
Change History of Wiki:Tennis

17TH MARCH 2015 BY TENNIS , BODY: 0CB168596340D04B4806CFD23F9360DD , PROPS: 2BAB112219574244D742410C7CDD939E [RESTORE]

bank stuff (again)

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(12) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(13) "Administrator" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(16) "Lord of the Bank" [8]=> string(11) "King Helper" [9]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [10]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [11]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, and service to the DSGHQ, currently as an Administrator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occurred which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.

Administrator Again

In December 2014, PenguinDSC was demoted from his administrator post and Tennis was elected to take his place, his first time returning to an administrator rank after his short lived term in March of 2014. Since administrator was such a high position and required a lot of time and energy, he quietly stepped down from Royal Hand Guard.

He was chosen to write one of the Toblermoth Scrolls a month later.

Lord of the Bank

When Cheep resigned from moderator and as Lady of the Bank, Tennis took over for her and became the first Lord of the Bank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
Gain power not for the sake of yourself, but for the sake of those who cannot earn it for themselves.
17TH MARCH 2015 BY TENNIS , BODY: 0CB168596340D04B4806CFD23F9360DD , PROPS: 391FB8F40493930C39C8E70F09BE041E [RESTORE]

bank stuff

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(13) "Administrator" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, and service to the DSGHQ, currently as an Administrator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occurred which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.

Administrator Again

In December 2014, PenguinDSC was demoted from his administrator post and Tennis was elected to take his place, his first time returning to an administrator rank after his short lived term in March of 2014. Since administrator was such a high position and required a lot of time and energy, he quietly stepped down from Royal Hand Guard.

He was chosen to write one of the Toblermoth Scrolls a month later.

Lord of the Bank

When Cheep resigned from moderator and as Lady of the Bank, Tennis took over for her and became the first Lord of the Bank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
Gain power not for the sake of yourself, but for the sake of those who cannot earn it for themselves.
26TH JANUARY 2015 BY TENNIS , BODY: 67130C36EC63B4AB0699782699A17A90 , PROPS: 391FB8F40493930C39C8E70F09BE041E [RESTORE]

Changed heading due to bug.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(13) "Administrator" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, and service to the DSGHQ, currently as an Administrator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occurred which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.

Administrator Again

In December 2014, PenguinDSC was demoted from his administrator post and Tennis was elected to take his place, his first time returning to an administrator rank after his short lived term in March of 2014. Since administrator was such a high position and required a lot of time and energy, he quietly stepped down from Royal Hand Guard.

He was chosen to write one of the Toblermoth Scrolls a month later.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
Gain power not for the sake of yourself, but for the sake of those who cannot earn it for themselves.
26TH JANUARY 2015 BY TENNIS , BODY: 2188F2CE86CD70C75CC4FAB6C2B332C1 , PROPS: 391FB8F40493930C39C8E70F09BE041E [RESTORE]

Added quote and made a few other minor changes.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(13) "Administrator" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, and service to the DSGHQ, currently as an Administrator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


In December 2014, PenguinDSC was demoted from his administrator post and Tennis was elected to take his place. Since administrator was such a high position and required a lot of time and energy, he quietly stepped down from Royal Hand Guard.

He was chosen to write one of the Toblermoth Scrolls a month later.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
Gain power not for the sake of yourself, but for the sake of those who cannot earn it for themselves.

Updated rank.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(13) "Administrator" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, and service to the DSGHQ, currently as an Administrator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


When PenguinDSC has been demoted for inactivity, Damen decided Tennis was up to the task, and made him a DSGHQ Administrator.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
28TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 45C667E1664A4A9D3A497D970DCF9AF6 , PROPS: 7EA58CE36679DA09559D114869A133D4 [RESTORE]

Updated rank information.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(13) "Administrator" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator, and service to the DSGHQ.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


When PenguinDSC has been demoted for inactivity, Damen decided Tennis was up to the task, and made him a DSGHQ Administrator.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: B5459D930D3A2448C229D53502E621C7 , PROPS: 116485F11BE6B4B025AEB1E4F2B2B7D5 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator, and service to the DSGHQ.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 2BCA4E9257993EC13D9B52A3D5F81CB9 , PROPS: 116485F11BE6B4B025AEB1E4F2B2B7D5 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 2639284C0505534781F6E863E157C1E5 , PROPS: 09A16586E00EAFE275EF775965EBCEEE [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Bodyguard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Bodyguard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.