
Change History of Wiki:Pablo

27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: BB73FD97E1F6A98533EB1C69BE60721D , PROPS: 47A0265E5F031CA81D3D0230A8778DB5 [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(467) "World Champion • Hand Guard • 3x Imperial Knight • 2x Imperial Knight Captain • 2x Detective • 2x Penguin Watch Captain • Meme King • War Knight • Dorval NightsWatch Captain • North Knight • North Knight Captain • King of the North • IAPGMOOH Ranger • Providence Cavalier • Providence Knight Captain • POTM 2nd Place Runner Up • Series 25 GOM Winner • 3x Moderator • iOldCP Head Moderator • iOldCP Emperor Helper • DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(65) "Orlock • Sled • Lylance • Loki • Gamer • Fizz • Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer. Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: BB73FD97E1F6A98533EB1C69BE60721D , PROPS: E9EF2C2E47044757A94F02737916F557 [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(467) "World Champion • Hand Guard • 3x Imperial Knight • 2x Imperial Knight Captain • 2x Detective • 2x Penguin Watch Captain • Meme King • War Knight • Dorval NightsWatch Captain • North Knight • North Knight Captain • King of the North • IAPGMOOH Ranger • Providence Cavalier • Providence Knight Captain • POTM 2nd Place Runner Up • Series 25 GOM Winner • 3x Moderator • iOldCP Head Moderator • iOldCP Emperor Helper • DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer. Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 32EB7A325CABE7DFE498EF268CA64686 , PROPS: E9EF2C2E47044757A94F02737916F557 [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(467) "World Champion • Hand Guard • 3x Imperial Knight • 2x Imperial Knight Captain • 2x Detective • 2x Penguin Watch Captain • Meme King • War Knight • Dorval NightsWatch Captain • North Knight • North Knight Captain • King of the North • IAPGMOOH Ranger • Providence Cavalier • Providence Knight Captain • POTM 2nd Place Runner Up • Series 25 GOM Winner • 3x Moderator • iOldCP Head Moderator • iOldCP Emperor Helper • DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 7D96999D30518F2D246B524EFEEF86CB , PROPS: E9EF2C2E47044757A94F02737916F557 [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(467) "World Champion • Hand Guard • 3x Imperial Knight • 2x Imperial Knight Captain • 2x Detective • 2x Penguin Watch Captain • Meme King • War Knight • Dorval NightsWatch Captain • North Knight • North Knight Captain • King of the North • IAPGMOOH Ranger • Providence Cavalier • Providence Knight Captain • POTM 2nd Place Runner Up • Series 25 GOM Winner • 3x Moderator • iOldCP Head Moderator • iOldCP Emperor Helper • DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 7D96999D30518F2D246B524EFEEF86CB , PROPS: 32A2B5B22505F0236885CF4178C12C69 [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(448) "World Champion • Hand Guard || 3x Imperial Knight || 2x Imperial Knight Captain || 2x Detective || 2x Penguin Watch Captain || Meme King || War Knight || Dorval NightsWatch Captain || North Knight || North Knight Captain || King of the North || IAPGMOOH Ranger || Providence Cavalier || Providence Knight Captain || POTM 2nd Place Runner Up || Series 25 GOM Winner || 3x Moderator || iOldCP Head Moderator || iOldCP Emperor Helper || DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 7D96999D30518F2D246B524EFEEF86CB , PROPS: ABBFC531E2D8832B34CC2928773BFFA2 [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(447) "World Champion || Hand Guard || 3x Imperial Knight || 2x Imperial Knight Captain || 2x Detective || 2x Penguin Watch Captain || Meme King || War Knight || Dorval NightsWatch Captain || North Knight || North Knight Captain || King of the North || IAPGMOOH Ranger || Providence Cavalier || Providence Knight Captain || POTM 2nd Place Runner Up || Series 25 GOM Winner || 3x Moderator || iOldCP Head Moderator || iOldCP Emperor Helper || DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 7D96999D30518F2D246B524EFEEF86CB , PROPS: CAEDB6A0F613BC97618096C47023216A [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(19) { [0]=> string(28) "World Champion || Hand Guard" [1]=> string(18) "3x Imperial Knight" [2]=> string(26) "2x Imperial Knight Captain" [3]=> string(9) "Detective" [4]=> string(24) "2x Penguin Watch Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Meme King" [6]=> string(10) "War Knight" [7]=> string(26) "Dorval NightsWatch Captain" [8]=> string(12) "North Knight" [9]=> string(20) "North Knight Captain" [10]=> string(17) "King of the North" [11]=> string(15) "IAPGMOOH Ranger" [12]=> string(19) "Providence Cavalier" [13]=> string(25) "Providence Knight Captain" [14]=> string(24) "POTM 2nd Place Runner Up" [15]=> string(20) "Series 25 GOM Winner" [16]=> string(12) "3x Moderator" [17]=> string(21) "iOldCP Emperor Helper" [18]=> string(12) "DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 7D96999D30518F2D246B524EFEEF86CB , PROPS: 803682FB8C08E99AC0C3F4B2623EBECB [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(20) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(10) "Hand Guard" [2]=> string(18) "3x Imperial Knight" [3]=> string(26) "2x Imperial Knight Captain" [4]=> string(9) "Detective" [5]=> string(24) "2x Penguin Watch Captain" [6]=> string(9) "Meme King" [7]=> string(10) "War Knight" [8]=> string(26) "Dorval NightsWatch Captain" [9]=> string(12) "North Knight" [10]=> string(20) "North Knight Captain" [11]=> string(17) "King of the North" [12]=> string(15) "IAPGMOOH Ranger" [13]=> string(19) "Providence Cavalier" [14]=> string(25) "Providence Knight Captain" [15]=> string(24) "POTM 2nd Place Runner Up" [16]=> string(20) "Series 25 GOM Winner" [17]=> string(12) "3x Moderator" [18]=> string(21) "iOldCP Emperor Helper" [19]=> string(12) "DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 7D96999D30518F2D246B524EFEEF86CB , PROPS: A064A7FF4A802621B2B5D6B118B9B7C1 [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(22) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(0) "" [2]=> string(10) "Hand Guard" [3]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [4]=> string(23) "Imperial Knight Captain" [5]=> string(9) "Detective" [6]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [7]=> string(9) "Meme King" [8]=> string(10) "War Knight" [9]=> string(26) "Dorval NightsWatch Captain" [10]=> string(12) "North Knight" [11]=> string(20) "North Knight Captain" [12]=> string(17) "King of the North" [13]=> string(15) "IAPGMOOH Ranger" [14]=> string(19) "Providence Cavalier" [15]=> string(25) "Providence Knight Captain" [16]=> string(24) "POTM 2nd Place Runner Up" [17]=> string(20) "Series 25 GOM Winner" [18]=> string(9) "Moderator" [19]=> string(21) "iOldCP Head Moderator" [20]=> string(21) "iOldCP Emperor Helper" [21]=> string(12) "DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.
27TH OCTOBER 2019 BY PABLO , BODY: 7D96999D30518F2D246B524EFEEF86CB , PROPS: 90F34458360E898771B7222F2DE67AEF [RESTORE]

