application! I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed rest of the day!

324 posts
Posted in CPPSes Out of Hand • 6th September 2014, 09:47 AM

Yeah,can a mod lock this disscussion it is causing too much drama

324 posts
Posted in CPPSes Out of Hand • 5th September 2014, 07:29 PM

huh? what is that anyway,i havent been on cp for oh wait nvm but idk what that means,Kenneth.

324 posts
Posted in !!! • 5th September 2014, 07:25 PM

Chloe,what is i would like a signature but i just need to know what is first.

324 posts
Posted in 2000 Posts ~Rawr~ • 5th September 2014, 07:17 PM

congratz on 2000 posts Rawr! i hope you will get 3000 posts or more!
always getting new reward :)
but i am sorry that you have got rookie instead of master/member lol idk if its master or member whateves

324 posts
Posted in Coco Talk #2 • 5th September 2014, 06:58 PM

hey its time for another coco talk!
well the questions are...

Have you ever been bullied before?
Who is your friend?
Does anyone call you random names?
the first question,if you have been bullied next time someone bullies you you tell the teacher,or tell your parents but if you are like 13 you just fight back.the second question if your friend is a bully don't be their friend anymore if your friend is a bully then she/he might bully you.the third and Last question if people call you random names i suggest that you might listen to determine what kind of name is it a bad or good name.Thank you for your time and your welcome for help and support

324 posts
Posted in Healer application • 5th September 2014, 06:46 PM

well i have made a disscusion at 4:12 so its past an hour for me #oops #andlol

324 posts
Posted in Theory Of Mais • 5th September 2014, 06:44 PM

well um what kind of genre is this cause i like it?

324 posts
Posted in Healer application • 5th September 2014, 06:36 PM

Like poptropica said you need to be trusted to see wether or not you canbe trusted to handle any job

324 posts
Posted in Healer application • 5th September 2014, 06:29 PM

well Persassy,you need to add more infomation like whens your birthday,the reason why,what experince and you need to have Master and 100 posts & 100 rep.Try to get some help by clicking on me and read my mod/ad application to get experince aboutwhy i want to be it plus +1 great job so far.

324 posts
Posted in The Mystery Of Enchanted • 5th September 2014, 05:16 PM

Hello! i am sorry that i havent been online for a while and i havent had a chance to post any of the Romantic movie so i will create a new thing called: The Mystery Of the Enchanted world
and it starts now!
One day in Macon GA,5 kids named Jack,Sally,Terry,Amanda,and Beck. They all were called the 5 enchanted friends.One day Beck disscovered something Ultra Rare!. It was very awesome.He said: I have found a magical treehouse that lets us go to the enchanted world! What! said Amanda.This had to be seen by my own eyes,Beck,said Terry.Oh wow like im so intrested BORING said Sally.Well i dont belive in magical stuff im like Sally,said Jack.Well i'll show you and it will Not be boring,Sally,said Beck.He showed his friends the way and led them to the treehouse.When Beck got there he saw a magical lady named,Morgan.I have a mission for you five kids she said,i need you to find 4 things from different enchanted worlds the things are...

Pet treats
dog toy
lucky watch
and a heart
You need these things to help this dog get free from a spell.Beck and Jack said We all will help you find the things to help free the dog!

Will the 5 enchanted friends find the 4 gifts before it gets to Summer? Find out in episodes 2-10. Till next time readers!