
Change History of Wiki:Orbay

3RD AUGUST 2020 BY MERCER , BODY: F868D87A52B70A873566474F47F4C4E3 , PROPS: A4DB3E630C9AD5D840FD0CEB302230EB [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(15) "Lord of the Sea" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.

One day, Legion told Orbay of a prophecy: "The Prophecy of the One World King". According to Legion, the OWK would be a charming and manipulative individual who would amass power and control all islands at once.

Dedicated to fulfilling his prophecy, Orbay and the Draconians got the work. Through manipulation and island politics, Orbay was able to gain control of every island except South (North, Providence Das), while managing to keep his facade as a "Southern loyalist".

But soon, everything was to change in a drastic way.

The Assassination of Emperor Damen

Orbay was ordered by Legion to assassinate Damen, in order to fulfill his prophecy. Orbay had 2nd thoughts, but he had no choice to obey, so he started planning.

Before Damen's next session, he recruited 2 Draconians for the job, armed them with red sabers, and placed them in the Throne Room to strike when the time was right.

During the session, Damen rejoined, and that's when the Draconians struck and successfully killed Damen.

Orbay and the 2 Draconians thought the plan went without a hitch, so they left for the night.

Or so they thought.

Gamer had managed to track down Orbay on cinema and saw him conspiring to kill Damen with Legion. Upon reporting this to Tennis, who had assumed the role of Emperor Regent, a full-scale attack was launched on all islands owned by Orbay. This resulted in a devastating defeat for Orbay, causing him to lose everything but 1 Island.

This was a major setback that took him a while to recover from, but eventually, he did.

The Comeback

Once again, through manipulation, Orbay managed to get himself pardoned, and trusted once again for ranks. Soon enough, Orbay once again gained control of the North, Providence and Das.

Presidential Elections

At the time, OldCP had converted from a monarchy to a democracy, and the South was now run by a President. Having found his ticket, Orbay decided to run for President in the next upcoming Presidential Election. Thanks to the effort of his team, MOTE (Members of the Elite), Orbay received outstanding support by the people.

This, however, would not last.

Re-instating Monarchy

Orbay served a short while as the President, rolling out new proposals for the Judge to vote upon, answering to the users' requests, etc. But one day, Orbay held a special session. A session that would change the course of everything.

In this session, Orbay announced that he was Re-instating Monarchy, and he crowned himself Emperor Orbay Hydra I.

This decision did not sit well with the people. Everyone, including Damen, was shocked.

Damen re-evaluating his life decisions that led to this moment

Shock soon turned to outrage, and Orbay's own group, MOTE, decided to overthrow Orbay for betraying their trust. A civil war ensued between IMPERIAL and the people. There were numerous casualties on both ends, but the war ultimately came to a close when IMPERIAL missiled a room filled with innocent users. This caused Damen and Tennis to step in, and negotiations begun.

In the end, Orbay stepped down from the South Throne, but managed to keep Providence and Das.

Orbay's "One World King" prophecy was complete, even if it lasted a bit short.
3RD AUGUST 2020 BY MERCER , BODY: 70D353A015E08BEDB747551D1CA26A47 , PROPS: A4DB3E630C9AD5D840FD0CEB302230EB [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(15) "Lord of the Sea" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.

One day, Legion told Orbay of a prophecy: "The Prophecy of the One World King". According to Legion, the OWK would be a charming and manipulative individual who would amass power and control all islands at once.

Dedicated to fulfilling his prophecy, Orbay and the Draconians got the work. Through manipulation and island politics, Orbay was able to gain control of every island except South (North, Providence Das), while managing to keep his facade as a "Southern loyalist".

But soon, everything was to change in a drastic way.

The Assassination of Emperor Damen

Orbay was ordered by Legion to assassinate Damen, in order to fulfill his prophecy. Orbay had 2nd thoughts, but he had no choice to obey, so he started planning.

Before Damen's next session, he recruited 2 Draconians for the job, armed them with red sabers, and placed them in the Throne Room to strike when the time was right.

During the session, Damen rejoined, and that's when the Draconians struck and successfully killed Damen.

Orbay and the 2 Draconians thought the plan went without a hitch, so they left for the night.

