272 posts
Posted in Inactivity. • 9th November 2015, 01:04 PM

Hi guys, I'm sorry for all the inactivity for the few past months. I was really sick and i still have a cough. But i'll try to stay active. :)

Sorry for the short post.

272 posts
Posted in Thinking, that is true. • 23rd August 2015, 01:10 AM

Kiriyama Yui wrote on 23rd August 2015 12:37 AM:
I can hardly read when you use that font.

It says; I've been thinking about things the last few days. Since dice has been called a "Dice the Butt Head" i think the word you might be looking for is "stress". I love everyone here even you here that are mean. I used to be nooby, now im oldish. I feel like, people aren't stupid. It's just mistakes, people make them all the time. Please take your time to read what im about to say, thats kinda wise. I think nobody is an idiot. I love you all.

I think no one here is "hatrid", or anything. I just feel like; people are stressed when they are killing, or they are killed. No one is perfect, everyone is atleast a great person, but when your stressed, dont think about it. I once got stressed but i stopped thinking about it, then the next day, i forgot all about it. People dont have to be like "IM GOD!!" to be cool for perfection, its just up to you. Nothing would be in your way unless you were like a "butt head" I don't think people that are mean, are stupid, or "hatrid". They are just stressed out from everything they have been doing. This madness has to stop, aswell i want to see joy, and happiness. I dont want to see frowns, i want to see sunshine not rainy old days. I wish you people out there good luck on not dying from the "stupid" blackhawks and mickey. I wish you very luck.

I am sorry if i hurt your feelings about this. I feel like, i am loved to everyone.

272 posts
Posted in Thinking, that is true. • 23rd August 2015, 12:15 AM

I've been thinking about things the last few days. Since dice has been called a "Dice the Butt Head" i think the word you might be looking for is "stress". I love everyone here even you here that are mean. I used to be nooby, now im oldish. I feel like, people aren't stupid. It's just mistakes, people make them all the time. Please take your time to read what im about to say, thats kinda wise. I think nobody is an idiot. I love you all.

I think no one here is "hatrid", or anything. I just feel like; people are stressed when they are killing, or they are killed. No one is perfect, everyone is atleast a great person, but when your stressed, dont think about it. I once got stressed but i stopped thinking about it, then the next day, i forgot all about it. People dont have to be like "IM GOD!!" to be cool for perfection, its just up to you. Nothing would be in your way unless you were like a "butt head" I don't think people that are mean, are stupid, or "hatrid". They are just stressed out from everything they have been doing. This madness has to stop, aswell i want to see joy, and happiness. I dont want to see frowns, i want to see sunshine not rainy old days. I wish you people out there good luck on not dying from the "stupid" blackhawks and mickey. I wish you very luck.

I am sorry if i hurt your feelings about this. I feel like, i am loved to everyone.

~Livy, the true.


Perfection isn't the key; love is the key. -Livy

[Move to right category if it is in the wrong one]

272 posts
Posted in Concert! • 22nd August 2015, 12:19 AM

EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 21st August 2015 10:37 PM:
Hey Guys I'm doing a Concert of taylor swift and um well Other songs that r popular U MAY NOT YELL AT THE PERSON SINGING Bc that would be mean! Like lets say u said SING BAD BLOOD well u cant do that the person has practice other things! The Concert is at jr Concert LOL We need some band ppl too a Person with tickets U have to get a Ticket to see! Or u cant see tha show But what if u were like I'm seeing it and u got a seat well ppl have special spots picked out sooo u Cant rly have a choice to do that Plus there Ppl saving spots for others :p I will be singing one song. at the end of the concert u guys would luv it alright IK IT LOOKS LIKE A CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND LOL u May Dance on the dancing floor if it makes u like OMG I LOVE DAT SONG u could do that I wont be on the whole time just making sure everything goes goood TO GET A TICKET! U MAY COMMENT! Alright just say oo cool I would like a ticket! so Yea den I will make u a ticket So Hurray Te time is nu need because the jr will show up at /activity or someone goes to town and Says CONCERT AT JR CONCERT okay. SCHOOL about that it will be over! IT WILL BE SATURDAY OR SUNDAY BC PPL WOULD HAvE SCHOOL #weekends r awesome where the Tickets r! So The Girls name is LivvyPop or something like dat lol u go up to her and say ur ticket number that u get and ur Pengu's Last Name ok SO LETS ENJOY MUSIC!!!! u could play Music or just remeber it in ur head like :OOO the concert is about 30 mins or a Hour idk u cant ask for ppl to sing bc they already got it Bc We cant have alot of ppl make accs to sing.! we have just let the person sing OH AND U CAN GET UP ON STAGE WITH PPL AND SING ALONG So pls come to it!!! plsss plss plsssssss!! The Girls name is bella somethin Ok if u see someone different just be like Get off! IDK THE PERSON ALRIGHT ITS SUPPOSE TO BE A GIRL DATS ALL I KNOW... ........... i have no idea! But I could tell BYEE VIP TICKETS ALSO IF U WOULD LIKE TO BE FAMOUS

Okay, i would like to buy a VIP ticket. I would add prices for each ticket! :) Just a suggestion to know. But i would love to be VIP

