Global Change History

WIKI:BOB, 15TH JANUARY 2015 BY BOB , BODY: CD1401C292DCC660B52D0716AE809D62 , PROPS: 1178D5633C29E95309873B6D687F2F8C [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(3) "Bob" ["title"]=> string(18) "Experienced Player" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(16) "Former Moderator" [1]=> string(16) "Former Inspector" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(3) "USA" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(3) "Bob" }

[heading]Early Days[/heading]
Bob was bored because Club Penguin had changed, so he searched on Google for a remake of what Club Penguin was like back before Disney had boughten it. That's when he discovered during April 2013. He was surprised. So he joined as MuscleBob1. He was a noob back then. The first person he met was Fizzle (now known as Fizz). In August 2013, he met another friend, Terry91, who later became his best friend.

[heading]Mid Days[/heading]
Bob gradually became more mature. A few months after he had met Terry91, they decided to try earning moderator. Not long after that, Bob earned detective. And a few months later Bob had finally achieved the rank of moderator. Three weeks later, OldCP shut down. Then he joined SnailsChat as Bob Waddles, but about a week later it shut down. Then a new game was formed...Penguin Isles. Bob joined that as MuscleBob1. But sadly, that didn't last very long.

[heading]Late Days[/heading]
OldCP had reopened! Bob quickly rejoined that as MuscleBob1. Everyone was so happy. Later he was re-promoted to moderator and earned detective sergeant. And about a week or two later, he had earned detective inspector. And then his name got changed to Bob. When OldCP turned royal, Bob was promoted to Damen's hand guard and the royal executioner. A few days later he was demoted. Crimezone soon got shut down and Bob lived his virtual life as moderator. Then he was demoted for being inactive for a month, and Crimezone was reopened. But OldCP was shutdown.

[heading]Current Days[/heading]
Bob joined Snaildom which was created a bit after his return. Soon he earned detective back. And OldCP was reopened once again. People stopped using Snaildom, which seemed rude. Today, I spend my virtual days playing mostly Minecraft and Five Nights at Freddy's. And I shall visit the DSGHQ and all of its games more often.
WIKI:ARCHIE, 15TH JANUARY 2015 BY ARCHIE , BODY: 5148EA462C54C4EDCC80A8C069415146 , PROPS: 3FF3E313549804E0D184A129EDFA9E63 [RESTORE]

Edited Titles

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Archie" ["title"]=> string(6) "Prince" ["photo"]=> string(107) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Arch" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(6) "Prince" [3]=> string(13) "Administrator" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Raindrop" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(15) "London, England" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["rule"]=> string(16) "Jun. 13th 2014 -" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(6) "Archie" }

Archie is the Prince of the DSGHQ Empire, and is married to Princess Raindrop.

First Appearence

Prince Archie first arrived in OldCP during mid V5. For a while, he got well known and popular on OldCP until he joined the DSGHQ forum (OldCP Community at the time) on 1st November, 2013.

Starting Out

On 1st November, Archie started out as a Rookie on the forum. He was already fairly well known as he joined OldCP a few weeks before the forum. After a couple of days, he earnt Member for posting and contributing to the forum and being a kind user. Just 2 weeks after this, he became a forum Master. Archie built a good reputation right at the beginning, he got very popular and made many friends in the first few weeks. This helped him become a user that stood out in the future.


On 4th December, Archie was promoted to forum Moderator on the DSGHQ for the first time. He did his job as a Moderator well, and because of this, he's been a member of the forum staff ever since. It took Archie a bit longer to become a Moderator in OldCP, however he earnt this position at the very beginning of V8.

Imperial Knight

Due to inactivity, Archie was demoted from OldCP Moderator in late February 2014. However, he remained as a Forum Moderator. For a few weeks, Archie wondered around the island as a regular user until the rank Imperial Knight was introduced. Archie became the 3rd imperial knight, serving the DSGHQ Empire well. He managed to prove to other users of the DSGHQ his ability as a knight, and after some time he earnt the title of 'Royal Knight'. At this point, Archie was known as a 'Sir'.