Or so they thought.

Gamer had managed to track down Orbay on cinema and saw him conspiring to kill Damen with Legion. Upon reporting this to Tennis, who had assumed the role of Emperor Regent, a full-scale attack was launched on all islands owned by Orbay. This resulted in a devastating defeat for Orbay, causing him to lose everything but 1 Island.

This was a major setback that took him a while to recover from, but eventually, he did.

The Comeback

Once again, through manipulation, Orbay managed to get himself pardoned, and trusted once again for ranks. Soon enough, Orbay once again gained control of the North, Providence and Das.

Presidential Elections

At the time, OldCP had converted from a monarchy to a democracy, and the South was now run by a President. Having found his ticket, Orbay decided to run for President in the next upcoming Presidential Election. Thanks to the effort of his team, MOTE (Members of the Elite), Orbay received outstanding support by the people.

This, however, would not last.

Re-instating Monarchy

Orbay served a short while as the President, rolling out new proposals for the Judge to vote upon, answering to the users' requests, etc. But one day, Orbay held a special session. A session that would change the course of everything.

In this session, Orbay announced that he was Re-instating Monarchy, and he crowned himself Emperor Orbay Hydra I.

This decision did not sit well with the people. Everyone, including Damen, was shocked.

Damen re-evaluating his life decisions that led to this moment

Shock soon turned to outrage, and Orbay's own group, MOTE, decided to overthrow Orbay for betraying their trust. A civil war ensued between IMPERIAL and the people. There were numerous casualties on both ends, but the war ultimately came to a close when IMPERIAL missiled a room filled with innocent users. This caused Damen and Tennis to step in, and negotiations begun.

In the end, Orbay stepped down from the South Throne, but managed to keep Providence and Das.

Orbay's "One World King" prophecy was complete, even if it lasted a bit short.
3RD AUGUST 2020 BY MERCER , BODY: BBF5A2B726718C74684D3CD70884AB33 , PROPS: A4DB3E630C9AD5D840FD0CEB302230EB [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(15) "Lord of the Sea" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.

One day, Legion told Orbay of a prophecy: "The Prophecy of the One World King". According to Legion, the OWK would be a charming and manipulative individual who would amass power and control all islands at once.

Dedicated to fulfilling his prophecy, Orbay and the Draconians got the work. Through manipulation and island politics, Orbay was able to gain control of every island except South (North, Providence Das), while managing to keep his facade as a "Southern loyalist".

But soon, everything was to change in a drastic way.

The Assassination of Emperor Damen

Orbay was ordered by Legion to assassinate Damen, in order to fulfill his prophecy. Orbay had 2nd thoughts, but he had no choice to obey, so he started planning.

Before Damen's next session, he recruited 2 Draconians for the job, armed them with red sabers, and placed them in the Throne Room to strike when the time was right.

During the session, Damen rejoined, and that's when the Draconians struck and successfully killed Damen.

Orbay and the 2 Draconians thought the plan went without a hitch, so they left for the night.

Or so they thought.

Gamer had managed to track down Orbay on cinema and saw him conspiring to kill Damen with Legion. Upon reporting this to Tennis, who had assumed the role of Emperor Regent, a full-scale attack was launched on all islands owned by Orbay. This resulted in a devastating defeat for Orbay, causing him to lose everything but 1 Island.

This was a major setback that took him a while to recover from, but eventually, he did.

The Comeback

Once again, through manipulation, Orbay managed to get himself pardoned, and trusted once again for ranks. Soon enough, Orbay once again gained control of the North, Providence and Das.

Presidential Elections

At the time, OldCP had converted from a monarchy to a democracy, and the South was now run by a President. Having found his ticket, Orbay decided to run for President in the next upcoming Presidential Election. Thanks to the effort of his team, MOTE (Members of the Elite), Orbay received outstanding support by the people.

This, however, would not last.

Re-instating Monarchy

Orbay served a short while as the President, rolling out new proposals for the Judge to vote upon, answering to the users' requests, etc. But one day, Orbay held a special session. A session that would change the course of everything.

In this session, Orbay announced that he was Re-instating Monarchy, and he crowned himself Emperor Orbay Hydra I.

