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I want science for life

Another channel here!
I will talk about science, we need this to have one good life, religious is important, but science have proofs.
NOTE: I am not saying with religious is bad or isn't important.
That's my idea.
Science can ask, and answer with one proof, science have theories, big bang, evolution, science can change the world, all we know it.
If you don't think it, only listen the other opinions, all we can have our own opinion, my opinion can be other, and you can think with my idea is bad, only respect others ideas and opinions.
The DNA idea was discovered by science, and the vaccine was created by science, science study the world, and try to say the why of it, why this happen, that's easy to ask, it's easy to create a theory, but is hard have one proof.

Well, science have proofs, so, use this tag: #Science4life
