Global Change History


Unprotected article.

array(4) { ["event"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(16) "War of Damensday" ["title"]=> string(3) "War" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["date"]=> string(30) "December 14, 2014 (Damens Day)" ["host"]=> string(0) "" ["end"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(5) "OldCP" ["winner"]=> string(9) "The DSGHQ" ["leader"]=> string(0) "" ["members"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(34) "" [3]=> string(34) "" [4]=> string(30) "" [5]=> string(30) "" } ["series"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(7) "history" ["title"]=> string(16) "War of Damensday" }

Events Leading Up to the War

When OldCP returned after being shut down for almost two months, signs of Ice Ghosts were scattered all over the island. A group of penguins called the Bandits have been living on the island and have been attacked by Ice Ghosts.

While many thought they were gone for good after the Queen of Ice Snowfalls and the King of Ice Raegon were shot, bandits revealed that while guns can kill regular Ice Ghosts, they can not kill Ice Lords, only fire can. An Ice Ghost was revealed to be hidden inside the vault in the throne room. The vault door opened and the letters: DD were on the wall.

After much speculation, an ice child named Nathaniel confirmed that DD meant DamensDay, a yearly event for Damen's birthday that occurs on December 14th. Nathaniel stated that DamensDay would be the day the Ice Ghosts attack and try to take over OldCP once and for all. Users were determined to not let that happen.

Throughout the week, Emperor Damen Spike did everything he can to make sure the users were prepared for the war. He gave trusted knights fire swords, the main weapon that would be used to kill Ice Lords, gave trusted moderators and detectives firearms, created a training room for users to practice, and created fire snowballs for regular users. Everyone was ready to defeat the Ice Ghosts, but it turned out a lot more deadly and dangerous than most imagined.

Death of Queen Snowfalls

Early in the afternoon for UK and very early morning in the US, the war began. Snowfalls and her army arrived at the mountain, along with the revived old villain Mickey from the 2013 Disney war, now as an ice ghost.

Detective sergeant Bakon and sir Gamer were able to trap the two, Bakon shooting down Mickey and Gamer killing Snowfalls with his firesword. Unfortunately, king Raegon was angry at Gamer for killing the queen and sir Gamer lost his life trying to fight him.

Throughout the day, there were several deaths, some accidental, some killed by Raegon. The war would not be over until the King of Ice would fall.

Commander Uzu

In the evening, Raegon sent out the commander of the Ice Ghost army, Uzu, to take down the users. He was able to freeze Knight Captain Bp28 and Royal Executioner Tennis, but Tennis, while still frozen, got out his sword and bravely took down commander Uzu.

Tennis was determine to save the DSGHQ and wanted to fight Raegon on his own, who was angrier than ever.

Final Battle

Raegon arrived at the throne room soon after. Raegon and Tennis got out their swords and fought. Users died, including one of the moderators, Toby, and Raegon was able to strike down Tennis, killing him.

He arrived at the mountain, and he and his army started killing many others, and burned Captain Bp28, almost killing him. Detective Inspector Hashir helped freeze off some of the users, and Raegon went to the town, the popular room.

He climbed the walls, attempting to kill the moderators, but Bp28, still stuck in the ice ghost costume stopped him and got hits on him, yet it would take a lot more for him to fall.

Raegon summoned Bp to a private room, the Forest, and the two had one final battle, Bp28 quickly got hit several times, but was able to block his other hits. Raegon let his defence down, and Captain Bp used the opportunity to kill him. The King of Ice and all of the Ice Ghosts were dead forever!

After the War

Ice Child Glarthir appeared, and gave up his own life to heal all of the users who died trying to protect the DSGHQ. Emperor Damen came on and hosted a royal feast, and praised Sir Gamer, Sir Tennis, and Sir Bp28 as champions. A session of gifts followed.

Gamer received moderator, Tennis was honored, and he and the others received the title: The Great, and Bp28 was named World Champion of the DSGHQ empire. The DSGHQ won, and December 14th is now recognised as the War of DamensDay.

Changed title and event name.

array(4) { ["event"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(23) "Coronation of Iceesofie" ["title"]=> string(10) "Coronation" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["date"]=> string(23) "14th June, 2014 5PM EST" ["host"]=> string(23) "Cyberwolf & Damen Spike" ["end"]=> string(23) "14th June, 2014 7PM EST" ["location"]=> string(16) "House of Thrones" ["winner"]=> string(0) "" ["leader"]=> string(0) "" ["members"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["series"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "history" ["title"]=> string(23) "Coronation of Iceesofie" }

Queen IceeSofie's Coronation to the throne took place in the Throne Room on the 14th of June 2014, a memorable night for all the people of the DSGHQ.