Damen re-evaluating his life decisions that led to this moment
3RD AUGUST 2020 BY MERCER , BODY: F8D14D4258345402B5C9E02352EF21B3 , PROPS: A4DB3E630C9AD5D840FD0CEB302230EB [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(15) "Lord of the Sea" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.

One day, Legion told Orbay of a prophecy: "The Prophecy of the One World King". According to Legion, the OWK would be a charming and manipulative individual who would amass power and control all islands at once.

Dedicated to fulfilling his prophecy, Orbay and the Draconians got the work. Through manipulation and island politics, Orbay was able to gain control of every island except South (North, Providence Das), while managing to keep his facade as a "Southern loyalist".

But soon, everything was to change in a drastic way.

The Assassination of Emperor Damen

Orbay was ordered by Legion to assassinate Damen, in order to fulfill his prophecy. Orbay had 2nd thoughts, but he had no choice to obey, so he started planning.

Before Damen's next session, he recruited 2 Draconians for the job, armed them with red sabers, and placed them in the Throne Room to strike when the time was right.

During the session, Damen rejoined, and that's when the Draconians struck and successfully killed Damen.

Orbay and the 2 Draconians thought the plan went without a hitch, so they left for the night.

Or so they thought.

Gamer had managed to track down Orbay on cinema and saw him conspiring to kill Damen with Legion. Upon reporting this to Tennis, who had assumed the role of Emperor Regent, a full-scale attack was launched on all islands owned by Orbay. This resulted in a devastating defeat for Orbay, causing him to lose everything but 1 Island.

This was a major setback that took him a while to recover from, but eventually, he did.

The Comeback

Once again, through manipulation, Orbay managed to get himself pardoned, and trusted once again for ranks. Soon enough, Orbay once again gained control of the North, Providence and Das.

Presidential Elections

At the time, OldCP had converted from a monarchy to a democracy, and the South was now run by a President. Having found his ticket, Orbay decided to run for President in the next upcoming Presidential Election. Thanks to the effort of his team, MOTE (Members of the Elite), Orbay received outstanding support by the people.

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(15) "Lord of the Sea" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.

One day, Legion told Orbay of a prophecy: "The Prophecy of the One World King". According to Legion, the OWK would be a charming and manipulative individual who would amass power and control all islands at once.

Dedicated to fulfilling his prophecy, Orbay and the Draconians got the work. Through manipulation and island politics, Orbay was able to gain control of every island except South (North, Providence Das), while managing to keep his facade as a "Southern loyalist".

But soon, everything was to change in a drastic way.

The Assassination of Emperor Damen

Orbay was ordered by Legion to assassinate Damen, in order to fulfill his prophecy. Orbay had 2nd thoughts, but he had no choice to obey, so he started planning.

Before Damen's next session, he recruited 2 Draconians for the job, armed them with red sabers, and placed them in the Throne Room to strike when the time was right.

During the session, Damen rejoined, and that's when the Draconians struck and successfully killed Damen.

Orbay and the 2 Draconians thought the plan went without a hitch, so they left for the night.

Or so they thought.

Gamer had managed to track down Orbay on cinema and saw him conspiring to kill Damen with Legion. Upon reporting this to Tennis, who had assumed the role of Emperor Regent, a full-scale attack was launched on all islands owned by Orbay. This resulted in a devastating defeat for Orbay, causing him to lose everything but 1 Island.
3RD AUGUST 2020 BY MERCER , BODY: DD1A8999597EC07A882D599CB51B6988 , PROPS: A4DB3E630C9AD5D840FD0CEB302230EB [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(15) "Lord of the Sea" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.

One day, Legion told Orbay of a prophecy: "The Prophecy of the One World King". According to Legion, the OWK would be a charming and manipulative individual who would amass power and control all islands at once.

Dedicated to fulfilling his prophecy, Orbay and the Draconians got the work. Through manipulation and island politics, Orbay was able to gain control of every island except South (North, Providence Das), while managing to keep his facade as a "Southern loyalist".

But soon, everything was to change in a drastic way.

The Assassination of Emperor Damen

Orbay was ordered by Legion to assassinate Damen, in order to fulfill his prophecy. Orbay had 2nd thoughts, but he had no choice to obey, so he started planning.

