Penguin3D Land Ownership

Change History of Wiki:Penguin3D_Land_Ownership

8TH JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 4401B6560E53E4F49329A1CA7368639F , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen MelodyIceFalls
Paternal House: The Fire Nation

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: Septim & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation
8TH JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 67B06E712A157401102BD006D851D384 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: MelodyIceFalls
Paternal House: The Fire Nation

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: Septim & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation
6TH JANUARY 2022 BY KACE , BODY: AD6A4FFC4A57582308283F9491D43A61 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

some changes

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: Septim & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation
1ST JANUARY 2022 BY DAMEN , BODY: AC2A57F14C8A23EF77E3FB72624E7622 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

New owners

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: The Stone Masons & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Nameless One
Parental House: House Illuvitar

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: Ancalagon The Black
Paternal House: The Fire Nation
25TH DECEMBER 2021 BY DICE , BODY: 1B9E0BEABD4FD91F1F9C114315622F17 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Queen Luna (Little)
Paternal House: House Forrester and Drake


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: The Stone Masons & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Nameless One
Parental House: House Illuvitar

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: King Aulë "The Stone King"
Parental House: House Illuvitar & The Stone Masons
22ND DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 2274637645F7AC53FEAFED21E489FAF9 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Queen Luna (Little)
Paternal House: House Forrester


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: The Stone Masons & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Nameless One
Parental House: House Illuvitar

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: King Aulë "The Stone King"
Parental House: House Illuvitar & The Stone Masons
22ND DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 43D08943A4304871DFCC1C43B59242D2 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Luna now owns Dorval

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Forrester


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: The Stone Masons & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Nameless One
Parental House: House Illuvitar

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: King Aulë "The Stone King"
Parental House: House Illuvitar & The Stone Masons
15TH DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 04F6B37248B7F2978F6CF1F0E8794B16 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Reverting to wikichange #6070

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Governor Fable for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: King Ollo for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: King Regent Flame for Federation of Isles
Paternal House: House Solaris


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: King Regent Raymond for Drakes
Parental House: The Stone Masons & House Drake

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Nameless One
Parental House: House Illuvitar

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: King Aulë "The Stone King"
Parental House: House Illuvitar & The Stone Masons
14TH DECEMBER 2021 BY FLAME , BODY: 52D22CBE57E828AB8D55A3A5B87F3F53 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Adding house

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Empire of Skywrath (South)

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Warden Scatha for Ancalagon
Paternal House: ---

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: Warden Ollo for Ancalagon
Paternal House: TBA


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Warden Fable of Ancalagon
Paternal House: TBA


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: Warden Gothmog for Ancalagon
Paternal House: ---


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Warden Flame for Ancalagon
Paternal House: House Solaris


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: Warden Zes "Zezun" for Ancalagon
Parental House: House Solaris

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Warden Glaurund of Ancalagon
Parental House: ---

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: Warden Tasha of Ancalagon
Parental House: TBA
14TH DECEMBER 2021 BY FLAME , BODY: 86DB9257399A4AFEA7C41A4F24A5AB02 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Updated for Damensday events

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Empire of Skywrath (South)

The South Island of Penguin3D

Owned By: Warden Scatha for Ancalagon
Paternal House: ---

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold

Owned By: Warden Ollo for Ancalagon
Paternal House: TBA


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.

Owned By: Warden Fable of Ancalagon
Paternal House: TBA


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.

Owned By: Warden Gothmog for Ancalagon
Paternal House: ---


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ahch-To.

Owned By: Warden Flame for Ancalagon
Paternal House: House Solaris


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.

Owned By: Warden Zes "Zezun" for Ancalagon
Parental House: TBA

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands

Owned By: Warden Glaurund of Ancalagon
Parental House: ---

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock

Owned By: Warden Tasha of Ancalagon
Parental House: TBA