Global Change History

WIKI:ADAWG, 12TH JANUARY 2015 BY AUGUSTINE , BODY: 14038D48E3B033328FD5C8D7872914B9 , PROPS: 805F5FFB7B348819F81CBC8117E67D13 [RESTORE]

A new Subheading -_-

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" ["title"]=> string(6) "Master" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "AgentAdawg" [1]=> string(8) "Robotman" [2]=> string(6) "Adawg2" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(9) "Detective" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Forums Moderator" [3]=> string(20) "DSGHQ World Champion" [4]=> string(17) "Champion of OldCP" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(21) "Realhawks and Hunters" ["location"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(73) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Adawg" }

Finding DSGHQ

Adawg found the DSGHQ in September of 2013, in the late v4 early v5 era of Oldcp and found the Forums later on in October of 2013.

Becoming Popular

After a few weeks, Adawg became popular around the DSGHQ and then he finally got the rank Master. This was quite an achievement for the new-comer Adawg. He soon had many friends and was finally on his way to earning a new rank.


At the end of 2013, Adawg became a Penguin Watch. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he couldn't hold it in. He leaked his rank to Tennis on another cpps called flippr. A few weeks afterwards, Damen asked Adawg if he had played flippr and leaked. At first Adawg lied knowing that his fate was soon to come, but finally told the truth. There was a trial and was found guilty of Treason, he was executed moments afterwards, and was IP-Banned on all of DSGHQ

Returning to DSGHQ

After three months, Damen gave Adawg another chance and unbanned him on all of DSGHQ Games. Adawg soon had the title Turncoat, and was later on relieved of the title, and became a normal user again.

Earning Master Again

After one month after returning to the DSGHQ, he earned the rank Master once more, and was trusted by the Emperor Damen again.

Earning New Ranks

In early v9 Adawg became a Detective of the DSGHQ, he was the first of the v9 era and many came after him.

DSGHQ World Champion

In the Summer of 2014, Oldcp was attacked by the Iceghosts. The Blackhawks rose as Ice Ghosts and the Ice King Raegon and Ice Queen Snowfalls were lingering around the island, turning innocent users into Ice Ghosts.

After Damen logged on and shot Snowfalls, he gave Adawg and a few other users a gun. He gave Adawg the order "Finish the Job". Adawg knew what he had to do, and followed Raegon and Dancebear the Legendary Healer to the Dock.

As Dancebear was holding off Raegon, Adawg fired his gun, and Raegon fell flat on his face. Oldcp was victorious, and Adawg became the Champion of Oldcp and DSGHQ World Champion.

PW Captain

In early 2014, Adawg achieved the rank of Penguin Watch Captain. This rank was very special for him, since he committed treason for leaking, this rank was special to know that he was now a very trusted user of Oldcp.

Forums Moderator

In September of 2014, Adawg became Forums Moderator. Adawg had achieved his dream of being a moderator, and made sure that he would be the best he could.

Snaildom Beta Tester

After earning Forums Moderator, the Snaildom Beta Testing ranks were being given out, Adawg was shocked to see that he had the Badge of "Snaildom Beta Tester", and this rank would lead to more of his dreams that he could imagine.

Snaildom Moderator

During the Beta Testing, Damen had a session for all Beta Testers to meet at the Throne room of Snaildom. There Damen quietly selected users from the Beta Test Group to be his first Snaildom Moderators, and one of them that he chose was Adawg. Adawg finally achieved his dream of being a Virtual World Moderator.


After Snaildom opened, Adawg made a huge mistake. He swore in front of users and got himself demoted, Adawg didn't grieve because he knew that he was wrong. So he told the users of his wrongdoings in a post and the Emperor appreciated that he did that, and told him that he would get another chance later on.

Oldcp v10

After being shut down by Disney, Oldcp reopened in the Winter of 2014. Adawg kept his title of Penguin Watch Captain, and became familiar with Oldcp Again.

Oldcp Moderator

After a trial, Damen told Adawg that he could give his rank to Tornado, and he would achieve Oldcp Moderator. Agreeing to do so, Damen made Adawg's only dream come true. Becoming a Moderator for Oldcp.


Adawg was found to have done several things meriting a demotion. First reason was being mean to regular user(s) and overly immature at times. He also had abused his position of moderator by using his expression in a negative and disrespectful way towards his older superiors. He was fully demoted on January 12th 2015 to Master of the DSGHQ.

A new Beginning

Since Adawg was demoted, he is planning on starting a new beginning as a Master in DSGHQ.


That is the story of the User named Adawg. He may be a popular user and a Moderator, but he is just a Normal kid who likes to play Games with nice people.


