18th January 2015

The Tobler Scrolls of the Wise Tobler Moth Priests

Made by Damen in Announcements

5,165 posts
Seen 23rd June 2024
18th January 2015, 05:43 PM

The Secrets of the Nine Toblerscrolls

I was thinking today, since everyone grows up eventually, wouldn't it be great to pick 9 people to write secrets in special scrolls to store on OldCP forever? Just like a time capsule, but in a super secret part of OldCP.

OldCP works on rooms and jrs. Each room has its own meaning.

Today I have began the legacy of the Wise Tobler Moth Priests. They are Royal Wise Priests basically, but they work in the super secret royal toblermoth library and temple.

Toblermoth Priest
Wise Toblermoth Priests are guardians of the nine scrolls of OldCP. Each day, they must visit the Moth Library (the sacred library which is only available to mods and priests) and the Moth Temple (which is only available to moth priests, agents and admins, not mods).

Moth Priests have mod powers, but must always wear the same outfit. They wear blind fold that hides their eyes
(just incase the secrets of the scrolls come out of their eyes, ik thats impossible but still).

Moth Priests also have a special job to make sure the Scrolls are not stolen, they must check them every day and also read them to keep their words alive.

They also must take them out of the fire to stop them from melting and cool them for 1 minute each. (Even though its virtual and they wont melt)

The Toblerscrolls
Here is the list of Toblerscrolls

1. The Scroll of IceeSofie
Given to Iceesofie.

2. The Scroll of Archie
Given to Archie.

3. The Scroll of Cyberwolf
Given to Cyberwolf.

4. The Scroll of Sir Tennis the Great
Given to Tennis.

5. The Scroll of Lady Cheep
Given to Cheep.

6. The Scroll of Bailey
Given to Bailey.

7. The Scroll of Sir Bp28 the Great
Given to Bp28.

8. The Blank Scroll
Not given to anyone yet, and will be given to the next royal...

9. The Scroll of Melody
Given to Damen. It shall be the most secret scroll.

These scrolls will be stored in the Moth Temple, where they will be stored in fire so that nobody can take them other than the Moth Priests.

The Lesser Scrolls
Lesser scrolls can be made by anyone, but a limit of 50 there are. They will be put in the Moth Library, below the Temple. (Write them now and send them to Damen so you can be in the Moth Library!)

Moth Library
As said above, only Moth Priests and Mods can access this Library. (Its next to the mod room)
It looks similar to the Library o Wisdom, but its MUCH MORE beautiful and decorated with much fire and gold.

Moth Temple
As said above, only Moth Priests and Admins can access the Temple. (Its next to the Library)
It looks very royal and filled with fiery gold... The Toblerscrolls are at the top of spikes breathed with flames.

Apply to become a Tobler Moth Priest
We need these Tobler Moth Priests or else we won't have anyone to protect the scrolls (since knights cannot always be trusted)

- Must be familiar with being a Wise Counsellor
- Must be able to be a good moderator
- Must be on forums with atleast 500 rep.
- At least 9 years old. (dont have to put your age in your app)

Moth Priests will have a dark gold color with the title 'Toblermoth Priest' or 'Moth Priest'.

Rank 3.

Go to the Moth Library and Moth Temple for atleast 2 mins per day. Check on the scrolls and read them, then visit the Moth Library.

Moth Priests will have a Sword to guard the Scrolls. They will receive sword training from Knights.

Leaking the scrolls means immediate ip ban, ingame execution and ban from DSGHQ for a week.

This is the position of Grand Most Wise Toblermoth Priest Lord Jacobg627. (He is yet to receive the title).

They are paper but put inside a golden toblerone box :D

Please apply below if you want to be a Moth Priest.

+1 by Anja, Bailey, Hashir, Haylee and 47 others

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
18th January 2015, 05:45 PM

I want to be a moth Priest.

~Sir Jesse

+1 by Kara, trixie and Luke

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
18th January 2015, 05:46 PM

Oh, I was given one? Never realized that. :P

+1 by Kara, Cheep, trixie and Luke, -1 by Fries

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
18th January 2015, 05:46 PM

Wait sor eery I dident apply.

~Sir Jesse

+1 by Kara and trixie

just a typical pvris fangirl
1,843 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
18th January 2015, 05:46 PM

Introduction: Hi! I didn't see you there! Welcome to this fine, fine comment. As it is an application for Moth Priest! Enjoy!

