Global Change History

WIKI:KARA, 28TH DECEMBER 2014 BY KARA , BODY: 984692BD9964890527830FE601DC3043 , PROPS: FD588B9BFA3CD177F5709DAB227EA68C [RESTORE]

Added names.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Kara " ["title"]=> string(17) "Retired Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(61) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "Soul" [1]=> string(7) "Karamel" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(29) "Former DSGHQ Forums moderator" [1]=> string(22) "Former OldCP moderator" [2]=> string(19) "DSGHQ Forums Master" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" [1]=> string(6) "Brndav" [2]=> string(5) "Damen" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(4) "Cats" ["location"]=> string(12) "Florida, USA" ["photos"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(52) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(84) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Kara" }


Kara first joined OldCP during July 2013, around late v5 and early v6. Later on in late August of 2013, she was promoted to moderator.

Her Beginning on OldCP

So, aside from moderator, Kara had many adventures before that.
Did you know, the second account Kara opened was PookieKara? Yes, it was. Kara started out as a pookie on OldCP. She did get hated a bit, which lead her to stop with the pookie roleplay.

Later On

It was mid v6, and Kara was getting to know people. Her first friend was known as Pacific, she was a very nice person. Pacific had told her basically what a moderator was and showed her the basics of OldCP. Though, later on when Kara became a moderator, Kara had begun to tend to her rank more than her friends. Pacific quit later in October and has never returned.
The first mod that Kara stumbled upon was Brndav. He showed her a lot about OldCP and the staff. He showed her the ways of getting moderator and what it's all about, and so did IceeSofie. IceeSofie was another person she met who showed her a lot as well. Also Fizz came along as a friend and was there from the beginning. Soon after meeting Pacific, Brndav, IceeSofie, and Fizz, Kara became a moderator for the first time.

Becoming a Moderator

It was a early morning on August 26th, Kara found a user misbehaving. Damen had come online, and Kara had a few photos with proof of this user's misbehavior. Kara showed Damen this proof, and Damen just said "How about I make you moderator" so she could ban this user. He made her a moderator and that's how the path of ranks started.

Kara was very active the first month or so of moderating. It was going great, the stress wasn't too much, and the users weren't so bad.

Losing Moderator

The first time she lost moderator was for a quite stupid mistake. There was role play, and Kara was joking around. She tried to type "/ban Bane:3", but when she did that, she went to hit the shift button for the ":" and instead she hit enter. The command "/ban Bane" was set in place, Damen kicked her, blocked her account, and demoted her. He was mad, but it's understandable. She got moderator again later on, after apologizing and admitting her stupid mistake.

Though, she again lost moderator when OldCP closed on v9. She has not gained it back since then.

DSGHQ Forums

Kara first joined the forums on the account "cploverkara" on the date of August 30th, 2013. She soon made a new account because the username didn't suit her, which was under the name of "Kara" on September 3rd, 2013.

Her Beginning on Forums

When she first started the forums she didn't get a lot of reputation, and honestly she wasn't very familiar with forums. Though once she made the second account, she was excelling. She posted a lot and was soon in a race to get the first 1,000 posts on forums.

Becoming a Forums Moderator

Kara had earned forums moderator after working hard, Damen noticed it and gave her moderator. She had gotten used to the forums and all the functions of it, which made moderating the forums quite an experience. It was very fun for her, she enjoyed it.

Losing Forums Moderator

After a lot of drama, Kara had been persuaded that everything Damen was doing was wrong. She went against DSGHQ for a short time, then soon realized it hurt her to do that. So she returned.

Another time, she had very stressful conditions with school, and demoted herself. Also she did the same thing when she had problems with other people. She did not get a long with Cyberwolf and decided she didn't want to be on the same staff team as him. Though she came back again after apologizing over and over again.

Then... one day, she was suspended. It was because of her horrible actions. She had broken a very bad rule. During the time she was suspended it was very hard for her to stay away, so she broke herself down and apologized about it all and everything she has done. She was forgiven, though she has not yet earned forums Moderator back again, she has earned Master.

Snaildom and other DSGHQ games

Kara joined Snaildom as Soul before she was un-suspended, the name Kara was taken. She was allowed to keep her account and the account still lives. She has not earned any ranks on Snaildom, but has enjoyed it a lot without a rank. The mazes and games make Snaildom fun for her.