In a royal session at roughly the end of March 2014, Emperor Damen Spike announced that Archie was to be the next Prince of the DSGHQ. He had seen a lot of potential in him as a knight, and knew that he would serve the DSGHQ well as the Prince. After the news had spread, Archie was made Prince of the DSGHQ on 1st May, 2014. He remains as the Prince to this day.

Royal Wedding

A short while after Archie became the Prince, it was announced that he was to marry Princess Raindrop. At first, the Royal Wedding was scheduled for 6th June. Unfortunately, the wedding had to be delayed because the Prince himself wouldn't of been able to turn up. After a discussion with Emperor Damen Spike, the date of the wedding was rolled back by a week. On 13th June, the Prince was finally able to marry his beloved Princess, Raindrop.

The Prince and Princess treasure this well known photo of the wedding:

Interesting Facts

Archie's love for Jaffa Cakes is fairly well known to his close friends.
Archie joined OldCP in V5, yet he didn't join the forum until 1st November 2013.
It took Archie just 2 weeks to earn forum Master.
Archie was a member of the first OldCP V8 staff when it re opened.
WIKI:ARCHIE, 15TH JANUARY 2015 BY ARCHIE , BODY: 5148EA462C54C4EDCC80A8C069415146 , PROPS: 6B75C996F060305658A742AD81A5FB73 [RESTORE]

Edited the 'Titles' section.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Archie" ["title"]=> string(6) "Prince" ["photo"]=> string(107) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Arch" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(12) "DSGHQ Prince" [1]=> string(15) "DSGHQ Moderator" [2]=> string(19) "DSGHQ Administrator" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Raindrop" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(15) "London, England" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["rule"]=> string(16) "Jun. 13th 2014 -" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(6) "Archie" }

Archie is the Prince of the DSGHQ Empire, and is married to Princess Raindrop.

First Appearence

Prince Archie first arrived in OldCP during mid V5. For a while, he got well known and popular on OldCP until he joined the DSGHQ forum (OldCP Community at the time) on 1st November, 2013.

Starting Out

On 1st November, Archie started out as a Rookie on the forum. He was already fairly well known as he joined OldCP a few weeks before the forum. After a couple of days, he earnt Member for posting and contributing to the forum and being a kind user. Just 2 weeks after this, he became a forum Master. Archie built a good reputation right at the beginning, he got very popular and made many friends in the first few weeks. This helped him become a user that stood out in the future.


On 4th December, Archie was promoted to forum Moderator on the DSGHQ for the first time. He did his job as a Moderator well, and because of this, he's been a member of the forum staff ever since. It took Archie a bit longer to become a Moderator in OldCP, however he earnt this position at the very beginning of V8.

Imperial Knight

Due to inactivity, Archie was demoted from OldCP Moderator in late February 2014. However, he remained as a Forum Moderator. For a few weeks, Archie wondered around the island as a regular user until the rank Imperial Knight was introduced. Archie became the 3rd imperial knight, serving the DSGHQ Empire well. He managed to prove to other users of the DSGHQ his ability as a knight, and after some time he earnt the title of 'Royal Knight'. At this point, Archie was known as a 'Sir'.


In a royal session at roughly the end of March 2014, Emperor Damen Spike announced that Archie was to be the next Prince of the DSGHQ. He had seen a lot of potential in him as a knight, and knew that he would serve the DSGHQ well as the Prince. After the news had spread, Archie was made Prince of the DSGHQ on 1st May, 2014. He remains as the Prince to this day.

Royal Wedding

A short while after Archie became the Prince, it was announced that he was to marry Princess Raindrop. At first, the Royal Wedding was scheduled for 6th June. Unfortunately, the wedding had to be delayed because the Prince himself wouldn't of been able to turn up. After a discussion with Emperor Damen Spike, the date of the wedding was rolled back by a week. On 13th June, the Prince was finally able to marry his beloved Princess, Raindrop.

