Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in I Give up • 2nd May 2015, 12:53 PM

Hi everyone I hope you read this message I am going to stop trying nothing helped I tried a lot but I did not reach my goal I had a chat with coffieecow but nothing worked for me I goal was to reach a knight but know one knows what's in my sad soul I am just saying I quit I stop trying its to hard I just don't know why nothing is happening I am trying to reach my goal but no I feel like I cant do anything it seems like people just don't want me to reach my big goal go ahead say I am a chump or call me a sad sack of sadness if you try to cheer me up it wont work for me just to let you know I will stop trying I never can reach anything I just think its too late I quit just don't bother to try I big goal was a knight I wanted to b a knight because I want to learn how to be brave and I just wanted to safe people that's just all I wanted to do I quit my career I just quit nothing good about me I only have fear I just wish this had turned around just nothing good I have barley supporter's when I made that knight apply I only had 2 likes just 2 that made me feel like I cant do anything well goodbye to the old aggie

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in My channle/funeral • 1st May 2015, 04:18 PM

Hi Guys This is Aggie A.K.A Takemeoutlol I just made a new channel called #helpinghand its about having love in your heart and kindness I made that channel because I am trying to help people get along with others and its about fun and love but mostly LOVE I will keep things posted and if you want to join please type it below and let me know on clubpenguin.pro server blizzard the most popular place and I will be at town jr 100 the first 4 people will be a counselor but there will be my main person the president when I get in the hundreds (gold) you will be paid 20 gold when I get there I have 20 gold but I will give you 2 gold i'm so sorry but wait please and please describe my channel!

I know people are very sad but Raindrop should be the really sad friends and family members I am so sorry Archie is gone but he is in a better place right now don't worry the funeral is tonight I don't know where but I will see I will be there to show my respects I don't know archie that much but im sorry Raindrop if you read this

this was the latest news right now you can comment down below

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in will you accept me • 26th April 2015, 05:13 PM

I am making this post because I want to be accepted in the real world and I will start to make a club to help people with problems called discussion and I want people to have fun I will start this apply I will be happy this is my apply for a knight I will try to be on time I know I am inactive but I will try not to my school is having some testing and that maybe make me slow but I have some reasons why I will apply for a knight 1) I will have some people to come with me a have a blast and I will help people who are down and upset but they can hang out just for fun I may not be on sometimes but I will pay my respects 2) I don't judge people based on how they look I am kind to people I will never hurt no one I will make that Promise I just want to know how people care a how to make that person happy I will protect everyone and help and do my job you can tell I love every thing and I want to spread love,joy,kindness the most important to me and everyone I cant wait if this happens if i wont get this knight job then i will try not to get mad or anything I Will not put up with anger its the #1 thing i hate thank you if you like this apply i love v10 its the best game i played thank you very much I am getting active I made my channel called #helpinghand I like to have fun and play on my phone and I do fun activity's I just ant to make things better like love I will keep everyone safe I will never be rude or abuse my powers over just things that don't make sense thank you so much I am glad I am apart of this! :)

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Congrats Jacob • 15th March 2015, 07:04 PM

Well in the throne room Jacob has not been a mod i wish him all my luck and stay true to yourself and i'm back it was a while so i'm back and just because you see someone else and you want to be that person so just do your own thing don't let no one bring you down just like Jacob everyone else follow your heart like this paragraph it's from the heart and mind well ask me anything if you need anything

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in About Me - Choc (Wiki) • 21st December 2014, 04:48 PM

Not to be mean but I seem you copy lyance by the way I like your wiki +1

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in About me for Wiki! • 21st December 2014, 12:53 PM

This is long lol But you did a wonderful job you really worked hard +1 Keep up the good work

~Aggie Aka Bang Bang

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Master App ~Charming • 21st December 2014, 11:48 AM

This Post is amazing +Trillion

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Knight app 2 • 21st December 2014, 11:39 AM

Oh Sorry i forgot Please don't be mad at me who ever replied

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Knight app 2 • 21st December 2014, 11:37 AM

Hi i'm Aggie i play snaildom and oldcp i am making my future knight app i hope i will get the job and i will help but call me if you need help don't get mad just ask me if you need a question so these are the reasons

User Name: Aggie

Are you inactive or active will you abuse your powers will you be honest? I am always active and and never inactive i will never abuse my powers i'm am honest i won't lie i will protect everyone from danger and arrest people who curse or be rude i will be helping like i said its my job.
why you want to be a knight and will you be ready for meetings? i want to be a knight because i'm am brave like a real knight and i will face my fear if there's any danger and i will find out what happened i will be ready for important meetings sometimes i will be late but that's okay people make mistakes i was here for a few months but i can't figure how many months i care about people and you are like my family i am Loyal Here's some experiences i do play games with my family and i dance i help cook and clean lol and many more!

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Knight App • 21st December 2014, 11:25 AM

Thanks Ellie For Supporting Me :)

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Knight App • 21st December 2014, 11:24 AM

Hi i'm Aggie i play snaildom and oldcp i am making my future knight app i hope i will get the job and i will help but call me if you need help don't get mad just ask me if you need a question so these are the reasons

User Name: Aggie

Are you inactive or active will you abuse your powers will you be honest? I am always active and and never inactive i will never abuse my powers i'm am honest i won't lie i will protect everyone from danger and arrest people who curse or be rude i will be helping like i said its my job.
why you want to be a knight and will you be ready for meetings? i want to be a knight because i'm am brave like a real knight and i will face my fear if there's any danger and i will find out what happened i will be ready for important meetings sometimes i will be late but that's okay people make mistakes i was here for a few months but i can't figure how many months i care about people and you are like my family

Forums Name:Bang Bang

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Nutcracker Ballet • 18th December 2014, 07:52 AM

Yep I like it Its Great

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in stay good • 18th December 2014, 07:44 AM

Thanks Its Aggie Lol

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Yeah i am a memeber!!! • 18th December 2014, 07:44 AM

Hey Afvw6 Its Aggie Want to come on Oldcp?