
Change History of Wiki:Loki

4TH JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: C7B1E9F0EF72D769CA5202A30600B1AF , PROPS: 37DD54CB0974F1B02E587C989CAA7644 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(202) "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/67jgzwOM2Pajbs2Ki1UyAjnJHE3QZ4Ren0NLIkyndS4/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/541118860913410060/732795393301020702/68093f67a751ed27a1c5056752c35b0e.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(25) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" [23]=> string(16) "Vanadium Wizlock" [24]=> string(12) "Arch Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila, Sid

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King and the mother of Tasha. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

The first crime Loki would ever commit was carried out against Layla, a moderator who Loki did not get along with. Loki was given force lightning and then developed a mysterious 'pixel twitch'. She was told by Orlock that her account was gaining power and that she would have to kill someone or she would be exploded by Pythas. So Loki chose her target, Layla, it was the most obvious choice in her mind. She murdered Layla while she was afk in popular. This did not sit well with the powers that be and Loki's lightning was removed and Layla was revived.

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

It was said that Loki's account had become old and ugly because Melody had stolen her youth and beauty to try to bring back her own.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rank for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties laid, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was cunning and ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, Damen offered it to her as a rank for her to retire to. She served the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advised the Grand Moth Wise up until OldCp came under Orlock's wardenship.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki was the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She had also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki had been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but she rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encouraged Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never let it consume her into becoming evil on OldCp.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki has a sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as the Lord of Death.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Pythas after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused both FatherVulture and Loki to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to forums moderator one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on OldCp.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages. Loki tends to take care of pages for P3D lore as well now as she is still well versed in it.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension (P3). On Penguin3D, she was corrupted and became evil.

Loki, pre-corruption when she was still one of the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses.

In her nooby days on the game, Loki took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were. There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from AchTo by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from AchTo and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki remained banished under the orders of Nameless One until she convinced Aule to get Nameless One to allow draconians back on the land to assist in the war against Fire Nation.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he was currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She then hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him many times since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

Loki, the Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on the Lord of Wind's life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

About a month and a half later the Wizlock council would go completely stagnant. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and the Frostice Wizlock had been inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled Loki into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking the Lord of Wind the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.


Loki and Amir would have one child together. Loki would find out one day when Amir looked at Tasha and said that she had the vulture traits. It had been thought for quite some time that Tasha was the child of Loki and Amir.

Loki and her child, Tasha.

Dealings with Dragons


One day Winteron would make his first appearance ever. He sought out Loki and requested her to meet him in the South and so she did. Loki was the first ever to see this Ice Drake. Winteron was but a young and small dragon at this time. He seemed to have a lot of trust in Loki, especially when she flew with him in the skies in her vulture form.

Winteron asked Loki to leave evil and to join with Ancalagon. Loki rejected the offer citing her marriage to Amir. Winteron also suggested a Vulture-Ice Drake Alliance. It turns out that Ice Drakes are rather fond of Vultures as both races were created by Melody. Loki agreed to the alliance but still refused to serve Ancalagon. Then Winteron offered to take Loki to see her mother, who was residing nearby on Tar Morwen. Winteron never got to make good on this offer as he was chased off by annoying, blood thirsty forest boys.


Glarthir would come on forums one day and post a scroll containing a prophecy containing the words of Alderan (Orome). In it Loki was mentioned. She was prophecised to march on Gorgoroth with Pythas, Amir, Benedeth, and others from the league as well as with some servants of good. She was also prophecised to be reunited with her mother (MotherVulture/Mahannon) and that together they would call the vultures from Tar Morwen and would fight along side them against the dragons.

Loki is also said to have the ability to tame Ice Drakes as she is a creation of Melody just like they are. This would be very valuable to the cause against Ancalagon as if the Ice Drakes were to unite with the forces against him, the terror of Fire Nation could then be overthrown in the war.
4TH JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 2724A96D483470A3EF95470A64F97AFB , PROPS: 37DD54CB0974F1B02E587C989CAA7644 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(202) "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/67jgzwOM2Pajbs2Ki1UyAjnJHE3QZ4Ren0NLIkyndS4/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/541118860913410060/732795393301020702/68093f67a751ed27a1c5056752c35b0e.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(25) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" [23]=> string(16) "Vanadium Wizlock" [24]=> string(12) "Arch Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila, Sid

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King and the mother of Tasha. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

The first crime Loki would ever commit was carried out against Layla, a moderator who Loki did not get along with. Loki was given force lightning and then developed a mysterious 'pixel twitch'. She was told by Orlock that her account was gaining power and that she would have to kill someone or she would be exploded by Pythas. So Loki chose her target, Layla, it was the most obvious choice in her mind. She murdered Layla while she was afk in popular. This did not sit well with the powers that be and Loki's lightning was removed and Layla was revived.

