928 posts
Posted in Dear DSGHQ! • 5th April 2015, 04:54 PM

i wanna thank everyone who "didn't" hate me while my banishment of DSGHQ and everyone who i wanna say this one thing Love you guys <3 my Only ingame brother is Oldcphelper my 1st brother thanks for reading also READ THE TAGS!!

928 posts
Posted in why dont you get what tay did • 18th March 2015, 08:04 AM

i tried to explain and you think shes a nice person fine. i fine with that

928 posts
Posted in taylor stop bullying me • 17th March 2015, 06:04 AM

cussing at me bullying me saying inapp things


928 posts
Posted in omg izzy is back!! • 16th March 2015, 11:05 AM

i wonder what my present is

is she back???

928 posts
Posted in Guys Taylor is forgiven • 14th March 2015, 07:19 PM

Queenblue wrote on 14th March 2015 07:14 PM:
Luke said on 14th March 2015 05:54 PM:
Why are you so desperate for a girl friend? If you hated Taylor like you have spammed most of your posts about then why would you go back to her? Sorry, just curious.

exactly, why be nice now to her? after what she did, plus lifes not about girls, sherlock. go ahead and dislike this, i dont honestly care because its what you want to do

Your right queenblue life isn't about girls it's about how you were made to live

928 posts
Posted in Gods of DSGHQ • 14th March 2015, 06:13 PM

So if your a god your more powerful them damen and you get to give ranks without damen's permission This rank is for highly trusted like Lord,mods,admins and etc and this is the highest rank and you become powerful you're like god himself plus you can't make apps for this rank it's like lord it shows great boldness in the empire you have to be Honoured it plus you are allow to do anything and your a imortal you can't die and u have a lot of power plus you come on the mod list

928 posts
Posted in Guys Taylor is forgiven • 14th March 2015, 06:02 PM

Luke wrote on 14th March 2015 05:54 PM:
Why are you so desperate for a girl friend? If you hated Taylor like you have spammed most of your posts about then why would you go back to her? Sorry, just curious.

I "forgiven" her my friend Luke so I'm just being nice congrats to Taylor as she got promoted back "Sherlock's gf" ;)

928 posts
Posted in I wanna say sorry • 14th March 2015, 04:29 PM

Amy Rose wrote on 14th March 2015 04:24 PM:
awwh im glad you became good now
but i want it to stay that way
cuz last time everything got out of hand

Yes miss I'm sorry

928 posts
Posted in Guys Taylor is forgiven • 14th March 2015, 04:27 PM

Bully me , said I suck and liking someone else

So she is forgiven Taylor is on her last last last last warning

She is going to my gf but REMBER she's on her last warning so if she's any mean things about me tell me :) ;) peace DSGHQ plus you all come 1st before I do anything

928 posts
Posted in I wanna say sorry • 14th March 2015, 04:19 PM

Sir Lylance wrote on 14th March 2015 04:09 PM:
Hm, i have heard many Apoligies from you my man, but how couldn't i accept? I forgive you, Lord Sherlock

Thanks I'm just had a lot of trust for you DSC terry bp and the rest of you AWSOME users!!

928 posts
Posted in I wanna say sorry • 14th March 2015, 03:17 PM

I lost the 3 people I care about on DSGHQ izzy quit :( maggie is getting married meaning I won't see her a lot delta aka Oldcphelper won't be on I think

Anyway Dear DSGHQ I wanna take this time to say what I done bad

I lost friends because of these reasons messing around as in getting mad using my temper boasting I got water Vikings SGT leader because I made the team good friends with each other but I lost The girl I like the most she had cancer so she died But I wanna say I am deeply sorry from my heart I made you guys feel hurt , bullied, can't live

I am sorry I can't keep my temper inside I have no one apart from Oldcphelper izzy maggie (MY FAMILY) my pet ownner (high rank) bp28,terry91

I made people feel hurt I MADE A PROBLEM NOW PEOPLE HATE ME :(

I'm sorry

I promise and swear on water Vikings I will be nice and kind and be a user that help

Also my quote "I be there for you when you need also helping is my fav thing to do"

928 posts
Posted in piegirl is taken • 14th March 2015, 03:06 PM

Amy Rose wrote on 14th March 2015 11:33 AM:
i know piegirl and she is one of my baes on olddp
but sherlock she doesnt like mean guys so you ned
to be nice just dont be mean

I'm sorry I lost my 3 most fav people in this whole site

Oldcphelper (1st brother always will be)

Izzy (1st sister always will be)

Maggie (2nd sister always will be)

I'm sorry any I am nice I just don't have any friends