Global Change History

WIKI:NICHOLAS ANGEL, 21ST DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 73502225E012C8D07575E77B8A6B0CA2 , PROPS: 724DB0587E299C0EA924C34F27E3D17F [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(14) "Nicholas Angel" ["title"]=> string(18) "Detective Sergeant" ["photo"]=> string(32) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "Angolas" [1]=> string(6) "Philip" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(18) "Detective Sergeant" [1]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(14) "Feb. 28th 2014" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(14) "Nicholas Angel" }

Nicholas Angel is recognized as an influential person and leader of the Crime Office.

DSGHQ Agency

Nicholas Angel served as a Secret Agent for the DSGHQ Agency during OldCPv3. He was known as Agent 4 during his time at the Agency.


Nicholas Angel retired from the Agency at the end of OldCPv3, and left OldCP.


Nicholas Angel did not return to OldCP until v7.

Crime Office

On November 4th 2013, Crime Zone, the Crime Office and rank of Detectives was introduced. Nicholas Angel was given the task of selecting the first batch of detectives, who would make up the first generation of the Crime Office.

Detective Sergeant

Nicholas Angel was issued the rank of Detective Sergeant, and the task of leading the new Detectives.

Crime Zone

The biggest enemy of the Crime Office were the Blackhawks. Nicholas Angel and his team of detectives closed many cases, and exposed many Blackhawk members.


Crime Zone ended and the Crime Office was disbanded. Nicholas Angel departed OldCP.


The Crime Zone and Crime Office returned to OldCP once again, along with them Nicholas Angel. Returning as a Sergeant, however under the command of Inspectors Powell and Musclebob1.

Agency Hacking

The team of Detectives worked without flaw for a few months, but in March 2014, the DSGHQ Agents and Nicholas Angel were hacked, causing OldCP to shut down for a few hours for repairs. While everything was returned to its normal state, the Detectives never returned to their flawless state.


When Rover and the Blackhawk gang returned to OldCP, their first target was Nicholas Angel. Nicholas Angel's attempt to dismantle the Blackhawks did not succeed, and Rover killed him with a firearm.

Ice Child

Nicholas Angel only returned to the DSGHQ as an Ice Child called Angolas. He granted a few prophecies and helped with some Crime Zone cases, but rarely was seen. He left with the other Ice Children after the fall of the Ice Ghosts during OldCPv10.

No reason given

array(4) { ["event"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(11) "The Emperor" ["title"]=> string(11) "Competition" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["date"]=> string(14) "Nov. 4th, 2013" ["host"]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" ["end"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(8) "Snaildom" ["winner"]=> string(6) "Hashir" ["leader"]=> string(65) "Hashir & May23Monthly (Leaders had been made in a later on stage)" ["members"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(7) "history" ["title"]=> string(11) "The Emperor" }


On the 3rd of November 2014, Emperor Regent Damen Spike officially announced a new competition. It had relation to a BBC Program (The Apprentice), but in this competition, you would have to have a competition of selected users, winner gets moderator and special training from Damen himself.

How did it work?

Well, the Emperor made an application format as listed below.

You MUST have at least 200 forums reputation.
You MUST have at least 3 months on your forums account.
You MUST have not been banned in the past 4 months.

Name: Your nicknames on forums and Snaildom and any other names.
Age: Your age.
Experience: Your moderating experience and computer experience. Do NOT include any CPPS websites in this experience field.
Skills: Moderator skills.
Are you willing to learn any of the above quotes subjects from Damen if you become the Apprentice? Select any from "Game Designing", "Multiplayer Servers", "Website Designing", "Broadcasting Radio", "Broadcasting Television"
Description A Description of why you feel suitable for this rank of Apprentice.
Do you understand that the rank of Apprentice includes moderator rank and forums moderator rank and learning apprentice of Damen? Reply Yes/No.

After a few days, Damen would then announce the candidates. The candidates had to partake in 10 stages with a big task in each stages. That task would determine the elimination of a user.

Who were the Candidates?

