19th February 2015

Krypto is Right

Made by Damen in Announcements

383 posts
Seen 17th May 2015
19th February 2015, 01:07 PM

I get it! Like if you do moderator app knight app and more it annoys you so much you just change the ranks like you want is that right?

5,165 posts
Seen 23rd June 2024
19th February 2015, 01:08 PM

CoffeeCow wrote on 19th February 2015 01:06 PM:
Damen said on 19th February 2015 01:02 PM:
I guess it took time to announce this because I never truly believed it was a problem. It will never stop but at least we can help common people to see that ranks are something they can't always be part of.

CoffeeCow said on 19th February 2015 12:58 PM:
I would agree with Kryptowolf too. I mean, he spoke out the truth and we noticed that our community does have problems.

This is what I was talking about over the past months, unfairness of ranks. I've noticed that having a rank can be unfair because the audience thinks that having a rank is like controlling the world. I bet that everyone here wants to control a society. We got to understand that society isn't that way. You can't get everything, that's called being selfish and spoiled. Not only that, we got to understand the fact that life is life. Nowadays, our society is a cruel thing. Younger people wants to be with people who are good-looking. It's more than good-looking, it's personality that matters.

My point is, the world is always going to be based on power and money. That's what people want and we cannot change their opinions.

"Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover" (Anonymous).


Moderators don't really control anything anyway. 80% is me and 20% is admins.


I understand your point. What I mean by this, the rest of the people without ranks believe anyone with a rank have power on the game. For example, new users are asking other people, "Give Me Moderator because I want to control everyone." Like No... That's not how it works.

Definately. I've owned games since I was 13 and moderator position was something people worshipped. Everyone wants to be a moderator somehow, but that desire can get so strong that the jealousy takes over. I think the mod rank is something that should be private, but it's always been public and I guess that will never change.

+1 by Augustine, Scott, Sir lulugreen1, Kryptowolf and 4 others

383 posts
Seen 17th May 2015
19th February 2015, 01:10 PM

Damen wrote on 19th February 2015 01:08 PM:
CoffeeCow said on 19th February 2015 01:06 PM:
Damen said on 19th February 2015 01:02 PM:
I guess it took time to announce this because I never truly believed it was a problem. It will never stop but at least we can help common people to see that ranks are something they can't always be part of.

CoffeeCow said on 19th February 2015 12:58 PM:
I would agree with Kryptowolf too. I mean, he spoke out the truth and we noticed that our community does have problems.

This is what I was talking about over the past months, unfairness of ranks. I've noticed that having a rank can be unfair because the audience thinks that having a rank is like controlling the world. I bet that everyone here wants to control a society. We got to understand that society isn't that way. You can't get everything, that's called being selfish and spoiled. Not only that, we got to understand the fact that life is life. Nowadays, our society is a cruel thing. Younger people wants to be with people who are good-looking. It's more than good-looking, it's personality that matters.

My point is, the world is always going to be based on power and money. That's what people want and we cannot change their opinions.

"Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover" (Anonymous).


Moderators don't really control anything anyway. 80% is me and 20% is admins.


I understand your point. What I mean by this, the rest of the people without ranks believe anyone with a rank have power on the game. For example, new users are asking other people, "Give Me Moderator because I want to control everyone." Like No... That's not how it works.

Definately. I've owned games since I was 13 and moderator position was something people worshipped. Everyone wants to be a moderator somehow, but that desire can get so strong that the jealousy takes over. I think the mod rank is something that should be private, but it's always been public and I guess that will never change.

Right! You'll be in charge of that.

838 posts
Seen 7th July 2023
19th February 2015, 01:13 PM

Damen wrote on 19th February 2015 01:08 PM:
CoffeeCow said on 19th February 2015 01:06 PM:
Damen said on 19th February 2015 01:02 PM:
I guess it took time to announce this because I never truly believed it was a problem. It will never stop but at least we can help common people to see that ranks are something they can't always be part of.

CoffeeCow said on 19th February 2015 12:58 PM:
I would agree with Kryptowolf too. I mean, he spoke out the truth and we noticed that our community does have problems.

This is what I was talking about over the past months, unfairness of ranks. I've noticed that having a rank can be unfair because the audience thinks that having a rank is like controlling the world. I bet that everyone here wants to control a society. We got to understand that society isn't that way. You can't get everything, that's called being selfish and spoiled. Not only that, we got to understand the fact that life is life. Nowadays, our society is a cruel thing. Younger people wants to be with people who are good-looking. It's more than good-looking, it's personality that matters.

My point is, the world is always going to be based on power and money. That's what people want and we cannot change their opinions.

"Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover" (Anonymous).


Moderators don't really control anything anyway. 80% is me and 20% is admins.


I understand your point. What I mean by this, the rest of the people without ranks believe anyone with a rank have power on the game. For example, new users are asking other people, "Give Me Moderator because I want to control everyone." Like No... That's not how it works.

Definitely. I've owned games since I was 13 and moderator position was something people worshipped. Everyone wants to be a moderator somehow, but that desire can get so strong that the jealousy takes over. I think the mod rank is something that should be private, but it's always been public and I guess that will never change.