Adding edits to my own page (Pablo)

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Pablo" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(88) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(18) "Angelo (Real Name)" } ["titles"]=> array(21) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(10) "Hand Guard" [2]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [3]=> string(23) "Imperial Knight Captain" [4]=> string(9) "Detective" [5]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [6]=> string(9) "Meme King" [7]=> string(10) "War Knight" [8]=> string(26) "Dorval NightsWatch Captain" [9]=> string(12) "North Knight" [10]=> string(20) "North Knight Captain" [11]=> string(17) "King of the North" [12]=> string(15) "IAPGMOOH Ranger" [13]=> string(19) "Providence Cavalier" [14]=> string(25) "Providence Knight Captain" [15]=> string(24) "POTM 2nd Place Runner Up" [16]=> string(20) "Series 25 GOM Winner" [17]=> string(9) "Moderator" [18]=> string(21) "iOldCP Head Moderator" [19]=> string(21) "iOldCP Emperor Helper" [20]=> string(12) "DSGHQ Master" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(971064000) ["house"]=> string(7) "Knights" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(6) "Orlock" [1]=> string(4) "Sled" [2]=> string(7) "Lylance" [3]=> string(4) "Loki" [4]=> string(5) "Gamer" [5]=> string(4) "Fizz" [6]=> string(5) "Jesse" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Pablo" }




