Global Change History

WIKI:CHARMING, 29TH DECEMBER 2014 BY MISTS , BODY: 312C69B44B82EA29978C000B08BFC20D , PROPS: C16C172AC7150790E371769C285991A6 [RESTORE]

Made character location as none.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Charming Hunter" ["title"]=> string(18) "Experienced Player" ["photo"]=> string(101) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "HotFlame" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(20) "Detective Apprentice" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(3) "Bob" [1]=> string(6) "Deenie" [2]=> string(8) "Rasberry" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(6) "Hunter" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(8) "Charming" }


Charming found OldCP in August 2013, during v9. He didn't know much about the game until Jilly Cipher explained it to him. He made friends like Trixie and Cherry. He started to understand the game and its role-play. After some time, OldCP had shut down.


After OldCP shut down, a new game named Snaildom had begun. Charming was the 400th user to join Snaildom. He made many more friends like Kara, Riddler and Cocacola10! On Snaildom, Charming met Damen for the first time. Charming was amazed when he received the rank Detective Apprentice from Bakon the Seargent.

OldCP’s Return

During OldCp v10, Charming made friends like Rasberry and Ollo who always appreciated him and cared about him. He loved to see some of his friends like Cocacola10 and Jesse becoming higher ranks.


Charming joined the forums on September 25th, 2014. His actual name was known as HotFlame. He had so many conversations with his friends and began to become a better player. He is now seen as an experienced player who has never let the DSGHQ down.


array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Polarmanax" ["title"]=> string(18) "Experienced Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "Polar" [1]=> string(8) "Chacha20" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(13) "Former Master" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(11) "OoBubblesoO" [1]=> string(5) "Faygo" [2]=> string(4) "Kara" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(4) "Cats" ["location"]=> string(15) "America,Georgia" ["photos"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(75) "" [1]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Polarmanax" }


Polarmanax joined OldCP on October 29th, 2013, as Chacha20. She later resurfaced on December,7th,2013 with the username "Polarmanax" after being banned on Oldcp for joking with another user about fighting. Polarmanax created the account after thinking hard about what her username should be, seeing she had high hopes for moderator, she presumed she should have a decent, professional name to start her oh so righteous quest to "moderator." She soon lost interest in the title, being that she soon found more to the DSGHQ than she imagined. Best friends,friends, and of course enemies, all came and soon the truth caved in.


Not a lot of people know of Polarmanax's traits/personality outside of the DSGHQ/internet.

Polarmanax usually lets optimism get the best of her, finding herself a little stranded from reality.The optimistic outlook can turn to a realist one, but that doesn't drag her down. There is always room for improvement, and she can always nudge herself into whatever little space that is and fill it. She is presumed to be very lazy, usually slacking off and/or goofing off. She is a very sociable person!


Polarmanax used to live in a very rural area although it was a city (4 years old). It was a place where you could have goats for pets, in fact, Polar has owned said goat. Her accent has changed over the years, going from a country accent, to a normal one, to a ghetto one--Polar has had ALL the accents. All of them.


·No Flex Zone
·Nicki Minaj
·Bandit Gang Marco


·Dirty Laundry-Kelly Rowland
·Go Get It-Mary Mary
·Push It-Salt n' Pepa
·Thinkin About You-Frank Ocean
·Hit My Line-Bandit Gang Marco

·Go Get it-Mary Mary

Fixed article title and other issues.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Wintersummer" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Master" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Saber574" [1]=> string(5) "Salsa" [2]=> string(12) "SophieJasper" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(7) "Wizards" ["location"]=> string(12) "Pennsylvania" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(13) "Wintersummer " }


Wintersummer joined the DSGHQ on June 21st, 2014. After she heard many bad things about Club penguin she decided to quit and go on Her first and main account was, ''Alyssadk'' Sadly it got hacked. So she made a new account named, ''Wintersummer''. She loved helping people.


When moderators are offline or are busy, Winersummer loves helping! When she sees someone breaking a rule, she goes over to them and gives them a warning. If they say, "You're not a mod!" I say, ''I may not be a mod, But I can report it to a mod."

Corrected grammar and tense

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Wintersummer" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Master" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Saber574" [1]=> string(5) "Salsa" [2]=> string(12) "SophieJasper" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(7) "Wizards" ["location"]=> string(12) "Pennsylvania" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Peace" }


Wintersummer joined June 21st, 2014. At first she had no other fun game to play. After she heard many bad things about Club penguin she decided to quit and go on Her first and main account was, ''Alyssadk'' Sadly it got hacked. So she made a new account named, ''Wintersummer''. She loved helping people.