The Big News

Informing the public

After Chelsey betrayed the DSGHQ and was demoted, on the afternoon of June 8th, Damen Spike made a post on the Forums about the former queen betraying the DSGHQ, in the next sentence it stated that Princess IceeSofie was next in line for the throne, many people were buzzing around the DSGHQ. The post is still available to the public.


In the post, it had a link to the calendar of when the coronation would happen. What would be expected from the event was:

Princess Iceesofie will be Coronated as Queen of the Rank in DSGHQ.
Event will be formally held on at the House of thrones throne room

Time: 5 PM EST, 10 PM UK (GMT+1:00)
Estimated Length: 30 minutes
Invited: Up to 100 penguins

Guards Needed


IceeSofie had a lot to plan in the next 6 days, she was mostly worried about what she would wear. With help from her best friend Ellie, Sofie made the perfect gown for her big day. She also wanted to personally invite her good friends to come, some of the users included Tennis, Sadie, Kara, Fizz, etc.

Princess IceeSofie's coronation dress

Main Service

Since the Emperor could not show up the former Emperor's Helper, Cyberwolf was asked to make Princess IceeSofie Queen. She was very nervous, but she knew that she had to do it for the people.

She was summoned into the House of Thrones before the citizens were invited to come in, she was at the end of the carpet while Cyberwolf was on the throne, Chris was on the left side of the throne, and Ellie was on the right side of the throne. Sofie was relieved that Ellie would be right by her side.

Once the service begun, the Emperor's Helper said...
Do you promise to serve and protect not only OldCP, but the rank of Oldcp, but DSGHQ?

The Princess responded
I do.

Princess IceeSofie saying "I do."

After those words, Princess IceeSofie was now known as Queen Sofie. She was asked to sit on the throne and receive gifts.

IceeSofie responding to Sadie

After Party

The after party was held at the Pizza Parlor, this is where Sofie's soft side appeared, she thanked everyone for coming, some say that she cried of happieness.


IceeSofie's Coronation turned out a success! She has been queen for 195+ days. She has matured a lot from her rank and is forever thankful for her rank.
WIKI:DAMEN SPIKE, 27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY DAMEN , BODY: 4821FDD433C5E77D764CFE3106A8556F , PROPS: EDF98D56792B6C8127D410D246571E86 [RESTORE]

Changed early life. Added applications to line 1 chapter 1.

array(4) { ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" ["character"]=> array(13) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" ["title"]=> string(7) "Emperor" ["photo"]=> string(32) "" ["alias"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(13) "Emperor Damen" [1]=> string(5) "Damen" [2]=> string(6) "Kenobi" [3]=> string(6) "sauron" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(16) "Emperor of DSGHQ" [1]=> string(20) "Emperor Regent OldCP" [2]=> string(19) "DSGHQ Administrator" [3]=> string(14) "Emperor Helper" [4]=> string(20) "King Regent Snaildom" } ["birthday"]=> int(882083100) ["rule"]=> string(18) "2012 - Present Day" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Spike" ["location"]=> string(43) "City of Manchester, England, United Kingdom" ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "Cyberwolf" [1]=> string(7) "Chelsey" [2]=> string(5) "Ghost" } ["photos"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(32) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(32) "" [5]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" }

Damen Spike is the creator of the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. Having founded the popular website in December 2013, it quickly grew thanks to the game community.

Early Life

Spending most of his early online life discovering how to program, Damen Spike quickly became able to create his own small game and applications. Since 2011, he has created several games of his own.

Not just using his abilities to create online games, but websites like the one you are using at the moment. Damen originally went by the name Tent. Later on, the name Sauron and Damen were used.

Origin of the name Damen Spike

On the chat box website of Xat, Damen created a new user account named Damen Spike. It was inspired by the character Jason Bourne played by Matt Damon. There's not much more to say, the name is mostly imaginary.

Growing Reputation

Damen joined the community during his first year online. It marked a large part in his career online. Having made a personal reputation that still exists today on the site, he had got his work cut out as a programmer.


Damen Spike studied server sided programming languages such as PHP, Ruby and Node.js. Alongside backend programming knowledge, frontend programming languages also followed. Using his abilities as a backend programmer, he learnt how to build websites from scratch.

Old Club Penguin

Damen Spike has lived through an obsession with the original playable version of Club Penguin that he was introduced to as a 10 year old.