If God put us on earth we have a reason
Comedy is the best Healing
Hate isn't real
Everybody dies but not everybody lives

My photo.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Luke" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(46) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "Luke" [1]=> string(6) "Mike96" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(13) "Former Prince" [1]=> string(16) "Former Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Former Detective" [3]=> string(13) "Former Knight" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Brndav" [1]=> string(7) "Chelsey" [2]=> string(4) "Kara" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(14) "United Kingdom" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Luke" }

The Beginning

Luke started playing OldCP back in v1. He found the link to OldCP on Youtube. He registered under the name "-Theflame12".


Luke joined OldCP in early 2012 when OldCP was still very young and wasn't the original OldCP at all.
Luke became a Helper during OldCP v4.
Luke became a Moderator for the first time and promoted at the office by Damen in v5.
Around May 2014, Luke and Raindrop had a private wedding at /jr Kara, but then Gamer became Prince. Back then Gamer was known as a Blackhawk so he took over for him as Prince.

Luke was a Moderator 4 times all together on OldCP.

The Forum

Luke joined the forum with his old account a day after it opened for beta testing.
Luke became a Member, News Reporter and Master and now a forum Moderator!
Luke became better with his grammar a few months after the forum opened.

Beta Testing DSGHQ Games

Luke beta tested Penguin Isles, Snaildom and Snailschat. He was added to the Snaildom beta team late, a day before the public launch.


array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" ["title"]=> string(6) "Master" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "AgentAdawg" [1]=> string(8) "Robotman" [2]=> string(6) "Adawg2" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(9) "Detective" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Forums Moderator" [3]=> string(20) "DSGHQ World Champion" [4]=> string(17) "Champion of OldCP" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(21) "Realhawks and Hunters" ["location"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(73) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Adawg" }

Finding DSGHQ

Adawg found the DSGHQ in September of 2013, in the late v4 early v5 era of Oldcp and found the Forums later on in October of 2013.

Becoming Popular

After a few weeks, Adawg became popular around the DSGHQ and then he finally got the rank Master. This was quite an achievement for the new-comer Adawg. He soon had many friends and was finally on his way to earning a new rank.


At the end of 2013, Adawg became a Penguin Watch. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he couldn't hold it in. He leaked his rank to Tennis on another cpps called flippr. A few weeks afterwards, Damen asked Adawg if he had played flippr and leaked. At first Adawg lied knowing that his fate was soon to come, but finally told the truth. There was a trial and was found guilty of Treason, he was executed moments afterwards, and was IP-Banned on all of DSGHQ

Returning to DSGHQ

After three months, Damen gave Adawg another chance and unbanned him on all of DSGHQ Games. Adawg soon had the title Turncoat, and was later on relieved of the title, and became a normal user again.

Earning Master Again

After one month after returning to the DSGHQ, he earned the rank Master once more, and was trusted by the Emperor Damen again.

Earning New Ranks

In early v9 Adawg became a Detective of the DSGHQ, he was the first of the v9 era and many came after him.

DSGHQ World Champion

In the Summer of 2014, Oldcp was attacked by the Iceghosts. The Blackhawks rose as Ice Ghosts and the Ice King Raegon and Ice Queen Snowfalls were lingering around the island, turning innocent users into Ice Ghosts.

After Damen logged on and shot Snowfalls, he gave Adawg and a few other users a gun. He gave Adawg the order "Finish the Job". Adawg knew what he had to do, and followed Raegon and Dancebear the Legendary Healer to the Dock.

As Dancebear was holding off Raegon, Adawg fired his gun, and Raegon fell flat on his face. Oldcp was victorious, and Adawg became the Champion of Oldcp and DSGHQ World Champion.

PW Captain

In early 2014, Adawg achieved the rank of Penguin Watch Captain. This rank was very special for him, since he committed treason for leaking, this rank was special to know that he was now a very trusted user of Oldcp.

Forums Moderator

In September of 2014, Adawg became Forums Moderator. Adawg had achieved his dream of being a moderator, and made sure that he would be the best he could.

Snaildom Beta Tester

After earning Forums Moderator, the Snaildom Beta Testing ranks were being given out, Adawg was shocked to see that he had the Badge of "Snaildom Beta Tester", and this rank would lead to more of his dreams that he could imagine.

Snaildom Moderator

During the Beta Testing, Damen had a session for all Beta Testers to meet at the Throne room of Snaildom. There Damen quietly selected users from the Beta Test Group to be his first Snaildom Moderators, and one of them that he chose was Adawg. Adawg finally achieved his dream of being a Virtual World Moderator.


After Snaildom opened, Adawg made a huge mistake. He swore in front of users and got himself demoted, Adawg didn't grieve because he knew that he was wrong. So he told the users of his wrongdoings in a post and the Emperor appreciated that he did that, and told him that he would get another chance later on.