Before Damen's next session, he recruited 2 Draconians for the job, armed them with red sabers, and placed them in the Throne Room to strike when the time was right.

During the session, Damen rejoined, and that's when the Draconians struck and successfully killed Damen.

Orbay and the 2 Draconians thought the plan went without a hitch, so they left for the night.

Or so they thought.

Gamer had managed to track down Orbay on cinema and saw him conspiring to kill Damen with Legion. Upon reporting this to Tennis, who had assumed the role of Emperor Regent, Tennis launched a full-scale attack against all islands owned by Orbay. This resulted in a devastating defeat for Orbay, causing him to lose everything but 1 Island.

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.

One day, Legion told Orbay of a prophecy: "The Prophecy of the One World King". According to Legion, the OWK would be a charming and manipulative individual who would amass power and control all islands at once.

Dedicated to fulfilling his prophecy, Orbay and the Draconians got the work. Through manipulation and island politics, Orbay was able to gain control of every island except South (North, Providence Das), while managing to keep his facade as a "Southern loyalist".

No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.


No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.


No reason given

array(4) { ["info"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Orbay" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(67) "http://forums.damenspike.com/userphotos/photo_9044.png?c=1421349478" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Mercer" [1]=> string(7) "Phantom" [2]=> string(8) "Orbay II" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(20) "Former News Reporter" [1]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [2]=> string(17) "Former Hand Guard" [3]=> string(19) "Former Free Fighter" [4]=> string(21) "Former Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Moderator" [6]=> string(20) "Former King of North" [7]=> string(16) "Former Topp Dogg" [8]=> string(18) "Former King of Das" [9]=> string(31) "Former President Former Emperor" [10]=> string(21) "Former Emperor Regent" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Hydra" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(17) "Too many to count" ["birthday"]=> int(1034913600) } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Orbay" }

The Beginning

Orbay was a normal member of Club Penguin. He was not a paid member, therefore, it became boring. When his friend told him that Disney ruined Club Penguin, Orbay searched the web, trying to see how Club Penguin was like before Disney bought it. A video came up that recommended OldCP. This, was the beginning of his adventure in the DSGHQ.

On His Way

At first, Orbay didn't have much friends. He wandered around OldCP, looking for a friend. He made new friends quickly. One of his friends told him about the forums. He made a profile called Orbay789567 on October 18, 2013, which is also his birthday. Orbay didn't make many discussions, instead, he replied to them.

After a long time of inactivity, Orbay forgot the name of OldCP and didn't play it for 1 year. On September, 22, 2014, Orbay randomly re-found OldCP while searching for a CPPS. Orbay remembered the pass for his OldCP account, but he forgot the name of his forums profile, so he made a new forums account called Orbay.

Earning News Reporter

A few days later, while he was still a Rookie, Orbay applied for News Reporter. Many people liked his application, but told him to earn Member first. So Orbay earned Member. A few days later, PenguinDSC, who was a moderator at that time, changed his rank to news reporter. OldCP was shut down during that time, so Orbay's news was called The Royal Snaildom News. When OldCP returned, Orbay changed the name to The Royal DSGHQ News. When he first started the news, Sir Tennis, who was a mod at that time, rated it 4 out of 5. Orbay was a happy news reporter, making with his news reports every weekend. Orbay saw making news reports as a hobby more than a job.

The End of His Career as News Reporter:

Orbay loved making news reports. However, as weeks passed, it became harder for Orbay to make news reports, because of his tests. After a while later, it was almost impossible for Orbay to make news reports. That's why he couldn't make the 17th issue and postponed it to the next week. He was planning to do the 17th and 18th issue in 1 week, making it a "Double Issue". However, he couldn't.

Earning Knight

While Orbay was struggling to the Double Issue, he received a mail from Hashir. In the mail, Hashir wrote that if Orbay comes on OldCP, he might get knight. After reading the mail, Orbay was overwhelmed with joy and rushed to OldCP, forgetting to continue making the news.