Whilst understanding an amount of programming, he sought to rebuild the game himself. Though hard attempts were made, the young programmer's abilities were not enough to capture the realism of this memory. Though it was just the first version, OldCPv1 attracted much interest from players that shared his interest.

OldCP continued growth as a playable remake of the early versions of Disney's Club Penguin. As it did, Damen sought help in re-creating the game using original game code and files. After failed attempts at finding help, Damen finally had 'cracked' the original game client.

OldCP Updated

When this happened, began. The versions without the original game code amounted to two. This edition was OldCPv3 using the 2005 Club Penguin version. The client was later updated again and became OldCPv5, a later version of Club Penguin (2007).


Damen encountered problems with sustaining OldCP as it grew. Disney, Club Penguin's owner, sought to legally close OldCP because of claims of Copyright Infringment. Not much else is to be said that many version upgrades on OldCP were subject to this matter.


Damen's games were mainly multiplayer virtual worlds, ranging from 2011 to the present day.

Early Game - Duck Club

Duck Club was the first game made by Damen. The work of a novice produced a small game which users could chat with the help of SmartFoxServer.
Single Player Test


2013 - SnailsChat

Damen's journey to professional skills brought along the way another, much more advanced virtual world which was created from scratch and was not powered by SmartFoxServer like before.
SnailsChat in 2013

SnailsChat was shut down when the users that played dropped rapidly and was too much work to sustain with no return. It made history with players and the DamenSpike GAMES HQ.

2013/2014 - PenguinIsles

Not much is known about PenguinIsles. It was an action game based in a story invented array of Islands. Players could transport to different islands and discover a lanscape by walking through it like a 3d game.

When released, it was glitchy and it's beta was public. Users quickly were swayed by the glitches, and difficult game play.

All of these issues were addressed, gameplay was vastly improved and bugs were fixed. But it was too late for the game as users forgot it existed due to the distraction of OldCP.

It was the shortest lived virtual world made by Damen. Alot of hard work was put in, but few responded because of it's unique fashion that people were not used to. The game also lacked content and was extremely hard to sustain.
Penguin Isles

2014 - Snaildom - Kingdom of Snails!

Snaildom is a free exciting new virtual forest for kids where they can interact, play games and more.

It was developed by Damen from 2013 to it's Beta release date in early October 2014. It was and is currently the most advanced developed game of the DSGHQ. It is also by far the most successful.

One thousand registered in the first day and it continued to grow. Players enjoyed the overflow of content due to better development and improved graphics. The features were also unique and none-glitchy.

DamenSpike GAMES HQ

Damen began the DamenSpike GAMES HQ, otherwise known as DSGHQ for short, at the beginning of 2014. It was mainly to brand a focus to multiple games rather than one, which had been OldCP.

Thus, the OldCP Community was changed to DamenSpike GAMES HQ Community. It was exactly the same other than bringing many updates and organised game discussion sections.


Damen created the Empire shortly after the DSGHQ brand. Thus, Damen made himself the Emperor and named his first Emperor Helper to be Cyberwolf.

Criticised Rulership

Damen received daily positive feedback, though Damen's personality changed since the beginning of the year. He is seen more serious than before and thus some things have gone wrong over the first year of the DSGHQ.

Allegations made against Damen's tolerance of other people's opinions and allegations towards not condoning a freedom of speech throughout the DSGHQ Empire has lead to heavy problems.


Damen is criticised for hosting games influenced by roleplay. Although roleplay does occur, it is not all directed by Damen, rather, created by players themselves.


Damen Spike in reality does not disrespect other people's opinions or freedom of speech, but is sensitive to criticism expressed in a proud or arrogant manner. He has admitted he is working on minimising the disrespect of some users and working to forgive their remarks.


Damen Spike wrote:
Opa Damen Style
WIKI:TENNIS, 27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: B5459D930D3A2448C229D53502E621C7 , PROPS: 116485F11BE6B4B025AEB1E4F2B2B7D5 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognized as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator, and service to the DSGHQ.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(11) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(11) "Wiki Editor" [10]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
WIKI:DAMEN SPIKE, 27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY DAMEN , BODY: D66083734315E5E9EF5762C610F63BFD , PROPS: EDF98D56792B6C8127D410D246571E86 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" ["character"]=> array(13) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" ["title"]=> string(7) "Emperor" ["photo"]=> string(32) "" ["alias"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(13) "Emperor Damen" [1]=> string(5) "Damen" [2]=> string(6) "Kenobi" [3]=> string(6) "sauron" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(16) "Emperor of DSGHQ" [1]=> string(20) "Emperor Regent OldCP" [2]=> string(19) "DSGHQ Administrator" [3]=> string(14) "Emperor Helper" [4]=> string(20) "King Regent Snaildom" } ["birthday"]=> int(882083100) ["rule"]=> string(18) "2012 - Present Day" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Spike" ["location"]=> string(43) "City of Manchester, England, United Kingdom" ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "Cyberwolf" [1]=> string(7) "Chelsey" [2]=> string(5) "Ghost" } ["photos"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(32) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(32) "" [5]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" }