Oldcp v10

After being shut down by Disney, Oldcp reopened in the Winter of 2014. Adawg kept his title of Penguin Watch Captain, and became familiar with Oldcp Again.

Oldcp Moderator

After a trial, Damen told Adawg that he could give his rank to Tornado, and he would achieve Oldcp Moderator. Agreeing to do so, Damen made Adawg's only dream come true. Becoming a Moderator for Oldcp.


Adawg was found to have done several things meriting a demotion. First reason was being mean to regular user(s) and overly immature at times. He also had abused his position of moderator by using his expression in a negative and disrespectful way towards his older superiors. He was fully demoted on January 12th 2015 to Master of the DSGHQ.


That is the story of the User named Adawg. He may be a popular user and a Moderator, but he is just a Normal kid who likes to play Games with nice people.


If God put us on earth we have a reason
Comedy is the best Healing
Hate isn't real
Everybody dies but not everybody lives

added demotion.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "AgentAdawg" [1]=> string(8) "Robotman" [2]=> string(6) "Adawg2" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(9) "Detective" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Forums Moderator" [3]=> string(20) "DSGHQ World Champion" [4]=> string(17) "Champion of OldCP" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(21) "Realhawks and Hunters" ["location"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(73) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Adawg" }

Finding DSGHQ

Adawg found the DSGHQ in September of 2013, in the late v4 early v5 era of Oldcp and found the Forums later on in October of 2013.

Becoming Popular

After a few weeks, Adawg became popular around the DSGHQ and then he finally got the rank Master. This was quite an achievement for the new-comer Adawg. He soon had many friends and was finally on his way to earning a new rank.


At the end of 2013, Adawg became a Penguin Watch. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he couldn't hold it in. He leaked his rank to Tennis on another cpps called flippr. A few weeks afterwards, Damen asked Adawg if he had played flippr and leaked. At first Adawg lied knowing that his fate was soon to come, but finally told the truth. There was a trial and was found guilty of Treason, he was executed moments afterwards, and was IP-Banned on all of DSGHQ

Returning to DSGHQ

After three months, Damen gave Adawg another chance and unbanned him on all of DSGHQ Games. Adawg soon had the title Turncoat, and was later on relieved of the title, and became a normal user again.

Earning Master Again

After one month after returning to the DSGHQ, he earned the rank Master once more, and was trusted by the Emperor Damen again.

Earning New Ranks

In early v9 Adawg became a Detective of the DSGHQ, he was the first of the v9 era and many came after him.

DSGHQ World Champion

In the Summer of 2014, Oldcp was attacked by the Iceghosts. The Blackhawks rose as Ice Ghosts and the Ice King Raegon and Ice Queen Snowfalls were lingering around the island, turning innocent users into Ice Ghosts.

After Damen logged on and shot Snowfalls, he gave Adawg and a few other users a gun. He gave Adawg the order "Finish the Job". Adawg knew what he had to do, and followed Raegon and Dancebear the Legendary Healer to the Dock.

As Dancebear was holding off Raegon, Adawg fired his gun, and Raegon fell flat on his face. Oldcp was victorious, and Adawg became the Champion of Oldcp and DSGHQ World Champion.

PW Captain

In early 2014, Adawg achieved the rank of Penguin Watch Captain. This rank was very special for him, since he committed treason for leaking, this rank was special to know that he was now a very trusted user of Oldcp.

Forums Moderator

In September of 2014, Adawg became Forums Moderator. Adawg had achieved his dream of being a moderator, and made sure that he would be the best he could.

Snaildom Beta Tester

After earning Forums Moderator, the Snaildom Beta Testing ranks were being given out, Adawg was shocked to see that he had the Badge of "Snaildom Beta Tester", and this rank would lead to more of his dreams that he could imagine.

Snaildom Moderator

During the Beta Testing, Damen had a session for all Beta Testers to meet at the Throne room of Snaildom. There Damen quietly selected users from the Beta Test Group to be his first Snaildom Moderators, and one of them that he chose was Adawg. Adawg finally achieved his dream of being a Virtual World Moderator.


After Snaildom opened, Adawg made a huge mistake. He swore in front of users and got himself demoted, Adawg didn't grieve because he knew that he was wrong. So he told the users of his wrongdoings in a post and the Emperor appreciated that he did that, and told him that he would get another chance later on.

Oldcp v10

After being shut down by Disney, Oldcp reopened in the Winter of 2014. Adawg kept his title of Penguin Watch Captain, and became familiar with Oldcp Again.

Oldcp Moderator

After a trial, Damen told Adawg that he could give his rank to Tornado, and he would achieve Oldcp Moderator. Agreeing to do so, Damen made Adawg's only dream come true. Becoming a Moderator for Oldcp.