  • LiveToDance
  • Andrew0342
  • Chex
  • May23Monthly
  • Toby
  • Tornado
  • Bp28
  • PenguinDSC
  • adawg
  • Cart
  • Skittles
  • Angi
  • Ellie
  • Hashir
  • Bakon
  • Bailey
  • Luke
  • Skeddy
  • Archie

At last, the games began.

The Stages

Not everyone made it to every stage, so sometimes there were different people.

Stage 1

Stage 1 was first started with a welcome from Damen. An impressive amount of users showed up on Stage 1. The candidates who partook in this stage were:
  • Hashir
  • Toby
  • Prince Archie
  • Adawg
  • Cartwheel
  • May23Monthly
  • LiveToDance
  • Angi
  • Ellie

Now, the candidates had to be divided into two teams. These were the teams:

Team #1 (which was known as Team Imperial) had the following team members:


Team #2 (which was later known as Team Fire) had the following team members:


And so, the first stage began. Here's video footage of the day:

At the end of the day, Team Imperial had won and Angi from Team Fire had been first eliminated.

Stage 2

Today was a big day for both teams. The first stage had just passed, and more candidates took part. This was very nerve wracking for both teams. The candidates who took part in this were:
  • LiveToDance
  • May23Monthly
  • Cart
  • Ellie
  • Hashir
  • Toby
  • Archie
  • Bailey
  • Tornado
  • Bp28
  • Bakon
  • Luke

    Bailey, Tornado and Bp28 joined Team Fire while Luke and Bakon had joined team Imperial.

    Then, the games began. This is video of the Stage:

    At the end of this task, LiveToDance was fired and Imperial had won.

    Stage 3

    This task was an interesting one, because in the end, no one had been fired. Although, more people came to the competition, who were:


    Stage 4

    Stage 4 consisted the same old registered players except Skip had now joined. This task was very exciting for it was a task regarding oldcp and at that time OldCP coming back was new news. So here's the video:

    Skittles was fired and the Team Imperial had won.

    Stage 5

    Today, the previously registered users played only. Due to Fire's lack of attendance, Imperial were the only team who played this stage and they automatically won. Unfortunately, Bakon was fired for lack of helping and that was the first Imperial's elimination (although they won).


    Stage 6

    This stage had been cancelled.

    Stage 6|7

    After Stage 6 was cancelled, the candidates were challenged with a hard task. First, Managers of each team were made. Team Imperial's manager was Hashir and Team Fire's manager was May23Monthly. The Imperial won this task although, May23Monthly, the manager was fired. Along with her, Luke had been fired.

    Unfortunately, Hashir's screen recorder made a mess-up, so no footage of today.

    Stage 8

    The last task as a team; Stage 8 was difficult. Team Fire triumphed over team Imperial and Ellie had been fired while Hashir and Toby were *this* close to be that too.


    The End of the game; Semi-Finals & Finals

    These two stages were indeed very intense. The best of the best came here and so many got fired. In the Semi-Finals, the teams were broken apart and each member had a special interview with the mods. Unfortunately, all were fired but the final 4 competitiors: Toby, Archie, Hashir, Bailey.

    The finals had finally happened. The two teams had been formed once again, Archie and Hashir as Imperial, Toby and Bailey as fire. The task was to have a day out with users and recruit as many people for 5 gold each. Team Imperial had 95 gold and Team Fire had 75 gold.

    Damen said Imperial won and Toby and Bailey were fired. It was the Prince of the DSGHQ against the Detective Inspector. After Damen deciding the winner, there was only one... and that was Hashir. The game was close.


No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Bailey" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(6) "Bailey" [1]=> string(10) "Chucker321" [2]=> string(5) "Chuck" [3]=> string(6) "HipHop" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(6) "Knight" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Fireworks" ["location"]=> string(28) "Massachusetts, United States" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(81) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(6) "Bailey" }


Bailey found the game of Old CP by searching up "Old CP" on YouTube, finding a video with a link to the site. He started out as Bailey2000 in v4/v5 around April of 2013. He first stumbled upon Rockhopper, whom he learned how to become a mascot on the website, therefore becoming his first friend.

