13th July 2015

Spreadsheet: Major Changes [Staff Please Read]

Made by Bp28 in Announcements

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
13th July 2015, 08:02 PM


After Roberto left for vacation and was later demoted, his moderator spreadsheet, which required moderators to be on a specific amount of hours per week or be on probation, was discontinued. Since then administrators found a relatively large decrease in moderator activity, so it was decided the best thing to do was bring it back and it would be managed by me. The idea of an organized spreadsheet to keep track of moderator activity was good in theory, but I felt it was poorly managed by Roberto, as we lost some good mods from it and they felt forced to come online, which is what I don't want. So the spreadsheet will undergo major changes:

1. The hours are lowered. The administrators think that 10 hours is a reasonable amount of time to be on per week. However, there will be no more probations. The spreadsheet will be used as more of a progress report. For example, if you're a mod and you're on 7 hours in a week instead of 10, it won't be that big of a deal. If we find that a moderator has consistently been on for a very low amount per week and there's no vacation we know of, I'll simply message the moderator and ask where he/she's been. Therefore a demotion would only be in the most extreme cases of inactivity. If you're a mod and you want to take a week break, than that's perfectly fine, it's only consistent inactivity we're going to look at.
2. Instead of making a post every week showing everyone the spreadsheet, it will be instead discussed privately with administrators every Monday. If asked to, I'll PM the moderators the hours they put in the week.
3. An excuse for one week isn't needed anymore, since we're going to look in the long term of inactivity. However, if a mod is going on vacation or must leave for multiple weeks, it is highly recommended that he/she inform an administrator.

I don't want moderators to feel forced to come online. I spent a long time thinking of a fair system for everyone, and I think this is it. If you have a concern/question, politely discuss/ask it below or privately message me.

+1 by tennis, Swirlie, Jacobg627, Freddy and 45 others

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

336 posts
Seen 9th October 2015
13th July 2015, 08:04 PM

Thank you for telling us the changes

+1 by Bp28, Marble0987, Mists and Luke
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night cruising
2,329 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
13th July 2015, 08:06 PM

YES!! I believe this is a great way to get Moderators going, and I truly believe 10 hours is not pushing us that much. Some will be on vacation and this is a great way to let them go to their real lives and they can't just spend all of their time sitting in front of a screen moderating a game all day, they need quality time with their family and they need to enjoy their summer. This is a great way to get them on for some time each week so they can fill in some hours. At least they can actually get on. This will be great. Thanks, BP!

+1 by Bp28, T R A P S O U L, Marble0987, Mists and 2 others

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
13th July 2015, 08:13 PM

Bp28 wrote on 13th July 2015 08:02 PM:
as we lost some good mods from it and they felt forced to come online, which is what I don't want.
Thank you for actually realizing this, it is how I felt under the spreadsheet, and it is probably why I struggled with being online to complete my hours. I had always felt stressed about completing so many hours, and I truly felt dedicated to my rank until the spreadsheets had forced the rank to feel like a real job. I feel like 10 hours is a perfect amount of hours, too bad it's too late for me. :(

thank you bp, I'm glad the spreadsheets weren't thrown away all together, but rather improved to make it less stressful and more professional(as professional as a CPPS should be, it's a game that's recreated, not an actual business).

+1 by Bp28, Matt, Jacobg627, Marble0987 and 3 others

The POTM Legend
917 posts
Seen 6th July 2022
13th July 2015, 08:18 PM

Sled wrote on 13th July 2015 08:13 PM:
Bp28 said on 13th July 2015 08:02 PM:
as we lost some good mods from it and they felt forced to come online, which is what I don't want.

This is perfect, I wish this was the way when I was a moderator. Its fair and nice that it is in private <3 ! Nice job admins, you have realized.

+1 by Bp28, Marble0987, Mists, George and 1 other
McKinlee Ren

34 posts
Seen 18th July 2015
13th July 2015, 08:24 PM

I like this a lot.


3,526 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
13th July 2015, 08:25 PM

Best update to Spreadsheet. Good work bp. I feel bad for Mckinlee and Sled now, they got demoted in the past and now they can't prove themselves with this :(

+1 by Bp28, Sled, Jesse, V and 6 others
"Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof." -V

2,442 posts
Seen 26th February 2019
13th July 2015, 08:25 PM

Fairly done. Perhaps now the staff will feel less pressure and will feel comfortable with the job. It's great that the administrators like you are not being strict or highly severe on this.