Adawg was found to have done several things meriting a demotion. First reason was being mean to regular user(s) and overly immature at times. He also had abused his position of moderator by using his expression in a negative and disrespectful way towards his older superiors. He was fully demoted on January 12th 2015 to Master of the DSGHQ.


That is the story of the User named Adawg. He may be a popular user and a Moderator, but he is just a Normal kid who likes to play Games with nice people.


If God put us on earth we have a reason
Comedy is the best Healing
Hate isn't real
Everybody dies but not everybody lives


array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Lita (AJ)" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(16595) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(2) "AJ" [1]=> string(4) "Lita" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Member" [1]=> string(6) "Artist" [2]=> string(6) "Banker" } ["related"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(5) "Ellie" [1]=> string(7) "Sparklz" [2]=> string(10) "Old Bonnie" [3]=> string(12) "Wintersummer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(8) "Freehawk" ["location"]=> string(12) "Florida, USA" ["photos"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(67) "" [1]=> string(16311) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(2) "AJ" }

AJ (Lita)'s Beginnings

Lita's adventure in the DSGHQ started mid July 2014. She was on an xat and someone was talking about something called OldCP. She asked for the link and the person gave it to her. She gladly joined. But Lita did not start her journey as Lita, for her first username on OldCP was AJ4EvaStar. That was because she was an AJ Lee fan. She made many friends on her first day.

Forum Beginnings

On OldCP, people were talking about some Forum. Lita searched up 'DSGHQ Forums' and then she made an account called Kaitlyn11 at first. Back then, she didn't know much about the Forums. She put a picture of Kaitlyn from WWE as her profile photo. She made her first post under the name 'How to be Cool'. People didn't really like her post. So, in a few more days in August, she made an account called Lita221. The name Lita was taken by her main account at the time. So she made her name Lita Dumas. A little bit later, she logged onto her main account, Kaitlyn11 (AKA Lita) and changed her name to AJ Lee. Allowing Lita's new account to be called Lita.

AJ (Lita) Currently

Now, Lita has quite a few accounts on the Forums. She has applied for Knight, and in game Moderator. She likes the experiences she is enjoying right now in the DSGHQ. She is a current Banker hired by Cheep, the Lady of the Bank. She was very happy. On the Forums, she hopes to get Master.

fixed minor issues

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "CocaCola10" ["title"]=> string(14) "Retired Knight" ["photo"]=> string(81) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(12) "Sir CocaCola" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [1]=> string(27) "Former Detective Apprentice" [2]=> string(16) "Former Detective" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "Crowflying" [1]=> string(6) "Tennis" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(3) "USA" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(36) "December 14, 2014 (Revived by Damen)" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(12) "Sir CocaCola" }


CocaCola10 played Club Penguin, and while he was watching CPWorld on YouTube, he saw a video for OldCp. He tried it out and knew it was much better than Club Penguin because there was no membership, and there were mods to help you with questions you may have. Eventually, he created a forums account and that's when the journey began.

Origin of the name CocaCola10

It was with hard thinking CocaCola10 finally came up with the name "CocaCola10". The reason for that is because he liked the soda "Coca-Cola", but the name "CocaCola" had already been taken, so he added the 10 to it.


CocaCola10 joined Snaildom the very first day it was released, although he was not chosen to test the game, that didn't bother him, he waited patiently for the game to launch.

Imperial Knight

CocaCola10 applied for the rank Imperial Knight. After getting 41 likes on the application, he was committed to getting Imperial Knight. CocaCola10 was trained for Knight by Tennis, Sofie, and Bashy. Awhile later, CocaCola10's brother, Crowflying, was on Snaildom and Damen got on saying, "I am going to promote a Knight". Crowflying told CocaCola10 to get on Snaildom, for it was his chance at the rank. When CocaCola10 logged on, Damen said, "Salutations, CocaCola10!" King Helper Tennis recommended you to me." Then Damen promoted CocaCola10 to Imperial Knight of Snaildom.
The same day, he was promoted to Knight on the DSGHQ forums.
Later, when OldCP returned, CocaCola10 received Knight on that. He was now a full DSGHQ protector.

Retired and Left

CocaCola10 decided that he should be spending more time with family, so he retired and left DSGHQ. He now comes on to check on some things and play Minecraft with his friends.


Life is full of mistakes, that doesn't mean you can't make less mistakes.
Winning means never quitting, quitting means never winning.
WIKI:CROWFLYING, 11TH JANUARY 2015 BY TENNIS , BODY: 00924D444CF7FE806C5F1F20755BFC96 , PROPS: 54E52B081AD806270D7C214FFB507962 [RESTORE]

Fixed minor issues

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Crowflying" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(111) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "Crow" } ["titles"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(6) "Healer" [1]=> string(8) "Wise One" [2]=> string(20) "Detective Apprentice" [3]=> string(6) "Banker" } ["related"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(10) "CocaCola10" [1]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" [3]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(13) "Crime Solvers" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Crowflying" }


Crowflying joined OldCP in early May of 2014. He found out about OldCP on CPWorld's channel on YouTube. Crowflying thought it would be fake but it turned out, it wasn't. If he never would have watched that video, he wouldn't be here today. He was new and did not know much about it. That's when Iwishlagwas came over and asked if he needed any help. Iwish taught him everything he needed to know and soon, Crowflying's life on OldCP began. It was a rough start due to bullies pushing Crowflying around. On the bright side, he made many new friends.