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

It was said that Loki's account had become old and ugly because Melody had stolen her youth and beauty to try to bring back her own.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rank for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties laid, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was cunning and ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, Damen offered it to her as a rank for her to retire to. She served the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advised the Grand Moth Wise up until OldCp came under Orlock's wardenship.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki was the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She had also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki had been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but she rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encouraged Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never let it consume her into becoming evil on OldCp.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki has a sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as the Lord of Death.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Pythas after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused both FatherVulture and Loki to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to forums moderator one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on OldCp.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages. Loki tends to take care of pages for P3D lore as well now as she is still well versed in it.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension (P3). On Penguin3D, she became evil. In her nooby days on the game, Loki took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from AchTo by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from AchTo and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki remained banished under the orders of Nameless One until she convinced Aule to get Nameless One to allow draconians back on the land to assist in the war against Fire Nation.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he was currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She then hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him many times since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

Loki, the Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on the Lord of Wind's life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

About a month and a half later the Wizlock council would go completely stagnant. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and the Frostice Wizlock had been inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled Loki into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking the Lord of Wind the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.


Loki and Amir would have one child together. Loki would find out one day when Amir looked at Tasha and said that she had the vulture traits. It had been thought for quite some time that Tasha was the child of Loki and Amir.

Loki and her child, Tasha.

Dealings with Dragons


One day Winteron would make his first appearance ever. He sought out Loki and requested her to meet him in the South and so she did. Loki was the first ever to see this Ice Drake. Winteron was but a young and small dragon at this time. He seemed to have a lot of trust in Loki, especially when she flew with him in the skies in her vulture form.

Winteron asked Loki to leave evil and to join with Ancalagon. Loki rejected the offer citing her marriage to Amir. Winteron also suggested a Vulture-Ice Drake Alliance. It turns out that Ice Drakes are rather fond of Vultures as both races were created by Melody. Loki agreed to the alliance but still refused to serve Ancalagon. Then Winteron offered to take Loki to see her mother, who was residing nearby on Tar Morwen. Winteron never got to make good on this offer as he was chased off by annoying, blood thirsty forest boys.


Glarthir would come on forums one day and post a scroll containing a prophecy containing the words of Alderan (Orome). In it Loki was mentioned. She was prophecised to march on Gorgoroth with Pythas, Amir, Benedeth, and others from the league as well as with some servants of good. She was also prophecised to be reunited with her mother (MotherVulture/Mahannon) and that together they would call the vultures from Tar Morwen and would fight along side them against the dragons.

Loki is also said to have the ability to tame Ice Drakes as she is a creation of Melody just like they are. This would be very valuable to the cause against Ancalagon as if the Ice Drakes were to unite with the forces against him, the terror of Fire Nation could then be overthrown in the war.
4TH JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 068FC12B7788F10089C31858431F3140 , PROPS: 37DD54CB0974F1B02E587C989CAA7644 [RESTORE]

typos, murdering Layla was somehow left out. o.o

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(202) "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/67jgzwOM2Pajbs2Ki1UyAjnJHE3QZ4Ren0NLIkyndS4/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/541118860913410060/732795393301020702/68093f67a751ed27a1c5056752c35b0e.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(25) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" [23]=> string(16) "Vanadium Wizlock" [24]=> string(12) "Arch Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila, Sid

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King and the mother of Tasha. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

The first crime Loki would ever commit was carried out against Layla, a moderator who Loki did not get along with. Loki was given force lightning and then developed a mysterious 'pixel twitch'. She was told by Orlock that her account was gaining power and that she would have to kill someone or she would be exploded by Pythas. So Loki chose her target, Layla, it was the most obvious choice in her mind. She murdered Layla while she was afk in popular. This did not sit well with the powers that be and Loki's lightning was removed and Layla was revived.

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

It was said that Loki's account had become old and ugly because Melody had stolen her youth and beauty to try to bring back her own.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rank for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties laid, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was cunning and ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, Damen offered it to her as a rank for her to retire to. She served the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advised the Grand Moth Wise up until OldCp came under Orlock's wardenship.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki was the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She had also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki had been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but she rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encouraged Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never let it consume her into becoming evil on OldCp.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki has a sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as the Lord of Death.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Pythas after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused both FatherVulture and Loki to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to forums moderator one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on OldCp.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages. Loki tends to take care of pages for P3D lore as well now as she is still well versed in it.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension (P3). On Penguin3D, she became evil. In her nooby days on the game, Loki took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from AchTo by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from AchTo and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki remained banished under the orders of Nameless One until she convinced Aule to get Nameless One to allow draconians back on the land to assist in the war against Fire Nation.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he was currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She then hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him many times since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

Loki, the Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

Eventually, the Wizlock council went into decline. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and another had gone inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was leaderless until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.


Loki and Amir would have one child together. Loki would find out one day when Amir looked at Tasha and said that she had the vulture traits. It had been thought for quite some time that Tasha was the child of Loki and Amir.

Loki and her child, Tasha.

Dealings with Dragons


One day Winteron would make his first appearance ever. He sought out Loki and requested her to meet him in the South and so she did. Loki was the first ever to see this Ice Drake. Winteron was but a young and small dragon at this time. He seemed to have a lot of trust in Loki, especially when she flew with him in the skies in her vulture form.