Name: Lita

Age: 9

Are you familiar with being a wise counsellor: Yes, in fact, I am one right now. I used to be one in the past but I quit but yesterday I became a wise counsellor again because I decided I wanted to do so.

Are you able to be a good moderator: I believe so. I respect the rules, I have vowed to never abuse, I have good grammar and always promise to always treat everyone equally. As friends or little friends.

Will you ever leak the scrolls secrets: Never! I promise to never leak ANYTHING! I'd always do the right thing and never leak. Just like a Penguin Watch brother, you should never leak. I vow not to. Ever.

Do you have the Forums requirements (500 rep+): Yes, I have 697 reputation and the requirement is 500 rep or more. I believe I do follow the Forums requirements. I always follow the forums rules and never do the wrong thing on Forums.

Experience: I am an OldCP banker, I have been here for about 6 months. I have 697 reputation on Forums (as said above) and 1123 posts. I am a Member although I have Master requirements and have applied for it. I am a Prestige as of now.

Conclusion: This was my Moth Priest application! I hope you liked it! If you liked it, leave a +1 on this comment. If you didn't, leave a -1 on this comment. :)


+1 by Damen, Tommy0724, Kara, Glimmer in the AM and 4 others

5,165 posts
Seen 23rd June 2024
18th January 2015, 05:48 PM

Lita wrote on 18th January 2015 05:46 PM:
Wait, before I apply, wise counsellor as in the role play?
Yea Wise Counsellors are being Wise Penguins on oldCP. If you have done that then you can be a Moth Priest.

+1 by Freddy, Sled, Kara, Otaku Goldy and 1 other

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
18th January 2015, 05:50 PM

This is a wonderful addition to add. I'm working on my scroll right now.

+1 by Kara and YOAJ

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

3,526 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
18th January 2015, 05:51 PM

Alright! I'd like to get involved in this. You formally know me as Hashir.

- Must be familiar with being a Wise Counsellor < I am familiar
- Must be able to be a good moderator < I can't be the judge of that, but I think I am pretty good
- Must be on forums with atleast 500 rep. < I have like over 6 times that.
- At least 9 years old. (dont have to put your age in your app) < I'm 12 soon.

Current Experience:

Detective Inspector (Which is already higher than mods)
DSGHQ Moderator
Moderator on all sources of DSGHQ (including Auren, Xat, Snaildom etc.)
Lord of the Empire
Emperor's Apprentice


-I am a useful user, I can be used in many different parts of DSGHQ
-I am good at keeping secrets, which is obviously something a Tobler Moth Priest should have
-I have vast knowledge, so by chance if scrolls are incorrect, I can correct
-I am active, so while juggling my role as Detective Inspector and Mod, I can also visit Moth Library and Temple for 2 minutes
-I'm also wise, and considering this has some connection to the Wise council, some wisdom is useful.

That's pretty much it. Thanks for allowing me to apply.

+1 by daisy, Kara, Scott, Sled and 3 others
"Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof." -V

Everythings not lost
1,280 posts
Seen 12th March 2020
18th January 2015, 05:56 PM

This is a grand idea, Damen. I can't wait to see who will get " The Blank Scroll." Good luck to everyone applying. :)

+1 by Kara

It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
18th January 2015, 06:00 PM

Hello, I am applying for the Moth Priest position. If Moderators are not able to apply, then you can simply discard this application, but I think it is worth a try!

- Must be familiar with being a Wise Counsellor
I have never been a Wise One, but, I am familiar in the aspects of being one and what is needed.

- Must be able to be a good moderator
As a current Moderator, I believe myself to be an excellent Moderator. But, again that is up to you.

- Must be on forums with atleast 500 rep.
I have succeeded the minimum rep.

- At least 9 years old. (dont have to put your age in your app)
I am 13 years old, turning 14 in June.


Auren.js Operator, Former XAT Moderator, Oldcp Moderator, DSGHQ Forums Moderator.

Overall, I think I would make an excellent Priest. I am trusted, patient, and very hard working. I don't know if girls are allowed this title, but like I said, I think it is worth a shot. ;)

Thanks for considering my application,

~ May23

+1 by daisy, Kara, Tommy0724, Otaku Goldy and 1 other

189 posts
Seen 26th April 2023
18th January 2015, 06:01 PM

Wow, this is a pretty sweet idea. Probably my favorite idea, actually. I'm sure we could all store some great secrets and memories in those. Hmm, maybe I'll apply for one of the priests.

