Penguin3D Land Ownership

Change History of Wiki:Penguin3D_Land_Ownership

15TH MAY 2022 BY FOXEL , BODY: 119A281B2BD7673ECBE8462465A66DF4 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Info update

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Belmont

Black City

Owned By: King Foxel
Paternal House: House Solaris


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Belmont for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Belmont

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: King Isaiah of House Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Queen Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Queen Regent Teigan for Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: Black Tower
15TH MAY 2022 BY KACE , BODY: C7B75C3AB4C67E6340D05C1CC20829E3 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Gondolin has been sieged and stuff

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Belmont

Black City

Owned By: King Foxel
Paternal House: House Solaris


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Belmont for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Belmont

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: King Isaiah of House Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Foxel
Paternal House: House Solaris


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Queen Regent Teigan for Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: Black Tower
14TH MAY 2022 BY FOXEL , BODY: AE34B8828E157968F93C0CB66BE209F8 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Info update

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim

Liberty House

Owned By: CaptainSunderland
Paternal House: The Pirates


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Belmont

Black City

Owned By: King Foxel
Paternal House: House Solaris


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Belmont for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Belmont

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: King Isaiah of House Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Foxel
Paternal House: House Solaris


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Queen Regent Teigan for Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: Black Tower
9TH MAY 2022 BY KACE , BODY: CDFBC22B43B4A94F6B9BFCF9B0B6A2E3 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim

Liberty House

Owned By: CaptainSunderland
Paternal House: The Pirates


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Belmont

Black City

Owned By: King Ahimoth
Paternal House: House Belmont


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Belmont for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Belmont

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: King Isaiah of House Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Queen Regent Teigan for Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: Black Tower
7TH MAY 2022 BY ALATAR , BODY: CB1DB96310116CAAB27E1F14A4F2A9D6 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Oudated/Incorrect Info

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Belmont

Black City

Owned By: King Ahimoth
Paternal House: House Belmont


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Belmont for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Belmont

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: King Isaiah of House Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Queen Regent Teigan for Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: Black Tower
7TH MAY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: A76E5948E7A996C59B828E98A4DCB82C , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Teigan is queen regent of vinyamar for damen

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Hydra

Black City

Owned By: King Ahimoth
Paternal House: The Black City


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Hydra for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Hydra

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: Aule of Crafts
Paternal House: House Illuvitar


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Queen Regent Teigan for Emperor Damen Drake
Paternal House: Drake
7TH MAY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 8EB0F91651E00BB6C219A54F971AEBF4 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Salmar vanquished, Radion realm back with providence

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Hydra

Black City

Owned By: King Ahimoth
Paternal House: The Black City


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Hydra for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Hydra

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: Aule of Crafts
Paternal House: House Illuvitar


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Teigan
Paternal House: N/A
6TH MAY 2022 BY KACE , BODY: 1C049606D83D2A20B983AEC817489191 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Owned By: King Salmar
Paternal House: "The Dark Sea"


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Hydra

Black City

Owned By: King Ahimoth
Paternal House: The Black City


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Hydra for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Hydra

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: Aule of Crafts
Paternal House: House Illuvitar


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Teigan
Paternal House: N/A
2ND MAY 2022 BY KACE , BODY: E8C1F16D47D4F8F1B5C2AE2AF3333AD1 , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Radion is owned by someone now ig

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Owned By: King Salmar
Paternal House: "The Dark Sea"


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Hydra

Black City

Owned By: King Ahimoth
Paternal House: The Black City


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Hydra for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Hydra

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: Aule of Crafts
Paternal House: House Illuvitar


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders
2ND MAY 2022 BY KACE , BODY: E3F5F1E08A7B12EBD06E6F465305D8FB , PROPS: A5A6687526555199AA960CA82F6EF805 [RESTORE]

Top Dogg

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(24) "Penguin3D Land Ownership" }


The current state of leadership for Penguin3D lands.

Southern Empire

The South Island of Penguin3D
See: The South Penguin3D

Owned By: Emperor Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey Drake
Paternal House: House Drake

Axel Island

Northern island where the climate is extremely cold
See: Axel Island

Owned By: King Orbay Hydra
Paternal House: House Hydra


Providence Island (Originally Providencia Colony of Das). Radioactive island north of the mainland and southeast of Dorval.
See: Providence on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kace
Paternal House: House Septim


Das, jungle islands east of the mainland.
See: Das on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Kabal
Paternal House: House Hydra

Black City

Owned By: King Ahimoth
Paternal House: The Black City


Owned By: King Orbay
Paternal House: House Hydra


Dorval Island (also known as Spiral Isle), a shipbuilding trade island at the north pole a few miles south of Ach-To.
See: Dorval on Penguin3D

Owned By: Queen Luna
Paternal House: House Estrella


Cobia Island, the homeland of the Cobo family. It is a sandy island southeast of Das, rich in gold.
See: Cobia on Penguin3D

Owned By: King Regent Kabal (bashysmelly) of House Hydra for House Drake
Parental House: House Drake // House Hydra

Ach To

Remote island north of all other lands
See: Ach To on Penguin3D

Owned By: "Shaman" Glarthir
Paternal House: The Forest

Stone Isle

Stormy island north east of Cobia made mostly of rock
See: Stone Isle

Owned By: Aule of Crafts
Paternal House: House Illuvitar


Continent in the North-West
See: Beleriand

Ered Gorgoroth

See: Ered Gorgoroth
Owned By: King Raymond
Paternal House: House Septim


See: Gondolin
Owned By: King Amir for Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Himring
Owned By: Queen Loki
Paternal House: Vultures


See: Menegroth
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders


See: Nargothrond
Owned By: Queen Annalle Ardamire and King Enaril Ardamire
Paternal House: House Ardamire of Aman


See: Vinyamar
Owned By: Ungoliant
Paternal House: Spiders