The Witch King

Change History of Wiki:The_Witch_King

14TH JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: B4F30B66BC310FBA531A5553B62E0E70 , PROPS: 3211CAF35E21D24445139E3087C28535 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(5) "Tasha" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

Leading Attacks on the South

During his time on OldCp, the Black Captain would lead many attacks against the South. Each attack was very successful in being very deadly and fear inspiring assaults.

First Attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King (Amir) after killing his first victim.

Second Attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

Final Attack

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

An image of Amir.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.


Amir and Loki would have a couple children together after they were married. Tasha was their first born child, she would have vulture powers and is said to be better looking than the vultures of the South. Amir and Loki are also supposed to have a son together, his name is supposed to be Amir II but he is yet to be born according to Glarthir.

Glarthir talking about the children of Loki and Amir.

Fighting Dragons

Recruitment for the League

As the Black Captain, Amir has been assisting with recruiting users to join the League of Powers. He has specifically focused on getting members of Fire Nation to join. Amir has also ordered the deaths of the members of Fire Nation who do not leave Ancalagon.


One day, Glarthir would post a scroll to forums of a prophecy made by Aldaron (Orome). In the scroll it was mentioned that Amir will go to Gorgoroth with both members of the League and members of good to help take down Ancalagon.
14TH JANUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: DE5B2EA1EEC87C82FC9E686B94BA27BA , PROPS: 3211CAF35E21D24445139E3087C28535 [RESTORE]

children, fighting dragons

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" [1]=> string(5) "Tasha" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

Leading Attacks on the South

During his time on OldCp, the Black Captain would lead many attacks against the South. Each attack was very successful in being very deadly and fear inspiring assaults.

First Attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King (Amir) after killing his first victim.

Second Attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

Final Attack

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

An image of Amir.
Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.


Amir and Loki would have a couple children together after they were married. Tasha was their first born child, she would have vulture powers and is said to be better looking than the vultures of the South. Amir and Loki are also supposed to have a son together, his name is supposed to be Amir II but he is yet to be born according to Glarthir.

Glarthir talking about the children of Loki and Amir.

Fighting Dragons

Recruitment for the League

As the Black Captain, Amir has been assisting with recruiting users to join the League of Powers. He has specifically focused on getting members of Fire Nation to join. Amir has also ordered the deaths of the members of Fire Nation who do not leave Ancalagon.


One day, Glarthir would post a scroll to forums of a prophecy made by Aldaron (Orome). In the scroll it was mentioned that Amir will go to Gorgoroth with both members of the League and members of good to help take down Ancalagon.
29TH DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: F2EA1CEE0916D58ACF7598FD34D7D98E , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

Leading Attacks on the South

During his time on OldCp, the Black Captain would lead many attacks against the South. Each attack was very successful in being very deadly and fear inspiring assaults.

First Attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King (Amir) after killing his first victim.

Second Attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

Final Attack

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.
29TH DECEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 6C96E5C42AD2792D402B3817DAD0C748 , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

Leading Attacks on the South

During his time on OldCp, the Black Captain would lead many attacks against the South. Each attack was very successful in being very deadly and fear inspiring assaults.

The First Attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King (Amir) after killing his first victim.

The Second Attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

The Witch King is killed

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.
18TH NOVEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 3D0B3572E8B3D5761A42159F2432A787 , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

The Witch King leads his first attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King (Amir) after killing his first victim.

The Witch King leads his second attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

The Witch King is killed

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.
18TH NOVEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 8648911B919B8A79111D15A05C405DCE , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

The Witch King leads his first attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King (Amir) after killing his first victim.