When moderators are offline or are busy and are not in town, plaza etc..., she love helping! And when people are being bad like a cyberbully, she tells them to stop and give them a warning. If they say, "You're not a mod!" I say, ''I may not be a mod, But I can report it to a mod."

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Wintersummer" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Master" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Saber574" [1]=> string(5) "Salsa" [2]=> string(12) "SophieJasper" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(7) "Wizards" ["location"]=> string(12) "Pennsylvania" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Peace" }

(Begging) Wintersummer joined June 21st, 2014. At first she had no other fun game to play. After she heard many bad things about Club penguin she decided to quit and go on Her first and main account was, ''Alyssadk'' Sadly it got hacked. So she made a new account named, ''Wintersummer''. She loved helping people.

(Oldcp) When mods are offline are busy and are not in town,plaza,etc, I love helping! And when people are being bad,Sexual,A Cyberbully. I tell them to stop and give them a warn. If they say, Your not a mod! I say, ''I may not be a mod, But I can report it to a mod.

I am a master on forums. I have 860 rep.

Added stage 3, series 10.

array(4) { ["event"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Game of Mods" ["title"]=> string(11) "Competition" ["photo"]=> string(32) "" ["date"]=> string(21) "June 2013 - Dec. 2014" ["host"]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" ["end"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(15) "OldCP, Snaildom" ["winner"]=> string(0) "" ["leader"]=> string(0) "" ["members"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" } ["series"]=> string(2) "10" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(7) "history" ["title"]=> string(12) "Game of Mods" }

The Game of Mods, or the Moderator Competition, is a 3 day long rank competition where all participants compete in a war of tasks to become the next new Moderator.


The Game of Mods has been played on all the DSGHQ virtual worlds, but is mostly played on
It was also played on Snaildom and briefly on Penguin Isles.

Series One

Stage 1

On July 14th at around 5:00 PM EST, Damen made the first ever announcement that there was going to be a Moderator Competition, there were about 30 users on at the time.

The first task was to form a team. The biggest team would win the task.

Key123 made Team Black Hoodies and Journey made Team Freehawk. There were about 17 people on the Black Hoodies so they won the task. Everybody thought that Key123 had won the entire competition right there.

Suddenly, people started claiming that the winner was somebody else, but iLily, Journey, Poas and two other Black Hoodies helped out and said that Key123 was (which he was).

The second task was the run the Coffee Shop, Freehawks & Black Hoodies both won.

After the stage ended, Key123 and Journey were speaking. He had decided to quit the Black Hoodies and give the leader role to iLily, who had tied with Journey during the Stage.

The rule was that whoever lasted the longest as a moderator, would officially win the competition. Later, iLily was demoted for abusing her rank, so Journey won.

Although before the second series, Journey disappeared and didn't return for a long time.

Series Two

There are no records on this series other than Poas won.

Series Three

Stage 1

The second series of the Game of Mods kicked off with a win from Team Freehawks in the first task. Task Two was to run the Pizza Parlor, which involved cleaning, serving people and cooking pizzas.

The third task was to teach pookies a lesson. Since the Game of Mods was less serious, this sort of thing happened for real...

Before the fourth task, a historical event occurred with the betrayal of the OldCP Agents lead by Rover. The birth of the Blackhawks and the end of Scarlet Myers positive reputation. All the moderators and Damen were banned by the Agents. Not long after, Damen fixed the problem and everything went back to normal. It resulted in this outline, which did not prove to be entirely so.

In the fourth task, users helped out at the Coffee Shop. After that, the winners for the stage were revealed. The Blue Sparkles, and the Freehawks won the Stage.

Stage 2

For Task 1, the Nerds won. Task 3 was to save the city from disaster, the Blue Sparkles and FBI raced to the rescue, and even arrested a couple of moderators.

Task 4 was to act like a dog or a cat and "sniff some animal butts". Task 5 was to tell staff why you should be a moderator.

Task 6 was to train ninjas and fight their own teams. The Nerds won the Stage, despite only winning two tasks. The possible reason that the Nerds won was because they had preformed well in the last task.

Stage 3

Stage 3 was highly anticipated as a suspenseful semi final. The Blue Sparkles, the Nerds (Youcasters), and the Agents all competed for the top spot in OldCP: the moderator rank.

In Task 1, the Nerds did a great job and won the task. The second task resulted the same way as the Nerds won again. Task 3 could not be judged, everyone did so well. In task 4, both Blue Sparkles and Nerds won, but the Agents were no longer part of the contest and were fired.