Pablo (born October 9, 2000 - currently 19 years old) joined OldCP on June 11th 2016 with ID: 502. His first encounter with a user was in Town and the user's name was Gallaudet. Gallaudet told him various stories and ranted about OldCP's problems at the time. While taking note of this, Gallaudet was later arrested and he could not visit him in jail because he did not have enough gold to purchase the Jailor transform which was priced at 18,000 gold. He made the common mistake of typing commands with "!" instead of "/" and later encountered Jesse who was the first Moderator and staff member he befriended - who helped guide him along the way.

First Rank - WCI

He earned his first rank on June 17th 2016, as DSGHQ's Summer World Champion. He quotes in his Goodbye Video that he "had no intention of getting a rank in the first place" and "Damen decided to host a session and I happened to be online......and then after that Damen decided to hold the Summer World Champion competition." After scoring the most points in the Snowball Challenge on the Whiteout server, he was paired up with CPManiac (DSGHQ's 2015 Winter World Champion) and both were duelling to be the WCI. He also quotes, "Somehow I managed to beat him, I don't even know how....he had an iron sword and I had the gold one." After defeating CPManiac, this experience was his rise to fame in that nobody even knew who he was since he had only joined the platform the previous week. While being rewarded 50,000 gold, people had already been chanting "PABLO4KNIGHT" but above that, he decided to give it away to the many new friends he made that day.

The Great Wall of Pablo

The first Great Wall of Pablo was an iconic moment captured by Katrules, who became a News Reporter in 2016. Keeping in mind that the Crimezone was Pirates, Pablo had the idea that if Moderators and innocents were to stand behind this wall, they would not get shot by flintlocks, instead the users forming the wall would be sacrifices to take a bullet for them. What he did not know back then was that the bullets, do not realistically travel from the actual firearms to the desired spot, instead hits wherever you decide to click - just like a snowball would ingame. Since that idea of acting as a protection was a fail, it has since been a monument or trademark of Pablo and there has been more than 10 Great Walls made on special occasions.

Killed by The Pirates

Pablo had been promoted to Imperial Knight by Emperor Helper - CoffeeCow, who was otherwise known as Loullipop and he was a trainee under Knight Captain - Indigo. Pirates were spawning in every room in groups of 4 and Pablo made the foolish mistake of taking on 4 pirates by himself at Shipyard. He recalls them surrounding him at the same time which later led to his first death on OldCP. VampireLord was there seconds before witnessing his death.

Being Invited into CrimeOffice

After fighting many Pirate Wars alongside with King of the North - Hashir, Detective Inspector - Abushekaus and Detective Sergeant - Frodo, Pablo was invited into CrimeOffice and made many new friends during his first impressions there. He also attended the many meetings which discussed strategies they had in mind to take on The Pirates.

The Rise of Charles' Era - Earning KC

From August - September of 2016, the many users who still played had to overcome an instant shift in Emperor Reign and Staff Changes in that Charles, Spencer, Kathcal and his close friends took over OldCP. Due to this, all of the ranks were reset. Everyone was well equipped with various namecolours, firearms and while also being invincible. It was surely a chaotic era on OldCP. Both Pablo and Orbay were made into Knight Captains. One of Pablo's closest friends named SecurityGuy / Orlock became the Grand Most Wise, who stayed with him during this era and they pursued ranks both in Knighthood and the Wise Council.

The Fall of Charles' Era - Earning PWC

In October of 2016, Damen recovered his reign on OldCP from Charles and ranks were yet again distributed accordingly. Pablo was later made into a Penguin Watch Captain who worked with Current Senior Penguin Watch Captain - Sadie and Former Penguin Watch Captain - Jilly.