Winteron asked Loki to leave evil and to join with Ancalagon. Loki rejected the offer citing her marriage to Amir. Winteron also suggested a Vulture-Ice Drake Alliance. It turns out that Ice Drakes are rather fond of Vultures as both races were created by Melody. Loki agreed to the alliance but still refused to serve Ancalagon. Then Winteron offered to take Loki to see her mother, who was residing nearby on Tar Morwen. Winteron never got to make good on this offer as he was chased off by annoying, blood thirsty forest boys.


Glarthir would come on forums one day and post a scroll containing a prophecy containing the words of Alderan (Orome). In it Loki was mentioned. She was prophecised to march on Gorgoroth with Pythas, Amir, Benedeth, and others from the league as well as with some servants of good. She was also prophecised to be reunited with her mother (MotherVulture/Mahannon) and that together they would call the vultures from Tar Morwen and would fight along side them against the dragons.

Loki is also said to have the ability to tame Ice Drakes as she is a creation of Melody just like they are. This would be very valuable to the cause against Ancalagon as if the Ice Drakes were to unite with the forces against him, the terror of Fire Nation could then be overthrown in the war.
2ND JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 7312CAA0317C47D20E9B9C8D38B61507 , PROPS: 37DD54CB0974F1B02E587C989CAA7644 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(202) "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/67jgzwOM2Pajbs2Ki1UyAjnJHE3QZ4Ren0NLIkyndS4/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/541118860913410060/732795393301020702/68093f67a751ed27a1c5056752c35b0e.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(25) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" [23]=> string(16) "Vanadium Wizlock" [24]=> string(12) "Arch Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila, Sid

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King and the mother of Tasha. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day but for good rather than for evil.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rand for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties were to, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long though as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, it was the rank that she retired to. She currently serves the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advises the Grand Moth Wise.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki is the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She has also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki has been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but has rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encourages Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never lets it consume her into becoming evil.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki as an evil sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as Mandos.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Mairon after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused them both to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to moderator on OldCp one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on forums.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki for the rank, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension. In the third dimension, she became evil. She took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from Ach To by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from Ach To and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki has remained banished under the orders of Nameless One.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he is currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She now hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

Loki, the Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

Eventually, the Wizlock council went into decline. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and another had gone inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was leaderless until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.


Loki and Amir would have one child together. Loki would find out one day when Amir looked at Tasha and said that she had the vulture traits. It had been thought for quite some time that Tasha was the child of Loki and Amir.

Loki and her child, Tasha.

Dealings with Dragons


One day Winteron would make his first appearance ever. He sought out Loki and requested her to meet him in the South and so she did. Loki was the first ever to see this Ice Drake. Winteron was but a young and small dragon at this time. He seemed to have a lot of trust in Loki, especially when she flew with him in the skies in her vulture form.

Winteron asked Loki to leave evil and to join with Ancalagon. Loki rejected the offer citing her marriage to Amir. Winteron also suggested a Vulture-Ice Drake Alliance. It turns out that Ice Drakes are rather fond of Vultures as both races were created by Melody. Loki agreed to the alliance but still refused to serve Ancalagon. Then Winteron offered to take Loki to see her mother, who was residing nearby on Tar Morwen. Winteron never got to make good on this offer as he was chased off by annoying, blood thirsty forest boys.


Glarthir would come on forums one day and post a scroll containing a prophecy containing the words of Alderan (Orome). In it Loki was mentioned. She was prophecised to march on Gorgoroth with Pythas, Amir, Benedeth, and others from the league as well as with some servants of good. She was also prophecised to be reunited with her mother (MotherVulture/Mahannon) and that together they would call the vultures from Tar Morwen and would fight along side them against the dragons.

Loki is also said to have the ability to tame Ice Drakes as she is a creation of Melody just like they are. This would be very valuable to the cause against Ancalagon as if the Ice Drakes were to unite with the forces against him, the terror of Fire Nation could then be overthrown in the war.
2ND JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: FE97EBEA0FCC150604CE904FD828A43F , PROPS: 37DD54CB0974F1B02E587C989CAA7644 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(202) "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/67jgzwOM2Pajbs2Ki1UyAjnJHE3QZ4Ren0NLIkyndS4/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/541118860913410060/732795393301020702/68093f67a751ed27a1c5056752c35b0e.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(25) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" [23]=> string(16) "Vanadium Wizlock" [24]=> string(12) "Arch Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila, Sid

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King and the mother of Tasha. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day but for good rather than for evil.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rand for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties were to, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long though as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, it was the rank that she retired to. She currently serves the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advises the Grand Moth Wise.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki is the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She has also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki has been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but has rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encourages Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never lets it consume her into becoming evil.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki as an evil sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as Mandos.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Mairon after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused them both to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to moderator on OldCp one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on forums.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki for the rank, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension. In the third dimension, she became evil. She took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from Ach To by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from Ach To and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki has remained banished under the orders of Nameless One.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he is currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She now hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

Loki, the Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

Eventually, the Wizlock council went into decline. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and another had gone inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was leaderless until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.