Task 5 was to form a band. The Blue Sparkles shocked the audience with disappoint, but the Nerds were confident, and thus the Blue Sparkles were fired from the competition.

After task 5, the finalists were revealed for Stage 4.

Stage 4

The Final. Task 1 was to make a teaching lesson based on "how to become moderator". Task 2 was to throw a Dance Club party. YouTubeFan2 was fired, as she did not do much. Task 3 was to make an Office, but some mistook the task for a Coffee Shop instead. HipHop got fired.

Task 5 was to make teams. Then the final three were revealed. Key123, Thisismyname, and Nintendo went on to Task 6 with the other non-finalists. They opened a Pizza Parlor and Nintendo was the delivery head. Then came the final results. Key123 came in third, Thisismyname was the runner-up, and Nintendo was the winner of the series.

Series Four







Big Dippers

Team Brndav
(No Picture)

Stage 1

The first task was to think of an idea for a new room. Team Brndav won that round.

The second task was to create a movie. It was won by Freehawks.

The third task was to do various comedy performances at the Lighthouse. Team Nerds did not preform very professionally, whilst team Freehawks did exceptional since they were very well organised. Thus, team Freehawks won 1st place and team Nerds were in 2nd.

Stage 2

Stage 2 involved no short amount of combat, rescuing, and rockin' out. Damen was late as usual, but it began anyway.

The first task was to have one Sensei in your team which would teach grasshoppers ninja skills. The main art that the Senseis taught was mortal combat. After allot of fighting at the Dojo, Team Powers were placed 1st, with Freehawks in a close 2nd!

The second task was to rescue penguins from drowning at the tipping Iceberg. (/jr iceberg) The Powers won the task. Task three, users had to create their own band and perform, Team Freehawks won the task.

The final task of Stage 2, Task four, was to have a fight at the Snow Forts. The Powers won the task again and Team Golden Alphas were fired.

Stage 3

In the first task, you had to work in the News business. Writing many reports and publishing several stories. Unfortunately, too many people were writing about recent Moderator Competitions which the moderators felt were uninteresting and boring. For the Hoodies, they won that task with their incredible story. However, Team LGFM, Lean Green Fighting Machines, were fired.

In task two, you had to work at the Pet Shop. Some workers cared for the puffles and sold puffles to new owners. Others were cleaning the place to keep it nice and tidy. Others did not do anything at all, just sitting around, chatting about irrelevant topics. Team Freehawks took the win on that task.

For task three, they had numerous soccer tournaments. Team Frogs was against Team Hoodies and Team Freehawks was against Team Powers. In Frogs VS. Hoodies, Frogs won. In Freehawks VS. Powers, Freehawks won.

For the fourth and final task, you had to mine for rare treasures. Bailey found diamond studded ruby slippers, a golden statue of Damen, and found the three Pyramids of Giza and King Tutankhamen with Hashir. For that, Team Powers, Nerds, and Frogs were fired, leaving Team Freehawks and Hoodies.

Stage 4

The Blackhoodies had made it to the Final with Team Freehawks. After a range of tests, the final 5 were revealed. Pieguy went on to win the series.

Series Five



CP Team Army

Team Emily
(No Picture)

(No Picture)

Emily from Team Emily won Series Five!

Series Six

Series 6 went by the name of Martius Mensis and was more difficult then any Moderator Competition prior due to the high demand for good moderators.




Stage 1

The first and second tasks were won by the Bees, but there are no records of what these tasks were.

The Freehawks won task three, but there is no records of what this task was.

Task four was a game of Simon Says, in which the teams found themselves running around the island. Freehawks won the task.

Stage 2

There are no records of this stage, however team Betas were fired.

Stage 3

The first task of Stage 3 was to assemble your team into a heart shape, the Freehawks won the task and the Betas were eliminated.

The finalists were chosen and tested. Tikiliki proved victorious and won the series.

Series Seven

Stage 1

Task 1 was to run the Pizza Parlor, Coffee Shop, Book Store, or Clothes Shop. Next was a game of Simon Says in the Night Club, where players were supposed to only do a command when the command word was said.

In the third task each team was given a room and a king, a kingdom, the teams were instructed to battle other kingdoms and attempt to capture land for their own. The last task was to create a film. Team Knights won overall.

Stage 2

In the first task each team founded a school where they taught students how to achieve a moderator position. Task 2 was to run a radio station. Next, each team held a fashion contest.