Neck massages are key.
1,375 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
13th July 2015, 08:40 PM

This is the Ace of the aces. The activity of moderators is sure to increase now. However, just because they'll be online does not mean they will do their job. With or without spreadsheets, certain moderators have always sat around on walls talking to their friends, ignoring people, and just not doing what they are supposed to be doing. I mean sure, mods can have fun too, but sometimes, that is all they have and don't do their job at all. Administrators have even said this. And to me, it's just as bad as not coming online. So I think bringing back the spreadsheet is an amazing decision and the way you're managing it is much better than Roberto's. But I think there should also be something that shows if you've been doing your job or not.

+1 by Bp28, Hashir and Meghan

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
13th July 2015, 08:47 PM

TheAce wrote on 13th July 2015 08:40 PM:
This is the Ace of the aces. The activity of moderators is sure to increase now. However, just because they'll be onlike does not mean they will do their job. With or without spreadsheets, certain moderators have always sat around on was talking to their friends, ignoring people, and just not doing what they are supposed to be doing. Administrators have even said this. And to me, it's just as bad as not coming online. So I think bringing back the spreadsheet is an amazing decision and the way you're managing it is much better than Roberto's. But I think there should also be something that shows if you've been doing your job or not.

Of course, that's always going to be a factor. Thanks for your feedback, the Ace of aces.

+1 by TheAce, Cheep, Mists and George

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

Ask me for help!
697 posts
Seen 5th March 2016
13th July 2015, 08:51 PM

This is a really great update to the Moderator Spreadsheet. I felt like the old spreadsheet was kind of forcing all mods to be online. Sense its the summer and the best time of the year because everyone is out of school and they do fun things like camp and stuff, they are most likely not going to be on as much as the Winter because its cold and can not do much. This is a really great way to make a great deal with the mods. Hopefully there will not be any drama about this anymore.

+1 by Bp28 and Marble0987

"The difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is just the little Extra"

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
13th July 2015, 08:58 PM

Yourself wrote on 13th July 2015 08:51 PM:
This is a really great update to the Moderator Spreadsheet. I felt like the old spreadsheet was kind of forcing all mods to be online. Sense its the summer and the best time of the year because everyone is out of school and they do fun things like camp and stuff, they are most likely not going to be on as much as the Winter because its cold and can not do much. This is a really great way to make a great deal with the mods. Hopefully there will not be any drama about this anymore.

Yes!!!! I want mods and everyone to enjoy their summer and not feel forced to be stuck on a computer all day. When fall time comes and school starts up again I'm going to tweak the system again.

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
13th July 2015, 09:04 PM

Finally! This is exactly what me and many other Moderators were looking for. The spreadsheet to be benefiting our community instead of being a bother to us Moderators. I believe that is truly reasonable, and I believe this new spreadsheet will work out great with our Moderators. It is a fair amount of hours, plus this will only be telling Administrators who is consistently inactive instead of punishing Moderators for being a few hours short of the required hours like Roberto has done to us many times. Thank you and all the Administrators for settling this out, this will truly impact our community greatly.

+1 by Jacobg627, Bp28, Marble0987, Cheep and 3 others

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
13th July 2015, 09:13 PM

CPManiac wrote on 13th July 2015 09:04 PM:
Finally! This is exactly what me and many other Moderators were looking for. The spreadsheet to be benefiting our community instead of being a bother to us Moderators. I believe that is truly reasonable, and I believe this new spreadsheet will work out great with our Moderators. It is a fair amount of hours, plus this will only be telling Administrators who is consistently inactive instead of punishing Moderators for being a few hours short of the required hours like Roberto has done to us many times. Thank you and all the Administrators for settling this out, this will truly impact our community greatly.

I really respect you and your brother for standing up and being rightfully vocal when the original spreadsheet was around, which I was always scared to do. It really inspired me and gave me ideas on how to manage this.

+1 by CPManiac, Cheep, Marble0987, Mists and 1 other

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

138 posts
Seen 4th August 2015
13th July 2015, 09:39 PM

I love this Idea!! This way is better because it isn't forcing mods to be online all day and mods actually have time to spend time with their family and not be on an computer all day. Good job, bp! :D

+1 by Bp28

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