Game of Mods

After a couple months of being inactive of Old CP, coming back in July, he found out about this so-called Game of Mods. On the home page, there was an article about the first Game of Mods, and how a user named Journey won. After hearing about this event, he quickly joined in. He joined team Doritos for a little, but left the competition due to unreliable teammates. In the end, a user by the name of Poas won the competition and become Moderator.

Old CP

Bailey has a long history on Old CP.


So he went by the alias of HipHop, and soon became very popular. He made many friends.

The September Game of Mods arrived. He was a part of team Fireworks, created by himself, but his team sadly got eliminated, so he went to Journey and Key123's famous team, the Freehawks. During the competition, the Stage Inspectors invaded, banned all the moderators, including Damen, summoned everyone to an igloo, and said they'd rule Old CP. Everyone was freaking out, and it was chaos. Somehow Sheep saved the day, and then Damen un-banned himself, got rid of the betraying Stage Inspectors, and un-banned the moderators. What about the mod comp?! It continued. The show must go on! So in the end, Nintendo won the third Moderator Competition.

Then HipHop got framed for supposedly blowing the Night Club up with villain, Bane.

HipHop's first and real job during v6 was being apart of the PSA Agency by Cyberwolf.


February of 2014. He changed his name again to Chucker321, which is his New Club Penguin name.

In March, he earned Moderator for the first time. He had the rank for a month, then got demoted for a reason unknown.

Then he changed his name to Bailey, which is his name in real life, and at the end of April he earned Knight. He had it for for about one to two weeks, then resigned.

Shortly after, the 7th Game of Mods in May occurred, but with a little twist. Instead of just one winner, there will be three winners. Because of this, the competition would have to be longer with more stages and tasks. After all of the gruesome competition, three winners were announced. All from team Freehawks, the winners were Key123, IWUVBAKON (Bakon), and Bailey. He had Moderator for a month, then got demoted for "quitting" without consulting Damen about it first, which is how the new Mod rule came.


Old CP is back! Everyone celebrated and Old CP is running very well.

Bailey re-earned Old CP Moderator on December 12th, 2014, and is now a current moderator on it.

DSGHQ Forums

August 30th, 2013: On this day, the DSGHQ Forums came out, but it was originally called The Old CP Community. At 9:01 PM EST, HipHop joined the Forums, and was the 145th user to join. He earned the rank Master the next month. Then in the beginning-middle of October, he earned News Reporter, and was one for a little less than a month. Then on his 13th birthday, I re-earned Master, and had it for about a year. He also got the Badge of Honour on the same day as the 9th Game of Mods. Then on October 19th, 2014, he earned Forums Moderator, and is one 'til this day.

Penguin Isles

After coming back in January of 2014, there was lots of talk about this game soon to be released this month by the name of Penguin Isles. Everyone was anxious to play since Old CP was supposedly shut down by Disney in December. In Penguin Isles, he went by the name of HipHop. There isn't much he remembers from the game, but the only significant event he remembers that occurred was when Damen attempted to host a Game of Mods. Bailey says, "It was a disaster. He had to cancel it right in the middle of the competition. He couldn't bare to let it go on. :P"


On Snaildom, Bailey made many achievements.

Beta Era

He beta tested Snaildom. Since he had no access to Snaildom, he could only beta test Snaildom on the last day of the Beta Era.

Autumn Game of Mods

He was a finalist in the Autumn Game of Mods of 2014. He was in the top 4 with Sled, Tacofun, and Nintendo.

Autumn Game of Kings

He was chosen to be a competitor in the Game of Kings by Emperor Damen. He made it through the first stage, but was sadly fired after the last task in Stage 2.


He earned Snaildom Moderator on October 19th, 2014.

Autumn World Champion

He became Snaildom World Champion for winning the DSG WCI Autumn 2014 with 42+++ goals on October 25th, 2014.

Game of Apprentices

He was a finalist with Hashir, Archie, and Toby in the Emperor's Apprentice Competition on November 29th, 2014.