Loki and Amir would have one child together. Loki would find out one day when Amir looked at Tasha and said that she had the vulture traits. It had been thought for quite some time that Tasha was the child of Loki and Amir.

Loki and her child, Tasha.

Dealings with Dragons


One day Winteron would make his first appearance ever. He sought out Loki and requested her to meet him in the South and so she did. Loki was the first ever to see this Ice Drake. Winteron was but a young and small dragon at this time. He seemed to have a lot of trust in Loki, especially when she flew with him in the skies in her vulture form.

Winteron asked Loki to leave evil and to join with Ancalagon. Loki rejected the offer citing her marriage to Amir. Winteron also suggested a Vulture-Ice Drake Alliance. It turns out that Ice Drakes are rather fond of Vultures as both races were created by Melody. Loki agreed to the alliance but still refused to serve Ancalagon. Then Winteron offered to take Loki to see her mother, who was residing nearby on Tar Morwen. Winteron never got to make good on this offer as he was chased off by annoying, blood thirsty forest boys.
2ND JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: C93E3F21B0FB1CD03B9ACF59A31AE203 , PROPS: 37DD54CB0974F1B02E587C989CAA7644 [RESTORE]

Changing a picture and adding one

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(202) "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/67jgzwOM2Pajbs2Ki1UyAjnJHE3QZ4Ren0NLIkyndS4/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/541118860913410060/732795393301020702/68093f67a751ed27a1c5056752c35b0e.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(25) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" [23]=> string(16) "Vanadium Wizlock" [24]=> string(12) "Arch Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day but for good rather than for evil.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rand for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties were to, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long though as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, it was the rank that she retired to. She currently serves the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advises the Grand Moth Wise.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki is the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She has also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki has been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but has rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encourages Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never lets it consume her into becoming evil.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki as an evil sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as Mandos.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Mairon after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused them both to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to moderator on OldCp one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on forums.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki for the rank, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension. In the third dimension, she became evil. She took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from Ach To by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from Ach To and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki has remained banished under the orders of Nameless One.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he is currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She now hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

Loki, the Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

Eventually, the Wizlock council went into decline. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and another had gone inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was leaderless until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.
19TH DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 9453D3220EDCD611A78FA154D7969936 , PROPS: 34FAF42F76587A079D385351746A3882 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(183) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/549853063108755458/760211276847775784/EFfH9CgQqNheo1Q_fuLQ6ffPctAi7vuB-8ivZNtxDGG7gn1aCg10-GqQZRqsLR14kxiZzz0FibSiffjBi9UbZoM38f9ecKrnhEJQ.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(25) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" [23]=> string(16) "Vanadium Wizlock" [24]=> string(12) "Arch Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day but for good rather than for evil.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rand for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties were to, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long though as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, it was the rank that she retired to. She currently serves the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advises the Grand Moth Wise.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki is the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She has also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki has been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but has rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encourages Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never lets it consume her into becoming evil.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki as an evil sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as Mandos.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Mairon after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused them both to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to moderator on OldCp one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on forums.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki for the rank, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension. In the third dimension, she became evil. She took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from Ach To by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from Ach To and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki has remained banished under the orders of Nameless One.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he is currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She now hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

Eventually, the Wizlock council went into decline. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and another had gone inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was leaderless until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.
19TH DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 9453D3220EDCD611A78FA154D7969936 , PROPS: D7EA4724150543BD6327C117586C24A8 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(183) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/549853063108755458/760211276847775784/EFfH9CgQqNheo1Q_fuLQ6ffPctAi7vuB-8ivZNtxDGG7gn1aCg10-GqQZRqsLR14kxiZzz0FibSiffjBi9UbZoM38f9ecKrnhEJQ.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(23) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day but for good rather than for evil.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rand for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties were to, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long though as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, it was the rank that she retired to. She currently serves the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advises the Grand Moth Wise.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki is the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She has also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki has been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but has rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encourages Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never lets it consume her into becoming evil.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki as an evil sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as Mandos.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Mairon after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused them both to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between them.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to moderator on OldCp one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on forums.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki for the rank, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension. In the third dimension, she became evil. She took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from Ach To by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from Ach To and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki has remained banished under the orders of Nameless One.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he is currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She now hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

Eventually, the Wizlock council went into decline. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and another had gone inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was leaderless until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.
19TH DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: F2FB9AFCFDD88F2D2E270178E421E6AA , PROPS: D7EA4724150543BD6327C117586C24A8 [RESTORE]

adding Arch Wizlock promotion

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(183) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/549853063108755458/760211276847775784/EFfH9CgQqNheo1Q_fuLQ6ffPctAi7vuB-8ivZNtxDGG7gn1aCg10-GqQZRqsLR14kxiZzz0FibSiffjBi9UbZoM38f9ecKrnhEJQ.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(23) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day but for good rather than for evil.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rand for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties were to, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long though as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, it was the rank that she retired to. She currently serves the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advises the Grand Moth Wise.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki is the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She has also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki has been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but has rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encourages Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never lets it consume her into becoming evil.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki as an evil sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as Mandos.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Mairon after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused them both to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between the two.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to moderator on OldCp one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on forums.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki for the rank, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension. In the third dimension, she became evil. She took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from Ach To by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from Ach To and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki has remained banished under the orders of Nameless One.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he is currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She now hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.