Task 4 was a debate between teams whether Summer or Winter were the best season. For the fifth task, each team created a dance routine. The final task was to create a Blacksmith shop and hold sword training classes. Overall the Freehawks won Stage 2. Key123 and Tikiliki won the rank of Imperial Knight.

Stage 3

The first task was to list the rules of OldCP. Task 2 was to grant Damen wisdom. For task 3, everyone was instructed to be silent until told otherwise.

Task 4 was to run around the Ice Rink. For task 5 each team held a marathon.

Teams were separated and finalists were chosen to compete in two tasks. Task 6 was separated into Rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4. Round 1 was to find the Pirate on the Poster, Round 2 the Soda Can, Round 3 the Green Cabinet and Round 4 a Gray Tree. The competition was tied so the candidates moved into a tiebreaker, where they had to locate the smallest Staircase on OldCP.

The final task was to run the Pizza Parlor. Key123, Bakon and Bailey all won the series.

Series Eight

Stage 1

Five teams competed: Freehawks, Nerds, Wizards, Realhawks and Glitz. There are no records of the tasks.

Stage 2

All five teams competed once again, but by the end of the stage, Realhawks and Glitz were eliminated.

Stage 3

After a few team tasks, the finalists were chosen. First they created a Moderator Application and recited it to the judges. Then the remaining finalists were given jobs at the Pizza Parlor. Chex preformed the best and won the series

Series Nine

This was the first and only series so far to take place on Snaildom. It took place mere days after public launch.

Stage 1

Four teams competed: Vikings, Wizards, Crime Solvers, Knights.
The first task was to design a quest, Crime Solvers won. Next each team had to design a team shell, and an optional head item to go with it. After a lot of hard work, Vikings won the task.

The final task was run a bakery. This task proved to be challenging but the Crime Solvers pushed forward and won the task, as well as the stage.

Stage 2

First, each team was instructed to create a guide to Moderating and present it to the judges, Crime Solvers had the best guide and won the task. Task 2 was to create a sport and play it, team Wizards created an excellent game and were the winners of the task. For task 3, each team had to run a store, the Inn, Blacksmith, Style Store or Bank. Crime Solvers and Wizards tied as the winners. Crime Solvers also won task 4.

For Task 5 all teams had to work together to create a Game of Mods selfie. Leaders had to direct their teams and work together to make the perfect picture. Wizards and Vikings won. Knights were fired from the competition.

Stage 3

The first task was to create a three course meal for the staff, keeping in mind dietary restrictions. Since all teams were exceptional, there was no winner. For the second task teams were posing a moderators during an enemy attack, while the staff were the enemies. Vikings preformed the best and won the task. Next each team had to stage a live TV event and were judged on originality, organization and timelines. The Crime Solvers won.

Task four was done in partners within teams. They interviewed each other, and were supposed to be professional. Crime Solvers won once again and the Wizards were eliminated. For the final team task, each team had to create a team application. Both teams did amazing and won the task.

Crime Solvers had won 7 tasks, and Vikings 4. Therefore, Crime Solvers were declared the Team Winner of Series 9.

Finalists were chosen and given the task of running the Inn, Sled after much hard work won the series.

Series Ten

Stage 1

Five teams competed in the first stage, Freehawks, Warriors, Firebirds , Crimesolvers and Wizards. The task was to create a short list of the three most important things a moderator should be. The Warriors and Wizards had the best list, and won the task. The second task, which lasted around an hour, was to create a business and record their profits. The Crime Solvers won because they had the most money in the end, but Freehawks and Wizards also won a point.

The next task was to host a live TV show and interview three people. Crime Solvers did the best job and won the task. The final task was to write a comedy skit and preform it in the lighthouse. The Freehawks won.

The Wizards, Crime Solvers and Freehawks won the stage.

Stage 2

The first task was to create a shape with your team and present a picture, Freehawks won by making a heart.

The second task was to make a forum post on how to write a good DSGHQ Wiki article. Warriors won. The next task was to wage war against another team, with archers, knights, wizards and one commander. Wizards won the task and Warriors were fired. Task four was to run a store, Freehawks did the best job and won. Wizards were fired.

The final team task was for each team to create a set of questions and quiz the other team. Freehawks won making them the team winners of series 10. Next, users from Crime Solvers and Freehawks were given 30 second interviews by the Moderators, to determine which users would become finalists. The finalists were: Dancebear, Indigopalace, Freddy, Key123, Audrey, CoolLloyd, Amandapink30, Saber574, May23, Pinkhearts and Rasberry.