272 posts
Posted in People think I'm Mean • 21st August 2015, 07:12 PM

EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 21st August 2015 06:35 PM:
Alot of People think I'm mean! I bet Fluffqueen thinks that and alice5621... and Kira to say Sorry. But really It wasnt my fault it was Yours Because First of all You Make mistakes in life should u get yelled at and start Drama But I didnt Start the drama and I got banned for no reason So Heres How it Goes I Make a Mistake The Person Starts Yelling at me Then Trying to Ip ban me and then Makes drama and Cyber bullies u and Bullies u ALICE AND KIRA U R GREAT PEEPS.. NOT FOR U THIS IS A DIFFERENT PERSON NOT FLUFF QUEEN a Different person xd BC I MAY LIE BC I DONT WANNA START ANY DRAMA MK? oook. next .. thing that happend to me. When Someone thinks my diary Said something about them and Doesnt Believe me and I do something to get me out of de world Yea pretty short son next... Asks me something and Makes it. Makes me feel useless and careless [Careless as in I dont care anymore I dont care about anything I'm ruined!] Short Short.. Nothing about those people I may lie to not start drama and if u do Heres a Story for u Makes Drama and Bangs on u Making u go out of the world and Banned Cyberbullies u and Just ignores u forever Yep.. That probs is happening pls dont dislike I just wanna show how many ppl cyberbullied me and bullied me Get out haters! Get Out Bullies Look at ur ownself and Make Sure People do it ~some people think u are the reason they r mean but ur not u are the Hopeless one not the mean one a Bully is the one that is mean to u trust ur heart and tell a mod but no mod believes and u get banned~ KIRA DID NOTHING IN THIS SO AS ALICE TOO STAY STRONG PEOPLE!] ~I may be the weirdest girl but I'm the strongest girl~

O_O i just read this in 50 seconds.. Uh, i dont "understand" why im in this.. I dont get it?!?!

p.s i dont like when people dislike my post and u dislike mine :(


-Lime (kira)

272 posts
Posted in Find Me! 4 Rooms! • 21st August 2015, 05:08 PM

[quote id='6821' name='Amandapink30' date='21st August 2015 04:20 PM']I found you!
Both win!

272 posts
Posted in Find Me! 4 Rooms! • 21st August 2015, 03:57 PM

Hey guys, were playing a game called Find Me! In the following rooms below you have to find me:

Hint: Right next to the boat, and the tubes

Im near the shack!

Near the green chair!

Ooh, next to the stag statue!

More coming soon! Goodbai!

272 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 21st August 2015, 01:21 PM

Jilly Cipher wrote on 21st August 2015 03:42 AM:
Its shift + x to take gun, not shift + t...

Oops ill fix that. XD

272 posts
Posted in War knight APP, -Wend • 21st August 2015, 02:17 AM

I might want to add some more about yourself, and add the commands. I might want to make it more orginazed, rather then that, good app! Hope you get it! ;)
This is definetly a 1+. I hope you may get accepted.

-Llama Cooorn

Baaah, stay llama - fied!

272 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 21st August 2015, 01:55 AM

L - l - Llama Coorn here guys! Im making an app for War Knight! I hopee you love it. ( get it? )

Oldcp User: Kiraeye
Forums User: Llama Coorn
Ive had regular knight trainings before, but i have seen War Knight Trainings. I know all the commands for it. I know it is a temporary rank but i really want it. I would love love to be one and fight the BH's as i would try to.

Sword Commands;

Shift + F | Pull out sword.

F | Swing sword

Move Mouser/Cursor | Move around

Gun Commands;

Shift + X | Take out gun

/firearm | View ammo

Click | Shoot
Age; 16. I am in Jr. High School as a senior.

Name; I wouldn't really want to tell my name but its; Saya


Never shoot innocent users, never aim at good users, always aim at BH's, and never ever shoot at innocent users.

About me: I have been on for about 1 year, and i also am experienced and i would love to be a War Knight. I know how to control a gun, and sword. I would experience how to do it and i would really try, and my backup is KiraII just incase i die so you know.
Sorry if its short! But love it if you love it!

-Llama Cooorn

Sorry if its short though!

272 posts
Posted in trivia #2 • 21st August 2015, 12:11 AM

lulu2backup wrote on 20th August 2015 11:12 PM:
TRIVIA #2!!!

what is dan's last name?


B loe

C howell

whats phil's last name?

A lolololol

B lester


what os there book called?

A this book is not on fire

B lol

C so thug lyfe

Dan Howell

Phil Lester

This Book Is Not On Fire

272 posts
Posted in trivia #1 • 20th August 2015, 11:50 PM

lulu2backup wrote on 20th August 2015 10:53 PM:
Toy Bri said on 20th August 2015 10:48 PM:
lulu2backup said on 20th August 2015 10:32 PM:
Toy Bri said on 20th August 2015 10:12 PM:
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. foxy?

all but 4. your close.

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. fredbear


1. A
2. C
3. A

272 posts
Posted in trivia #1 • 20th August 2015, 10:48 PM

lulu2backup wrote on 20th August 2015 10:32 PM:
Toy Bri said on 20th August 2015 10:12 PM:
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. foxy?

all but 4. your close.

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. fredbear

272 posts
Posted in trivia #1 • 20th August 2015, 10:12 PM

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. foxy?