The Prince and Princess treasure this well known photo of the wedding:

Interesting Facts

Archie's love for Jaffa Cakes is fairly well known to his close friends.
Archie joined OldCP in V5, yet he didn't join the forum until 1st November 2013.
It took Archie just 2 weeks to earn forum Master.
Archie was a member of the first OldCP V8 staff when it re opened.

photos, headings, removed some words

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Lita (AJ) (Paige)" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(52) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(2) "AJ" [1]=> string(4) "Lita" [2]=> string(5) "Paige" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Member" [1]=> string(6) "Artist" [2]=> string(6) "Banker" } ["related"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(5) "Ellie" [1]=> string(7) "Sparklz" [2]=> string(10) "Old Bonnie" [3]=> string(12) "Wintersummer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(8) "Freehawk" ["location"]=> string(12) "Florida, USA" ["photos"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(67) "" [1]=> string(16311) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(13) "AJ Lita Paige" }

Lita's Beginnings

Lita's adventure in the DSGHQ started mid July 2014. She was on an xat and someone was talking about something called OldCP. She asked for the link and the person gave it to her. She gladly joined. But Lita did not start her journey as Lita, for her first username on OldCP was AJ4EvaStar. That was because she was an AJ Lee fan. She made many friends on her first day.

Forum Beginnings

On OldCP, people were talking about some Forum. Lita searched up 'DSGHQ Forums' and then she made an account called Kaitlyn11 at first. Back then, she didn't know much about the Forums. She put a picture of Kaitlyn from WWE as her profile photo. She made her first post under the name 'How to be Cool'. People didn't really like her post. So, in a few more days in August, she made an account called Lita221. The name Lita was taken by her main account at the time. So she made her name Lita Dumas. A little bit later, she logged onto her main account, Kaitlyn11 (AKA Lita) and changed her name to AJ Lee. Allowing Lita's new account to be called Lita.

Lita Now

Now, Lita has quite a few accounts on the Forums. She has applied for Knight, and in game Moderator. She likes the experiences she is enjoying right now in the DSGHQ. She is a current Banker hired by Cheep. She was very happy. On the Forums, she hopes to get Master.
WIKI:ADAWG, 15TH JANUARY 2015 BY AUGUSTINE , BODY: 14038D48E3B033328FD5C8D7872914B9 , PROPS: 0F9EC472F19A7EB2C099E69F18C8B6F9 [RESTORE]

My past titles aka da Titles

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" ["title"]=> string(6) "Master" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "AgentAdawg" [1]=> string(8) "Robotman" [2]=> string(6) "Adawg2" } ["titles"]=> array(9) { [0]=> string(9) "Detective" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Forums Moderator" [3]=> string(20) "DSGHQ World Champion" [4]=> string(17) "Champion of OldCP" [5]=> string(15) "Oldcp Moderator" [6]=> string(12) "DSGHQ Master" [7]=> string(21) "Penguin Watch Captain" [8]=> string(18) "Snaildom Moderator" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(21) "Realhawks and Hunters" ["location"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(73) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Adawg" }

Finding DSGHQ

Adawg found the DSGHQ in September of 2013, in the late v4 early v5 era of Oldcp and found the Forums later on in October of 2013.

Becoming Popular

After a few weeks, Adawg became popular around the DSGHQ and then he finally got the rank Master. This was quite an achievement for the new-comer Adawg. He soon had many friends and was finally on his way to earning a new rank.


At the end of 2013, Adawg became a Penguin Watch. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he couldn't hold it in. He leaked his rank to Tennis on another cpps called flippr. A few weeks afterwards, Damen asked Adawg if he had played flippr and leaked. At first Adawg lied knowing that his fate was soon to come, but finally told the truth. There was a trial and was found guilty of Treason, he was executed moments afterwards, and was IP-Banned on all of DSGHQ

Returning to DSGHQ

After three months, Damen gave Adawg another chance and unbanned him on all of DSGHQ Games. Adawg soon had the title Turncoat, and was later on relieved of the title, and became a normal user again.