As I've said before, people want ranks to control other people. Instead of new users asking, they need to earn that privilege. I cannot blame new users asking because they're....new. I got to admit, It's pretty annoying how every second, everyone is asking for a rank. DX

The worst about this is attention. The staff has to deal with attention 24/7 whenever they log on. It can be really stressful for the person. I bet it's more stress on Damen since he's the owner of the game... Damen, I feel sorry for you. :(

+1 by Damen

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
19th February 2015, 01:13 PM

What I want to see mostly is users understanding the rank of a Moderator. I do believe many overpass what it actually is. Moderators are here to help, protect, and serve the DSGHQ. A specific Moderator gets chosen for their loyalty and honesty. Many want the rank but only a few actually perhaps could have some benefits from it. Same with my training I do, if you come for the fun of it I automatically lose interest. Moderator wont simply come to you, and it takes awhile to earn it. Before you apply, compete, or do anything to obtain the rank honestly understand what it is.

+1 by Freddy and Eridan
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
19th February 2015, 01:14 PM

The thing is, there are many who want ranks. Only few are worthy for each rank. If everyone was some sort of rank; there wouldn't be a need for it anymore. For example, there are many people who want the same rank. Sometimes we're just not ready. Other times, we don't have enough experience. My point is, ranks will corrupt those who are desperate for them. Ranks will seek out the ones who are deserving.

+1 by Scott, tess, Mercer and Faith

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
19th February 2015, 01:29 PM

I think that people should focus on not ranks, but just having fun. Everyone came here for a reason, not for a rank, but for the memories of old club penguin. No one obviously needs a rank, so we are fine with just having people watch over users. Some people are jealous of people that have ranks like moderator, but I think that everything is fine right now with oldcp. If it was very desperate to change, I would see, because unless everyone is wanting a rank and everything is out of hand, then we would need to change some things. Overall, we are fine at the moment. thank you for unbanning xvoid and Kryptowlf.

+1 by tess, greeny and Faith

Everythings not lost
1,280 posts
Seen 12th March 2020
19th February 2015, 01:33 PM

Indeed. I really enjoyed Krypto's post because he pointed out these problems in a calm, and civilized manner. This community has it's problems and if we want to fix them, we must speak up. I've seen a Moderator call two users immature, and annoying before. I was shocked but I didn't say anything even though I should have. People are filled with greed and they think that they will have all the power if they get a certain rank. Ranks are here for a purpose, not for a title, namecolor, etc. This community has grown a lot, and with it's growth, new users have come here. New users means new problems, but it also means we can steer them in the right direction in this community. Lovely post, Damen, and Krypto. Hopefully people open their eyes and try to solve these problems as a community. +1

+1 by Kryptowolf, tess and Faith

It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.

The POTM Legend
917 posts
Seen 6th July 2022
19th February 2015, 01:50 PM

Yes, I agree people take ranks way to seriously, but they are goals people can have, but they should stay as goals, not taken as a famous user.

+1 by Faith
McKinlee Ren

737 posts
Seen 28th May 2020
19th February 2015, 02:06 PM

Ranks shouldn't be every thing.
Its great to see you've unbanned krypto and forgiven Xvoid c:


1,014 posts
Seen 13th November 2015
19th February 2015, 02:59 PM

You have finally opened your eyes.
Well done Damen.
- Choc

My name is Choc. Just a person who likes Minecraft and MLG parodies.
I wish to become an animator one day.


always rekt the loominaty, even bill cipher. he's the main one.

Donec mors nos separaveri
1,013 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th February 2015, 03:15 PM

Damen wrote on 19th February 2015 12:45 PM:
Sorry for editing Kryptos post, it was immature of me.

He is right, you need to stop caring about ranks so much! If you keep doing this I'll just get rid of mods and have only undercover agents instead! No more moderator competitions, no more walking on walls and colors.

Unbanned Krypto and forgiven xVoid and all. Change now if you want oldcp to stay original

I'm sorry, Emperor Damen. I am one of those type of people. I try so hard to earn knight, I forgot what having fun is, why I joined this game, what is my purpose, and my friends. I am sorry, DSGHQ. I will try to focus on the DSGHQ more than trying to earn knight, but it won't be easy.


5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th February 2015, 03:18 PM

Moderator on Old CP: Blue name color, title, the ability to "walk on walls" (part of the screen users with lesser ranks can't click and have a virtual character walk over), whisper (message), warn (message), arrest (sent to "jail"), kick (can come back), ban (can't come back but can make another account), IPban (can't come on with any account), summon (brought to the room you are in), and sendto (sending them to another room of your choice).

Some people just want ranks for the "power" and "recognition." Others claim they want it to "help the community." Honestly, killing yourself over not receiving a virtual rank is pointless. What you should be crying over is if a loved one passed away or something.

People need to realize that Moderator is a huge responsibility. It's not like your job is all sunshine and lollipops, everything wonderful and sure to come your way, because it isn't. You're expected to be a role model, help others, be prepared for what's thrown your way. If you aren't ready, *plop* you'll be demoted faster than you can say "IT WASN'T MY FAU-" because you won't even be able to finish typing and entering the sentence.

Finally you've come to your senses with this issue. Hopefully people will learn to not be obsessed with ranks now that Kryptowolf said what needed to be said to get your attention that hopefully people will take into consideration.

+1 by Cheep, Augustine and Mercer

781 posts
Seen 28th August 2021
19th February 2015, 03:26 PM

Excellent post. Some of this should change, but I believe many other things should remain the same.

that's my potna dem

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
19th February 2015, 03:30 PM

Agreed, Damen. Honestly, it is just remarkable how much ranks drive people insane. Some will honestly do anything to get a rank, as if it will be the end of the world if they don't. Ranks like Moderator are here to keep the DSGHQ safe. I believe that people don't realize that it takes responsibility, and they only try to earn it for the name color or title. Although, there are some users out there who don't care about earning ranks and simply come online to enjoy themselves and make friends. Please listen to this message to keep the DSGHQ a friendly environment to be in.

+1 by Mercer

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

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