Damen Spike is the creator of the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. Having founded the popular website in December 2013, it quickly grew thanks to the game community.

Early Life

Spending most of his early online life discovering how to program, Damen Spike quickly became able to create his own small game. Since 2011, he has created several games of his own.

Not just using his abilities to create online games, but websites like the one you are using at the moment. Damen originally went by the name Tent. Later on, the name Sauron and Damen were used.

Origin of the name Damen Spike

On the chat box website of Xat, Damen created a new user account named Damen Spike. It was inspired by the character Jason Bourne played by Matt Damon. There's not much more to say, the name is mostly imaginary.

Growing Reputation

Damen joined the community during his first year online. It marked a large part in his career online. Having made a personal reputation that still exists today on the site, he had got his work cut out as a programmer.


Damen Spike studied server sided programming languages such as PHP, Ruby and Node.js. Alongside backend programming knowledge, frontend programming languages also followed. Using his abilities as a backend programmer, he learnt how to build websites from scratch.

Old Club Penguin

Damen Spike has lived through an obsession with the original playable version of Club Penguin that he was introduced to as a 10 year old.

Whilst understanding an amount of programming, he sought to rebuild the game himself. Though hard attempts were made, the young programmer's abilities were not enough to capture the realism of this memory. Though it was just the first version, OldCPv1 attracted much interest from players that shared his interest.

OldCP continued growth as a playable remake of the early versions of Disney's Club Penguin. As it did, Damen sought help in re-creating the game using original game code and files. After failed attempts at finding help, Damen finally had 'cracked' the original game client.

OldCP Updated

When this happened, began. The versions without the original game code amounted to two. This edition was OldCPv3 using the 2005 Club Penguin version. The client was later updated again and became OldCPv5, a later version of Club Penguin (2007).


Damen encountered problems with sustaining OldCP as it grew. Disney, Club Penguin's owner, sought to legally close OldCP because of claims of Copyright Infringment. Not much else is to be said that many version upgrades on OldCP were subject to this matter.


Damen's games were mainly multiplayer virtual worlds, ranging from 2011 to the present day.

Early Game - Duck Club

Duck Club was the first game made by Damen. The work of a novice produced a small game which users could chat with the help of SmartFoxServer.
Single Player Test


2013 - SnailsChat

Damen's journey to professional skills brought along the way another, much more advanced virtual world which was created from scratch and was not powered by SmartFoxServer like before.
SnailsChat in 2013

SnailsChat was shut down when the users that played dropped rapidly and was too much work to sustain with no return. It made history with players and the DamenSpike GAMES HQ.

2013/2014 - PenguinIsles

Not much is known about PenguinIsles. It was an action game based in a story invented array of Islands. Players could transport to different islands and discover a lanscape by walking through it like a 3d game.

When released, it was glitchy and it's beta was public. Users quickly were swayed by the glitches, and difficult game play.

All of these issues were addressed, gameplay was vastly improved and bugs were fixed. But it was too late for the game as users forgot it existed due to the distraction of OldCP.

It was the shortest lived virtual world made by Damen. Alot of hard work was put in, but few responded because of it's unique fashion that people were not used to. The game also lacked content and was extremely hard to sustain.
Penguin Isles

2014 - Snaildom - Kingdom of Snails!

Snaildom is a free exciting new virtual forest for kids where they can interact, play games and more.

It was developed by Damen from 2013 to it's Beta release date in early October 2014. It was and is currently the most advanced developed game of the DSGHQ. It is also by far the most successful.

One thousand registered in the first day and it continued to grow. Players enjoyed the overflow of content due to better development and improved graphics. The features were also unique and none-glitchy.

DamenSpike GAMES HQ

Damen began the DamenSpike GAMES HQ, otherwise known as DSGHQ for short, at the beginning of 2014. It was mainly to brand a focus to multiple games rather than one, which had been OldCP.