Earning Master Again

After one month after returning to the DSGHQ, he earned the rank Master once more, and was trusted by the Emperor Damen again.

Earning New Ranks

In early v9 Adawg became a Detective of the DSGHQ, he was the first of the v9 era and many came after him.

DSGHQ World Champion

In the Summer of 2014, Oldcp was attacked by the Iceghosts. The Blackhawks rose as Ice Ghosts and the Ice King Raegon and Ice Queen Snowfalls were lingering around the island, turning innocent users into Ice Ghosts.

After Damen logged on and shot Snowfalls, he gave Adawg and a few other users a gun. He gave Adawg the order "Finish the Job". Adawg knew what he had to do, and followed Raegon and Dancebear the Legendary Healer to the Dock.

As Dancebear was holding off Raegon, Adawg fired his gun, and Raegon fell flat on his face. Oldcp was victorious, and Adawg became the Champion of Oldcp and DSGHQ World Champion.

PW Captain

In early 2014, Adawg achieved the rank of Penguin Watch Captain. This rank was very special for him, since he committed treason for leaking, this rank was special to know that he was now a very trusted user of Oldcp.

Forums Moderator

In September of 2014, Adawg became Forums Moderator. Adawg had achieved his dream of being a moderator, and made sure that he would be the best he could.

Snaildom Beta Tester

After earning Forums Moderator, the Snaildom Beta Testing ranks were being given out, Adawg was shocked to see that he had the Badge of "Snaildom Beta Tester", and this rank would lead to more of his dreams that he could imagine.

Snaildom Moderator

During the Beta Testing, Damen had a session for all Beta Testers to meet at the Throne room of Snaildom. There Damen quietly selected users from the Beta Test Group to be his first Snaildom Moderators, and one of them that he chose was Adawg. Adawg finally achieved his dream of being a Virtual World Moderator.


After Snaildom opened, Adawg made a huge mistake. He swore in front of users and got himself demoted, Adawg didn't grieve because he knew that he was wrong. So he told the users of his wrongdoings in a post and the Emperor appreciated that he did that, and told him that he would get another chance later on.

Oldcp v10

After being shut down by Disney, Oldcp reopened in the Winter of 2014. Adawg kept his title of Penguin Watch Captain, and became familiar with Oldcp Again.

Oldcp Moderator

After a trial, Damen told Adawg that he could give his rank to Tornado, and he would achieve Oldcp Moderator. Agreeing to do so, Damen made Adawg's only dream come true. Becoming a Moderator for Oldcp.


Adawg was found to have done several things meriting a demotion. First reason was being mean to regular user(s) and overly immature at times. He also had abused his position of moderator by using his expression in a negative and disrespectful way towards his older superiors. He was fully demoted on January 12th 2015 to Master of the DSGHQ.

A new Beginning

Since Adawg was demoted, he is planning on starting a new beginning as a Master in DSGHQ.


That is the story of the User named Adawg. He may be a popular user and a Moderator, but he is just a Normal kid who likes to play Games with nice people.


If God put us on earth we have a reason
Comedy is the best Healing
Hate isn't real
Everybody dies but not everybody lives

Lylance incorrectly wrote leaders, so i changed

array(4) { ["event"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(19) "Warlord Competition" ["title"]=> string(11) "Competition" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["date"]=> string(14) "April 18, 2014" ["host"]=> string(5) "Damen" ["end"]=> string(14) "April 18, 2014" ["location"]=> string(11) "Throne Room" ["winner"]=> string(18) "Clegane (foul win)" ["leader"]=> string(7) "Hashir," ["members"]=> string(31) "Clegane, Tennis, Sk1ppy, Pencil" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["series"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "history" ["title"]=> string(19) "Warlord Competition" }


On 16th of April 2014, Emperor Regent Damen Spike officially made the sign-up posts. 4 brave contestants fought to the death; winner to be granted the rank of Warlord. The contestants chosen were:
  • Tennis
  • Turncoat Clegane
  • Sk1ppy1
  • Pencil

See more at:


The four competitors entered the throne room trained for the competition. After Minty spoke the opening words, on Damen's count, the game began.


