Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in people i love • 31st October 2014, 10:52 PM

I love all of you all you guys so much you always made my day every time when you guys treat me with respect I do the same thing to you guys are the best I thank you all for liking my post I am so happy right now always love people form the heart just keep it cool you are wonderful people you are so nice to me and I am nice to you never fight okay stay good your just so good people you guys are the best

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in CocaCola104Knight • 31st October 2014, 10:36 PM

Yes but I really think coca does deserve a knight on SnailDom he has worked so hard and more and more he always did the right thing he is super brave I hope he gets it he really does I am so proud of him and he is my best friend to he is brave like a real knight he really needs it I hope some one promotes him he always did not give up even if he tells me he give up I told him do not and he listened I could not wish for a better friend I really hopes he gets it all of you helpers that are supporting him keep doing it that is not coming from your brain it is coming from the heart just like my posts coca if you read this you rock!

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in About Bragging • 31st October 2014, 10:28 PM

Well this is a regular post but I never seen any one bragging but if you do don't do that its rude and mean but we should not brag it does not matter what you have and you think its better than everyone else so never brag I hate bragging so much it makes my head hurt we should not brag okay?

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in i made my vote • 30th October 2014, 03:27 PM

Okay I had a lot of people who message me now my vote is....................IM STAYING ON SNAILDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :) ONLY if I don't get yelled at or some one being rude to me that's it for now!!

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Fighting Online • 29th October 2014, 05:36 PM

Okay, Here is what I been seeing a little this point is about fighting online we have no reason to be fighting online. First of all why are people doing this it's not funny or anything stand out for each other have faith in yourself you don't know what people are going through I will not laugh at this post this is not funny do not make any joke about people you just need to talk about it say your sorry because that is not fun Okay Freddy just please stop yelling at another say your sorry I am sick of this say your sorry to the people you yelled at I don't like that that makes others sad you better say sorry to the people around you want to keep your knight job then respect others Okay I hope you read this everyone should read this

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in (CherryApple) Aggie4Mod • 29th October 2014, 01:41 PM

Hi I am (CherryApple) Well I am Aggie this is my Application for a mod Well this is why
1.i am very helpful and Active
2.i am great for the mod job I always help others if they are sad
3.i never abuse my powers I will always follow the rules
4.i am not lazy or I am not mean to others I will always respect all staff and users
5.i will keep snaildom safe from danger
6.i love people love and care comes first before my job
7.i never get into trouble I love you guys you respect me like family I will respect all of you
8.i will always say do you have proof before I ban that user
9.i always treat others the way I want to be treated
10.i have fun a lot and I will always respect people I will never show off or nothing else
I hope you read this to the ones who likes this post i love you guys and stay safe :)

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in People Yelling At Me • 25th October 2014, 02:56 PM

Just Why are they yelling at you need proof what He/She said if they are just tell us why :/

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in still about bullying • 23rd October 2014, 03:56 PM

hi guys its aggie we should talk about bullying more lets ask our parents,Teachers others I hate bullying so bad we all should stop bullying just stop the bullying it is hurting others but it is hurting you more that its hurting the person that is being bullyed they are just making there self look cool but it is not cool its bad we should all stand up and don't be shy we should stop bullying now who agrees with me lets stop bullying

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in the bully effect • 23rd October 2014, 09:03 AM

bullying can effect other I hate seeing others getting bullied that's not fair I feel there pain and how they feel I know because I was bullied but my best friend helped me and told the teacher and my friend told me its going to be okay then the next day it was okay the person who bullied me was nice to me he bullied me because he saw I had good friends and he does not have friends like mine but we turned out best friends forever :D and I love it makes me feel very good now I am bully free :D

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in be kind • 23rd October 2014, 08:58 AM

i love being kind i hope you do just be nice to someone don't just sand there and just looking at someone that needs help i will never do that i will be buddys with that person we all should be kind and help others because that is the right thing to do just be nice

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in the other bully effect • 23rd October 2014, 08:41 AM

hey its aggie this is called the bully effect I saw some one getting bullied I felt that persons pain I was bullied to it had effect me my friends told the teacher and then the next day the person who bullied me was nice to me he bullied me because he did not had good friends like me then we became friends we were best friends now I am bully free :) then I had a lot of friends in school and it made me happy and I love it :D please if you bullied some one say your sorry and you can be friends that's how I like it friendship is most we want than bullying

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in DONT BULLY OTHERS • 23rd October 2014, 08:25 AM

Don't bully why? here it is
bullying is not cool tell a adult if you are being bullyed lets just keep the world safe without bullying if you want to say something mean to someone just don't lets stop bullying I was bullyed I told an adult

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Be The Right Person • 23rd October 2014, 08:14 AM

Hi Im Aggie
I want to tell you about being the right person
you should always respect people like all staff and other people you need to choose the right person to be this is about choosing the right wolf inside you but there is no wolf inside you I will rather choose the good wolf the good wolf always respect people and always care about people and helps others the bad wolf you should not be because you will always get into trouble and always treat people badly you have a choice pick the good wolf or the bad wolf replay me to see what you pick

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in NO BULLYS ON SNAILDOM • 15th October 2014, 10:48 PM

if you hate bullying say me I do I bet you to lets keep snaildom safe heres some tips if some one bully you
1.if some one bullys you need to tell a mod or pm damen or just find a closer person to talk to you
2.if you did not realize you bully some one and made them feel sad just say sorry and it will be cool
I hope these tips helped you I hope you liked it
~From Aggie