When he went on, he noticed that there was an event held in the Thrones Room. He went in the room, and Mico said "Orbay is here". When he saw what Mico wrote, he was surprised. Orbay had a seat. And as the event continued, Prince Tennis said "Come forth, Orbay". Orbay couldn't believe it at first. Prince Tennis gave him 2 choices: To either keep news reporter and eventually get Master, or become an Imperial Knight and see where it takes him. Orbay quickly replied that he wanted to become an Imperial Knight. Orbay couldn't believe it. When he became a knight, he was so happy that nothing could ruin his mood. Soon after that, his rank was changed to Knight by Hashir on forums, and he received the Imperial Knight badge.

Earning Hand Guard

In an era where every member of the Royalty had a bot hand guard, Prince Archie II decided to do something else, and selected Sir Orbay to be his Hand Guard.

Warlord Competition

On October 10th of 2015, Sir Orbay was declared as a back-up competitor at the Warlord Competition. When the time came, Sir Orbay was stated by Emperor Damen that he was eligible to compete.

As a result of the competition, Sir Orbay was pronounced dead on the spot by Sir Matthew, The Wolf, and Sir Cysero.

Retirement from Hand Guard

Ashamed from his loss in the Warlord Competition, Sir Orbay decided that he was not a suitable Hand Guard for Archie and resigned from Hand Guard, once again becoming an Imperial Knight.

The Northern Era

When the North was first introduced, it was shaken up by constant wars between Hashir and Adawg. The wars soon settled down, and Ash became the King of the North. After Ash was murdered, the King of North title was put up to a vote by Damen. While there were multiple candidates, Orbay, who was the Northern Knight Captain at the time, won by a unanimous vote.

This was the starting point of Orbay's legacy, and it was soon followed with both incredibly good and horribly bad events.

Meeting the New World Order

A few days after Orbay became the King of the North, he was approached by a few DRAKEHALL, along with Terry91, a Moderator or Administrator at the time. Terry91 congratulated Orbay of his promotion, and offered him a spot among the New World Order (NWO for short), an organization consisting of the game's most powerful users.

However, it soon became clear that this was no offer, it was a threat. Upon being threatened to have his throne removed off him if he didn't join, Orbay had no choice but to comply, and to join the New World Order.

It was like nothing he had thought it would be, and he would soon pay the price for joining it.

Meeting LEGION

One of the first things Orbay was told was to comply with a dark entity, named LEGION. Mostly nothing was known about the entity, except that it gave great power in exchange of compliance.

Orbay was given a few gifts by LEGION, and was told that the orders given to him would be small, and that it wouldn't affect his reign in any way, shape or form.

Both of these statements turned out to be a lie pretty quickly.

Royal House Dispute

A week or 2 into his reign, Orbay was notified that he must pick a Royal House, or he would have to abdicate from his throne. Orbay turned to his close friend, Hashir, and declared the North a Crimesolvers land.

This is when the NWO first started to become a problem. LEGION notified Orbay that he must switch his Royal House from Crimesolvers to Ren, who was led by Abushekaus. Orbay was hesitant, yet complied, and this caused him to lose Hashir's trust.

However, a week later, Orbay was told by LEGION that he must switch back to Crimesolvers. He attempted to refuse, but upon being threatened to lose his throne, he complied. This cost him the trust of Abushekaus, who then started to hate him.

Hashir had not yet forgiven Orbay, so he was unable to convert to Crimesolvers. Now without a Royal House and a House Lord to support him, he decided that he would just create a new House.

And so, Hydra was born.

The Birth of House Hydra

In a matter of days, House Hydra was made, fit with a House Logo and Slogan.

"Hail Hydra"

Introducing HYDRA Military

Soon after, a military was established for the House, called HYDRA.

However, tragedy occurred during the Military Introduction Event. As the HYDRA soldiers were displaying their weapons, they opened fire on a blank spot. Or so they thought. Moments later, Terry91 dropped dead. Panic ensued the Throne Room. It had been 15 minutes since HYDRA Military was made, and they already killed a beloved member of the community. Terry91 was quickly revived and an apology was issued.

The Journey to One World King

After joining the New World Order, Orbay had quickly risen up the ranks, and soon enough, became the leader of the New World Order, third to Pythas and Legion. This allowed him to constantly communicate with various entities like Legion, Ghast, aliens and occasionally, even Pythas.