16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 30th June 2014, 01:19 PM

I can only Forgive but not belive and i only said FORGIVE
thank u christan I'm so sorry that I don't have proof

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 30th June 2014, 12:50 PM

I Still Dont Belive, What If You Made The Acc Jerry Acc To Fooll Us, so Untill I get some Real Evidence I Will Not Belive
can u at least forgive me

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 29th June 2014, 09:04 PM

I Hate Lyers.Anyways All I Haft To Say Right Now Is Just Use Fourms
This discussion needs to be locked in my preference. There is drama going on about if he is innocent or not by opinions. Also, your brother would not want you to know if he got you banned or not at the beginning. He would eventually be exposed for what he did when he feels guilty enough. But, the knights that you told us to go ask would not of known if it was you or your brother because they can not see what you look like through the internet. Wait until you think you have enough proof it was not you and report it to staff on the forums.

I Hate Lyers.Anyways All I Haft To Say Right Now Is Just Use Fourms
This discussion needs to be locked in my preference. There is drama going on about if he is innocent or not by opinions. Also, your brother would not want you to know if he got you banned or not at the beginning. He would eventually be exposed for what he did when he feels guilty enough. But, the knights that you told us to go ask would not of known if it was you or your brother because they can not see what you look like through the internet. Wait until you think you have enough proof it was not you and report it to staff on the forums.

I admited it i was cussing at bacon90 and yes im the brother of bacon90
Chirstan Liv and Jerry im sorry but i have no evidence except Jerry admiting he did it but i know u still want a photo I really want oldcp back but want I only want is forgivness from the three of u because im sorry i dragged you into this drama so please i just want forgiveness from the two of you and Jerry you did your best but they still wont give us oldcp im sorry. I never wanted to start a fight but it happen until chirstan called me a lier that hurted my feelings i thought i had proof but i only had jerry to say it and liv please dont lock it, i know you are a knight i was about to become a knight from indigopalace but jerry got ip banned and that was my only chance to become a knight then we start a fight and i thinked i started a fight i felt ashame. so please accept my apology you three thats what i want more than oldcp thank you-Bacon90

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 29th June 2014, 07:00 PM

I Hate Lyers.Anyways All I Haft To Say Right Now Is Just Use Fourms
This discussion needs to be locked in my preference. There is drama going on about if he is innocent or not by opinions. Also, your brother would not want you to know if he got you banned or not at the beginning. He would eventually be exposed for what he did when he feels guilty enough. But, the knights that you told us to go ask would not of known if it was you or your brother because they can not see what you look like through the internet. Wait until you think you have enough proof it was not you and report it to staff on the forums.

ok I have proof but plz let me take my time

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 29th June 2014, 04:46 PM

Your Not Even Answering My Question So My Final Say is That your lieing to everbody
and what if wrong, and why wont you wait for your proof im trying to do the best that i can

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 28th June 2014, 11:21 PM

Nope Unless You Post Up Proof Like A Picture To Proove it or something like that but I Think Yu Have an Escuse to get un IP Banned cuse if your brother Ip bANNED YOU WHY WOULD HE WANT YOU TO KNOW?
look i don't know if this works ask a knight named lulugreen1 or indigopalace maybe they might know my brother said

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 28th June 2014, 11:17 PM

Ask a knight names lulugreen1 or indigopalace

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 28th June 2014, 10:11 PM

wait wait wait, if your brother got yo banned why would he tell you to see the prrof and tell it to others this is a lie I bellive also I Think you mean IP banned
yes I've been up banned is there anything I can do

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 28th June 2014, 02:32 PM

It could of been your brother indeed. But it is unlikely because we don't have any proof that he got you banned. Usually people eventually expose their guilt due to fighting. Especially if it is a close friend or family member of yours.

if u want proof the ask a knight named lulugreen1 or indigopalace that's what my brother told me

16 posts
Posted in why im banned pt 2 • 28th June 2014, 01:47 PM

You've been IPbanned. Im sorry but your sibling needs to have a punishement.

then what could i do get the website back

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 28th June 2014, 01:46 PM

Liv jerry is my brother so he was cussing about me if u read my second one u will understand
Well we need proof, we have had many excuses like this one before, so until there is actually proof or any witnesses we can't do nothing about it, maybe just make a new account and start fresh.
Luke i cant go back to the *website* jerry69 my brother broke the rules only a mod or a knight can unbanned me

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 28th June 2014, 01:39 PM

Liv jerry is my brother so he was cussing about me if u read my second one u will understand

16 posts
Posted in why im banned pt 2 • 28th June 2014, 01:38 PM

hi bacon90 here again so I found my answer to why am banned from computers. so here is a link to the first banned disscusion: its ok and why am banned from all computers by my wifi and jerry69 was my brother and he was cussing about me and he got banned from the website. so i promice that he wont come back to oldcp and if he does ill tell him dont do that,and mods and knights can u please just unbanned the website from all of my computhers then that would be great thank you for your cooperation

16 posts
Posted in Why im banned from mycomputer • 28th June 2014, 01:23 PM

Hi this is bacon90 and i want to know why am i banned from this computer i never did anything wrong but i know a guy named jerry69 wants to get me so i dont know whats the problem if its my sister or jerry i dont know please give me an answer why thank you for your cooporation

16 posts
Posted in My knight Application • 22nd June 2014, 04:22 PM

HI My name is Bacon90 and I am here to apply for as a knight.I always wanted to be a knight because I want OldCP to be safe and respectful. I know it is hard to become a knight because they have to earn it, so one kinght told me how to become a knight when you earn it and she told me to, be nice, be respectful, be caring, be helpful, dont cuss, and follow the rules. Now the Knight that told all of these rules was,"IndigoPalace", so Im going to promice to follow all those rules to become a knight. I had another application but I copyed it and I felt really bad for taking someone else is work so this my orginal application. Now thats really it so I hope you guys apply me for a knight and dont worry I promice that I break the rules and follow them, thank you for your cooperation