Penguin Isles

Kara joined Penguin Isles when it was first released, though it did not last very long, it was a very unique and fun world while it lasted. She enjoyed its design very much, she thinks it's disappointing that all of Damen's work went to waste on that game.


Kara only joined Snailschat for a short time when Damen re-opened it. It was a very cool game when it was open.

Penguin Chat

Damen opened Penguin Chat, the original Club Penguin before it was designed to be what it is now. Kara was a moderator on there for a very short time, Penguin Chat was open for a short amount of time.

Overall Achievements

OldCP moderator
DSGHQ Forums moderator
DSGHQ Forums master
Penguin Watch Captain



-The Fray
-Imagine Dragons


-Benedict Cumberbatch
-Martin Freeman
-Tom Cruise
-Chris Martin


-Spongebob Squarepants
-Shark Tanks
-Too Cute


-Graphics Designing

Quotes by Kara

Life is like a dream, don't turn it into a nightmare for yourself.
Always look at the brighter side of everything, after all, the Earth always looks at the light up side of the Moon.

Kara has had a long journey on DSGHQ, and it will continue until the DSGHQ is gone.
From July 2013 - *unknown*

[head]OldCP[/head] Polarmanax joined OldCP on October 29th, 2013, as Chacha20. She later resurfaced with the username "Polarmanax" after being banned on Oldcp for joking with another user about fighting. Polarmanax created the account after thinking hard about what her username should be, seeing she had high hopes for moderator, she presumed she should have a decent, professional name to start her oh so righteous quest to "moderator." She soon lost interest in the title, being that she soon found more to the DSGHQ than she imagined. Best friends,friends, and of course enemies, all came and soon the truth caved in. [head]Traits[/head] Not a lot of people know of Polarmanax's traits/personality outside of the DSGHQ/internet. Polarmanax usually lets optimism get the best of her, finding herself a little stranded from reality.The optimistic outlook can turn to a realist one, but that doesn't drag her down. There is always room for improvement, and she can always nudge herself into whatever little space that is and fill it. She is presumed to be very lazy, usually slacking off and/or goofing off. She is a very sociable person! [head]Living[/head] Polarmanax used to live in a very rural area although it was a city (4 years old). It was a place where you could have goats for pets, in fact, Polar has owned said goat. Her accent has changed over the years, going from a country accent, to a normal one, to a ghetto one--Polar has had ALL the accents. All of them. [head]Music-Interests[/head] -Rap --Songs ·Life-Style ·Trampoline ·No Flex Zone ---Artists ·Nicki Minaj ·Bandit Gang Marco ·Country -R&B --Songs ·Dirty Laundry-Kelly Rowland ·Go Get It-Mary Mary ·Push It-Salt n' Pepa ·Thinkin About You-Frank Ocean ·Hit My Line-Bandit Gang Marco -Gospel ·Go Get it-Mary Mary

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Polarmanax" ["title"]=> string(18) "Experienced Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "Polar" [1]=> string(8) "Chacha20" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(13) "Former Master" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(11) "OoBubblesoO" [1]=> string(5) "Faygo" [2]=> string(4) "Kara" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(4) "Cats" ["location"]=> string(7) "America" ["photos"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(75) "" [1]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Polarmanax" }


Polarmanax joined OldCP on October 29th, 2013, as Chacha20. She later resurfaced with the username "Polarmanax" after being banned on Oldcp for joking with another user about fighting. Polarmanax created the account after thinking hard about what her username should be, seeing she had high hopes for moderator, she presumed she should have a decent, professional name to start her oh so righteous quest to "moderator." She soon lost interest in the title, being that she soon found more to the DSGHQ than she imagined. Best friends,friends, and of course enemies, all came and soon the truth caved in.


Not a lot of people know of Polarmanax's traits/personality outside of the DSGHQ/internet.

Polarmanax usually lets optimism get the best of her, finding herself a little stranded from reality.The optimistic outlook can turn to a realist one, but that doesn't drag her down. There is always room for improvement, and she can always nudge herself into whatever little space that is and fill it. She is presumed to be very lazy, usually slacking off and/or goofing off. She is a very sociable person!