+1 by Kara and Freddy

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
18th January 2015, 06:06 PM

I'm quite interested as you've hooked me. I read this twice and fully comprehend it. I'm also interested in applying for Moth Priest. But before I can I understand I must be part of the wise counsel and I've applied before but never advertised it as I believe I wanted to just let it come to me. I'm wise, and many have thanked me for my wisdom I give them... so before I ever think of applying for this heroic title please read my application if you wish.


-With wisdom & love, Sadie-

or Click Here!

+1 by Cheep, Kara and introvert
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
18th January 2015, 06:24 PM

This seems very interesting. If I could take the job I probably wouldn't. But I cannot wait to hear more about the priests. I wish everyone luck on becoming a future priest. +1

+1 by Kara

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
18th January 2015, 06:38 PM

Hello Emperor Damen, and all users of the DSGHQ Community. I've been giving this some thought, and I have finally decided to make this application for Moth Priest. I understand how important a rank this is, and if I were to become one I would try to the best of my ability to keep the sacred scrolls safe. Without further or due, my application.


Must be familiar with being a Wise Counsellor
: I have never been a Wise Counselor of this HQ, but I understand the responsibilities and how the rank works. It takes great wisdom, maturity, and you must treat everyone equally as well. You must also be humble, and put others before yourself. I could name a countless amount of reasons and requirements but at the moment I simply listed the top four in my opinion.

Must be able to be a good moderator : I am not the judge whether I am a good Moderator, but I feel that since I currently Moderate Oldcp, Snaildom, and the Chat that I do good at my job. I enforce the rules, while making sure all of the users are having a splendid time online. I am online daily, so I believe that would help out on checking the scrolls each day. I am mature, and I set a good example to the users around me. I have always stayed active, which would probably be a good aspect on account of the various times the Moth Priests musts check on the scrolls. have never abused any of my powers or gotten demoted or in trouble. I treat each user with respect and fairness, so no one feels left out or different. I try to put the users problems before my own because, I feel that if I can make others joyful. When I successfully help out a user, I feel good inside and I can continue my day with a smile knowing that all is well.

Must be on forums with atleast 500 rep. : I have over the amount of reputation. Currently I have 871, but that could change later on.

At least 9 years old : I am currently 13 years of age, and I will be turning 14 in July.


I have a great variety of experience in the DSGHQ community. I have joined this community in mid April, and I have entered forums on May 27, 2014. To start this off, I am a current Moderator of Oldcp, Snaildom, and the chat. I try to spend an equal amount of time on each website to make sure everything is in tip top shape. I do my best as a Moderator, and one of the main reasons I enjoy doing it is, because I love the fact that I get to help out other people each day. I love when I see the virtual smile of satisfaction on their face when I please them, it makes me feel good inside. I've received a weapon on Oldcp once before, a firearm actually before the ice ghost war and I was able to kill two bandits. I did not show my weapon in public, and I only took it out when necessary and in training. I am a current Master on forums, but I don't let that get in my way of helping out. I report misbehaving users to Moderators, as well as user who reach the requirements of member, and the discussions that are double/triple posted. Wherever I end up in this community, I still manage to find a way to put others before myself and help them out as much as possible. When I am helping users, I try to give them a wise answer that is bound to help them in the end. I try to solve their problems, not create a bigger one. And, I have never seen the day where a user did not thank me in the end for the advice I have given them.

What I promise

If I succeed in earning this rank, I vow to keep the scrolls safe at all time. I would agree to risk my virtual life just to protect them, and I would not mind getting taken off of the staff list as a normal Moderator. I would not walk on walls, I would not sit on a throne, I would simply stay humble and stay on the ground once again. I vow never to leak the secrets of the scrolls understanding the consequences and punishment that will happen if I do leak, and to stay humble and help the users around me. I promise I would never abuse any of my powers, or weapons. I would be very mature, and respect all of the users around me equally. I would never slack off, knowing how important the scrolls are to this community and how they should be taken care of. And finally, I would always be there as a helping hand to this community.


Overall, if I were to revive this rank I would do it to the best of my ability and I would not let you down. I know this rank takes great, wisdom, trust, responsibility, maturity, and humbleness. I would do my best to show everyone those aspects if I received the rank. I would agree to keep the uniform on at all times, including the mask. And, I would check on the scrolls daily. Thank you for your time in reading my Moth Priest application and I wish everyone else who applied the best of luck. :)

+1 by Tommy0724 and Kara

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
18th January 2015, 07:44 PM

I am honored to be Grand Most Wise Toblermoth Priest Lord Jacobg627. Thank you. I know this will be a wonderful experience.

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