Stage 3

The first task was for each finalist was paired with a moderator. The moderator asked the finalist about their skills and hobbies that would help them in becoming a moderator. The next task was to create a sports product and present it to the staff.

For the third task, the finalists came together to preform a Drama Llama trailer at the lighthouse. Next, each finalist had to prepare a one minute application that they presented to Damen.

The final task was to run the pizza parlor, each finalist had their own job. In the end Dancebear did the best job and won series 10.

titles photos text box related users

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Sarah" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(39) "Sarahrose22 Sarahisnotonfire MagicWolf" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(12) "Forum Master" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "Jayla" [1]=> string(9) "NerdyDobe" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(4) "Cats" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(84) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Sarah" }


Sarah joined the dsghq in early April/late March. It was about the time of v7 / v8 and she was pretty much clueless. She didn't know what anything really meant. So it took some time, and many people (especially moderators) have gave her directions on what to do and whatnot. Sarah finally got used to things around the site and even made a few friends-- and to this day most of those first friends have stuck with her today.


Her username on OldCP is Sarahrose22. Sarah chose that username because that's her main username for stuff. She uses it on multiple things. As her time on OldCP went on, she felt like her username was a bit too long. She wanted a change it, but never did.


Sarah joined Snaildom about the time it opened up. Sarah was very happy when she heard about Snaildom so she tried to get in as soon as possible. She really enjoys the game just as much as OldCP. Her current username on their Sarah, because she could now use it. She loves to play games and such on Snaildom, like many others.

On The Forums

Sarah is your every day Master on the forums. She's not too known, but not totally someone in the shadows.

She loves to make posts and discussions on the forums, but sometimes she can make it be extra work when she decides to add photos on it. She can spend a lifetime looking for the just right photo. She can be a crazy perfectionist sometimes but other days she really doesn't care a whole lot. Sarah likes adding things to posts/ about mes to make it unique, sometimes going too far though. Sarah chose her forum nickname, 'MagicWolf' because she thought it was unique, she quickly changed it because some of her friends didn't realize it was her, she then changed it to Sarah, so it could be a little more open to who ''MagicWolf'' was.
WIKI:SARAH, 28TH DECEMBER 2014 BY SARAH , BODY: 410CCE9A738B61AE51A311764E3E9601 , PROPS: CCC8728B4A276E5865A1A16F0F4E2976 [RESTORE]

alias took out the picture in text box added a picture in the info box thing took out a typo

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Sarah" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(29) "Sarahrose22 Sarahisnotonfire" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Master" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(5) "Jayla" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(4) "Cats" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(61) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Sarah" }


Sarah joined the wonderful game in early April/late March. It was about the time of v7 / v8 and she was pretty much clueless. She didn't know what anything really meant. So it took some time, but Sarah finally got used to things around the site and even made a few friends-- and to this day most of those first friends have stuck with her.


Sarah joined Snaildom about the time it opened up. Sarah was very happy when she heard about Snaildom so she tried to get in as soon as possible. She really enjoys the game just as much as OldCP.

On The Forums

Sarah is your every day Master on the forums. She's not too known, but not totally someone in the shadows.

She loves to make posts and discussions on the forums, but sometimes she can make it be extra work when she decides to add photos on it. She can spend a lifetime looking for the just right photo. She can be a crazy perfectionist sometimes but other days she really doesn't care a whole lot.

More About Sarah

Sarah is currently 13 years old. She has a love for writing, drawing, reading, and anime. She has a diverse style of music that she's into. She'll listen to any song. She likes vocaloids, which brings us to the 'anime' part. She is very interested in anime. She finds that anime is easier to draw than something more realistic. Sarah likes to draw more on paper than a computer. She's practiced more on paper, and she's still in the process of learning to draw on the pc.

Added new quote of wisdom ahemyes

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(25) "Grand Most Wise Jacobg627" ["title"]=> string(19) "Grand Most Wise One" ["photo"]=> string(32) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "Jacobg" [1]=> string(5) "Jacob" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Wise One" [1]=> string(13) "Most Wise One" [2]=> string(19) "Grand Most Wise One" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "Wise Mico" [1]=> string(11) "Wise Waters" [2]=> string(10) "Wise Fries" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(25) "Grand Most Wise Jacobg627" }


Grand Most Wise Jacobg entered OldCP on a cold morning. The Library was cold and few were there. Jacobg walked in with a great large book. Many old bearded penguins stared at Jacobg.

