49 posts
Posted in Commands are broken (oldcp) • 24th May 2020, 01:23 PM

AudreyGalx wrote on 24th May 2020, 01:21 PM:
Braden fix it yourself
that was my 900th post and i used it on you
thanks but i didn't ask

49 posts
Posted in Commands are broken (oldcp) • 24th May 2020, 01:19 PM

This morning I was on oldcp and the server crashed and everyone lost connection.
Later we realized some commands are broken.. the following are the commands I know so far that are broken:
/joust /popular /staff /mods /gold /rj /firestone /icestone /console /lastonline /online
commands like: /kick /ban /arrest /goto /rin (work)

don't know what happened but if an administrator could look into it that would be awesome.

Edit: I reported it on the Oldcp discord and Admins are looking into it.

Edit: Commands are working again (so far)

(The following maybe be disturbing and unsuitable for some users, Parental Supervision is advised) (aka the following is cringy)

Have fun and Waddle on!

49 posts
Posted in Girlfriend Applications Open • 23rd May 2020, 11:28 PM


(little told me to comment this idk why)

49 posts
Posted in Netflix Recommendations • 23rd May 2020, 10:06 PM

All American should be added on there

Idk if it's on Netflix but: Friday Night Lights

49 posts
Posted in Fix Joust spawn • 23rd May 2020, 05:38 PM

Sleddy wrote on 23rd May 2020, 05:36 PM:
right...i agree.
I believe zes tried to fix it and I sent damen the .swf of the change but damen ignores my imsgs
Zes fixed the glitch where people couldn't move but he never fixed the location of the spawn.

49 posts
Posted in Fix Joust spawn • 23rd May 2020, 05:28 PM

/joust spawn is in the joust circle, personally I find it annoying when people spawn in the joust when someone is jousting.

49 posts
Posted in Restorative Training For Mods • 23rd May 2020, 04:21 PM

What? I'm not crying you are..

49 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator application • 20th May 2020, 06:26 PM

- Name: Knife
- Timezone: CST
- Discord Username: Purge#5423
- Current Ranks: Imperial Knight (on oldcp)
- Why do you want to apply?: I've always been wanting to have the moderating experience because it intrigues me, I also love helping out users
- What makes you stand out?: I'm a trusted user and I've been playing oldcp since 2013
- What qualities make a good mod according to you?: A good mod is always active and nice to users, helpful and knows how to punish people correctly without abusing.
- If you were picked, what are you able to bring to the team?: If I was picked, I would help with the other mods and keep Snaildom a fun and safe place for users. If any new users joined I would help them with any questions and get started!
- Additional info you’d like to mention: In my opinion, I'm a trusted user and I love to help anyone.. hopefully we can get snaildom more popular for MORE UPDATES!

49 posts
Posted in Respect decisions (Knight info) • 14th May 2020, 02:31 PM

"I did what I had to do" LMAO
"It is what it is"

Honestly this is the best Knight system I have seen so far. Some people may not agree cause it is a whole lot difficult to get knight but Randy is still testing out his strategies. If he wants good fighters this is probably the best way to go about it.

Also if Randy does take the time out of his day to help you train or joust you.. and you lose, you still have to respect that Randy did what you asked. Don't be all salty that you lost or you're not good at fighting. Cause if Randy or his knights stop what they are doing to help you, you should be thankful for that.

49 posts
Posted in A Poem by Jdutr • 13th May 2020, 07:49 PM

Lowkey soundcloud rapper??

49 posts
Posted in Snaildom prom • 13th May 2020, 04:46 PM

dis finna be lit

49 posts
Posted in DSHGQ Prom on Snaildom • 13th May 2020, 04:02 PM

We having DSHGQ AND A DSGHQ prom?

49 posts
Posted in OldCP Feedback • 12th May 2020, 06:48 PM

I have an idea on the bots when making a jr. When making a /jr u can put bots in your room but u cant put clothes on them or change their name (correct me if i'm wrong) but i thought it would be a good idea to be able to customize the bots to fit in with your room.

49 posts
Posted in My ideas for OLDCP • 12th May 2020, 03:50 PM

About the minigames, maybe gold could be a prize or a rank for ex: Game Winner Of The Week (GWOTW) just a suggestion. But to help moderating, we should have a auto message system that blocks any message with a swear word. and gives them a warning or ban depending on the word. Although red text is a good idea. Hopefully your suggestions will be added to the game to make oldcp better.