So as you know, Bailey has made several achievements during his time at the DSGHQ. Here is a list of his achievement.
  • Past Old CP Moderator, twice
  • Current Old CP, Snaildom, and Forums Moderator
  • DSGHQ Autumn World Champion
  • Current Snaildom Knight
  • Current Snaildom Detective Apprentice
  • Banker of Snaildom
  • Past Old CP Knight
  • Past Old CP Detective
  • Past News Reporter
  • Badge of Honour
  • Snaildom Beta Tester
  • Writer of Books for Snaildom
  • 7th Game of Mods winner along with Key123 and Bakon
  • Finalist in the 2014 Autumn Game of Mods, and in the top 4 with Tacofun, Nintendo, and winner Sled
  • Chosen to be a competitor in the Game of Kings with winners King Regent Cyberwolf and Queen Regent Cheep
  • Finalist in the Emperor's Apprentice Competition with Toby, Archie, and winner Hashir
WIKI:ICEESOFIE, 21ST DECEMBER 2014 BY ICEESOFIE , BODY: 6FD441B835A99E199D77A56A32521651 , PROPS: A3BF804F9016B63B573F1D7018FCB994 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(98) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "Sofie" [1]=> string(11) "Queen Sofie" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "Queen of DSGHQ" [1]=> string(15) "OldCP Moderator" [2]=> string(18) "SnailDom Moderator" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Raindrop" [1]=> string(4) "GUGU" [2]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(7) "Unknown" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" }

IceeSofie is the Queen of the DSGHQ, from the help and support from the DSGHQ Community.

Early Life

Before Sofie joined the DSGHQ, she was bullied by people at her school for liking Club Penguin. One day, her friend told her that she went on a chat called xat, they both decided to check it out. She found people on this chat that actually understood her problems.

She met a person named Fizz, they quickly became friends and she started to be happy once again. She was later introduced to the game of OldCP in late September of 2012 (v2).

That is just the beginning of her story.

Joining OldCP

Her first username on OldCP was of course IceeSofie, she had been suggested to have that name from her younger sister. When she logged in for the first time she was greeted by a moderator named Sting, they became friends quickly. Another person she met was another moderator named Drew, who thought her the basic moderator commands. It took a long time for IceeSofie to be well known, most of the time she would sit alone or try to talk to someone, that's when she befriended another user named Brndav.

Growing Reputation

With the help from her two friends Brndav and Fizz, she met many people including Damen Spike, Chelsey, Techno, Ghost, etc. It took a long time for someone to listen to her, but she never gave up. She started talking to other users, and then everyone recognized the name of IceeSofie. Soon after that she met Damen Spike himself, they started to have a friendship, and then she got moderator for the first time in v4.

Becoming an Administrator

All though her position for administrator did not last long, Sofie was confident and happy that she had administrator, but she told herself that it is a lot of responsibility being a admin. Her second time being a administrator only lasted a week, on the last day, she was tricked by a user to give change a password, she was too kind to users and users took advantage of it. She felt bad for her actions, and she made a goal to herself that she would return to OldCP.

Becoming Queen

At this time, Chelsey was Queen and IceeSofie was one of the 3 princesses, later some conflict happened between Damen and Chelsey and she was banished for her actions. Later on June 8th 2014, Damen made a short discussion on forums stating that Chelsey was demoted and IceeSofie is the next person in line for the title for Queen. She was very excited, but also nervous, she did not want to make a mistake like she did when she was an administrator. Deep down inside, she knew she was ready for the next step and would do everything in her power to get what she needed, confidence. On June 14th 2014, Cyberwolf gave her the title of Queen, and since then she has been doing what she does best, moderating.


"When you need me, I will be there, count on it."
"Hope is what makes us strong, it is why we are here, it is what we fight for when all else is lost."
"We are all different in the best ways possible."
"Anything is possible on the DSGHQ"
"I am here for you, always."
WIKI:TENNIS, 21ST DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: B1E186A3F00351E511122E129CA1FCB0 , PROPS: B359C19739E806C88A9A21E0C6C18602 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(20) "Sir Tennis the Great" ["title"]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Harrison" } ["titles"]=> array(9) { [0]=> string(6) "Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(14) "Empress Slayer" [3]=> string(25) "Administrator (Temporary)" [4]=> string(14) "Knight Captain" [5]=> string(17) "Royal Executioner" [6]=> string(22) "DSGHQ Agency Affiliate" [7]=> string(11) "King Helper" [8]=> string(16) "Tennis The Great" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Rover" [1]=> string(6) "Hashir" [2]=> string(4) "Bp28" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(5) "Stags" ["location"]=> string(23) "Los Angeles, California" ["photos"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Sir Tennis" }

Tennis is historically recognised as a user of many titles, including his longest standing role as Moderator.