Polarmanax used to live in a very rural area although it was a city (4 years old). It was a place where you could have goats for pets, in fact, Polar has owned said goat. Her accent has changed over the years, going from a country accent, to a normal one, to a ghetto one--Polar has had ALL the accents. All of them.


·No Flex Zone
·Nicki Minaj
·Bandit Gang Marco


·Dirty Laundry-Kelly Rowland
·Go Get It-Mary Mary
·Push It-Salt n' Pepa
·Thinkin About You-Frank Ocean
·Hit My Line-Bandit Gang Marco

·Go Get it-Mary Mary


array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(33) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Bashy" [1]=> string(8) "Bashdalf" [2]=> string(4) "Bash" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Detective" [2]=> string(11) "Black guard" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "Freddy" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(18) "Helsingborg Sweden" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" }


Bashysmelly found Oldcp 20th March 2014. He wasn't really into the DSGHQ until he became more into the game and forums.


Black guard

Bashy was a finalist in the first Black guard comp hosted 5th May. He had a match agienst XDesire to see if Emperor Helper Mikomi would accept one of them. Bashy got the right answer and got accepted into the Black guards. During his black guard times he started to get into Loyalty, Death and Fire. He was the trusted Black guard until Old Oldcp came back. He lost his Black guard rank but got Another rank



Bashy was a curious person and wanted to know alot of things. When Detective came he was curious about the rank and applied for it. Shortly after some minutes Bashy got accepted and hired as a detective. During this time he was followed by unluck due to that he got complains from the Detective seargent. Shortly after those complains got in his mind Bashy resigned detective rank and became Imperial Knight



Bashy wanted to grow out roots so he could be remeberd after something. When the Damenball came out Bashy had an idea for an event which was liked by Damen. It was the Damencup he suggested in a mood and Damen liked it. After when Old Oldcp came back Damen wanted to make this idea that Bashy had into a big event. There were 6 stages which was tough but funny. Bashy won the 5th stage due to that Greens had a problem and was awarded the medal until Angi won the Damencup. He was happy that he got rememberd for this. Bashy's name is also included on a poster in Snaildom as decoration



Bashy is a nice caring person to the DSGHQ. He is also strict as an Imperial Knight. This came from Black guard due to that he was an elite warrior. Plus from ROBLOX. He uses knowladge as power to think more. Not much is known by him



Bashy is usally a single person. He is unknown if he has a virtul famliy or if he is hiding a virtul one. He instead has 2 virtul brothers called Gamer and Freddy. Bashy is not really into marrige and other sorts of stuff but would be more into war. He combines war and brothers into brothers arms. This is due to that Bashy's brothers are knights and learns about the power of one

Messed up with some things

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(33) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Bashy" [1]=> string(8) "Bashdalf" [2]=> string(4) "Bash" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Detective" [2]=> string(11) "Black guard" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "Freddy" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(18) "Helsingborg Sweden" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" }


Bashysmelly found Oldcp 20th March 2014. He wasn't really into the DSGHQ until he became more into the game and forums.


Black guard

Bashy was a finalist in the first Black guard comp hosted 5th May. He had a match agienst XDesire to see if Emperor Helper Mikomi would accept one of them. Bashy got the right answer and got accepted into the Black guards. During his black guard times he started to get into Loyalty, Death and Fire. He was the trusted Black guard until Old Oldcp came back. He lost his Black guard rank but got Another rank



Bashy was a curious person and wanted to know alot of things. When Detective came he was curious about the rank and applied for it. Shortly after some minutes Bashy got accepted and hired as a detective. During this time he was followed by unluck due to that he got complains from the Detective seargent. Shortly after those complains got in his mind Bashy resigned detective rank and became Imperial Knight



Bashy wanted to grow out roots so he could be remeberd after something. When the Damenball came out Bashy had an idea for an event which was liked by Damen. It was the Damencup he suggested in a mood and Damen liked it. After when Old Oldcp came back Damen wanted to make this idea that Bashy had into a big event. There were 6 stages which was tough but funny. Bashy won the 5th stage due to that Greens had a problem and was awarded the medal until Angi won the Damencup. He was happy that he got rememberd for this. Bashy's name is also included on a poster in Snaildom as decoration