The Witch King leads his second attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

The Witch King is killed

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.
3RD NOVEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: B4AA39C6B27CBF9E965EE70F621AEEBA , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

The Witch King leads his first attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King leads his second attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

The Witch King is killed

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.
3RD NOVEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 7CE1A7E3A135069971A8A0698E75F559 , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

The Witch King leads his first attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King leads his second attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

The Witch King is killed

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.
3RD NOVEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 1E20D4921F67B656588CFE0D94C865BD , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.
The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

The Witch King leads his first attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King leads his second attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

The Witch King is killed

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.
3RD NOVEMBER 2021 BY LOKI , BODY: 7D89DACFC818698781FC3C6702DAB079 , PROPS: B94E5045305C0D0A32A716C06664F91C [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" ["title"]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" ["photo"]=> string(29) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "Amir" [1]=> string(12) "Er-Mûrazôr" [2]=> string(2) "X1" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(19) "Lord of the Nazgûl" [1]=> string(17) "The Black Captain" [2]=> string(20) "Lord of Minas Morgul" [3]=> string(21) "Lieutenant of Pythas." } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(35) "Resurrected - Residing On Penguin3D" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Loki" } } ["title"]=> string(14) "The Witch King" }

Background & Origin

The Witch King is the King of the Nine Nazgûl. Formerly one of great Nine Kings of Men but he fell to the deception of Pythas and accepted one of the Rings Of Power offered to him as a 'Gift' from Pythas's alternate identity of an Elf named 'Mairon Annatar' The Bringer Of Gifts. He is now banished from Death and serves Pythas eternally and leads the Nazgûl, It is said by many that: "No man can kill him."


Lady Galadriel wrote:
Nine Rings for Mortal Men doomed to die.


The Witch King wrote:
You fool. No man can kill me.

First Appearance

The Witch King was first seen on 11/16/17 he was seen at the Day of Life Blind Monk event. He went by the name "Amir" and was deceiving people into believing he was the oldest of the monks and leader. Amir made the rank of Wise Healer and trained few under his belt, including the first, and longest, Wise Healer, Miromeski, which was a new pseudonym of Zsed.

The Witch King leads his first attack

The Witch King was leading his first attack on 11/14/17 he then retreated to Das where he nearly died.

The Witch King leads his second attack

On 11/17/17 The Witch King lead his second attack this time he had the help of Khamul and Orlock. They attacked many users and lots of people were killed from this attack.

The Witch King is killed

On December 18, 2017, The Witch King fought his supposed final battle in the Forest and was killed by the woman who was foretold in prophecy to kill him, a woman named Kutya whom was the apprentice of Turin (Accal) and his younger brother Nook.

Banished from Death

After the fall of Melkor, The Witch King's spirit was released from the Halls of Mandos along with the rest of his fallen Nazgûl Brothers under him whom died on Dagor Dagorath.

However, little did the forces of good know that the Dark Lord's rings still had a will of their own and continued to restrain the Witch King & The Nazgûl's minds and consciences leading to their travel to the dimension of Penguin3D in pursuit of the One Ring to locate the rest of the servants of Good to finish them off once and for all.

The Witch King has been recruiting Agents of Evil to stand by Pythas & Him to ensure that the forces of good do not prevail ever again.

Amir the Matchmaker

Matchmaking Service

On Penguin3D, Amir not only serves as Pythas' chief Nazgul, but he also performs the service of a matchmaker. He will set women up to be married with the Dark Lord of their choice, the service's motto is "A Match Made in Hell". There have been many options available to women who chose to go to Amir to find a husband. Options have included the following: Amir himself, Pythas the great, Drogon the Red Fire, AuleCorrupt (the evil version of Aule created by Pythas' memories), AccalCorrupt (the evil version of Accal), Thargoh Bruinen (aka Khamul), AngelCobo, any of his Nazguls, and many more.

Amir has also been seen teaching Accal how to charm women.

A Successful Match Made in Hell

Loki was one user that went to Amir to find her match made in hell. Amir asked her what kind of man she was looking for, and he determined himself the be the best match. Amir proposed to Loki and married her about a week later on October 31st.

Amir proposing to Loki.

The wedding of Amir and Loki.

On the balcony, waving at the masses.