Sir Tennis the Great first arrived to the DSGHQ during the summer of 2013. Ever since joining he made a large impression on the DSGHQ.

News Reporter

Tennis' first rank was a Forum News Reporter. He upheld the responsibility of posting news content on the board for many months until he managed to make the jump to the rank of forums Master.


Steadily, his impression on the DSGHQ grew. Tennis began to serve as a Detective of the DSGHQ Crime Office under the direction of Detective Inspector Powell at the time. His next honor was being granted the responsibility of Brother of the Watch. Then a week later he was promoted to a Captain of the Watch because of his exceptional service in the Watch.

Blackhawk Regime

Tennis' exceptional abilities and loyalty had made a large impression with Damen Spike. In early 2014, Rover the Blackhawk and Former Gang Leader had been involved in a criminal regime to overthrow the Emperor. This scheme which was originally thought up by Rover was used against him by Damen himself. Damen assumed Rover's entire status to test Tennis' capabilities. It came at a cost, Scarlet's reputation was ruined and she quit OldCP for a time, and OldCP had to accept a short lived new 'Empress', who marched into the Throne Room and killed Damen. This was not Rover, Damen was testing Tennis in a guise of the villain.

Tennis proved exceptional, he used spy work together with Detective abilities and managed to steal Rover's firearm and shoot her shortly after the false setup was over. Tennis was awarded with Administrator rank and the title of Empress Slayer.


Short lived was this honor, though it is not fully forgotten. When Tennis became an Administrator, problems occured which made it seem as if he had betrayed the DSGHQ by abusing his rank. During investigation, Tennis was demoted but was later found innocent.

He was not given back the honor as it seemed to high a risk, such was also the advice and thoughts of Cyberwolf.

Imperial Knight

Tennis, although no longer an Administrator did not lose all of his achievements. He was Knighted a Knight soon later during OldCPv9, and even became a Captain Knight. He also had experience as a Free Fighter working alone but such rank was not kept for long.


Captain Tennis resigned from his Captain title, not to the liking of the Emperor but was replaced by a worthy Knight, Sir Bp28 who became the next Captain.

Royal Executioner

After The Hound was destroyed at the end of OldCPv9, Tennis became the new Royal Executioner. He executed guilty found treasoners from the DSGHQ without fail and proved to be a hard worker, especially when arriving to trials.

Forum Moderator

Tennis achieved the rank of Forums Moderator around the same time his honor of being granted Royal Executioner. His service on the forums has been no less exceptional as his works on the game.


Tennis serviced as a Beta Tester of Snaildom in 2014. The short beta involved Tennis' good help in bug finding.


Tennis became a Moderator on Snaildom shortly after the Beta.

King Helper

King Regent Cyberwolf of Snaildom named him the King Helper of Snaildom on his coronation after succeeding the Game of Kings.


Tennis was restored to his role as Moderator on OldCPv10's launch. He also retained his Royal Executionership and stood fast in securing the frozen land.

War of Ice Ghosts

Much different and more risky than his service stopping the Blackhawks, Sir Tennis was brave in facing an unseen foe, Ice Lord Uzu. Little is known of this Ice Lord, other than he was their Commanding officer working for King Raegon.

Death of Uzu

Tennis fought Ice Lord Commander Uzu and successfully slew him. Later on, his name was listed under the Champions of Damens Day. He became branded Sir Tennis the Great.

Battle with Raegon

King Raegon, King of the Ice Lords was disturbed by the death of his powerful commander, Lord Uzu. He sought revenge against Sir Tennis personally. Though proving strong enough to fight Uzu, his chances fell short against the great blade of Raegon. Tennis was destroyed.