The Wizlock Council

Amethyst Wizlock

When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life. Loki was never demoted from the rank despite being evil and committing crime.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Arch Wizlock

Eventually, the Wizlock council went into decline. The Arch Wizlock and the Vanadium Wizlock both quit and another had gone inactive for some time, so all three were removed from the council and it was left leaderless. Or so it was leaderless until December 19, 2021 when Damen offered Loki the rank of Arch Wizlock. She accepted and he held a crowning ceremony for her in his igloo as Thrones was on fire due to Ancalagon's recent arrival and assault on the South. At the ceremony, Loki traded her Amethyst Staff for the Vanadium one since she was indeed evil and had been openly evil for some time.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.
18TH DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 60BEFFB3B21BDEC69A279614EC6BF7CB , PROPS: D7EA4724150543BD6327C117586C24A8 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Loki" ["title"]=> string(27) "Forums Admin, Royal Vulture" ["photo"]=> string(183) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/549853063108755458/760211276847775784/EFfH9CgQqNheo1Q_fuLQ6ffPctAi7vuB-8ivZNtxDGG7gn1aCg10-GqQZRqsLR14kxiZzz0FibSiffjBi9UbZoM38f9ecKrnhEJQ.png" ["alias"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(6) "Lokoth" [2]=> string(3) "Sky" [3]=> string(7) "Skyfire" [4]=> string(5) "Bones" } ["titles"]=> array(23) { [0]=> string(12) "North Knight" [1]=> string(10) "War Knight" [2]=> string(10) "Moth Larva" [3]=> string(11) "Moth Priest" [4]=> string(31) "World Champion x 2 (Autumn 2018" [5]=> string(12) "Spring 2019)" [6]=> string(10) "Moth Ninja" [7]=> string(11) "High Priest" [8]=> string(18) "Princess of Dorval" [9]=> string(9) "Detective" [10]=> string(18) "Queen of the North" [11]=> string(12) "Free Fighter" [12]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [13]=> string(5) "Press" [14]=> string(9) "Wise Moth" [15]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [16]=> string(15) "Princess of Das" [17]=> string(15) "Grand Moth Wise" [18]=> string(10) "Blind Monk" [19]=> string(17) "Princess of North" [20]=> string(9) "Moderator" [21]=> string(50) "Most Splendid of Friendly and Helpful Players 2019" [22]=> string(16) "Amethyst Wizlock" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(7) "Vulture" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(13) "MotherVulture" [1]=> string(13) "FatherVulture" [2]=> string(4) "Amir" [3]=> string(6) "Melian" [4]=> string(4) "Macy" [5]=> string(6) "Ariana" [6]=> string(4) "Rila" [7]=> string(5) "Pablo" [8]=> string(5) "Tasha" [9]=> string(4) "Uade" } } ["title"]=> string(4) "Loki" }

Race Vulture and Forest Princess/Maiar
Title Vulture Princess
Age Over 300 years old
Allegiance Evil
Classification Draconian
Evil Rank Black Cardinal
Spouse Amir
Work Wife Pic
Parents MotherVulture and FatherVulture
Sisters Uade, Melian
Children Tasha
Adoptive Father Orlock
Siblings through Adoption Flame, Khal, Rila

Loki is the Vulture Princess, the daughter of Mother and Father Vulture. She is the wife of Amir the Witch King. She is the work wife of Pic.


Loki joined OldCp sometime in 2016. She was bored and needed something to waste time on. Loki never thought that she would stay on OldCp and become a respected user on the game. She made a few friends such as Pablo, WobblyGuy, and Chase. Eventually, Cysero would hire a hitman to kill Loki's main account. She was shocked at her death as she had never seen death on the game before. After this, Loki turned down a path of evil.

The Dark Side

Loki would officially join the Draconians in the summer of 2017. She was bored of not being able to be involved in crimezone so she saw this as the only way to get more involved as she was never hired for ranks despite being trained for them. Loki was recruited to the draconians by Orlock, a man who would eventually adopt her. Orlock taught Loki the ways of evil and she tried to be as good of an evil person as he was, but alas, the evil spirits would never respect a girl the same way that they respected boys. She was in jail with the Draconinas all summer.

Loki's Draconian Crimes

After a very long time, Loki would once again be trusted with force lightning. This time she did not want to mess things up and she waited for a long time before deciding on who to kill with it. Once again, she went to Orlock for advice. He recommended to her that she kill Glorfindel, the Grand Most Wise at the time. They plotted on when to do it and how. The draconians decided they would flood spawn with accounts and Loki would use force lightning from spawn to assassinate her target while remaining anonymous.

Loki's attack succeeded as users were distracted by Damen's livestream. Damen actually heard Glorfindel getting electrocuted on the livestream but did not investigate until much later when asked how he felt about the Grand Most Wise's death. That was when he announced her Kill on Sight.