Bashy is a nice caring person to the DSGHQ. He is also strict as an Imperial Knight. This came from Black guard due to that he was an elite warrior. Plus from ROBLOX. He uses knowladge as power to think more. Not much is known by him



Bashy is usally a single person. He is unknown if he has a virtul famliy or if he is hiding a virtul one. He instead has 2 virtul brothers called Gamer and Freddy. Bashy is not really into marrige and other sorts of stuff but would be more into war. He combines war and brothers into brothers arms. This is due to that Bashy's brothers are knights and learns about the power of one

Messed up with some things

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(33) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Bashy" [1]=> string(8) "Bashdalf" [2]=> string(4) "Bash" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Detective" [2]=> string(11) "Black guard" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "Freddy" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(18) "Helsingborg Sweden" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" }


Bashysmelly found Oldcp 20th March 2014. He wasn't really into the DSGHQ until he became more into the game and forums.


Black guard

Bashy was a finalist in the first Black guard comp hosted 5th May. He had a match agienst XDesire to see if Emperor Helper Mikomi would accept one of them. Bashy got the right answer and got accepted into the Black guards. During his black guard times he started to get into Loyalty, Death and Fire. He was the trusted Black guard until Old Oldcp came back. He lost his Black guard rank but got Another rank



Bashy was a curious person and wanted to know alot of things. When Detective came he was curious about the rank and applied for it. Shortly after some minutes Bashy got accepted and hired as a detective. During this time he was followed by unluck due to that he got complains from the Detective seargent. Shortly after those complains got in his mind Bashy resigned detective rank and became Imperial Knight



Bashy wanted to grow out roots so he could be remeberd after something. When the Damenball came out Bashy had an idea for an event which was liked by Damen. It was the Damencup he suggested in a mood and Damen liked it. After when Old Oldcp came back Damen wanted to make this idea that Bashy had into a big event. There were 6 stages which was tough but funny. Bashy won the 5th stage due to that Greens had a problem and was awarded the medal until Angi won the Damencup. He was happy that he got rememberd for this. Bashy's name is also included on a poster in Snaildom as decoration



Bashy is a nice caring person to the DSGHQ. He is also strict as an Imperial Knight. This came from Black guard due to that he was an elite warrior. Plus from ROBLOX. He uses knowladge as power to think more. Not much is known by him



Bashy is usally a single person. He is unknown if he has a virtul famliy or if he is hiding a virtul one. He instead has 2 virtul brothers called Gamer and Freddy. Bashy is not really into marrige and other sorts of stuff but would be more into war. He combines war and brothers into brothers arms. This is due to that Bashy's brothers are knights and learns about the power of one

Just some Changes that i forgot

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(33) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Bashy" [1]=> string(8) "Bashdalf" [2]=> string(4) "Bash" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Detective" [2]=> string(11) "Black guard" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "Freddy" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(18) "Helsingborg Sweden" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" }


Bashysmelly found Oldcp 20th March 2014. He wasn't really into the DSGHQ until he became more into the game and forums.


Black guard

Bashy was a finalist in the first Black guard comp hosted 5th May. He had a match agienst XDesire to see if Emperor Helper Mikomi would accept one of them. Bashy got the right answer and got accepted into the Black guards. During his black guard times he started to get into Loyalty, Death and Fire. He was the trusted Black guard until Old Oldcp came back. He lost his Black guard rank but got Another rank



Bashy was a curious person and wanted to know alot of things. When Detective came he was curious about the rank and applied for it. Shortly after some minutes Bashy got accepted and hired as a detective. During this time he was followed by unluck due to that he got complains from the Detective seargent. Shortly after those complains got in his mind Bashy resigned detective rank and became Imperial Knight



Bashy wanted to grow out roots so he could be remeberd after something. When the Damenball came out Bashy had an idea for an event which was liked by Damen. It was the Damencup he suggested in a mood and Damen liked it. After when Old Oldcp came back Damen wanted to make this idea that Bashy had into a big event. There were 6 stages which was tough but funny. Bashy won the 5th stage due to that Greens had a problem and was awarded the medal until Angi won the Damencup. He was happy that he got rememberd for this. Bashy's name is also included on a poster in Snaildom as decoration