All competitors but Clegane fell, so she won. Although she won, using firearms wasn't good for a fight and also, Clegane used another account (Syrio) to kill competitors.


See full competition footage:



array(4) { ["event"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(19) "Warlord Competition" ["title"]=> string(11) "Competition" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["date"]=> string(14) "April 18, 2014" ["host"]=> string(5) "Damen" ["end"]=> string(14) "April 18, 2014" ["location"]=> string(11) "Throne Room" ["winner"]=> string(18) "Clegane (foul win)" ["leader"]=> string(7) "Hashir," ["members"]=> string(31) "Clegane, Tennis, Sk1ppy, Pencil" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["series"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(7) "history" ["title"]=> string(19) "Warlord Competition" }


On 16th of April 2014, Emperor Regent Damen Spike officially made the sign-up posts. 4 brave contestants fought to the death; winner to be granted the rank of Warlord. The contestants chosen were:
  • Tennis
  • Turncoat Clegane
  • Sk1ppy1
  • Pencil

See more at:


The four competitors entered the throne room trained for the competition. After Minty spoke the opening words, on Damen's count, the game began.


All competitors but Clegane fell, so she won. Although she won, using firearms wasn't good for a fight and also, Clegane used another account (Syrio) to kill competitors.


See full competition footage:

WIKI:ADAWG, 13TH JANUARY 2015 BY HASHIR , BODY: 14038D48E3B033328FD5C8D7872914B9 , PROPS: 805F5FFB7B348819F81CBC8117E67D13 [RESTORE]

Minor change

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" ["title"]=> string(6) "Master" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "AgentAdawg" [1]=> string(8) "Robotman" [2]=> string(6) "Adawg2" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(9) "Detective" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Forums Moderator" [3]=> string(20) "DSGHQ World Champion" [4]=> string(17) "Champion of OldCP" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(21) "Realhawks and Hunters" ["location"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(73) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Adawg" }

Finding DSGHQ

Adawg found the DSGHQ in September of 2013, in the late v4 early v5 era of Oldcp and found the Forums later on in October of 2013.

Becoming Popular

After a few weeks, Adawg became popular around the DSGHQ and then he finally got the rank Master. This was quite an achievement for the new-comer Adawg. He soon had many friends and was finally on his way to earning a new rank.


At the end of 2013, Adawg became a Penguin Watch. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he couldn't hold it in. He leaked his rank to Tennis on another cpps called flippr. A few weeks afterwards, Damen asked Adawg if he had played flippr and leaked. At first Adawg lied knowing that his fate was soon to come, but finally told the truth. There was a trial and was found guilty of Treason, he was executed moments afterwards, and was IP-Banned on all of DSGHQ

Returning to DSGHQ

After three months, Damen gave Adawg another chance and unbanned him on all of DSGHQ Games. Adawg soon had the title Turncoat, and was later on relieved of the title, and became a normal user again.

Earning Master Again

After one month after returning to the DSGHQ, he earned the rank Master once more, and was trusted by the Emperor Damen again.

Earning New Ranks

In early v9 Adawg became a Detective of the DSGHQ, he was the first of the v9 era and many came after him.

DSGHQ World Champion

In the Summer of 2014, Oldcp was attacked by the Iceghosts. The Blackhawks rose as Ice Ghosts and the Ice King Raegon and Ice Queen Snowfalls were lingering around the island, turning innocent users into Ice Ghosts.

After Damen logged on and shot Snowfalls, he gave Adawg and a few other users a gun. He gave Adawg the order "Finish the Job". Adawg knew what he had to do, and followed Raegon and Dancebear the Legendary Healer to the Dock.