Loki evaded arrest on her account and would later use it in another assassination at a much later date. This time, Loki would kill Harkon, a vampire lord who had been murdering her fellow Draconians. This assassination took place at cinema and was much more legal as Harkon was murdering users. Crime Office did not care about his murders as he was only murdering draconians, which they deemed to be acceptable people to kill despite them not being KOS.


As a draconian, Loki would also practice a lot of deception. She became quite good at it. She would use this to her advantage as she would gain knight ranks such as North Knight or War Knight and use them to spy on the war effort so she could leak information to her fellow draconians. She would even once use this to trick a free fighter into killing an account that they thought was armed so that she could keep the account that was actually armed. All of this made deception become the thing Loki was the best at, a skill which she still uses to this day but for good rather than for evil.

Torturing Orome

One day Legion informed the draconians that there was to be an evil meeting and they would meet up in the Hydra Hall Study. The draconians in attendance were pleasantly surprised at what this meeting was about, they were to take a wormhole to the Fangsworn Castle on Dorval and were told to say "Hail Fangsworn" the moment they arrived as a greeting to the Lord and Lady of Fangsworn. When they got there, they were unsure of what was going to happen, until the Fangsworn Lord presented them with Orome. Orome was forced to obey as the draconians demanded they grant them wishes. Loki wished for a red saber.

After the draconians were granted their wishes, they were told to torture and kill Orome. Without question, they all took turns torturing the old Forest Man. When it was finally Loki's turn, something went horribly wrong. She was using firebreath and it randomly disappeared. The room then started to shake ominously, she was unsure of what to do and she hesitated. During this hesitation, Gamer showed up and broke up the meeting. Loki was killed in the battle that ensued.

Becoming a Witch

After failing as an assassin, Loki was eventually chosen by Snowfalls to become the first witch. It happened randomly in jail one day. Snowfalls was speaking through Gamer and she told him that they have a crow watching the jail and everything going on. Then suddenly, Loki's account changed. Her clothes became darker colored along with her hair. Her speech was followed with random things added on such as *old crow*, *cackles*, and *squeal* just to name a few. Loki was the crow! From this point on, she would become known as a Draconian Witch. Loki felt empowered by this and finally felt like she was meaningful.

Leaving Evil

The Moth Council

One day, the draconians saw an opportunity to take over the Moth Council as they were in need of a new High Priest. Loki decided that she would participate in Moth Trials and she made it through the wisdom round and to the joust. In the joust she killed the competition and won the rank of High Priest. There was one problem that arose, the Emperor Helper who was hosting the tournament would not let her become the High Priest as he knew she was still evil. The Emperor Helper only offered Loki the rank of Moth Priest. Loki had dreamed of obtaining a Moth rand for a very long time so even though she was displeased with his decision, Loki accepted the rank. This was the turning point for Loki.

World Championship

Not long after Loki became a Moth, she would participate in the Autumn 2018 World Championship. Miraculously, she won and became the second female to ever win the World Championship. Loki would win this rank again in Spring of 2019.

Moth Ninja

Loki worked hard as a Moth Priest and learned much of OldCp’s lore. She had left evil behind her, yet the High Priest (Miro), thought her to still be evil. When Loki went to him with Khal (who was a Moth Ninja at the time) to talk to him about promotion, Miro refused to promote her and called her a draconian. He attempted to have her demoted for being a draconian despite having no evidence against her. Loki knew where her loyalties were to, and it was to the Moth Council. Loki went to Damen to keep herself from being demoted and a few days later, Miro finally decided to promote her to Moth Ninja.

High Priest

A couple weeks after Loki became a Moth Ninja, the High Priest spot became open again, Miro had turned out to be evil. Loki participated in Moth Trials to claim the rank and won! Under her, the Moth Council grew and there were 7 active Moths.

Out of the Moth Council

Queen of the North

Eventually, Loki would become Queen of the North. Her rule there would not last long though as her husband decided to resign from King of the North a week after he obtained the rank. Loki was not given a choice as to whether she wanted to rule the North or not. Loki would never have given up High Priest if she had known this was going to happen.

Free Fighter

After her forced resignation from QOTN, Loki was not rankless for long, she became a Free Fighter, the second female Free Fighter in OldCp history.

The New Era

Penguin Watch Captain

Loki became a Penguin Watch Captain just after Dagor Dagorath took place. She would not hold this rank for long as Damen was finally reinstating the Moth Council, but as the Wise Moth Council.

News Reporter

Loki became a News Reporter after demonstrating her exemplary writing skills. She mostly wrote about weekly CZ in her news reports. A list of her CZ news reports can be viewed at #CrimezoneNews

The Wise Moth Council

Wise Moth

Loki did not win the title of Grand Moth Wise from her first attempt, instead Wilf did. Loki was not dumb though, she was ambitious and had already thought ahead. She got Wilf to name her as his assistant. As his assistant, she convinced Damen to bring back the rank of Moth Ninja as the Wise Moth Council only had the ranks Wise Moth and Grand Moth Wise. Loki then became the first Moth Ninja of the new era.