DSGHQ Forums

One day, while on OldCP, a global message popped up about the forums. He had no clue what it meant but it clicked the link anyway. Tennis helped him get used to the forums. Then, he learned how to use the forums and up and up he went. He finally got member in the same month he joined. It was amazing for him. PenguinDSC saw how much he was improving and gave him Master. But before that, he achieved News Reporter.

Origin of the name Crowflying

Crowflying liked crow's a lot and put crow in his name and mixed it up with flying, because he knew crow's flew. It was that simple to him.


When Damen released his new game, Snaildom. Crowflying's life began to change. He played everyday and trained for his new goal, Knight. Although he never reached that goal on OldCP or Snaildom, but did achieve Wise One on November 7, 2014. It was a big deal to him. He also had the job Banker and Det App. Crowflying had support from Cheep, Tennis, and many others.


It was a tough choice for Crowflying, but he had to leave. Family issues came up and he never got off the PC. Today, Crowflying only visits a couple times a day and enjoys hanging out with friends.
WIKI:BAILEY, 10TH JANUARY 2015 BY BAILEY , BODY: C0908631AA1D03C9469261547812C6B9 , PROPS: 145D3574F2FEC59B199449CDDBFA915B [RESTORE]

Changed stuff

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Bailey" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(10) "Chucker321" [1]=> string(7) "Chucker" [2]=> string(5) "Chuck" [3]=> string(6) "HipHop" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(15) "DSGHQ Moderator" [2]=> string(6) "Knight" } ["related"]=> array(12) { [0]=> string(5) "Damen" [1]=> string(9) "Cyberwolf" [2]=> string(6) "Tennis" [3]=> string(4) "Sled" [4]=> string(6) "Hashir" [5]=> string(6) "Archie" [6]=> string(4) "Toby" [7]=> string(4) "Bp28" [8]=> string(7) "Terry91" [9]=> string(6) "Key123" [10]=> string(0) "" [11]=> string(5) "Bakon" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(28) "Massachusetts, United States" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(6) "Bailey" }


Bailey found the game of Old CP by searching up "Old CP" on YouTube, finding a video with a link to the site. He started out as Bailey2000 in v5 around April of 2013. He first stumbled upon Rockhopper, whom he learned how to become a mascot on the website, therefore becoming his first friend.

Game of Mods

After a couple months of being inactive of Old CP, coming back in July of 2013, he found out about this so-called Game of Mods. On the home page, there was an article about the first Game of Mods, and how a user named Journey won. After hearing about this event, he quickly joined in. He joined team Doritos for a little, but left the competition due to unreliable teammates. In the end, a user by the name of Poas won the competition and became Moderator.

Old CP

Bailey has a long history on Old CP.


Bailey joined Old CP as Bailey2000.


He went by the alias of HipHop, and soon became very popular. He made many friends.

The September Game of Mods arrived. He was a part of team Fireworks, created by himself, but his team sadly got eliminated, so he went to Journey and Key123's famous team, the Freehawks. During the competition, the Stage Inspectors invaded, banned all the moderators, including Damen, summoned everyone to an igloo, and said they'd rule Old CP. Everyone was freaking out, and it was chaos. Somehow Sheep saved the day, and then Damen un-banned himself, got rid of the betraying Stage Inspectors, and un-banned the moderators. What about the mod comp?! It continued. The show must go on! So in the end, Nintendo won the third Game of Mods.

Then HipHop got framed by Bane for blowing up the Night Club in September, 2013.

HipHop's first and real job during v6 was being apart of the PSA Agency by Cyberwolf.


February of 2014. He changed his name again to Chucker321, which is his New Club Penguin name.

In March, he earned Moderator for the first time. He had the rank for a month, then got demoted for a reason unknown.


Then he changed his name to Bailey, which is his name in real life, and at the end of April he earned Knight. He had it for for about one to two weeks, then resigned.

Shortly after, the 7th Game of Mods in May occurred, but with a little twist. Instead of just one winner, there will be three winners. Because of this, the competition would have to be longer with more stages and tasks. After all of the gruesome competition, three winners were announced. All from team Freehawks, the winners were Key123, IWUVBAKON (Bakon), and Bailey. He had Moderator for a month, then got demoted for "quitting" without consulting Damen about it first, which is how the new Mod rule came.


