Introductions and Leaving

New or leaving? Post it here!

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I Have to quit
Created by MineCraftRusher
7th February 2014
quitting oldcp
Created by Notacoolman
7th February 2014
My Introduction
Created by Pengu
6th February 2014
I quit.
Created by Aman0708
6th February 2014
Created by MidnightMania
4th February 2014
Created by Arial
4th February 2014
Created by Palpatine
4th February 2014
I'm staying but...
Created by CPBiter
4th February 2014
Leaving for a few days
Created by Divergent
3rd February 2014
I quit for a few weeks
Created by x
3rd February 2014
Quitting for now.
Created by bella
3rd February 2014
Created by iScript
3rd February 2014
I'm back once again!
Created by Ninjay
2nd February 2014
I'm just Leaving
Created by Izzy
2nd February 2014
R.I.P. Grace
Created by Sophie
2nd February 2014
Brndav has risen!
Created by Brndav
1st February 2014
Fizz has returned
Created by Fizz
1st February 2014