20 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application • 24th June 2014, 09:49 PM

You should add more information to your application.

20 posts
Posted in Thank you ALL! • 24th June 2014, 09:21 PM

Congratulations, Zeternal! I wish you best of luck of your new job, and responsibilities! :)

20 posts
Posted in Drunk Damen breaks the news • 24th June 2014, 09:19 PM

Haha! This is very confusing. And.... Interesting

20 posts
Posted in New knight application • 24th June 2014, 09:16 PM

You need to add more details to your application to have a good chance of becoming Knight.

20 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application • 24th June 2014, 06:34 PM

Thank you Jesse! It means a lot to me! :)

20 posts
Posted in Knight Application • 24th June 2014, 06:08 PM

Maybe you can add more details to your applications. But, good luck! :)

20 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application • 24th June 2014, 05:35 PM

Okay. Thank you Zeternal! And thank you for that amazing complement! :)

20 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application • 24th June 2014, 05:25 PM

I'm iLucky and I am applying for Imperial Knight!

Name: Jacob or Jake. (You can call me either one)

Age: My current age is 12.

Clubpenguin Name: iLucky

Experience: I think my experience is very well for my age. I have moderated forums, including a private server. I can deal with important situations, and have very low pressure when it comes to Imperial Knight. I believe my moderation, organization, and social skills, makes Imperial Knight a great job for me.

Why Do You Want To Become Imperial Knight: I would love to help out with Old Clubpenguin, and make it a safer place, more fun place! I've seen users being rude to others, and some spamming which I find is very inappropriate, and childish. That's the reason why I want to help out: To make Old CP a fun, and safe place!

Would You Abuse Your Powers?: I don't know why I would abuse my powers, for no reason. I believe that abusing my powers is very childish, unprofessional, and embarrassing. I use Knight powers fairly, and with reasonable manner.

How long have you played Old CP?: I played Old CP for a couple months with a old account until I made a new one. (This One)

Are You Active On Old CP (Including Forums): I am very active on the Old CP forums, also the Old CP game. I'm usually on everyday, but I would say i'm on 3-7 days a week, and probably 1-4 hours a day.

How is your behavior?: My behavior is excellent (What most people say) I am fair to the whole community. I am never rude, and I believe that I can be trusted 100% of the time. I try to make new friends, and I great social skills which I believe its important to have great social skills to become a Imperial Knight.

What would you do if you became Imperial Knight?: I would check how all the user's are doing. I would check is one is being nice to one another. I would check if a penguin is being inappropriate etc etc.

Thank you for reading my application! I hope you enjoy, and Thank You! :)
~ iLucky

20 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application • 24th June 2014, 04:01 PM

I'd recommend you add more information to your application, but anyways.. Good luck! :)

20 posts
Posted in apply for imperial knight • 24th June 2014, 12:52 PM

You need more details, to have a better chance to become a Knight.

20 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 23rd June 2014, 10:40 AM

I added more details on my applications! And thank you all for giving me complements, its really appreciated! :)

20 posts
Posted in My appication for Mod • 23rd June 2014, 10:34 AM

You should add more details to your moderator application.

20 posts
Posted in Old CP Job • 22nd June 2014, 08:49 PM

You need to create a Application, or Private Message Damen

20 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 22nd June 2014, 05:08 PM

Hi guys, i'm iLucky, and I am applying for Moderator for Old Clubpenguin!
Age: My age is 12.
Maturity: When it comes to the community, or anything else my maturity is very high level. Including grammar. I am used to proper grammar. 98% of the time, my grammar is on the highest level. Organization is an important part for my maturity. I have been notified by people (Real Life) that my maturity is very excellent for a 12 year, as I take on duty's to help others as much as I can.

Experience: My experience of moderator is very well. I have moderated forums, including Private Servers. My moderation skills is very high level, and can take the responsibility.

When did you join?: To be honest, I did join a couple months ago, with the name, "Mall 100" until, I couldn't log on my penguin no more, then I decided to make a new penguin named, "iLucky"

How would you deal a hacker: If I was a moderator and caught a hacker, I would immediately ban him or her, and e-mail-PM why I banned that account.

Why do you want to be moderator?: I want to be moderator because... I love to help out! (Also want to.) I love to get a job done, and I want to help keep the community safe from bully's hackers, etc etc.

Are you active?: I am quite active. I am active on the forums including the game. I come on the game 2-6 (Maybe everyday) a week spending maybe 1-4 hours a day.

Are you ever Rude? (mean): I was NEVER mean on Old Clubpenguin and still, i'm not mean. If a penguin argue with me, I will try to reason with the user, and try to make friends. And to top it off. I am social. My social skills for very well, to be honest. I treat people fair equally, and will be a friend if needed! :)

Would You Abuse Your Powers As Mod?: No WAY. I believe its unprofessional, and a inappropriate thing to do. I control the power, and use it carefully, and usefully.

I hope you enjoyed my application! I hope you liked it and tell me what you think in the comment section below! Thank You!
- iLucky

20 posts
Posted in New Knights! • 21st June 2014, 10:38 AM

Congratulations, IndigoPalace and Lulugreen1! I wish you best of luck wit your new job! :)