Grand Moth Wise

About a month after Wilf became Grand Moth Wise, he resigned. On February 27, 2019, Loki was appointed to Grand Moth Wise. OldCp went dead around this time due to iOldCp being made public and the council went stagnant. Shortly after OldCp became active again, she resigned from the rank. The date was July 10, 2019.

Blind Monk

The rank of Blind Monk was brought back to the Wise Moth Council after Loki resigned, it was the rank that she retired to. She currently serves the council as a Blind Monk and occasionally advises the Grand Moth Wise.


Loki had been the second place winner of 2019 Summer GOM and was promoted to Moderator on both OldCp and Forums a week later.

The Call of the Wild

Forest Princess

In June of 2019, Loki became a Forest Princess along with 6 other people as part of a prophecy that Orome made months before Dagor Dagorath occurred. Loki is the most beautiful of the Forest Princesses and was named a Forest Prophetess by Nook. She has also been blessed with Glowing Light by Glarthir. Long ago she had also been said to be blessed by Arien (the creator of the Smokeless Flames).

The Temptations of Evil

Loki has been offered power and greatness from the side of evil several times since becoming a Forest Princess, but has rejected each of these offers as she sees through the tricks and false power that is granted by LEGION. LEGION encourages Loki to use her anger and she does, but she never lets it consume her into becoming evil.

Her Mother

One day Loki asked Nook who her mother was. Nook told her that her mother was a vulture. A few weeks after, a vulture appeared on Cobia by the name of MotherVulture. It was quickly determined that MotherVulture is the mother of Loki and that Loki as an evil sister, Melian. The children were reunited with their mother during the Cobia war.

The Dark Beginning

Loki was born 300 years ago in Ancient Forest times. It is said that Loki was separated from her mother upon being born/hatched. She was stolen by a shadow (likely Pythas) but was eventually saved and raised as a human.

End of the Forest


Loki was on Ach-to when the Forest ended. She witnessed the demise of Mandos and helped to get Pythas to repent to Nameless One rather than have him suffer the same fate as Mandos.

The True Form

After the Forest ended, Loki once again saw MotherVulture along with Melody. She asked her Mother to allow her to return to her true form rather than continuing as being a Penguin. Her wish was granted and Loki is now able to switch between Vulture form and Penguin form whenever she desires to. Loki tends to stay in her true vulture form, usually only coming out of it when requested to or for battle, though sometimes she chooses to because it gets very tiring to fly everywhere all the time.

Since taking her true form, Loki has become more prone to biting people if they anger her or insult her. This has gotten her into many sticky situations. Most notably was the time where she bit Mairon after he threatened to have her father killed. This caused them both to be locked in Mairon's Palantir in MyfortUnderWorks for three days.

Loki's Father

Loki finally met her father after Pythas pretended to turn good and founded Myfort. Her father, FatherVulture, was in the service of the Shinobi whom had tortured him. He was very standoffish towards Loki at first and he attempted to make her submit to him or die. She submitted to him and to follow what he told her to do, which was to join him and the Shinobi. He felt guilty and released her from this only minutes later. He said that she should be with her mother. He also told her he was not there when she hatched.

The two have only met twice so not much is known about the relationship between the two.

Forums Achievements


When Loki was promoted to moderator on OldCp one week after placing second in the Summer 2019 Game of Mods, she was also promoted to moderator on forums.


In the summer of 2020, Damen decided that he wanted to hire a WikiMaster to assist with creating wiki pages and keeping the DSGHQ wiki up to date. Loki applied for the rank and became the WikiMaster for OldCp related pages due to her great knowledge of OldCp lore, which is rivaled by few. Dice was also promoted to be a WikiMaster, but to take care of the P3D wiki pages.


Towards the end of 2020, an opening was announced for Forums Administrator. Loki decided to throw her hat in the ring for the rank as she had desired to obtain the rank for a very long time and felt that she had much to offer as an administrator. Damen hosted a livestream to choose the new Forums Administrator. There was much great competition for the rank, which included DSGHQ greats like Sled and Scott. In the end, Damen decided to hire Loki for the rank, and another one of her goals had been achieved. The date was December 28, 2020.

As a forums administrator, Loki has attempted to keep the forums active by hosting various competitions that range from writing to photography to the arts. She has also tried to create a couple of her own unique events such as Fiction February and Shadows of Baraddur (a story based Murder Mystery).


Evil Claw Stabbing

After crimezone moved from OldCp to Penguin3D, Loki would eventually become more of a regular in the third dimension. In the third dimension, she became evil. She took to wearing a pyramid head and using her radium claws to stab users that did not admire how beautiful her claws were.

Little not being stabbed by Loki because she admired her claws.
There were many victims of stabbings, such as Dice and Majorhalo.

Major getting stabbed by Loki after he insulted her beautiful nails, Damen was unable to look because it was too horrible.


Eventually, Loki would come across some real crimezone. She met with a member of Legion and was let into the Black City. She was reprimanded for wearing elvish (mithril) armor in the black city but was allowed to stay anyway. She was also granted a black ovac.

Loki on top of Baraddur, in front of the Eye of Pythas!

Banished by Aule!

