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Posted in Pengoton #1 • 1st December 2014, 05:50 PM

The Land of Zeldoroth had been taken over by the Penguin Rebels and the Tower of Independence had been struck and killed the Emperor Poptrop who had ruled the land for many a year but came to a slow agonizing death. The Zeldorians had decided to create a new Monarchy and overthrow the rule of the Rebels and there iron grip. Upon creating the new monarchy a king was chosen, his name was Dorian lll. A few hours after the new king had been chosen the Rebels attacked one of there fleets but the new Monarchy, which was now named Doria, fought back by targeting one of there cargo ships and seizing the commander as well as his supplies. The captain would not give up without a fight as he drew his sword whilst getting in a fighting stance. Faldin the Great shot an arrow just narrowly missing the Rebel Commander. The rebel came at him with full speed and forced his sword into his stomach as blood spilled to the floor and splattered upon there clothes. Faldin looked up, astonished at what had just happened. The reast of the crew noticed the seen and rushed over to his aid, two new recruits helped stop the commander but it was too late. He had jumped from the hatchet of the ship and away he wisked into the endless boundaries known as space. To be continued....