As Dancebear was holding off Raegon, Adawg fired his gun, and Raegon fell flat on his face. Oldcp was victorious, and Adawg became the Champion of Oldcp and DSGHQ World Champion.

PW Captain

In early 2014, Adawg achieved the rank of Penguin Watch Captain. This rank was very special for him, since he committed treason for leaking, this rank was special to know that he was now a very trusted user of Oldcp.

Forums Moderator

In September of 2014, Adawg became Forums Moderator. Adawg had achieved his dream of being a moderator, and made sure that he would be the best he could.

Snaildom Beta Tester

After earning Forums Moderator, the Snaildom Beta Testing ranks were being given out, Adawg was shocked to see that he had the Badge of "Snaildom Beta Tester", and this rank would lead to more of his dreams that he could imagine.

Snaildom Moderator

During the Beta Testing, Damen had a session for all Beta Testers to meet at the Throne room of Snaildom. There Damen quietly selected users from the Beta Test Group to be his first Snaildom Moderators, and one of them that he chose was Adawg. Adawg finally achieved his dream of being a Virtual World Moderator.


After Snaildom opened, Adawg made a huge mistake. He swore in front of users and got himself demoted, Adawg didn't grieve because he knew that he was wrong. So he told the users of his wrongdoings in a post and the Emperor appreciated that he did that, and told him that he would get another chance later on.

Oldcp v10

After being shut down by Disney, Oldcp reopened in the Winter of 2014. Adawg kept his title of Penguin Watch Captain, and became familiar with Oldcp Again.

Oldcp Moderator

After a trial, Damen told Adawg that he could give his rank to Tornado, and he would achieve Oldcp Moderator. Agreeing to do so, Damen made Adawg's only dream come true. Becoming a Moderator for Oldcp.


Adawg was found to have done several things meriting a demotion. First reason was being mean to regular user(s) and overly immature at times. He also had abused his position of moderator by using his expression in a negative and disrespectful way towards his older superiors. He was fully demoted on January 12th 2015 to Master of the DSGHQ.

A new Beginning

Since Adawg was demoted, he is planning on starting a new beginning as a Master in DSGHQ.


That is the story of the User named Adawg. He may be a popular user and a Moderator, but he is just a Normal kid who likes to play Games with nice people.


If God put us on earth we have a reason
Comedy is the best Healing
Hate isn't real
Everybody dies but not everybody lives

Updated administrator paragraph

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" ["title"]=> string(5) "Queen" ["photo"]=> string(98) "" ["alias"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(5) "Sofie" [1]=> string(11) "Queen Sofie" [2]=> string(4) "Icee" [3]=> string(11) "Queen Sufie" [4]=> string(5) "Sufie" [5]=> string(11) "Queen Fufie" [6]=> string(5) "Fufie" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(14) "Queen of DSGHQ" [1]=> string(29) "Moderator of DSGHQ (Formerly)" [2]=> string(22) "Administrator of DSGHQ" [3]=> string(12) "Trusted User" [4]=> string(19) "Head Mod (Formerly)" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Raindrop" [1]=> string(4) "GUGU" [2]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["rule"]=> string(15) "Jun. 2nd 2014 -" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" }

Sofie is the Queen of the DSGHQ, from the help and support from the DSGHQ Community.

Early Life

Sofie was born in Liverpool, UK. She moved to the United States when she was 2.

Before the DSGHQ

Before Sofie joined the DSGHQ, she was bullied by people at her school for liking Club Penguin. One day, her friend told her that she went on a chat called xat, they both decided to check it out. She found people on this chat that actually understood her problems.

She met a person named Fizz, they quickly became friends and she started to be happy once again. She was later introduced to the game of OldCP in late September of 2012 (v2).

That is just the beginning of her story.

Joining OldCP

OldCP v2, v3, v4

Her first username on OldCP was of course IceeSofie, she had been suggested to have that name from her younger sister. When she logged in for the first time she was greeted by a moderator named Sting, they became friends quickly. Another person she met was another moderator named Drew, who thought her the basic moderator commands. It took a long time for IceeSofie to be well known, most of the time she would sit alone or try to talk to someone, that's when she befriended another user named Brndav.