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(98) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "Sofie" [1]=> string(11) "Queen Sofie" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "Queen of DSGHQ" [1]=> string(15) "OldCP Moderator" [2]=> string(18) "SnailDom Moderator" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(8) "Raindrop" [1]=> string(4) "GUGU" [2]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(7) "Unknown" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(9) "IceeSofie" }

IceeSofie is the Queen of the DSGHQ, from the help and support from the DSGHQ Community.

Early Life

Before Sofie joined the DSGHQ, she was bullied by people at her school for liking Club Penguin. One day, her friend told her that she went on a chat called xat, they both decided to check it out. She found people on this chat that actually understood her problems.

She met a person named Fizz, they quickly became friends and she started to be happy once again. She was later introduced to the game of OldCP in late September of 2012 (v2).

That is just the beginning of her story.

Joining OldCP

Her first username on OldCP was of course IceeSofie, she had been suggested to have that name from her younger sister. When she logged in for the first time she was greeted by a moderator named Sting, they became friends quickly. Another person she met was another moderator named Drew, who thought her the basic moderator commands. It took a long time for IceeSofie to be well known, most of the time she would sit alone or try to talk to someone, that's when she befriended another user named Brndav.

Growing Reputation

With the help from her two friends Brndav and Fizz, she met many people including Damen Spike, Chelsey, Techno, Ghost, etc. It took a long time for someone to listen to her, but she never gave up. She started talking to other users, and then everyone recognized the name of IceeSofie. Soon after that she met Damen Spike himself, they started to have a friendship, and then she got moderator for the first time in v4.

Becoming an Administrator

All though her position for administrator did not last long, Sofie was confident and happy that she had administrator, but she told herself that it is a lot of responsibility being a admin. Her second time being a administrator only lasted a week, on the last day, she was tricked by a user to give change a password, she was too kind to users and users took advantage of it. She felt bad for her actions, and she made a goal to herself that she would return to OldCP.

Becoming Queen

At this time, Chelsey was Queen and IceeSofie was one of the 3 princesses, later some conflict happened between Damen and Chelsey and she was banished for her actions. Later on June 8th 2014, Damen made a short discussion on forums stating that Chelsey was demoted and IceeSofie is the next person in line for the title for Queen. She was very excited, but also nervous, she did not want to make a mistake like she did when she was an administrator. Deep down inside, she knew she was ready for the next step and would do everything in her power to get what she needed, confidence. On June 14th 2012, Cyberwolf gave her the title of Queen, and since then she has been doing what she does best, moderating.


"When you need me, I will be there, count on it."
"Hope is what makes us strong, it is why we are here, it is what we fight for when all else is lost."
"We are all different in the best ways possible."
"Anything is possible on the DSGHQ"
"I am here for you, always."

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Bailey" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(6) "Bailey" [1]=> string(10) "Chucker321" [2]=> string(5) "Chuck" [3]=> string(6) "HipHop" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "World Champion" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(6) "Knight" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Fireworks" ["location"]=> string(28) "Massachusetts, United States" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(81) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(6) "Bailey" }


Bailey found the game of Old CP by searching up "Old CP" on YouTube, finding a video with a link to the site. He started out as Bailey2000 in v4/v5 around April of 2013. He first stumbled upon Rockhopper, whom he learned how to become a mascot on the website, therefore becoming his first friend.

Game of Mods

After a couple months of being inactive of Old CP, coming back in July, he found out about this so-called Game of Mods. On the home page, there was an article about the first Game of Mods, and how a user named Journey won. After hearing about this event, he quickly joined in. He joined team Doritos for a little, but left the competition due to unreliable teammates. In the end, a user by the name of Poas won the competition and become Moderator.

Old CP

Bailey has a long history on Old CP.


So he went by the alias of HipHop, and soon became very popular. He made many friends.

The September Game of Mods arrived. He was a part of team Fireworks, created by himself, but his team sadly got eliminated, so he went to Journey and Key123's famous team, the Freehawks. During the competition, the Stage Inspectors invaded, banned all the moderators, including Damen, summoned everyone to an igloo, and said they'd rule Old CP. Everyone was freaking out, and it was chaos. Somehow Sheep saved the day, and then Damen un-banned himself, got rid of the betraying Stage Inspectors, and un-banned the moderators. What about the mod comp?! It continued. The show must go on! So in the end, Nintendo won the third Moderator Competition.

