Packer's Posts

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4 posts
Posted in Old User Returning • 4th February 2020, 04:36 PM

Last sense instead of last of friends I meant to put lack** Haha, it seems my typing has gotten worse over the years.

4 posts
Posted in Old User Returning • 4th February 2020, 04:35 PM


I am Packer, I am not sure if anyone remembers me but I was on OldCp from 2012-2014 and was Mod as well as Admin for a while. It has been over 5 years since I last logged in and time has definitely changed. To put it into perspective, I was 11 when I first joined OldCp, it was the summer of 2012 in which I found myself very lonely so I decided to join and worked my way up the ranks. I quit around 2014 due to minecraft consuming my freetime and coming back now at 18 I now see how most of my friends have left and the xat page where we would all joke around is now gone. I found myself rediscovering this site for the same reasons I discovered OldCp, last of friends. I hope you all get to know me better and I hope to get to know each and every one of you as well.


4 posts
Posted in Apply for xat moderator • 1st July 2014, 06:19 PM

Hello My name is Mike and I would love to apply to be moderator via xat. The reason I want to be mod is because usually at night people are cussing swearing and everything when no mods are on and I'm now on 24/7 so I could put a stop to it. Do I have any experience? Yes I in fact do I was moderator on this website until I moved on when the oldcp went down and didn't returned until 5 days ago. Ive been active those 5 days and will remain that way :). I Was also admin at some point but only in game and on forums but that didn't last very long. I use xat a lot it is one of my favorite sites so I will always be active. I'm 14 years old at the moment and other hobbies are minecraft and enjin (minecraft forums) thanks for reading! Ive been playing since v2-v5