Thus, the OldCP Community was changed to DamenSpike GAMES HQ Community. It was exactly the same other than bringing many updates and organised game discussion sections.


Damen created the Empire shortly after the DSGHQ brand. Thus, Damen made himself the Emperor and named his first Emperor Helper to be Cyberwolf.

Criticised Rulership

Damen received daily positive feedback, though Damen's personality changed since the beginning of the year. He is seen more serious than before and thus some things have gone wrong over the first year of the DSGHQ.

Allegations made against Damen's tolerance of other people's opinions and allegations towards not condoning a freedom of speech throughout the DSGHQ Empire has lead to heavy problems.


Damen is criticised for hosting games influenced by roleplay. Although roleplay does occur, it is not all directed by Damen, rather, created by players themselves.


Damen Spike in reality does not disrespect other people's opinions or freedom of speech, but is sensitive to criticism expressed in a proud or arrogant manner. He has admitted he is working on minimising the disrespect of some users and working to forgive their remarks.


Damen Spike wrote:
Opa Damen Style

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Hand Guard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Hand Guard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
WIKI:TENNIS, 27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 2639284C0505534781F6E863E157C1E5 , PROPS: 09A16586E00EAFE275EF775965EBCEEE [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(16) "Royal Hand Guard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Bodyguard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Bodyguard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.
WIKI:TENNIS, 27TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 2639284C0505534781F6E863E157C1E5 , PROPS: 4DACB9362D4246D5D40ED238C8C7B0D1 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Tennis" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" [9]=> string(15) "Royal Bodyguard" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(25) "California, United States" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

Royal Bodyguard

When Emperor Damen brought back the rank of Royal Bodyguard, he selected Tennis for this honored position because of his advanced warrior skills and loyalty. Tennis retired from Royal Executioner to claim this rank.


Loyalty above all.
Justice shall come to those whom deserve it.

No reason given

array(4) { ["event"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" ["title"]=> string(10) "Coronation" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["date"]=> string(23) "14th June, 2014 5PM EST" ["host"]=> string(23) "Cyberwolf & Damen Spike" ["end"]=> string(23) "14th June, 2014 7PM EST" ["location"]=> string(16) "House of Thrones" ["winner"]=> string(0) "" ["leader"]=> string(0) "" ["members"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["series"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "history" ["title"]=> string(21) "IceeSofies Coronation" }

Queen IceeSofie's Coronation to the throne took place in the Throne Room on the 14th of June 2014, a memorable night for all the people of the DSGHQ.

The Big News

Informing the public

After Chelsey betrayed the DSGHQ and was demoted, on the afternoon of June 8th, Damen Spike made a post on the Forums about the former queen betraying the DSGHQ, in the next sentence it stated that Princess IceeSofie was next in line for the throne, many people were buzzing around the DSGHQ. The post is still available to the public.


In the post, it had a link to the calendar of when the coronation would happen. What would be expected from the event was:

Princess Iceesofie will be Coronated as Queen of the Rank in DSGHQ.
Event will be formally held on at the House of thrones throne room

Time: 5 PM EST, 10 PM UK (GMT+1:00)
Estimated Length: 30 minutes
Invited: Up to 100 penguins

Guards Needed


IceeSofie had a lot to plan in the next 6 days, she was mostly worried about what she would wear. With help from her best friend Ellie, Sofie made the perfect gown for her big day. She also wanted to personally invite her good friends to come, some of the users included Tennis, Sadie, Kara, Fizz, etc.

Princess IceeSofie's coronation dress

Main Service

Since the Emperor could not show up the former Emperor's Helper, Cyberwolf was asked to make Princess IceeSofie Queen. She was very nervous, but she knew that she had to do it for the people.

She was summoned into the House of Thrones before the citizens were invited to come in, she was at the end of the carpet while Cyberwolf was on the throne, Chris was on the left side of the throne, and Ellie was on the right side of the throne. Sofie was relieved that Ellie would be right by her side.

Once the service begun, the Emperor's Helper said...
Do you promise to serve and protect not only OldCP, but the rank of Oldcp, but DSGHQ?

The Princess responded
I do.

Princess IceeSofie saying "I do."

After those words, Princess IceeSofie was now known as Queen Sofie. She was asked to sit on the throne and receive gifts.

IceeSofie responding to Sadie

After Party

The after party was held at the Pizza Parlor, this is where Sofie's soft side appeared, she thanked everyone for coming, some say that she cried of happieness.


IceeSofie's Coronation turned out a success! She has been queen for 195+ days. She has matured a lot from her rank and is forever thankful for her rank.