Everyone was excited for Old CP's return as it entered its 10th version.

Bailey re-earned Old CP Moderator on December 12th, 2014, and is now a current moderator on it.

DSGHQ Forums

August 30th, 2013: On this day, the DSGHQ Forums came out, but it was originally called The Old CP Community. At 9:01 PM EST, HipHop joined the Forums, and was the 145th user to join. He earned the rank Master the next month. Then in the beginning-middle of October, he earned News Reporter, and was one for a little less than a month. Then on his 13th birthday, he re-earned Master, and had it for about a year.

He received the Badge of Honour on the same day as the 9th Game of Mods. Then on October 19th, 2014, he earned Forums Moderator, and is one 'til this day.

On December 21st, 2014, he became a Wiki Editor, and on December 29th, 2014, he became an Auren.js Chat Operator (Moderator). On January 2nd, 2015, he earned xat Moderator.

Penguin Isles

After coming back in January of 2014, there was lots of talk about this game soon to be released this month by the name of Penguin Isles. Everyone was anxious to play since Old CP was supposedly shut down by Disney in December. In Penguin Isles, he went by the name of Chucker321. There isn't much he remembers from the game, but the only significant event he remembers that occurred was when Damen attempted to host a Game of Mods. Bailey says, "It was a disaster. He had to cancel it right in the middle of the competition. He couldn't bare to let it go on. :P"


On Snaildom, Bailey made many achievements.

Beta Era

Bailey was chosen to beta test Snaildom. Since he had no access to Snaildom, he could only beta test Snaildom on the last day of the Beta Era.


Bailey received the job of Banker on Snaildom on October 5th, 2014.


Bailey's first official rank on Snaildom was Knight. He chose to be a Guardian.

Autumn Game of Mods

Bailey started the competition on Le Vikings, but left them due to teammates who wouldn't listen or pay attention to the leader. He joined Crime Solvers for Stage 2. He was a finalist in the Autumn Game of Mods of 2014. He was in the top 4 with Sled, Tacofun, and Nintendo.

Autumn Game of Kings

Bailey was chosen to be a competitor in the Game of Kings by Emperor Damen. He was paired with competitor Sled. He made it through the first stage, but was sadly fired after the last task in Stage 2.


Bailey earned Snaildom Moderator on October 19th, 2014.

Autumn World Champion

Bailey became Snaildom World Champion for winning the DSG WCI Autumn 2014 with 42+++ goals on October 25th, 2014.

Game of Apprentices

Bailey was on team Fires since Stage 2 of the competition. He was a finalist with Hashir, Archie, and Toby in the Emperor's Apprentice Competition on November 29th, 2014.

Changed stuff

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Bailey" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(10) "Chucker321" [1]=> string(7) "Chucker" [2]=> string(5) "Chuck" [3]=> string(6) "HipHop" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(15) "DSGHQ Moderator" [2]=> string(6) "Knight" } ["related"]=> array(12) { [0]=> string(5) "Damen" [1]=> string(9) "Cyberwolf" [2]=> string(6) "Tennis" [3]=> string(4) "Sled" [4]=> string(6) "Hashir" [5]=> string(6) "Archie" [6]=> string(4) "Toby" [7]=> string(4) "Bp28" [8]=> string(7) "Terry91" [9]=> string(6) "Key123" [10]=> string(0) "" [11]=> string(5) "Bakon" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(28) "Massachusetts, United States" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(6) "Bailey" }


Bailey found the game of Old CP by searching up "Old CP" on YouTube, finding a video with a link to the site. He started out as Bailey2000 in v5 around April of 2013. He first stumbled upon Rockhopper, whom he learned how to become a mascot on the website, therefore becoming his first friend.

Game of Mods

After a couple months of being inactive of Old CP, coming back in July of 2013, he found out about this so-called Game of Mods. On the home page, there was an article about the first Game of Mods, and how a user named Journey won. After hearing about this event, he quickly joined in. He joined team Doritos for a little, but left the competition due to unreliable teammates. In the end, a user by the name of Poas won the competition and became Moderator.

Old CP

Bailey has a long history on Old CP.


Bailey joined Old CP as Bailey2000.


He went by the alias of HipHop, and soon became very popular. He made many friends.

The September Game of Mods arrived. He was a part of team Fireworks, created by himself, but his team sadly got eliminated, so he went to Journey and Key123's famous team, the Freehawks. During the competition, the Stage Inspectors invaded, banned all the moderators, including Damen, summoned everyone to an igloo, and said they'd rule Old CP. Everyone was freaking out, and it was chaos. Somehow Sheep saved the day, and then Damen un-banned himself, got rid of the betraying Stage Inspectors, and un-banned the moderators. What about the mod comp?! It continued. The show must go on! So in the end, Nintendo won the third Game of Mods.