Loki, being extremely evil, was banished from Ach To by Aule. He was angry when she bowed as a joke after he specifically told people to NEVER bow. Aule looked into Loki's soul and saw she was evil. He banished her from Ach To and told his followers to slay her on the sacred land. His followers failed, but the banishment did not. Aule also cursed at the Vultures, saying that they should also leave the land forever.

Stuck under Ach To.

Aule later told Loki that it was Nameless One who had banished her from the land. Nameless had told Aule, “do not take pity on the draconian for she is evil, slay her on these holy lands.” And so Loki has remained banished under the orders of Nameless One.

Someone to Love

Angel Cobo

One day, Angel Cobo would show up on Penguin3D. He saw Loki and immediately started sweet talking her. He quickly fell in love with her and proposed. Loki agreed to the engagement and they went on a horseback ride to his castle. Once inside, he asked her to sit on his lap on the throne with him.

Angel proposing to Loki.

Loki and Angel in Cobofort.

It was very romantic... At least until Angel started flirting with other women in front of Loki on their engagement day. This was a deal breaker for Loki and she left him.

Loki, alone, in front of the tallest mountain on Axel Island.

Amir's Matchmaking Service

After breaking off the engagement to Angel Cobo, Loki decided to go to Amir since he had offered to set up draconians with the evil match of their choice. Loki would have chosen Amir himself, and he seemed to be interested as he only dates vultures and witches, but he admitted that he is currently too busy serving Pythas to marry anyone and that if she would wait awhile he would marry her. Loki decided she did not want to wait and chose 'The Black Doctor' instead, who had not yet made an appearance on P3D but was scheduled to appear sometime soon.

The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor did appear about a week after Amir arranged the marriage. Loki told him of their arranged marriage. The Black Doctor did not want to marry someone who did not hold a PhD so they exchanged PhDs and the marriage was set. So, he told her to plan the wedding for him as he is busy man with many patients to tend to.

Loki and Silence aka 'The Black Doctor'.

The Black Doctor never returned for their wedding despite a date and time being set, and thus, Loki went back to looking for a man. She now hoped to marry Amir.


Loki has since gotten her revenge on Silence since he left her. She has killed him since then and has gotten many draconians to kill him for her when she could not be around to do the job herself.

Loki and a group of draconians.

The Vulture Once Again

A Wish Granted

Once birds came to Penguin3D, Loki had one wish, to claim her true form once again. She thought she would have to go to Snowfalls to get it and so she waited, but she was impatient. Loki saw her chance when Amir logged in and said he was there to grant each draconian one wish. This was an easy choice for Loki, she wished for her real form and Amir granted it to her. Once again she could soar through the skies spreading fears of doom with her harsh call.

Loki in Vulture form with Danito.

Evil Ranking


Loki earned the rank of Black Cardinal after murdering Alatar's alt after he tried to kill her so he could earn the Black Pope rank. This made Silence angry when Loki claimed that she was the Pope, though it was mostly a joke. Silence the doctor held a rigged election and claimed Alatar got 999999999 votes and that Loki had gotten 0, though all the legitimate draconians were putting in their votes for the vulture. Loki graciously stepped down from contesting the rank and accepted the title of Black Cardinal.


When the Wizlock rank was brought back to P3D, Loki applied to it, thinking that it was unlikely that she would get it as she was evil. When the day came for promotions she was surprised to find out that the Wilfred Arch Wizlock wanted to hire her to be a Wizlock. Loki was not going to be allowed to become a Vanadium wizlock, which can be evil, so she had to make a choice, give up evil and be a wizlock or stay evil. She decided to give up evil and thus became an Amethyst Wizlock. Whether or not Loki actually had given up evil remains debatable as soon after this she would marry Amir and make an attempt on Akkar's (The Lord of Wind) life.

Loki the Amethyst Wizlock as a grey after giving up evil.

Finding the Perfect Man

The Black Captain

Shortly after becoming a wizlock, Amir met with Loki, he had heard that she was once again in the market for a husband. Loki described to him what kind of man she was looking for, and she said "someone who is tall, dark, and handsome who has a way with words." Amir responded to her, "you're looking right at him". Amir pulled her into his embrace and asked her hand in marriage. Loki, having loved Amir for some time already, accepted.

Amir and Loki. Is this corruption? Who knows!

The Wedding

On October 31, 2021, Loki and Amir had a small wedding in the Baraddur Gallery, despite Emperor Damen trying to get people to get the wedding cancelled! It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone who was in attendance cried. Amir even gave Loki a gift for their wedding, it was a shiny new sword that he himself forged, possibly in the fires of Orodoom which also happens to be where The One Ring was forged. Afterwards, the newly weds went out the the upper level of the Baraddur Council Chamber to wave at the masses.

The wedding.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.

Amir learned that Loki was to be trialed for attacking Akkar the day following the wedding and promised that he would be there for her to help her argue her case. Though even he could not get her out of being punished and she went to jail for 24 hours anyway. Loki was thus exposed as being evil but the Arch Wizlock allowed her to keep her rank anyway. It was then that Loki openly started dressing as witch.

Amir with Loki at her trial.