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9 posts
Posted in cheating • 16th June 2014, 06:12 PM

i saw someone blocking snowballs at snowball server names guy2809

9 posts
Posted in Banker Application. • 7th June 2014, 02:06 AM


Hey everyone, how are you? I am iKaitlyn, if you do not know, I got that name from a group of some of my friends that said that I was a robot because of my grades and then that name way given to me and it caught on. :) I am going to apply for the rank of banker because I think that I am ready to have some kind of responsibility. Oh and the Constitution is almost finished, you can still comment on my mood if you want your name to be on the bottom. Thank you so much for reading this, even if you read half of it thank you, this is the beginning, so I have no idea of how long that it would be at this point.

Name and Age:

Hello, I am Kaitlyn, as you can see in my name, iKaitlyn, and I am currently ten, but as of tomorrow, I will be eleven cause it is my Birthday tomorrow. :D


Well, my experience as a banker is simple, I have always loved math and I am very trustworthy to a lot of people. I love math because I am good at it, my mom says a problem and I say the answer in a snap, and she is awesome at math. I am also gifted in real life, if this helps you realize why I put that I am in Gifted in real life, I put that I am in Gifted in real life because it shows that I am good at math and many other subjects. This shows that I am awfully awesome at Math. :D Hope you get why I put that I am in Gifted as my experience now. Also, when my family played Monopoly, I was always the rank of Banker which hands out the money.


Well my first reason is that I love math and I believe that I am very good at it as well. I have always gotten an A in the subject of Math and the highest you can get (number wise) is 4.00 and at least 4 times I got a 4.00 on my report card, that means that I did not get ANY Bs or lower, such as Cs, Ds, Fs, or Zs. That means I only got really high As. My second reason is that I am popular and I am very trusted, I know I am trusted because many people have told me secrests and I have never EVER told anyone those secrets, to this day I still have secrets with people, mainly my friends because I random person that barely even knows me a secret. I know that I am popular because recently, I did get the popular Badge and like everyday I get a PM from a random person saying that they would like me to be their friend, do not worry if you are one of those people, I love you the same as the rest of my friends. My third/ last reason is that I believe that I am ready to become something that soemone notices, I am usually a nobody that nobody realizes, and I am Okay with that, but now I think that I am ready to become something. I believe that I am ready because Sure I could be immature at times, but please realize that it is for the entertainment of others. But, I would like to let you know that I can be a very mature person at times that you want/need me to be mature as possible. :)


In conlusion, I would like to thank you for reading this and I would like to let you know that this did actually take me a long time to complete. I put a lot of effort into it and I really do hope that you like it. Please press the like button if you Did like my application, it would mean a lot to me, more than you think. I love you all. Waddle On!


why are you applying for everything please stop

9 posts
Posted in Donate please • 7th June 2014, 02:03 AM

umm. idk what to post for this

9 posts
Posted in New! dsgHQ Bank • 7th June 2014, 12:51 AM

Finally the bank is here well I was playing starwars at 5 pm.

9 posts
Posted in Senior Tour Guide • 7th June 2014, 12:46 AM

cool but tour guide isn't a job so try applying for knight wise one or black guard

9 posts
Posted in lol • 6th June 2014, 02:08 PM

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm post this as a mood please! and its really short.

9 posts
Posted in New! dsgHQ Bank • 6th June 2014, 02:07 PM

ill check it out on oldcp just let me log on.

9 posts
Posted in Nichloas joins the forums • 6th June 2014, 02:04 PM

Hey guys I justed joined oldcp yesterday and I joined the forums today so I need some friends. ive been adding people on oldcp and im trying to discover new things in oldcp and in the forums so im really new and need some help. also look for my user on oldcp.

9 posts
Posted in New! • 6th June 2014, 02:01 PM

add this in a mood. and moods and in in the list on the right under the discussion catagory