Then HipHop got framed by Bane for blowing the Night Club in September, 2013.

HipHop's first and real job during v6 was being apart of the PSA Agency by Cyberwolf.


February of 2014. He changed his name again to Chucker321, which is his New Club Penguin name.

In March, he earned Moderator for the first time. He had the rank for a month, then got demoted for a reason unknown.


Then he changed his name to Bailey, which is his name in real life, and at the end of April he earned Knight. He had it for for about one to two weeks, then resigned.

Shortly after, the 7th Game of Mods in May occurred, but with a little twist. Instead of just one winner, there will be three winners. Because of this, the competition would have to be longer with more stages and tasks. After all of the gruesome competition, three winners were announced. All from team Freehawks, the winners were Key123, IWUVBAKON (Bakon), and Bailey. He had Moderator for a month, then got demoted for "quitting" without consulting Damen about it first, which is how the new Mod rule came.


Everyone was excited for Old CP's return as it entered its 10th version.

Bailey re-earned Old CP Moderator on December 12th, 2014, and is now a current moderator on it.

DSGHQ Forums

August 30th, 2013: On this day, the DSGHQ Forums came out, but it was originally called The Old CP Community. At 9:01 PM EST, HipHop joined the Forums, and was the 145th user to join. He earned the rank Master the next month. Then in the beginning-middle of October, he earned News Reporter, and was one for a little less than a month. Then on his 13th birthday, he re-earned Master, and had it for about a year.

He received the Badge of Honour on the same day as the 9th Game of Mods. Then on October 19th, 2014, he earned Forums Moderator, and is one 'til this day.

On December 21st, 2014, he became a Wiki Editor, and on December 29th, 2014, he became an Auren.js Chat Operator (Moderator). On January 2nd, 2015, he earned xat Moderator.

Penguin Isles

After coming back in January of 2014, there was lots of talk about this game soon to be released this month by the name of Penguin Isles. Everyone was anxious to play since Old CP was supposedly shut down by Disney in December. In Penguin Isles, he went by the name of Chucker321. There isn't much he remembers from the game, but the only significant event he remembers that occurred was when Damen attempted to host a Game of Mods. Bailey says, "It was a disaster. He had to cancel it right in the middle of the competition. He couldn't bare to let it go on. :P"


On Snaildom, Bailey made many achievements.

Beta Era

Bailey was chosen to beta test Snaildom. Since he had no access to Snaildom, he could only beta test Snaildom on the last day of the Beta Era.


Bailey received the job of Banker on Snaildom on October 5th, 2014.


Bailey's first official rank on Snaildom was Knight. He chose to be a Guardian.

Autumn Game of Mods

Bailey started the competition on Le Vikings, but left them due to teammates who wouldn't listen or pay attention to the leader. He joined Crime Solvers for Stage 2. He was a finalist in the Autumn Game of Mods of 2014. He was in the top 4 with Sled, Tacofun, and Nintendo.

Autumn Game of Kings

Bailey was chosen to be a competitor in the Game of Kings by Emperor Damen. He was paired with competitor Sled. He made it through the first stage, but was sadly fired after the last task in Stage 2.


Bailey earned Snaildom Moderator on October 19th, 2014.

Autumn World Champion

Bailey became Snaildom World Champion for winning the DSG WCI Autumn 2014 with 42+++ goals on October 25th, 2014.

Game of Apprentices

Bailey was on team Fires since Stage 2 of the competition. He was a finalist with Hashir, Archie, and Toby in the Emperor's Apprentice Competition on November 29th, 2014.
WIKI:BAILEY, 10TH JANUARY 2015 BY BAILEY , BODY: 6778203F875597F998BC1221AD5CAF52 , PROPS: 145D3574F2FEC59B199449CDDBFA915B [RESTORE]

took off stuff

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Bailey" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(10) "Chucker321" [1]=> string(7) "Chucker" [2]=> string(5) "Chuck" [3]=> string(6) "HipHop" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(15) "DSGHQ Moderator" [2]=> string(6) "Knight" } ["related"]=> array(12) { [0]=> string(5) "Damen" [1]=> string(9) "Cyberwolf" [2]=> string(6) "Tennis" [3]=> string(4) "Sled" [4]=> string(6) "Hashir" [5]=> string(6) "Archie" [6]=> string(4) "Toby" [7]=> string(4) "Bp28" [8]=> string(7) "Terry91" [9]=> string(6) "Key123" [10]=> string(0) "" [11]=> string(5) "Bakon" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(28) "Massachusetts, United States" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(6) "Bailey" }


Bailey found the game of Old CP by searching up "Old CP" on YouTube, finding a video with a link to the site. He started out as Bailey2000 in v5 around April of 2013. He first stumbled upon Rockhopper, whom he learned how to become a mascot on the website, therefore becoming his first friend.