Not much can be remembered during this period of time for IceeSofie, but one thing that will always be remembered is when she changed her name to Sofie and kept IceeSofie as a back up account.

V6 & V7

Sofie believed she was ready for administrator, she made a application on forums. Damen saw it and liked it. About a week later, she noticed something rather strange, she looked at the staff list below OldCP and found both of her accounts 'Sofie' and 'Iceesofie' on the list, she did not know why this happened. She logged onto her account 'Iceesofie' and found out she was a administrator. People asked her for her account 'Sofie' but she refused to give it to anyone. She later gave up the position because she believed that someone else could do a better job than her. She then switched back to 'Iceesofie' and her backup is now 'Sofie'.

V8, V9, & V10

This was when IceeSofie was princess, she got the rank in a unexpected way, and then later gained the title Queen. During V9 she wanted to be different, so she was claimed the craziest moderator and was loved by the people. When OldCP shut down, she was suprised, she was sad after that, she didn't want OldCP to go. During V10, Sofie played a minor role in in Operation Endgame, she was the commander of Team Gamma. After that she started to see that she sucked at roleplay.


With the help from her two friends Brndav and Fizz, she met many people including Damen Spike, Chelsey, Techno, Ghost, etc. It took a long time for someone to listen to her, but she never gave up. She started talking to other users, and then everyone recognized the name of IceeSofie. Soon after that she met Damen Spike himself, they started to have a friendship, and then she got moderator for the first time in v4. From there, Sofie got to meet even more people. She loved moderating, for many reasons, but she also got demoted many times. She truly never gave up, her friends supported her through all of it.

Becoming an Administrator

All though her position for administrator did not last long, Sofie was confident and happy that she had administrator, but she told herself that it is a lot of responsibility being a admin. Her second time being a administrator only lasted a week, on the last day, she was tricked by a user to give change a password, she was too kind to users and users took advantage of it. She felt bad for her actions, and she made a goal to herself that she would return to OldCP. The third time she was made an admin was because Damen made the Queen rank have administrator abilities.

IceeSofie as a Administrator

Becoming Queen

At this time, Chelsey was Queen and IceeSofie was one of the 3 princesses, later some conflict happened between Damen and Chelsey and she was banished for her actions. Later on June 8th 2014, Damen made a short discussion on forums stating that Chelsey was demoted and IceeSofie is the next person in line for the title for Queen. She was very excited, but also nervous, she did not want to make a mistake like she did when she was an administrator. Deep down inside, she knew she was ready for the next step and would do everything in her power to get what she needed, confidence. On June 14th 2014, Cyberwolf gave her the title of Queen, and since then she has been doing what she does best, moderating. Because of her rank, she was able to achieve the rank of administrator for the third time.

IceeSofie becoming Queen


"When you need me, I will be there, count on it."
"Hope is what makes us strong, it is why we are here, it is what we fight for when all else is lost."
"We are all different in the best ways possible."
"Anything is possible on the DSGHQ"
"I am here for you, always."
"Most of the time, I have been forgotten, it makes me think, alot."
"I am breaking the mold for Queen, now that's something I am sure about."
"I will always be the townboy I have always been."
"xD movement on point."
"Shine brighter than the stars"
"I have the best friends a girl can ever have."
"I am different, I love it. I am not another copy."

Changed Rank description to: Retired Moderator

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" ["title"]=> string(17) "Retired Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "AgentAdawg" [1]=> string(8) "Robotman" [2]=> string(6) "Adawg2" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(9) "Detective" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Forums Moderator" [3]=> string(20) "DSGHQ World Champion" [4]=> string(17) "Champion of OldCP" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(21) "Realhawks and Hunters" ["location"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(73) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Adawg" }

Finding DSGHQ

Adawg found the DSGHQ in September of 2013, in the late v4 early v5 era of Oldcp and found the Forums later on in October of 2013.

