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For GOM, I made a team called "Team Falcon".

Greetings users of the DSGHQ,

Soon enough there is a GOM coming up. I decided to make a team, called "Team Falcons". Our team shows pride, happines, and loyalty. We do not only want to win, we also want to have fun. Winning is fun, but enjoying what you are doing shows that you are having fun. So far, we have a few users in our team, but we are working our way up!
Team Members!
Leader: Milkshake (me)
Co-Leader: Lily1117 (Saturday and Sunday) We need one for Friday, please. :)
Team Members: Scoop100,Kitty, open spots!!

I hope you make the desicion of joining our team. Please go to my post, where there will be more information.
Link : Falcon! [GOM]/

Thank you! It would be nice if you subscribe, and help us out! Have a good day! :) #TeamFalcons