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13 posts
Posted in OldCP best party • 17th July 2014, 04:16 PM

Happy early birthday!! Hope you have a good day today and tomorrow!

13 posts
Posted in Fixing • 17th July 2014, 04:14 PM

Yay thanks for the info!

13 posts
Posted in Hi It • 12th July 2014, 07:44 PM

Hi my oldcp is working thanks everyone!!!

13 posts
Posted in Hi I will be on • 6th July 2014, 05:39 PM

So I've been banned for a while (look at my previous disscussions if you're wondering what I did) but I will be on because I'm at my friends house. Anyway love all of those who have helped and supported me.

13 posts
Posted in Hi I'm still IP banned • 30th June 2014, 11:05 PM

Hi so I'm still IP banned. Sorry if I sound desperate, I miss old cp.. This next paragraph is from my last post that explains how I got banned and why.

So here's my story. Not trying to blame my friend here, she cracks pranks and jokes sometimes. We all do don't we? Anyways, she said that "The jail was really cool and dark". So I'm already convinced and asked how to get into it. She said "You could just go into the town and ask around or if there are mods ask them". Obviously I went into the town and asked around and later got banned. She said "Maybe it isn't working right". Hence my gullible self sprung into the action of two more trials. Now my whole like wifi system is banned and I cant get on any of my electronics. I didn't even get to go to the inescapable jail. If you could help me out here I would be very grateful. Thanks

If you could kindly not give me grief about my choices and how the banning has nothing to do with the wifi. Thank ya

13 posts
Posted in Some Ideas For Oldcp • 30th June 2014, 02:04 AM

In my opinion, a couple of these ideas wouldn't make old cp very old any more. Please don't take offense. I feel like old cp and new cp shouldn't have too many things in common, but I do see that you are trying to find an in-between and I would enjoy that too. Sorry If this post is confusing:/. I do however like the enemies one and a couple more :).

13 posts
Posted in Banned • 28th June 2014, 12:20 AM

Thank all of you guys. You are all so sweet and made my day:)

13 posts
Posted in Banned • 27th June 2014, 09:05 PM

Awh thank you so very much for your help and posting this!!

13 posts
Posted in Hi so I was banned • 27th June 2014, 09:01 PM

Yes! That's what it's called. Thank you so much!

13 posts
Posted in Hi so I was banned • 27th June 2014, 09:00 PM

Yes! That's what it's called. Thank you so much!

13 posts
Posted in Hi so I was banned • 27th June 2014, 08:57 PM

Yes, I enjoy my friend choices. I am never bored.I'm very indeed gullible, no offense taken, but not exactly proud of it. I have asked about the wifi and we even rebooted it and it is still not working maybe it is the fact that I had used this club penguin on all of my computer (again not smart haha). Sorry to put you through my troubles, and thank you for the advice.

13 posts
Posted in Hi so I was banned • 27th June 2014, 08:56 PM

Yes, I enjoy my friend choices. I am never bored.I'm very indeed gullible, no offense taken, but not exactly proud of it. I have asked about the wifi and we even rebooted it and it is still not working maybe it is the fact that I had used this club penguin on all of my computer (again not smart haha). Sorry to put you through my troubles, and thank you for the advice.

13 posts
Posted in Hi so I was banned • 27th June 2014, 08:46 PM

So here's my story. Not trying to blame my friend here, she cracks pranks and jokes sometimes. We all do don't we? Anyways, she said that "The jail was really cool and dark". So I'm already convinced and asked how to get into it. She said "You could just go into the town and ask around or if there are mods ask them". Obviously I went into the town and asked around and later got banned. She said "Maybe it isn't working right". Hence my gullible self sprung into the action of two more trials. Now my whole like wifi system is banned and I cant get on any of my electronics. I didn't even get to go to the inescapable jail. If you could help me out here I would be very grateful. Thanks