Becoming Popular

After a few weeks, Adawg became popular around the DSGHQ and then he finally got the rank Master. This was quite an achievement for the new-comer Adawg. He soon had many friends and was finally on his way to earning a new rank.


At the end of 2013, Adawg became a Penguin Watch. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he couldn't hold it in. He leaked his rank to Tennis on another cpps called flippr. A few weeks afterwards, Damen asked Adawg if he had played flippr and leaked. At first Adawg lied knowing that his fate was soon to come, but finally told the truth. There was a trial and was found guilty of Treason, he was executed moments afterwards, and was IP-Banned on all of DSGHQ

Returning to DSGHQ

After three months, Damen gave Adawg another chance and unbanned him on all of DSGHQ Games. Adawg soon had the title Turncoat, and was later on relieved of the title, and became a normal user again.

Earning Master Again

After one month after returning to the DSGHQ, he earned the rank Master once more, and was trusted by the Emperor Damen again.

Earning New Ranks

In early v9 Adawg became a Detective of the DSGHQ, he was the first of the v9 era and many came after him.

DSGHQ World Champion

In the Summer of 2014, Oldcp was attacked by the Iceghosts. The Blackhawks rose as Ice Ghosts and the Ice King Raegon and Ice Queen Snowfalls were lingering around the island, turning innocent users into Ice Ghosts.

After Damen logged on and shot Snowfalls, he gave Adawg and a few other users a gun. He gave Adawg the order "Finish the Job". Adawg knew what he had to do, and followed Raegon and Dancebear the Legendary Healer to the Dock.

As Dancebear was holding off Raegon, Adawg fired his gun, and Raegon fell flat on his face. Oldcp was victorious, and Adawg became the Champion of Oldcp and DSGHQ World Champion.

PW Captain

In early 2014, Adawg achieved the rank of Penguin Watch Captain. This rank was very special for him, since he committed treason for leaking, this rank was special to know that he was now a very trusted user of Oldcp.

Forums Moderator

In September of 2014, Adawg became Forums Moderator. Adawg had achieved his dream of being a moderator, and made sure that he would be the best he could.

Snaildom Beta Tester

After earning Forums Moderator, the Snaildom Beta Testing ranks were being given out, Adawg was shocked to see that he had the Badge of "Snaildom Beta Tester", and this rank would lead to more of his dreams that he could imagine.

Snaildom Moderator

During the Beta Testing, Damen had a session for all Beta Testers to meet at the Throne room of Snaildom. There Damen quietly selected users from the Beta Test Group to be his first Snaildom Moderators, and one of them that he chose was Adawg. Adawg finally achieved his dream of being a Virtual World Moderator.


After Snaildom opened, Adawg made a huge mistake. He swore in front of users and got himself demoted, Adawg didn't grieve because he knew that he was wrong. So he told the users of his wrongdoings in a post and the Emperor appreciated that he did that, and told him that he would get another chance later on.

Oldcp v10

After being shut down by Disney, Oldcp reopened in the Winter of 2014. Adawg kept his title of Penguin Watch Captain, and became familiar with Oldcp Again.

Oldcp Moderator

After a trial, Damen told Adawg that he could give his rank to Tornado, and he would achieve Oldcp Moderator. Agreeing to do so, Damen made Adawg's only dream come true. Becoming a Moderator for Oldcp.


Adawg was found to have done several things meriting a demotion. First reason was being mean to regular user(s) and overly immature at times. He also had abused his position of moderator by using his expression in a negative and disrespectful way towards his older superiors. He was fully demoted on January 12th 2015 to Master of the DSGHQ.

A new Beginning

Since Adawg was demoted, he is planning on starting a new beginning as a Master in DSGHQ.


That is the story of the User named Adawg. He may be a popular user and a Moderator, but he is just a Normal kid who likes to play Games with nice people.


If God put us on earth we have a reason
Comedy is the best Healing
Hate isn't real
Everybody dies but not everybody lives