First Tome of Wisdom

Then suddenly the candles were lit by the tongue of the first word of the Great Book 'o Wisdom. The old men immediately cut their beards off and began to listen to the Wisdom of Jacobg in their muttering awe.

And so, Tome of Wisdom ONE was constructed. Many old wise ones died from reading the book which contained the great wisdom. Jacobg was only just strong enough, he spent 30 years in a trance of great wisdom. When he woke, his beard was so wise that it even felt like touching the pages of his next Wisdom Tome.

Grand Tome Wisdom

184 years later, Jacobg had grown a beard much longer than any of the other Wise Ones.

Damen Spike

He went to Damen and professed Wisdom, so wise, that it is said that "only the ears of the Emperor can understand it's Wisdom". His book was then known as "Book De Wri De Wis d' O Magicka". It is so long, it is said to contain up to two billion pages of wisdom. Damen Spike was so impressed, he gave the Wise Ones an amazing place at his side in judging matters and creating verdicts.

The Wise Jacobg was made Grand Wise and was a Legend forever. AHEGH. AHEGH.

Since then, the Grand Most Wise One, Jacobg627 is the Most Wise person ever.

Wise Words

Jacobg Wisdom wrote:
Jacobg Wisdom wrote:
Jacobg Wisdom wrote:
Jacobg Wisdom wrote:
Jacobg Wisdom: NEW! wrote:
A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.
WIKI:SNOWFALLS, 28TH DECEMBER 2014 BY DAMEN , BODY: F807A3B29DDA21B7D122F95F27828745 , PROPS: 1DE1F61E740948943C9EBAEC1332EC64 [RESTORE]

Extended knowledge base.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Snowfalls" ["title"]=> string(8) "Ice Lord" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "Ice Queen" } ["titles"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "King Raegon" [1]=> string(8) "Glarthir" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(46) "Dec. 14th 2014 (DamensDay) - Ski Hill of OldCP" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(24) "Snowfalls - Queen of Ice" }

Snowfalls was the evil Ice Queen with a cold heart. She was a well known enemy on OldCP, frightening many who saw her around the island.


Snowfalls is the Queen of the Kingdom of Ice. She rules her kingdom alongside Raegon, the Ice King. Snowfalls has made many appearances on OldCP, making her one of the most important enemies in the game. One of Snowfalls' biggest appearances was on DamensDay in 2014, where she famously died in battle.


Life Force

Snowfalls bore the life force of the entire Ice Army all but the King of Ice, Raegon. Raegon used Snowfalls to anchor the existence of the Ice Ghosts and other Ice Lords. Without her, the Ice Army would be weakened. When she died, Raegon transported that power to himself which grew his power vastly.


Snowfalls cursed King Raegon to serve her as a slave, she was Raegon's self punishment to ensure he achieved his goal: to destroy all the people of governmental power.


The Ice Queen was known for her freezing ability. When a user has been touched by Snowfalls, they are immediately frozen.


Summer of 2014

In July, Snowfalls famously kidnapped Bp28 and Cheep, two of the moderators of OldCP. Bp28 was locked up at her palace and Cheep was kept at the void. Bp28 was released within minutes. Both were turned into Ice Ghosts but were later turned back into their normal selves, and Cheep was eventually saved.

War of the Summer

In August, Snowfalls made another appearance, this time warning penguins that Blizzard will be taken over by her army of Ice Ghosts. Rover was also reportedly seen at the scene.

Snowfalls later returned with an army of Ice Ghosts, along with The Hound, Clarkson, and Raegon. This event was called the War of the Summer, with many penguins falling to their deaths as they fought for the empire.

Damen the Emperor ended the battle by shooting Snowfalls, although this was later understood to have been inadequate to kill the foe. Dancebear who was the Legendary Healer at the time healed the innocent penguins who had fallen. This would not be Snowfalls' last war.

War of DamensDay

Surprisingly to all penguins on the island, Snowfalls made a return. Back from the dead, the Ice Queen attacked the island along with other Ice Lords like Raegon and Uzu. Snowfalls was later killed by Sir Gamer the Great, marking her final death.


On December 14th, 2014, Snowfalls was involved in the bloody War of DamensDay. She along with Raegon, Uzu, and the Ice Ghosts were going around the island freezing innocent penguins with her abilities.

Sir Gamer the Great later battled Snowfalls during the war, and slayed her on the Ski Hill of OldCP. Sir Gamer the Great is now known as the Ice Queen Slayer, and Snowfalls was never seen on the island ever again.