Bashy is a nice caring person to the DSGHQ. He is also strict as an Imperial Knight. This came from Black guard due to that he was an elite warrior. Plus from ROBLOX. He uses knowladge as power to think more. Not much is known by him



Bashy is usally a single person. He is unknown if he has a virtul famliy or if he is hiding a virtul one. He instead has 2 virtul brothers called Gamer and Freddy. Bashy is not really into marrige and other sorts of stuff but would be more into war. He combines war and brothers into brothers arms. This is due to that Bashy's brothers are knights and learns about the power of one

Some Changes i missed

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(33) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Bashy" [1]=> string(8) "Bashdalf" [2]=> string(4) "Bash" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Detective" [2]=> string(11) "Black guard" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "Freddy" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(18) "Helsingborg Sweden" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" }


Bashysmelly found Oldcp 20th March 2014. He wasn't really into the DSGHQ until he became more into the game and forums.

Black guard

Bashy was a finalist in the first Black guard comp hosted 5th May. He had a match agienst XDesire to see if Emperor Helper Mikomi would accept one of them. Bashy got the right answer and got accepted into the Black guards. During his black guard times he started to get into Loyalty, Death and Fire. He was the trusted Black guard until Old Oldcp came back. He lost his Black guard rank but got Another rank


Bashy was a curious person and wanted to know alot of things. When Detective came he was curious about the rank and applied for it. Shortly after some minutes Bashy got accepted and hired as a detective. During this time he was followed by unluck due to that he got complains from the Detective seargent. Shortly after those complains got in his mind Bashy resigned detective rank and became Imperial Knight


Bashy wanted to grow out roots so he could be remeberd after something. When the Damenball came out Bashy had an idea for an event which was liked by Damen. It was the Damencup he suggested in a mood and Damen liked it. After when Old Oldcp came back Damen wanted to make this idea that Bashy had into a big event. There were 6 stages which was tough but funny. Bashy won the 5th stage due to that Greens had a problem and was awarded the medal until Angi won the Damencup. He was happy that he got rememberd for this. Bashy's name is also included on a poster in Snaildom as decoration


Bashy is a nice caring person to the DSGHQ. He is also strict as an Imperial Knight. This came from Black guard due to that he was an elite warrior. Plus from ROBLOX. He uses knowladge as power to think more. Not much is known by him


Bashy is usally a single person. He is unknown if he has a virtul famliy or if he is hiding one. He instead has 2 virtul brothers called Gamer and Freddy. Bashy is not really into marrige and other sorts of stuff but would be more into war. He combines war and brothers into brothers arms. This is due to that Bashy's brothers are knights and learns about the power of one
WIKI:ZACK, 28TH DECEMBER 2014 BY XVOID , BODY: 2FEF19229F92DA369039D4C4B3760D38 , PROPS: 090F170A79AE1F5E858FAA4D1E0D377D [RESTORE]

I turned on protected article.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Zack" ["title"]=> string(18) "Experienced Player" ["photo"]=> string(84) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Rasberry" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(4) "Cats" ["location"]=> string(7) "England" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Zack" }


It was a dull March day, Zack lost his interest on Newcp. So he went to look up Oldcp and found a video which contained a link to Oldcp he clicked it and that is where the story begins.


Zack joined Oldcp early March, He came across Oldcp when he just searched up Oldcp and eventually he found a link to,
He clicked it and it took him to Oldcp, He instantly made a account called Xvoid

Zack grew more aware Oldcp was a Role play style game he tried to get involved with the crime-zone and stuff but he eventually lost his interest with the Role play and Crime-Zone.


Zack joined Fourms 2 months after he joined Oldcp, He earned many Milestones but he more to go. Zack is very thankful for everyone helping him out when He joined Fourms, He started getting into fourms in September he learnt how to post it and got used to fourms.

Other Games

Zack played Snaildom when Oldcp shut down but It wasn't the same to him so he started being inactive alot but when he heard Oldcp came back he returned and played it more regularly.

Zack didn't play other Dsghq games apart from Oldcp and Snaildom.


Former Wizard Co-leader.