Game of Mods

After a couple months of being inactive of Old CP, coming back in July of 2013, he found out about this so-called Game of Mods. On the home page, there was an article about the first Game of Mods, and how a user named Journey won. After hearing about this event, he quickly joined in. He joined team Doritos for a little, but left the competition due to unreliable teammates. In the end, a user by the name of Poas won the competition and became Moderator.

Old CP

Bailey has a long history on Old CP.


Bailey joined Old CP as Bailey2000.


He went by the alias of HipHop, and soon became very popular. He made many friends.

The September Game of Mods arrived. He was a part of team Fireworks, created by himself, but his team sadly got eliminated, so he went to Journey and Key123's famous team, the Freehawks. During the competition, the Stage Inspectors invaded, banned all the moderators, including Damen, summoned everyone to an igloo, and said they'd rule Old CP. Everyone was freaking out, and it was chaos. Somehow Sheep saved the day, and then Damen un-banned himself, got rid of the betraying Stage Inspectors, and un-banned the moderators. What about the mod comp?! It continued. The show must go on! So in the end, Nintendo won the third Game of Mods.

Then HipHop got framed for supposedly blowing the Night Club up with villain, Bane.

HipHop's first and real job during v6 was being apart of the PSA Agency by Cyberwolf.


February of 2014. He changed his name again to Chucker321, which is his New Club Penguin name.

In March, he earned Moderator for the first time. He had the rank for a month, then got demoted for a reason unknown.


Then he changed his name to Bailey, which is his name in real life, and at the end of April he earned Knight. He had it for for about one to two weeks, then resigned.

Shortly after, the 7th Game of Mods in May occurred, but with a little twist. Instead of just one winner, there will be three winners. Because of this, the competition would have to be longer with more stages and tasks. After all of the gruesome competition, three winners were announced. All from team Freehawks, the winners were Key123, IWUVBAKON (Bakon), and Bailey. He had Moderator for a month, then got demoted for "quitting" without consulting Damen about it first, which is how the new Mod rule came.


Everyone was excited for Old CP's return as it entered its 10th version.

Bailey re-earned Old CP Moderator on December 12th, 2014, and is now a current moderator on it.

DSGHQ Forums

August 30th, 2013: On this day, the DSGHQ Forums came out, but it was originally called The Old CP Community. At 9:01 PM EST, HipHop joined the Forums, and was the 145th user to join. He earned the rank Master the next month. Then in the beginning-middle of October, he earned News Reporter, and was one for a little less than a month. Then on his 13th birthday, he re-earned Master, and had it for about a year.

He received the Badge of Honour on the same day as the 9th Game of Mods. Then on October 19th, 2014, he earned Forums Moderator, and is one 'til this day.

On December 21st, 2014, he became a Wiki Editor, and on December 29th, 2014, he became an Auren.js Chat Operator (Moderator). On January 2nd, 2015, he earned xat Moderator.

Penguin Isles

After coming back in January of 2014, there was lots of talk about this game soon to be released this month by the name of Penguin Isles. Everyone was anxious to play since Old CP was supposedly shut down by Disney in December. In Penguin Isles, he went by the name of Chucker321. There isn't much he remembers from the game, but the only significant event he remembers that occurred was when Damen attempted to host a Game of Mods. Bailey says, "It was a disaster. He had to cancel it right in the middle of the competition. He couldn't bare to let it go on. :P"


On Snaildom, Bailey made many achievements.

Beta Era

Bailey was chosen to beta test Snaildom. Since he had no access to Snaildom, he could only beta test Snaildom on the last day of the Beta Era.


Bailey received the job of Banker on Snaildom on October 5th, 2014.


Bailey's first official rank on Snaildom was Knight. He chose to be a Guardian.

Autumn Game of Mods

Bailey started the competition on Le Vikings, but left them due to teammates who wouldn't listen or pay attention to the leader. He joined Crime Solvers for Stage 2. He was a finalist in the Autumn Game of Mods of 2014. He was in the top 4 with Sled, Tacofun, and Nintendo.

Autumn Game of Kings

Bailey was chosen to be a competitor in the Game of Kings by Emperor Damen. He was paired with competitor Sled. He made it through the first stage, but was sadly fired after the last task in Stage 2.


Bailey earned Snaildom Moderator on October 19th, 2014.

Autumn World Champion

Bailey became Snaildom World Champion for winning the DSG WCI Autumn 2014 with 42+++ goals on October 25th, 2014.

Game of Apprentices

Bailey was on team Fires since Stage 2 of the competition. He was a finalist with Hashir, Archie, and Toby in the Emperor's Apprentice Competition on November 29th, 2014.