What’s New!

Change History of Wiki:Whats_New

23RD MARCH 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: B56D717A0257E16D8E0C5D92F6F4CF44 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Doom
• Nessa
• Vana
• Himring
• Azeb
• Osse
• Nargothrond
• Annalle
• Beleriand
• Strength System
• Ulmo
• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
22ND MARCH 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: E5B957B7A48FBAB24A428FE802C24720 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Nessa
• Vana
• Himring
• Azeb
• Osse
• Nargothrond
• Annalle
• Beleriand
• Strength System
• Ulmo
• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
18TH MARCH 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: E31EFA65F942C274F7B9234AD54AECEF , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Himring
• Azeb
• Osse
• Nargothrond
• Annalle
• Beleriand
• Strength System
• Ulmo
• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
17TH MARCH 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 8956BF2BBCB98DC22966D7BC31EBF1D5 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Azeb
• Osse
• Nargothrond
• Annalle
• Beleriand
• Strength System
• Ulmo
• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
17TH MARCH 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 5F2572DECAD0BFA97D47AB13267BDCB9 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Osse
• Nargothrond
• Annalle
• Beleriand
• Strength System
• Ulmo
• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
16TH MARCH 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 7D3C9AC9F75A78A3DF9A4CFF23A1C690 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Nargothrond
• Annalle
• Beleriand
• Strength System
• Ulmo
• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
14TH MARCH 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 1E42E6CEA405D7D9136B06AB1CF29B94 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Annalle
• Beleriand
• Strength System
• Ulmo
• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
18TH FEBRUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: F452A2E2FDBF160342D2AC0F48E602BF , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

The Flood of 2020

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• The Great Flood of 2020
• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
16TH FEBRUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: A2BB093C4115E4BA36AC622B3CE9A587 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Cthulhu
• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List
14TH FEBRUARY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 6C13A11F1F9D4DEA5985D0E90FFCCC32 , PROPS: 7202EBB97B21EB681D22F5B892093C1D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } ["title"]=> string(13) "What’s New!" }

What's new on the Wiki? Put anything new or changed on this portal!

• Witches
• Stavros
• RaymondCorrupt
• OldCp Trial History
• The Black Mass
• Snake Boy
• Gothmog the Goblin
• The Holy Grail
• Vanity Items
• The Seven Chosen Maiar
• Maria
• Lord Law
• Cyrus
• Ice Drakes
• RenJey
• Gostir
• Winteron
• The Fangsworn
• Gothmog
• Aircraft of Penguin3D
• Shadows of Baraddur
• Dendra
• Warren Wound Caverns
• Khamul
• Benehethagoth
• Silence
• Uade
• Ancalagon
• Lorien
• Wizards
• FatherVulture
• Sharkie
• Satele
• War
• Warhelm (Bot System)
• Foxel
• Daya
• August Economy Crash of 2021
• Penguin3D Land Ownership
• Numeniel
• Nazgul Rings
• Penguin3D Beginners Guide
• Airmap (Penguin3D)
• The North
• Das
• Providence
• Wise Moth Council
• Dorval
• Cobia
• Flame
• Elbereth
• Arien
• Ungoliant
• Zaboth
• Melkor
• Mandos
• Vaire
• Zabuska
• Royal Union of the Imperial Knights
• Radio Host
• Manwe
• Mercurian Ore
• Jovian Ore
• Saturnian Ore
• Glarthir
• Space Guide
• Venusian Ore
• Moon Ore
• Martian Ore
• Criminal Code
• Penguin Watch
• Forums Player of the Month
• OldCP Land Ownership
• Web Safe Fonts
• Legion
• Vultures
• Forest Children
• Forest Lords
• Forest Princes
• Forums Game Of Mods
• Unmei
• Jose Cobo
• Esteban Cobo
• Cobo (House Cobo)
• Angel Cobo
• Badges
• MotherVulture
• LeoRPG2
• Penguin3D
• Dagor Dagorath
• The Witch King
• Guardian Realm
• Drejk
• Randal
• Dark forest boys
• Jeff
• Bad List