Then HipHop got framed for supposedly blowing the Night Club up with villain, Bane.

HipHop's first and real job during v6 was being apart of the PSA Agency by Cyberwolf.


February of 2014. He changed his name again to Chucker321, which is his New Club Penguin name.

In March, he earned Moderator for the first time. He had the rank for a month, then got demoted for a reason unknown.

Then he changed his name to Bailey, which is his name in real life, and at the end of April he earned Knight. He had it for for about one to two weeks, then resigned.

Shortly after, the 7th Game of Mods in May occurred, but with a little twist. Instead of just one winner, there will be three winners. Because of this, the competition would have to be longer with more stages and tasks. After all of the gruesome competition, three winners were announced. All from team Freehawks, the winners were Key123, IWUVBAKON (Bakon), and Bailey. He had Moderator for a month, then got demoted for "quitting" without consulting Damen about it first, which is how the new Mod rule came.


Old CP is back! Everyone celebrated and Old CP is running very well.

Bailey re-earned Old CP Moderator on December 12th, 2014, and is now a current moderator on it.

DSGHQ Forums

August 30th, 2013: On this day, the DSGHQ Forums came out, but it was originally called The Old CP Community. At 9:01 PM EST, HipHop joined the Forums, and was the 145th user to join. He earned the rank Master the next month. Then in the beginning-middle of October, he earned News Reporter, and was one for a little less than a month. Then on his 13th birthday, I re-earned Master, and had it for about a year. He also got the Badge of Honour on the same day as the 9th Game of Mods. Then on October 19th, 2014, he earned Forums Moderator, and is one 'til this day.

Penguin Isles

After coming back in January of 2014, there was lots of talk about this game soon to be released this month by the name of Penguin Isles. Everyone was anxious to play since Old CP was supposedly shut down by Disney in December. In Penguin Isles, he went by the name of HipHop. There isn't much he remembers from the game, but the only significant event he remembers that occurred was when Damen attempted to host a Game of Mods. Bailey says, "It was a disaster. He had to cancel it right in the middle of the competition. He couldn't bare to let it go on. :P"


On Snaildom, Bailey made many achievements.

Beta Era

He beta tested Snaildom. Since he had no access to Snaildom, he could only beta test Snaildom on the last day of the Beta Era.

Autumn Game of Mods

He was a finalist in the Autumn Game of Mods of 2014. He was in the top 4 with Sled, Tacofun, and Nintendo.

Autumn Game of Kings

He was chosen to be a competitor in the Game of Kings by Emperor Damen. He made it through the first stage, but was sadly fired after the last task in Stage 2.


He earned Snaildom Moderator on October 19th, 2014.

Autumn World Champion

He became Snaildom World Champion for winning the DSG WCI Autumn 2014 with 42+++ goals on October 25th, 2014.

Game of Apprentices

He was a finalist with Hashir, Archie, and Toby in the Emperor's Apprentice Competition on November 29th, 2014.


So as you know, Bailey has made several achievements during his time at the DSGHQ. Here is a list of his achievement.
  • Past Old CP Moderator, twice
  • Current Old CP, Snaildom, and Forums Moderator
  • DSGHQ Autumn World Champion
  • Current Snaildom Knight
  • Current Snaildom Detective Apprentice
  • Banker of Snaildom
  • Past Old CP Knight
  • Past Old CP Detective
  • Past News Reporter
  • Badge of Honour
  • Snaildom Beta Tester
  • Writer of Books for Snaildom
  • 7th Game of Mods winner along with Key123 and Bakon
  • Finalist in the 2014 Autumn Game of Mods, and in the top 4 with Tacofun, Nintendo, and winner Sled
  • Chosen to be a competitor in the Game of Kings with winners King Regent Cyberwolf and Queen Regent Cheep
  • Finalist in the Emperor's Apprentice Competition with Toby, Archie, and winner Hashir