Team Knights - 1st GOM Attempt

The New Year of 2017 arrived and Pablo was not done striving to be apart of the Staff Team. In January, Series 17 GOM began and with the assistance of Jesse, Pablo had formed a small team of 4, with Vasco / Terry91, Habsolo and Ash1415. The stakes were high but the chance of winning with only 4 members was extremely low. Damen himself even had doubts Team Knights was gonna make it far. However, as the underdogs they managed to do so starting at last with 0 points to finishing 2nd with 6 points. During the motivational speech task, the team depended on Pablo to write one out which was sent to their Discord Groupchat - this had to have been one of the most iconic GOM speeches to ever be heard and it wrote:

"Good evening Damen, staff,
Misty Copeland once said: "Be strong, be fearless.
And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
We believe anything is possible with determination.
Because if you aren't determined to do something,
You won't complete it.
Us, Team Knights started off to have a small amount of members
We found that if you aren't determined, there's no point in trying
But we, were the opposite of that. The opposite of giving up.
Just like OldCP has, we have grown to become a strong team.
We shall leave you off with our slogan:
Our armor is gold, because our effort is gold." - Team Knights GOM 2017

Spring - Earning Meme King/Moderator

In March, The Meme King Competition was held and Former Meme King - Baffed (who won with the Sriramcha Meme) did not want to participate. Instead, Pablo's meme submissions were sent in and showcased on the screen in Cinema along with other user's submissions. People voted and his Starboy-OldCP mashup scored 9/10 multiple times. After this, Pablo was promoted to Moderator and his close friend Vasco / Terry91 was made Penguin Watch Captain to take his place.

Redemption 2017

Protests for new staff started making its way after the election of PenguinDSC as President. He was later encouraged and convinced to initiate a Redemption. Pablo was a very appreciated Moderator at this time who had no conflicts with anyone - instead was there "for and with the People."' Going down the list, Pablo's name was called and the rules were that if you wanted the Moderator to stay, move to the left / to go, move to the right. The community made their decision clear:

1st Resignation

Many Moderators have gone through this decision and it was common letdown mainly due to school and schedules conflicting with being able to play OldCP on a daily basis. Pablo decided to resign from Moderator in 2017 to focus on his studies and took 3 months away from OldCP.

2nd Promotion to PWC and Moderator

After returning back to OldCP from his hiatus, Pablo was re-promoted to Penguin Watch Captain and Perla had been made a Moderator. As a month passed by, Pablo was then promoted to Moderator once again.

Damen's Notable ModMessage

In May, Pencil had a trial for breaking a certain rule and in the middle of the trial, he went afk. Amongst this, Damen made a request in ModMessage asking him "Pablo, fart please." Every Moderator could not hold in their laughter and as he did it by pressing E+T, Pencil returned and the trial resumed.


2nd Resignation

On August 24th 2018, Pablo released a Video on YouTube titled "Goodbye OldCP." The news hit hard and everyone (including Damen who watched the video in a later Livestream) showed their respects and understanding for his decision to quit.

The Return of Pablo and Chelsey

Up until December, Pablo decided to fully return to the community and along with that, Chelsey also made a return. As time passed, he was engaged in helping the North grow while Chelsey helped the South as an Administrator.

Pablo Murdered by Dragon

Pablo was clocking in a lot of time enough to secure a spot in 1st as December 2018 POTM up until Courtney and Dragon conspired to kill him. Following his death, Chelsey revived him the day after but Pablo had already lost POTM causing Zoe to pass him.


On December 13th, Pablo was passed down King of the North from Fable and Loki. A lot of veterans of OldCP started returning as well and included people such as Jesse, Lylance, Bailey, Kricken, LiveToDance, Angi, CoffeeCow, Cheep, Indigo and many more. He decided to promote most of them in an effort to help increase OldCP's activeness. A new event called "I'm a Penguin Get Me Out of Here" was made by Damen to mimic the show "Survivor" and Pablo was chosen as a Ranger. Later on, Pablo passed down KOTN to Killer.


Team Litty - 2nd GOM Attempt

After revisiting OldCP, Pablo decided to make a GOM team for fun with users like Yeet. In a surprise, Pablo became the winner of GOM's 25th Series.

3rd Resignation

Pablo had yet again resigned after reaching out to Cristal who was the Emperor Helper at the time. She understood his request and demoted him accordingly.

iOldCP - SecurityGuy's Era - Earning EH

Time to time, Pablo would play on iOldCP to see what was new on there. Later on, he was made Head Moderator and then Emperor Helper to assist Orlock but resigned due to users stressing him out.